The jury

It should tell even Trumpys that they are violent and dangerous. The jurors have to hide in fear from Trumpys. You rightys are OK with that? They did their civic duty and their lives and family are threatened.
The problem is that those Trump conned do not believe intellectually in him, but emotionally. If you do something to Trump, you are doing it to them. Daffy Donald says that often. How can that not insult his followers?
One of Trump's dumbest statements is they are coming for you and I am standing in the way. Who can possibly be dumb enough to think that makes sense?
You mean by explaining the law to the jurors? Is that the part that bothers you? Because that's kind of standard. And both sides have input into those instructions.
Well I see his point. The judge asked the two sides to propose items for the instuctions....and then just threw out the defense suggestion that one of the charges be: The defendant is Trump...and should be presumed to be not guilty.
Since there seems to be some confusion among the MAGA faithful, I'll do my best to explain this. The state had to prove two things. One, Trump falsified business records. Two, that the falsification of those business records was in furtherance of or to cover up another crime. The other crime was specified, it was a New York statute that makes it illegal to conspire to influence an election through unlawful means. It does not matter what those unlawful means were, just that they were unlawful. The prosecution cited several potential laws that were violated, but the jury DID NOT HAVE TO AGREE ON WHAT THOSE MEANS WERE. The jury was satisfied that the prosecution had met their burden for both of those elements.

It does not matter that the underlying crime was not a felony. It does not matter that the jury agreed on what the unlawful means were. That is the law. It seems I know more about the law than the MAGA lawyers here. I guess that isn't a real high bar though.
Will any time abortion get Joe 4 more years? That's all he's got left...
Nobody is pushing any time abortion. Why do you change the subject and lie about Biden? Is Trump finally facing justice too difficult for you? This trial was a state charge with no input from Biden. He had nothing to do with it. You should analyze your emotional attachment to Trump. It is making you twisted. Your Pavlovian responses put you among the bottom of rightys on this board.
Your side should be happy about that.

But all I hear and see are moaning and tears.

What is that all about?
If we as a country believe in the rule of law, we should not make legal decisions based on their impact on an election. So even if true, that's not what the trial was about. It was about holding a person accountable for breaking the law. Nothing more and nothing less. That said, I don't believe this helps Trump other than making his cult even more dug in. This will hurt Trump on the margins, and that's where he will lose this election. And their moaning and crying is quite delicious.

P.S. I LOVE the new feature that prevents you from seeing a quote from someone on ignore. Makes it much more pleasant.
It should tell even Trumpys that they are violent and dangerous. The jurors have to hide in fear from Trumpys. You rightys are OK with that? They did their civic duty and their lives and family are threatened.
The problem is that those Trump conned do not believe intellectually in him, but emotionally. If you do something to Trump, you are doing it to them. Daffy Donald says that often. How can that not insult his followers?
One of Trump's dumbest statements is they are coming for you and I am standing in the way. Who can possibly be dumb enough to think that makes sense?

Well I see his point. The judge asked the two sides to propose items for the instuctions....and then just threw out the defense suggestion that one of the charges be: The defendant is Trump...and should be presumed to be not guilty.

The presumption of innocence is a tantamount part in our laws. How was that thrown out?
There is nothing brave about the cowards that refused to see the glaring lack of evidence, the obvious flaws in how Merchan ran that courtroom or the fact that the key witness was an admitted liar and perjurer who was caught lying under oath in that courtroom.

It takes no bravery for an outcome that was safe for them. Bravery would have been an acquittal. Perhaps a hung jury that refused to go along with this clown show.

But for witless wonders lacking any clue or intelligence, this was an awesome outcome.
That’s what I’m talking about. Mindless zealots like you that consider them cowards or even treasonous.

The guilty verdict was the LEAST safe thing for them to do.
Since there seems to be some confusion among the MAGA faithful, I'll do my best to explain this. The state had to prove two things. One, Trump falsified business records.

That was never proven. Trumps accountant testified that it was he who made the decisions not Trump.

Two, that the falsification of those business records was in furtherance of or to cover up another crime.

And yet, no one knows what that other crime was to raise this to a felony and even the jurors didn't know. They only had to FEEL that a crime was committed. How is that constitutional, or even correct?

The other crime was specified, it was a New York statute that makes it illegal to conspire to influence an election through unlawful means. It does not matter what those unlawful means were, just that they were unlawful.

This wasn't a state election. It was a Federal election. The only evidence from any of this was basically a known admitted and convicted felon saying it happened. The evidence proved he was lying.

I doesn't matter, just that they were unlawful? You're too ignorant and uneducated to know how stupid that is.

The prosecution cited several potential laws that were violated, but the jury DID NOT HAVE TO AGREE ON WHAT THOSE MEANS WERE. The jury was satisfied that the prosecution had met their burden for both of those elements.

That is what we call malfeasance and absurd. The sixth amendment demands that a Defendant know the crime they are being accused of. Here, even scholars can't say what laws were broken.

It does not matter that the underlying crime was not a felony. It does not matter that the jury agreed on what the unlawful means were. That is the law. It seems I know more about the law than the MAGA lawyers here. I guess that isn't a real high bar though.

In other words, they can just make up their own theories, get a corrupt partisan judge and a jury of Trump haters and VOILÀ, you can get a conviction. Moronic.
The state charged him with what they thought was appropriate...and the jury convicted his fat ass.

You MAGA people just do not like decisions that go againt vote counts and jury decisions.

Wonder what that is all about.???
MAGA people? I have never voted for Trump. He's a 6'3', 300lb pile of shit.
If we as a country believe in the rule of law, we should not make legal decisions based on their impact on an election.

You mean, like using a faked salacious Russian dossier fabricated by the Hillary campaign to impact an opposition candidate with lies?

Or do you mean quashing a NY Post story of the Biden laptop and censuring it on social media while getting 51 corrupt lying intelligence officials to falsely label it Russian disinformation to help Biden?

Do you even begin to comprehend how stupid and weak your arguments are in the face of what we already have seen from election campaigns?

I don't think you have sufficient IQ to comprehend the obvious here.
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