The Left and One Party Rule

What you mean by "works", is that you made a profit without working for it and yet this is what you rail against.

Congratulations Apple; you're a Capitalist.
Embrace your 1%.

I rail against those who rail against paying taxes. I rail against those who want to cut the tax rate on money they didn't even work for.
I know that with your new found Capitalism, that you find the need to protect those under you; but in this case, you're in error.
The Dude groans when he's uncomfortable, or excited, and that's why he gets the oportunity to groan eithe way, when it comes to Howey.

My new found capitalism hasn't put anyone under me.
Of course you worked hard. And scrimped and saved and struggled and did without and sacrificed and......You're a real martyr.

Notice what it all comes down to when all the other detritus is cleared away.

the well to do resent having to WAIT THEIR TURN like everyone else...they believe they have a right to go to the head of the line, which of course is just unbridled arrogance.
I rail against those who rail against paying taxes. I rail against those who want to cut the tax rate on money they didn't even work for.

Notice that USF doesn't consider all the work you did on the properties you owned during the time you owned them as "real work".

Of course any profit you made came about by sacrificing your time and sweat equity, but to arrogant Righties like USF that doesn't count.
Apples constant reference to no country giving up their "one payer system" is like saying that no child refuses free cand. Ie: Tell a child that they can have all the candy they want, for Breakfast, Lunch, and Supper; then after this has been going on for a while, ask them if they now want Brussel Sprouts instead.

Poor analogy. A one payer system provides greater longevity. If it was possible to feed everyone a healthy diet and the vast majority approved why wouldn't it be a good idea? Greater savings. Longer life. There really isn't any logical argument against a one payer system.
I rail against those who rail against paying taxes. I rail against those who want to cut the tax rate on money they didn't even work for.

At least you've found a way to hide the fact that you're just another Capitalist; who has no problem in taking money, that was earned off of the labor of others.
Poor analogy. A one payer system provides greater longevity. If it was possible to feed everyone a healthy diet and the vast majority approved why wouldn't it be a good idea? Greater savings. Longer life. There really isn't any logical argument against a one payer system.

I agree; children usually don't want to give up things, that they get for free.
To begin with, Obamacare isn’t socialized medicine in the same traditions as other nations with socialized medicine and I repeat, there’s no constitutional authority for the federal government in America to operate any kind of healthcare program. Aside from that all I can say relative to the government saving money with Obamacare or any other type of federal government healthcare program is ”That will be the day!” History makes it perfectly clear our federal government has never created a program that wasn’t at least 10 times more costly than its initial projected cost and or the program makes a b-line toward bankruptcy.

ObamaCare is the first step. Like the citizens in every other country once the US citizens actually experience government medical they will insist on whatever changes are necessary to implement it, be amending the Constitution or whatever else has to be done. The evenly split for/against is due to the lies and misconceptions being spread. Again, like every other country with government medical the “for” group will skyrocket.

Leftist talking points for sure. I’ve talked to folks from the UK who say the healthcare system there is expensive, the folks are highly taxed to support it, critical operations are often sent to India because there aren’t enough doctors or hospital facilities to handle the operations, the hospitals are poorly staffed and most are even filthy and in no way meet the standards of American healthcare and American hospitals.

My only reply is “who cares?” and by that I mean check out the chart found here. Of all the countries the United Kingdom ranks 23 while the US is waaay down the list at 40. Australia, Italy, Canada, Spain, Germany, Norway, Sweden…..all the countries with government medical see greater longevity AND greater savings.

Leftist talking points? Even if the hospitals were pig-sties and the waiting lists circled the block and people had to fly around the world twice before they received medical care, who cares? They live longer. Isn’t medical care all about living longer or did I miss something?

The citizens of America are guaranteed by our Constitution equal opportunity not equal economy supported by the collective. I repeat “The powers not delegated to the United States,(federal government), nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” If you want government to take care of the people, then you should support STATE welfare programs and oppose the federal government’s violations of our Constitution or at least demand that an amendment be passed to our Constitution authorizing the federal government to create and finance its social programs and corporate subsidies, because they’re unconstitutional.

I’m sure that will happen once the people actually experience ObamaCare. The “for” side has already slightly increased since a few programs have come on line. Then there’s the, as yet, unrealized benefits from certain young people who had diseases diagnosed early when having their yearly physical on their parent’s plan. As stories come out and statistics are compiled the citizens will insist on making whatever changes are necessary to implement a full government plan. At the very least the odds point that way.

We are not all equal! We’re not all equally beautiful, or equally smart, or equally ambitious or equally industrious or humorous. There’s no constitutional right or God given inalienable right to be anything equal about us except our right to equal opportunity.

That may be so but society changes. Just like people who hear about those who lost their job and their medical coverage and realize that could happen to them the country, indeed the world, is becoming a big community. It’s not going to happen overnight but it’s happening.

Look at the people in their 50s who lost jobs. Many will never find a decent paying job again. If things like medical care are not provided/accessible there will be a crisis. They’ll have nothing by the time they reach retirement. Everything will be sold and gone just to live.

That wasn’t McCain, it was Romney. Efficiency is technology and technology is expensive . Every year we spend more on the Military Industrial Complex that Eisenhower warned us about and we ignored.

Thanks for the correction. Yes, the military is the culprit and when people like Romney mention the lack of ships without taking into consideration planes compensate people get the wrong impression. Cuts to the military will not lessen effectiveness.

No war was ever won from the air without boots on the ground. Only nuclear weapons have that capability and since we are not the sole owner thereof anymore, nobody can win a nuclear war.

That’s true but the troop numbers can be considerably limited by the use of drones. My solution :) would be to inform rogue nations that if they support their current government, if they support their terrorists/freedom fighters, we’ll blow everything up using drones. It’s really that simple. We do the same thing here, in a matter of speaking. People who harbor fugitives become fair collateral damage. Either fight your naughty countryman or risk being droned. Those are the two choices we give them. The countries the West is currently involved in do not have nuclear weapons. Any country with nuclear weapons will use them if it comes down to the wire. Why not? What do they have to lose? If their country is being invaded and taken over.....what's that saying, "Live free or die."

Disappear right along with the doctors and credible hospitals which we’re already short on and Obamacare provides no financial incentive for anybody to become a doctor or establish a hospital. The major incentive of Obamacare is opportunity for insurance companies to rip off the government even more than it already does. When government can mandate insurance, insurance company profits skyrocket and the CEO thereof make billions and fly private jets regularly even on lavish vacations.

The shortage of doctors/hospitals and the lack of financial incentive are bogus arguments. Many countries have had government medical for 40 or 50 years. Germany for over 100 years! The only thing nationalized health care does is get rid of the greedy people and attract those who really care about health care. If the incentive argument held a drop of water, after all the generations that have passed, doctors would be as rare as hen’s teeth. (Now there’s an old expression!)

Again, ObamaCare is just the first step. It will lead to changes. The people will insist on it. If it’s against the Constitution they’ll vote for people who’ll vote to change it. That’s why the Repubs fought so hard against ObamaCare. They knew it was a gigantic slippery slope and it is and at the bottom of the slope is nationalized health care.
Notice what it all comes down to when all the other detritus is cleared away.

the well to do resent having to WAIT THEIR TURN like everyone else...they believe they have a right to go to the head of the line, which of course is just unbridled arrogance.

Exactly. Just because they were lucky they think they're special. Just because good fortune smiled on them they drone on and on about how hard they worked. That's why I put some of my personal info out there. There are many like me who didn't do a damn thing to get their money except visit tenants once a month with their hand out. Or happen to buy a business and walk-by traffic suddenly increased like someone buying a corner store and the city changing a couple of bus routes to intersect at that location. Or someone thought up something popular. I wonder how hard the guy worked who thought up "Pet Rocks"!

(Excerpt) In April 1975, Dahl was in a bar (which is now Beauregard Vineyards Tasting room in Bonny Doon) listening to his friends complain about their pets. This gave him the idea for the perfect "pet": a rock. A rock would not need to be fed, walked, bathed, groomed and would not die, become sick, or be disobedient. He said they were to be the perfect pets, and joked about it with his friends. However, he eventually took the idea seriously, and drafted an "instruction manual" for a pet rock. It was full of puns, gags and plays on words that referred to the rock as an actual pet. The original had no eyes.

The first Pet Rocks were ordinary gray stones bought at a builder's supply store. They were marketed like live pets, in custom cardboard boxes, complete with straw and breathing holes for the "animal." The fad lasted about six months, ending after a short increase in sales during the Christmas season of December 1975. Although by February 1976 they were discounted due to lower sales, Dahl sold 1.5 million Pet Rocks and became a millionaire. (End)

But I'm sure 007 is the exception. I have no doubt he worked 25 hours a day/8 days a week.
At least you've found a way to hide the fact that you're just another Capitalist; who has no problem in taking money, that was earned off of the labor of others.

The labor of others? Really? How much harder than me did they work? They were not obliged to buy a building. Besides, a portion of the money I received went towards society in the way of taxes. Money for medical care and food for the poor via welfare.

Whatever you may think of me one thing you can't accuse me of is whining about how hard I worked for my money.
That's it; keep throwing up those talking points, in order to hide your true nature.
At least you're admitting that you're part of the Capitalistic society.

Of course I'm part of the capitalistic society. That is the type of society I live in but that doesn't mean I can't vote to change it and that's precisely what I do every election day.
ObamaCare is the first step. Like the citizens in every other country once the US citizens actually experience government medical they will insist on whatever changes are necessary to implement it, be amending the Constitution or whatever else has to be done. The evenly split for/against is due to the lies and misconceptions being spread. Again, like every other country with government medical the “for” group will skyrocket.

My only reply is “who cares?” and by that I mean check out the chart found here. Of all the countries the United Kingdom ranks 23 while the US is waaay down the list at 40. Australia, Italy, Canada, Spain, Germany, Norway, Sweden…..all the countries with government medical see greater longevity AND greater savings.

Leftist talking points? Even if the hospitals were pig-sties and the waiting lists circled the block and people had to fly around the world twice before they received medical care, who cares? They live longer. Isn’t medical care all about living longer or did I miss something?

I’m sure that will happen once the people actually experience ObamaCare. The “for” side has already slightly increased since a few programs have come on line. Then there’s the, as yet, unrealized benefits from certain young people who had diseases diagnosed early when having their yearly physical on their parent’s plan. As stories come out and statistics are compiled the citizens will insist on making whatever changes are necessary to implement a full government plan. At the very least the odds point that way.

That may be so but society changes. Just like people who hear about those who lost their job and their medical coverage and realize that could happen to them the country, indeed the world, is becoming a big community. It’s not going to happen overnight but it’s happening.

Look at the people in their 50s who lost jobs. Many will never find a decent paying job again. If things like medical care are not provided/accessible there will be a crisis. They’ll have nothing by the time they reach retirement. Everything will be sold and gone just to live.

Thanks for the correction. Yes, the military is the culprit and when people like Romney mention the lack of ships without taking into consideration planes compensate people get the wrong impression. Cuts to the military will not lessen effectiveness.

That’s true but the troop numbers can be considerably limited by the use of drones. My solution :) would be to inform rogue nations that if they support their current government, if they support their terrorists/freedom fighters, we’ll blow everything up using drones. It’s really that simple. We do the same thing here, in a matter of speaking. People who harbor fugitives become fair collateral damage. Either fight your naughty countryman or risk being droned. Those are the two choices we give them. The countries the West is currently involved in do not have nuclear weapons. Any country with nuclear weapons will use them if it comes down to the wire. Why not? What do they have to lose? If their country is being invaded and taken over.....what's that saying, "Live free or die."

The shortage of doctors/hospitals and the lack of financial incentive are bogus arguments. Many countries have had government medical for 40 or 50 years. Germany for over 100 years! The only thing nationalized health care does is get rid of the greedy people and attract those who really care about health care. If the incentive argument held a drop of water, after all the generations that have passed, doctors would be as rare as hen’s teeth. (Now there’s an old expression!)

Again, ObamaCare is just the first step. It will lead to changes. The people will insist on it. If it’s against the Constitution they’ll vote for people who’ll vote to change it. That’s why the Repubs fought so hard against ObamaCare. They knew it was a gigantic slippery slope and it is and at the bottom of the slope is nationalized health care.

If given a vote, children will normally vote for it at every meal.
No difference.
The labor of others? Really? How much harder than me did they work? They were not obliged to buy a building. Besides, a portion of the money I received went towards society in the way of taxes. Money for medical care and food for the poor via welfare.

Whatever you may think of me one thing you can't accuse me of is whining about how hard I worked for my money.

And yet you profitted, without putting any labor into it. (your words)
If you truly believed in what you've been offering, you would have either sold it for what you payed for it; or else you would have sold it a loss, to someone who was trying to make a life for his family.

Congratulations on being a Capitalist.
ObamaCare is the first step. Like the citizens in every other country once the US citizens actually experience government medical they will insist on whatever changes are necessary to implement it, be amending the Constitution or whatever else has to be done. The evenly split for/against is due to the lies and misconceptions being spread. Again, like every other country with government medical the “for” group will skyrocket.

Amending the Constitution? That hasn’t been done for 42 years since America was dumbed down about our constitutional guarantees by the right and left who discovered that American voters couldn’t care less about the Constitution or their guaranteed rights. Why would politicians bother with a constitutional amendment when they proved that all they needed to do was pass all manner of unconstitutional crap and get away with it with little to no opposition?

My only reply is “who cares?” and by that I mean check out the chart found here. Of all the countries the United Kingdom ranks 23 while the US is waaay down the list at 40. Australia, Italy, Canada, Spain, Germany, Norway, Sweden…..all the countries with government medical see greater longevity AND greater savings.

Life expectancy? That’s rich, since America has the most aggressive drug war in the world causing ghetto violence. Hell, Obama’s home town Chicago alone could put America way down on the list of life expectancy. Then the fact that America has the world’s largest number of autos flying down super highways and having accidents doesn’t help our rating on the life expectancy chart either. Then there’s the fact that America sends the largest number of our youth off to fight and die in unconstitutional wars is another factor along with the fact that abortion is rampant in America and because we’re the most affluent of folks we gorge ourselves at McDonalds and on the richest of food menus on planet earth. ”life expectancy” has one hell of a lot more to do with issues other than just healthcare providers!

Leftist talking points? Even if the hospitals were pig-sties and the waiting lists circled the block and people had to fly around the world twice before they received medical care, who cares? They live longer. Isn’t medical care all about living longer or did I miss something?

As I’ve stated life expectancy has much more to do with issues other than healthcare providers. It’s perfectly apparent to me that leftist “don’t care.” The left and right politicians don’t care about our Constitution or America’s health care, all they care about is getting elected and reelected by bribing the vote with social programs and corporate subsidies and total bullshit!
Just because it's free, doesn't mean that's it necessarily good for you.

Being that you're talking about food, I think that in this case it is. There's absolutely nothing that says "cutting welfare entirely will help increase employment". Where, I ask you, will the jobs come from?
I’m sure that will happen once the people actually experience ObamaCare. The “for” side has already slightly increased since a few programs have come on line. Then there’s the, as yet, unrealized benefits from certain young people who had diseases diagnosed early when having their yearly physical on their parent’s plan. As stories come out and statistics are compiled the citizens will insist on making whatever changes are necessary to implement a full government plan. At the very least the odds point that way.

Maybe that’s why it was reported on the news last night that the government fund set up for Obamacare’s mandated ”preexisting conditions coverage”subsidy is out of money and won’t be subsidizing the insurance industry further for those preexisting conditions mandated to be covered under the Obamacare farce. Then there’s the fact that 26 State governors have refused to set up Obamacare’s healthcare insurance exchanges which they are under no obligation to do, according to the Supreme Court decision. Then there’s the fact that now the CBO is changing its scoring about the cost of Obamacare and now saying that Obamacare won’t save any money, but cost much more to America’s taxpayers and all citizens than was originally projected, huh?

That may be so but society changes. Just like people who hear about those who lost their job and their medical coverage and realize that could happen to them the country, indeed the world, is becoming a big community. It’s not going to happen overnight but it’s happening.

The BIG community is proving to be a BIG fuck up! Western nations in ungodly debt, The “Arab Spring revolutions” looking more and more like the creation of Islamic radicalism governments being set up, perpetual wars and terrorism, governments sanctioning one another over construction of nuclear weapons, nations threatening nuclear war, Communist China becoming more capitalistic than America and becoming more industrious and financially successful than America and likely becoming the new world power, western world unemployment at all-time highs, America’s debt burden being downgraded by rating agencies, America in perpetual double digit unemployment, perpetual gas and food price inflation, Social Security in dire condition, Washington in perpetual gridlock, Obamacare proving to be the unconstitutional farce it truly is, the Catholic Church threating to sue Obamacare as a violation of freedom of religion and on and on.

Look at the people in their 50s who lost jobs. Many will never find a decent paying job again. If things like medical care are not provided/accessible there will be a crisis. They’ll have nothing by the time they reach retirement. Everything will be sold and gone just to live.

That condition already exist and has ever since the left regulated and taxed American industry off shore. If you think Obamacare will fix that, how come unemployment in nationalized healthcare nations is no better and in most cases worse than it is in America?

Thanks for the correction. Yes, the military is the culprit and when people like Romney mention the lack of ships without taking into consideration planes compensate people get the wrong impression. Cuts to the military will not lessen effectiveness.

The Military Industrial Complex is among the most bloated and corrupt institutions in America. We could cut the Military expenditures in half and still have the world’s strongest military. We have 11 nuclear powered aircraft carriers while the rest of the world combined has NONE. We have enough Generals and Admirals to provide all the world’s militaries with leadership and still have enough left over for ourselves. We have military bases in over 120 other countries and supply 75 % of all weapons to western world militaries and even some non-western world militaries, free of charge. We could save billions by simply closing our bases in most all foreign nations and leaving Iraq and Afghanistan and bring our troops home to spend their money while training right here in America doing wonders for our economy. But our military is ”constitutional” and only 1/3 of our debt problem. The other 2/3 is unconstitutional federal socialist entitlement programs, federal welfare, corporate subsidies and waste fraud and abuses by incompetent and corrupt government bureaucracies.