The Left and One Party Rule

Vicodin. Sounds like they're setting up a bunch of drug addicts.

But I thought government health care was the best thing ever. I mean, sure it only took 1 night in private care to get my friend off a respirator (when the VA couldn't in 3 months), but that's just because government care works that well.
Didn't we all know that's what was going to happen? One can't have a properly run national plan when some States are allowed to pull out and private insurance companies are involved and the plan is a hodge-podge. But that's OK. That's what has to happen for people to demand a full fledged national plan. ObamaCare is the first step. It was never intended to be the final answer and the court cases didn't help it. The point is the idea of strictly private, pay or suffer, health care is over. Those days are gone. Now the discussion will be how to make a proper health care plan. Before, one side was trying to form a national plan and the other side was arguing against it. Now both sides will have no choice but to concentrate on a plan. Different ideas/suggestions to be sure but, nonetheless, an all-encompassing plan.

So you knew from the get-go it would be a fantastic fuck up but as long as it was headed toward more BIG government and less freedom and the fact that it is unconstitutional and the left got away with it, you’re elated, right? You believe that “good” government is government creating garbage legislative law so government can have something more to do by fixing garbage law with more garbage law? Now that’s interesting. A leftist admitting the insanity of leftism.

As it comes to the forefront, as more and more people learn about how government health care operates throughout the world they'll demand something be done. It's going to be a rough road but it will happen.

Obama-care has been at the forefront awhile now since it was passed by a leftist Democrat controlled Congress and a signed into law by a neo-communist President. Like the communist Nancy Pelosi said “we have to pass it so we’ll know what’s in it,” because nobody had time to read it, now we’re finding out what’s in it and fewer, not more like it. Even some Democrats in Congress are beginning to question the fucking sanity of it. Most States don’t want any part of their share of it. The CBO is now telling the truth about its cost and Obama and leftist media is not curiously silent about it.

:chesh: I just checked Google Earth to see where the closest bridge is so I can jump off! I'll say one thing, Classic Liberal, if you ever change careers I wouldn't recommend becoming a Motivational Speaker. I don't think you're cut out for that.

Well sure everything is rosy and peachy in Lefty Land except for those greedy idiot Republicans controlling the House Of Congress, but not to worry about that the Communist-N-Chief is endlessly campaigning to rid the government of those bastards by blaming them as perpetual obstructionist of the leftist Perfect Socialist World Order and thereby ensuring that the socialist leftist Democrats take back the House in the 2014 midterm elections. The amusing thing about that I think is the fact that if he succeeds in that endeavor, he won’t have those bastard Republicans to blame anymore and the Democrats and Obama will use Obama’s last 2 years to ensure the election of a rightwing Republican both Houses of Congress and a Republican President in 2016 just like Carter and Clinton did before him and just how G. W. Bush did when he guaranteed the reelection of a Democrat controlled Congress and the election of Obama’s Communist agenda.

Here's the thing. Everything the world had it still has. There may be far fewer farming jobs but there's still plenty of food production. The money may have changed hands but it ddn't go off-world. The US is capable of making toasters and TV sets if the people still desire. Technology has replaced human labor. There are fewer jobs. That doesn't mean there are fewer things.

Here’s the thing, fewer jobs especially in growing populations equals fewer dollars for the masses to spend, thereby even fewer private sector jobs and fewer dollars for the masses to spend, and on and on. It’s called a fucking depression That’s where the masses are starving to death and only the politicians and the filthy rich with bankrolls in Switzerland are living the high life. If that’s your goal your leftist heroes in government are working on it for ya.
And then there's the capitalists. Those who look out over the Atlantic Ocean or the Mediterranean Sea or the glistening wheat fields or the manicured lawns of the golf course across the street are having their views blocked by a Foreclosure sign on their front lawn. Those who continually told us the poor are lazy and if they really wanted to succeed they'd get off their butt and get a job now find themselves unemployed. The people who worshipped Capitalism are now crying and whimpering like babies because their Messiah, Capitalism, is doing what Capitalism does. The only problem is they aren't benefitting from it anymore.

What prevented them from moving to China, Singapore, India, Hong Kong, or even Russia, Switzerland, Canada or Mexico who still don’t have the disregard and disrespect for the blessings of capitalism as your leftist communist Utopia of America which now shares among its citizens the misery of socialism?

The middle class is not going to get wealthier as middle class jobs are disappearing. Either there's a machine doing the job here or some guy in India or China is doing it there. There has never been a better time for western nations to embrace societal change because Capitalism is now going to benefit the poor nations. While there's nothing inherently wrong with those nations benefitting it will mean a loss for the western nations. A loss in the sense of societal upheaval. Jobs. How products and services are distributed among the citizens will have to be addressed.

Good Lord! They might have to return to CAPITALISM just like China and the old Soviet Union, huh? Heaven forbid!!!!!

You just made the indisputable case for capitalism and didn’t even realize it.

Then I suggest it's time to look at the Constitution before the people waving it are unemployed while standing on property they no longer own. Don't you?

I always suggest the Constitution as the solution for the vast majority of America’s problems, but right and left never listen. They both believe BIG unconstitutional government is the solution for everything. The left at least admits it while the right pays lip service to the Constitution then promotes crony capitalism, the racket of BIG government unconstitutional wars including the Drug War and promotes homophobia, BIG government controlled marriages, the BIG government World Police Force, the BIG government Military Industrial Complex and some rightist even promote establishing BIG Christian government.
But I thought government health care was the best thing ever. I mean, sure it only took 1 night in private care to get my friend off a respirator (when the VA couldn't in 3 months), but that's just because government care works that well.

Well, I don't remember being on a respirator, which I was, but I do remember when they decided to wean me off the tracheal tube. They plugged the hole in my throat and said, "Breathe!" :lol: I never realized it actually took effort to breathe. Like real effort/concentration as one would use to lift their arm, for example. Just like a person's arm doesn't automatically go up and down I guess my diaphram got lazy over time. Twice a day I'd sit in a chair for about half an hour and learn to breathe, then back to bed. It took 3 or 4 days to get the routine down pat. The second day they sent in a college student/intern/volunteer to keep me company for the half hour. I asked her if they sent in a beautiful woman in order to deliberately increace my respiration rate. That was the first and last time they sent a young woman to my room. :(
So you knew from the get-go it would be a fantastic fuck up but as long as it was headed toward more BIG government and less freedom and the fact that it is unconstitutional and the left got away with it, you’re elated, right? You believe that “good” government is government creating garbage legislative law so government can have something more to do by fixing garbage law with more garbage law? Now that’s interesting. A leftist admitting the insanity of leftism.

The only insanity was the Dems having to deal with a political party that was/is completely removed from the civilized world. I’m not sure of your definition of freedom but when the ability of one to obtain medical care is based on what’s in their wallet that has no place in civilized society. Think of ObamaCare as taking a long, absolutely essential trip. It would be great to go by plane or train or automobile but if ones companion objects then the journey is taken on foot.

Well sure everything is rosy and peachy in Lefty Land except for those greedy idiot Republicans controlling the House Of Congress, but not to worry about that the Communist-N-Chief is endlessly campaigning to rid the government of those bastards by blaming them as perpetual obstructionist of the leftist Perfect Socialist World Order and thereby ensuring that the socialist leftist Democrats take back the House in the 2014 midterm elections. The amusing thing about that I think is the fact that if he succeeds in that endeavor, he won’t have those bastard Republicans to blame anymore and the Democrats and Obama will use Obama’s last 2 years to ensure the election of a rightwing Republican both Houses of Congress and a Republican President in 2016 just like Carter and Clinton did before him and just how G. W. Bush did when he guaranteed the reelection of a Democrat controlled Congress and the election of Obama’s Communist agenda.

That’s the point. Things aren’t all that rosy and peachy and they’re not going to get better as far as the West is concerned what with jobs gone and energy prices rising so it’s necessary to put plans into action before things hit a crisis. Health care is the biggie. Unemployed people cannot participate in the “pay or suffer” health care scam and people know their jobs are not secure. Social programs are a necessity.

Here’s the thing, fewer jobs especially in growing populations equals fewer dollars for the masses to spend, thereby even fewer private sector jobs and fewer dollars for the masses to spend, and on and on. It’s called a fucking depression That’s where the masses are starving to death and only the politicians and the filthy rich with bankrolls in Switzerland are living the high life. If that’s your goal your leftist heroes in government are working on it for ya.

Obviously you misread history. Which social program do you want to blame for the suffering endured during the Great Depression? Unemployment? Welfare? Medicare? Perhaps Medicaid? Pick one because I'm sure we'd all like to know which one or ones you think were responsible.

The problem is people think government programs have been around forever. If we just get rid of a few programs everything will work out fine. What they can’t grasp is there was a time when there weren’t any government programs. A time like the Great Depression when the lucky folks ripped the kitchen cupboards apart and used them as firewood to heat their apartment/flat and the unlucky ones gathered around a communal barrel/drum in the park in the middle of winter.

The leftist heroes in government are making sure that does not re-occur. Whether or not a person has money has no bearing on whether or not there is sufficient food. The problem is the person can’t afford to buy it. The problem is not a food shortage. The same applies to health care. There are hospitals and medication. The problem is people can’t afford it and ObamaCare is addressing that problem.

Society, the paradigm we’re used to in the West, has changed. As I recently heard someone say if we don’t invent/develop something new like we did with computers/internet in the 90s we better prepare for leaner times. Either we let people suffer or we share via social programs.

I suggest you brush up on the Great Depression. It was a time of non-government/no social programs but it sure as hell wasn’t paradise.
What prevented them from moving to China, Singapore, India, Hong Kong, or even Russia, Switzerland, Canada or Mexico who still don’t have the disregard and disrespect for the blessings of capitalism as your leftist communist Utopia of America which now shares among its citizens the misery of socialism?

OK. Obviously it’s history time again. Did you know Canada’s economy did not suffer to the extent other countries did regarding the mortgage crisis? Do you know why? Hint: It has to do with how the banks are run. Check it out in your spare time.

Good Lord! They might have to return to CAPITALISM just like China and the old Soviet Union, huh? Heaven forbid!!!!!
You just made the indisputable case for capitalism and didn’t even realize it.

I never claimed Capitalism doesn’t help some people. “Some” is the key word. The problem is while some are helped others suffer and depending on circumstances the suffering can entail hunger and a lack of medical care which is outrageous in a supposedly civilized society.

I always suggest the Constitution as the solution for the vast majority of America’s problems, but right and left never listen. They both believe BIG unconstitutional government is the solution for everything. The left at least admits it while the right pays lip service to the Constitution then promotes crony capitalism, the racket of BIG government unconstitutional wars including the Drug War and promotes homophobia, BIG government controlled marriages, the BIG government World Police Force, the BIG government Military Industrial Complex and some rightist even promote establishing BIG Christian government.

I see we’re back at square one. What big government social program(s) caused the Great Depression?

BIG government World Police Force and BIG government Military Industrial Complex are problems, however, if and when social programs become insisted upon by the citizens there won’t be money for those problems. What country wouldn’t want a gigantic military? Well, maybe one or two but I think most would love a big military and spies and all the things that go along with that but the citizens in those countries demand medical care and unemployment and child care and public transportation and ……so the military expenditures go down the list.

The problem isn’t a choice between necessary military spending and having enough money for social programs. Some people don’t want social programs even if they were affordable. That’s the problem and Rummy made that clear when he said war with Iraq was an option they could afford. I wonder if anyone considered enclosing a few extra dollars at Christmas for welfare folks. Well, I don’t actually wonder. It’s just a figure of speech. I’m sure it never crossed anyone’s mind.

Remember Obama and change? It’s not just about medical care or gays in the military. It’s about fundamental change. That doesn’t mean getting rid of capitalism. It means shaping it for the times. People are free to work where they want and earn as much money as they want. All they’re being requested to do is contribute to social programs. Where is the problem?
OK. Obviously it’s history time again. Did you know Canada’s economy did not suffer to the extent other countries did regarding the mortgage crisis? Do you know why? Hint: It has to do with how the banks are run. Check it out in your spare time.

I never claimed Capitalism doesn’t help some people. “Some” is the key word. The problem is while some are helped others suffer and depending on circumstances the suffering can entail hunger and a lack of medical care which is outrageous in a supposedly civilized society.

I see we’re back at square one. What big government social program(s) caused the Great Depression?

BIG government World Police Force and BIG government Military Industrial Complex are problems, however, if and when social programs become insisted upon by the citizens there won’t be money for those problems. What country wouldn’t want a gigantic military? Well, maybe one or two but I think most would love a big military and spies and all the things that go along with that but the citizens in those countries demand medical care and unemployment and child care and public transportation and ……so the military expenditures go down the list.

The problem isn’t a choice between necessary military spending and having enough money for social programs. Some people don’t want social programs even if they were affordable. That’s the problem and Rummy made that clear when he said war with Iraq was an option they could afford. I wonder if anyone considered enclosing a few extra dollars at Christmas for welfare folks. Well, I don’t actually wonder. It’s just a figure of speech. I’m sure it never crossed anyone’s mind.

Remember Obama and change? It’s not just about medical care or gays in the military. It’s about fundamental change. That doesn’t mean getting rid of capitalism. It means shaping it for the times. People are free to work where they want and earn as much money as they want. All they’re being requested to do is contribute to social programs. Where is the problem?
The problem is it cuts into their profits, which is the sole purpose of businesses. The private sector is not some social welfare agency.
The only insanity was the Dems having to deal with a political party that was/is completely removed from the civilized world.
Yeah right them poooor little Democrats are always being obstructed by them greedy bad Republicans. Never mind that the Democrats have a 5 to 1 advantage in TV biased reporting and the 5 swoon over Obama and piss their pants over the communist bastard, huh. If it weren’t for Fox, nary a Republican would even bother to run for public office. Leftist TV rules over a brainwashed, brain-dead TV viewing public.

I’m not sure of your definition of freedom but when the ability of one to obtain medical care is based on what’s in their wallet that has no place in civilized society. Think of ObamaCare as taking a long, absolutely essential trip. It would be great to go by plane or train or automobile but if ones companion objects then the journey is taken on foot.

My definition of freedom is as defined in our Constitution especially the Bill Of Rights. Nowhere there can I find a federal authority to establish Socialized Medicine or any other socialist garbage. As a matter of fact the 10th Amendment absolutely prohibits the feds from such unconstitutional scams.

That’s the point. Things aren’t all that rosy and peachy and they’re not going to get better as far as the West is concerned what with jobs gone and energy prices rising so it’s necessary to put plans into action before things hit a crisis. Health care is the biggie. Unemployed people cannot participate in the “pay or suffer” health care scam and people know their jobs are not secure. Social programs are a necessity.

Social programming is what killed the old Soviet Union and turned North Korea into a bastion of slavery and poverty and caused Cuba to rely on their neighboring communist Chavez to keep them afloat with the proceeds of oil sold to the capitalist oil market. Socialism is what China is sheading in favor of capitalism and growing at a rate 3 times the growth of western world countries including America.

Obviously you misread history. Which social program do you want to blame for the suffering endured during the Great Depression? Unemployment? Welfare? Medicare? Perhaps Medicaid? Pick one because I'm sure we'd all like to know which one or ones you think were responsible.

Recession and even depressions are a natural phenomenon in a capitalist and a socialist world caused by stupidity and over speculation in capitalism and by BIG government authoritarianism in socialism. Capitalism always corrects for stupidity and so does socialism. The difference is while neither is perfect capitalism is the natural force that can recover through capitalist principles, but socialism cannot ever recover by the principles of socialism it can only economically recover using capitalist principles. China and the old Soviet Union are prime examples thereof.

The problem is people think government programs have been around forever. If we just get rid of a few programs everything will work out fine. What they can’t grasp is there was a time when there weren’t any government programs. A time like the Great Depression when the lucky folks ripped the kitchen cupboards apart and used them as firewood to heat their apartment/flat and the unlucky ones gathered around a communal barrel/drum in the park in the middle of winter.

Depression? What about the living standards of the populations of socialist North Korea and Cuba at present or the living standards of the old socialist Soviet Union and China before they shed socialism in favor of capitalism?

America’s Great depression had a 30% unemployment rate. 7 out of every 10 folks had a job. Every bank that folded, recovered and reopened except one. The socialist New Deal solved none of those problems, the capitalist market place did. CAPITALISM not socialism has economically recovered China and the old Soviet Union. The unemployment rate in socialist western Europe is higher than the United States because they’re still more socialist than the United States. Greece, Ireland and Italy all on the economic ropes because they’re the most socialist.
The leftist heroes in government are making sure that does not re-occur. Whether or not a person has money has no bearing on whether or not there is sufficient food. The problem is the person can’t afford to buy it. The problem is not a food shortage. The same applies to health care. There are hospitals and medication. The problem is people can’t afford it and ObamaCare is addressing that problem.

America has hardly enough doctors or hospitals now to handle America’s healthcare. Flooding the system with millions more will only create the ”stand in line and wait” system that defines socialized medicine. Capitalist healthcare is the unequal sharing of the healthcare blessings, socialist healthcare is the equal sharing of the healthcare misery.
I never claimed Capitalism doesn’t help some people. “Some” is the key word. The problem is while some are helped others suffer and depending on circumstances the suffering can entail hunger and a lack of medical care which is outrageous in a supposedly civilized society.

No, the problem is that eventually in a socialist system everybody except the politicians suffer.
BIG government World Police Force and BIG government Military Industrial Complex are problems, however, if and when social programs become insisted upon by the citizens there won’t be money for those problems. What country wouldn’t want a gigantic military? Well, maybe one or two but I think most would love a big military and spies and all the things that go along with that but the citizens in those countries demand medical care and unemployment and child care and public transportation and ……so the military expenditures go down the list.

So then you pinpoint the only difference between the left and the right. The left loves BIG socialist program government and the right loves BIG socialist militarist government, but even that’s not a real difference because both love both kinds of BIG government and crony capitalism and special interest bribery. Their only real difference is who they want to bribe the most and who they want in the seats of BIG government power doing the bribing.
The problem isn’t a choice between necessary military spending and having enough money for social programs. Some people don’t want social programs even if they were affordable. That’s the problem and Rummy made that clear when he said war with Iraq was an option they could afford. I wonder if anyone considered enclosing a few extra dollars at Christmas for welfare folks. Well, I don’t actually wonder. It’s just a figure of speech. I’m sure it never crossed anyone’s mind.

In case you didn’t know it, there’s not enough money for any more of any kind of BIG government and the left and right are both guilty of Child Abuse because of the debt and misery they’ve created for our future generations.
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Remember Obama and change? It’s not just about medical care or gays in the military. It’s about fundamental change. That doesn’t mean getting rid of capitalism. It means shaping it for the times. People are free to work where they want and earn as much money as they want. All they’re being requested to do is contribute to social programs. Where is the problem?

The problem is #1 taxes and regulation swallow up the seed corn of capitalist investment and slow the economy. #2 socialist programming creates disincentives for self-respect self-reliance and incentives laziness and reliance on sucking the government tit. #3 socialist minded politicians use social programs to bribe the vote of the ignorant and lazy bastards and those politicians have to come up with new bribery programs for every election so it never ends and there’s never enough money and folks will only stand for so much taxation until they’ll start a revolution.
If by some stretch of the imagination we were to have one party rule, I predict we would split into more than twenty small parties. The Environmental Party, The Economic Growth Party, The Fossel Fuels Party, The Solar Energy Party, The Petroleum Party, etc. Then we would embark on a coalition government like the British where groups would band together to win elections. Not all together a bad idea in my opinion. Besides with Republicans on this "self-destruction" course they have been on in recent years, it is quite possible.

Even Republicans like Jim DeMint, (conservative who traded his U. S. Senate Seat for a lobby job), Knewt Gingrich and Barbara Bush who have warned Republicans to move on from the 2012 loss. Republicans will not move on to a more moderate perspective. So, while the nation moves to the center left Republicans continue to double down on a losing hand. America is no longer a Norman Rockwell picture.

America has hardly enough doctors or hospitals now to handle America’s healthcare. Flooding the system with millions more will only create the ”stand in line and wait” system that defines socialized medicine. Capitalist healthcare is the unequal sharing of the healthcare blessings, socialist healthcare is the equal sharing of the healthcare misery.

Sorry, that argument doesn't hold water. Germany has had socialized medicine for over 100 years. Are there any doctors in Germany? Most of the industrialized countries have had socialized medicine for 40 or 50 years. That's long enough for the doctors who were there at the beginning to be retired now. How is it possible those countries still have doctors if one is to believe a lack of incentive will result in serious shortages.

Sure, some people wait. Elective surgery patients usually wait. Should a nose job come before a broken leg? Should a hip replacement that prevents a retiree from playing his best on the golf course take precedence over a heart attack or cancer victim? The reply I usually hear is the retiree worked really, really hard all his life so has a right to go first if he can pay. Of course, the 40 year old family man or woman who is struggling to raise a family is really just a poor slouch. They should have fed their kids less and saved more money for medical. Is that the type of society you want to live in?
So then you pinpoint the only difference between the left and the right. The left loves BIG socialist program government and the right loves BIG socialist militarist government, but even that’s not a real difference because both love both kinds of BIG government and crony capitalism and special interest bribery. Their only real difference is who they want to bribe the most and who they want in the seats of BIG government power doing the bribing.

The difference is the majority of people benefit from social programs. This is at the root of people complaining about taxes. There was a study done in one of the northern European countries regarding taxes. I don't recall which one but people were supportive of taxes because they benefitted. Medical care. Child care. Public transportation. Unemployment/wage supplements. Rather than individuals saving for future expenses they contributed on an on-going basis. They didn't need to save for medical care because medical care would be available if they required it. They didn't need to save or plan for child care after a birth because there was government child care. Over the years they contributed so those things would be available. And a side thing the study showed, although definitely subjective, is the people were happier. Rather than worry about a medical fund and a child care fund and an unemployment fund they basically had paid for "insurance" for all those things. Their taxes were insurance policy payments, if you will. It resulted in a much less stressful lifestyle.
In case you didn’t know it, there’s not enough money for any more of any kind of BIG government and the left and right are both guilty of Child Abuse because of the debt and misery they’ve created for our future generations.

That's just not true. Like I said before there is a difference between jobs/money and a shortage of commodities. For example, there is enough food produced to feed everyone in the US. So, how do we feed the person who doesn't have the money to buy food? Do we just take it from the farmer? That wouldn't go over very well so we supply the poor person with enough money to buy the food. Where do we get the money from? We get the money, via taxes. We get back a portion of the money from the person who received the money for the food.

Poverty is the relationship of individuals to each other, not a specific amount of dollars. The goal of social programs is not to redistribute wealth, however, if the disparity is too great between individuals poverty results. If enough people can afford to pay $10.00 for a tomato then the price of tomatoes will be $10.00. How is someone earning minimum wage supposed to be able to buy tomatos? The person who receives the $10.00 is taxed and the money (food stamps) given to the minimum wage earner so they can buy tomatoes.

There is no shortage of things. There is an inequality of money so great that poverty is becoming more and more rampant. The only reason a family can't live on $20,000/yr is because a large number of families are making $80,000 or $100,000/yr. Social programs even that out when it comes to necessities such as medical care. It can go further and deal with food and housing and other necessities. No one is suggesting every one should get a new car or a vacation home. The point being either we give people money so they can afford necessities or we remove necessities from the marketplace.

Government housing. No landlord to exploit the tenants. The government buys a building and rents it to tenants. Rents only have to increase in order to keep up with costs. If there is a sudden housing shortage and rents in the neighborhood increase by 50% there is no need for the government to increase rents by anywhere near that amount.

Child care. Compare a woman making $60,000/yr to one making $20,000/yr. If there are sufficient women making the larger salary child care businesses will charge a high price, well above what the woman making $20,000/yr can afford. How do we level the field?

Governments can make the proper changes. Many have and with medical care every country that implemented such a plan saves money. And the vast majority of citizens in those countries insist on keeping their respective plans. No exception. What more can anyone ask for?