The left hates the Kamala pick

So all the slamming of Trump here by the left..means u POSs are desperate:laugh:

You forget- El Trumpo was filmed and recorded being a misogynistic rat. Try branding Harris as a misogynist.


Haw, haw...................................haw.
And then shown the door.

So, that’s it? Media kicks back and awaits the Biden/Harris presidency?

No, I'm sure they're going to mercilessly attack her for being a woman. I'm ready for that.
Hey, did you know she had an affair with Willie Brown? No? Well, you're going to hear about that a whole lot!
Tulsi straight up disemboweled her live on air. Then she took her entrails and scattered them out thru the crowd. LOL

See, if Trumpcucks were going to criticize Kamala for her hypocrisy on drugs, it'd be fine. But I know all we're going to hear during these next few months is that she had sex.
I could be off here but I know traditionally the media ‘vetted’ the candidates but in today’s internet, twitter, social media 24/7 cable driven world is there anything we really don’t know about any of these candidates?

Seems to me if you turn on the TV there’s no escaping them. (Of course regarding Harris me being a Californian maybe I see her more than most, haha.)

Well, you’re largely right.

Digital media can’t be discounted: it’s a very powerful force—maybe even more now than it was in 2016. But the traditional media can set the narrative; if the Hive Mind decides to go after Harris or candidate X, then the countless players on Twitter and digital media act more like minions. We have more than a few of them here lol.

Kind of like throwing a scrap of bread into the lake—the carp will come out of nowhere and swarm it.

This worked wonderfully against Trump: all the NYT had to do was breathe a ‘story’ about Michael Cohen [or whatever] and the minions did the rest.

No way they’re going to do that with Harris. Maybe in the primaries when she was just another democrat contender but the Bad Orange Man is in the game now.

And that changes, literally, everything.
Especially the young left. Kamala and her White husband are STILL sipping wine and laughing their asses off at the poor suckers she sent to jail by the thousand. Gotta LOVE IT!

Show us the video or admit you're you're as full of shit as a backed up bus station toilet.
This guy is POSITIVE Kamala doesnt think black lives matter....

From The Vice channel

It's always funny when your kind pretend to give a shit about some black guys who got wrongfully prosecuted.

If she was a Republican and was accused of the same thing, you'd be fist pumping.

You should go pump your fist up your asshole.