The main issue with Christianity

You still don't know what 1Sam15:3 is about do you?

its about Amalekites....they've been mentioned in the Bible before.......Deuteronomy 12:
29 The Lord your God will cut off before you the nations you are about to invade and dispossess. But when you have driven them out and settled in their land, 30 and after they have been destroyed before you, be careful not to be ensnared by inquiring about their gods, saying, “How do these nations serve their gods? We will do the same.” 31 You must not worship the Lord your God in their way, because in worshiping their gods, they do all kinds of detestable things the Lord hates. They even burn their sons and daughters in the fire as sacrifices to their gods.

you see they were the ancient for-runners of modern day abortionists.....
What does justice have to do with blood sacrifice or love?
Because the blood sacrifice of a completely innocent man/God paid in full the penalty for the sin of all humanity.

It is love because the Father had no obligation to sacrifice his perfect son in order to pay the penalty of sin for each of us. He desired to save us from our sin out of love for us.

It is justice because there was a proper penalty served for the transgression.

To forgive the transgression without the penalty served would not be serving justice. To serve justice without the blood sacrifice would not be showing love/mercy towards mankind.

The crucifixion is the moment that perfect justice and perfect love conjoin.
Frank, if I'm too old to worry about this religion nonsense,
what the hell are you?

Spend your time thinking about important things.

What's your favorite kind of tomato sauce on pasta?.

Had my favorite last night...a sauce made with pork neck-bones. GREAAAT!

I like to use stewed tomatoes for the sauce. My sister swears by fresh, peeled tomatoes, but I truly think the taste of a fresh tomato sauce is bland.

I like rigatoni pasta...and the wife prefers I actually cook two different pots of pasta. She does like my sauce.

I made this sauce earlier in the week. We had it on Monday. But there is nothing that improves the taste of pasta sauce more than a few days mellowing.

Ummm...I do not worry about this issue, but it is one of the most interesting topics to discuss. We don't get very far, because all one can do is to guess about the REALITY. I do enjoy listening to the various guesses.
it's not muddy.

Yeah, it really was.

you're just a moral relativist.

I think morality questions are best left to human judgement. If that makes me a moral relativist...good for me.

the golden rule is obvious. it's not even to do with supernatural things.

I pretty much live my life by the golden rule. I agree that it is obvious...and that it transcends spirituality. Not sure what you mean by supernatural things...but I feel that ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING that actually a part of nature. If there is a GOD...or spirits...or ghosts...or whatever...

...I suggest they are part of nature, even though it may be a part of nature that humans are not able to perceive or appreciate.

elites hate the golden rule, and actual morality.

Not sure what you consider to be the "elites", but I think you are full of shit here.

mass murdering eugenicists hate the golden rule.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure you are full of shit.
Had my favorite last night...a sauce made with pork neck-bones. GREAAAT!

I like to use stewed tomatoes for the sauce. My sister swears by fresh, peeled tomatoes, but I truly think the taste of a fresh tomato sauce is bland.

I like rigatoni pasta...and the wife prefers I actually cook two different pots of pasta. She does like my sauce.

I made this sauce earlier in the week. We had it on Monday. But there is nothing that improves the taste of pasta sauce more than a few days mellowing.

Ummm...I do not worry about this issue, but it is one of the most interesting topics to discuss. We don't get very far, because all one can do is to guess about the REALITY. I do enjoy listening to the various guesses.

Yum... (agree with stewed tomatoes, btw...)
Just curious... you call it sauce not gravy? Just a question...nothing more nothing less.. hope you're well:)
Because the blood sacrifice of a completely innocent man/God paid in full the penalty for the sin of all humanity.

It is love because the Father had no obligation to sacrifice his perfect son in order to pay the penalty of sin for each of us. He desired to save us from our sin out of love for us.

It is justice because there was a proper penalty served for the transgression.

To forgive the transgression without the penalty served would not be serving justice. To serve justice without the blood sacrifice would not be showing love/mercy towards mankind.

The crucifixion is the moment that perfect justice and perfect love conjoin.

Okay. I really have no interest in Christian mythology.
Yeah, it really was.

I think morality questions are best left to human judgement. If that makes me a moral relativist...good for me.

I pretty much live my life by the golden rule. I agree that it is obvious...and that it transcends spirituality. Not sure what you mean by supernatural things...but I feel that ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING that actually a part of nature. If there is a GOD...or spirits...or ghosts...or whatever...

...I suggest they are part of nature, even though it may be a part of nature that humans are not able to perceive or appreciate.

Not sure what you consider to be the "elites", but I think you are full of shit here.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure you are full of shit.

elites want the right to kill everyone. that's not the golden rule.

where's the shit?
You still don't know what 1Sam15:3 is about do you?
I know precisely what it is about.

Interesting. Why don't you read the bible? (When you do get around to it, maybe you'll be brave enough to answer my question.)
I've already gotten around to it. I've already asked you a question in response that leads to my answer to your question, but you're too chicken shit to participate. You think you have me in a "gotcha" moment, but in reality you have nothing.

Who is the provider of life (according to Christianity/The Bible)?
Yum... (agree with stewed tomatoes, btw...)
Just curious... you call it sauce not gravy? Just a question...nothing more nothing less.. hope you're well:)

Doin' great, TOP. Weather has changed enough for me to be back to golf each morning...and hitting the ball rather well.

We've always used "tomato sauce" in my family...although lots of Italians prefer "gravy." As my old boss used to say, "Six of one...a dozen of another."

He was not the brightest boss ever.

Hope all is well with you too, TOP.
I know precisely what it is about.

So why can't you answer my question? It relates to your concept that God is good by His nature.

I've already gotten around to it.

Thou shalt not bear false witness.

I've already asked you a question in response

Sorry but I am still stuck on your lie.

that leads to my answer to your question, but you're too chicken shit to participate. You think you have me in a "gotcha" moment, but in reality you have nothing.

I don't play gotcha games with semiliterates.

Who is the provider of life (according to Christianity/The Bible)?

So genocide is "good" if God commands it? Got it.
no.....I'd be okay with him taking out modern day abortion supporters as well

I have to admit your "morality" sounds pretty evil. Personally I don't think anyone should be murdered, not even Amalekite children.

(I love how you hate abortion but seem absolutely OK with Amalekite children being murdered. That's interesting.)