The main issue with Christianity

frank can't acknowledge that we live in a world where some people have way more power than others.

thus he can't really discuss anything. are out of control.

You go on IGNORE immediately.

Have fun ranting.

bye, beta.
The unbolded part is kinda bullshit.
Please explain why. I can't read your mind. Are you saying that a normal, rational adult would somehow not agree with you and would not find what you wrote to be intuitive and reasonable?

Yes, always. That was his theorem. It is what he proved.

You are asserting that he proved there is ALWAYS such a statement.
It's not my assertion. It's a proven theorem, just as is the Pythagorean theorem.

He most assuredly did not.
He did, and you are now denying math.

This is a hypothetical so far stretched, that a person would have to be a fool to engage it seriously. I am not a fool.
You have just tipped your king. Let me know when you'd like to reengage.

In summary, I would invoke laughter to deal with your insistence that we should accept that “no gods exists” because…well, just because you (or Gödel) want us to.
This is the standard leftist defeat strategy. Upon losing, never admit it, deny the loss through historical revisionism by mischaracterizing what was said and done. I never made any of these assertions. You were simply unable to address the Incompleteness theorem.

It will be fun…and since it will show my argument to be MUCH stronger than yours, ...
The strength of your argument never entered the scenario. All that was being discussed was the ability to argue the position of knowability for the theistic assertion in question. It was you who revealed that your argument wasn't strong enough to stand up to the Incompleteness Theorem. You might want to work on it.

I would never suggest any of your arguments are stupid, although I would argue some are wrong. This one is.
You are attacking an argument that was never made because its mere mention makes you feel threatened in some way.

If you can “find it in your heart” to appreciate that and not ask me or speculate about my “beliefs”…I would appreciate it.
If you express theism in Global Warming or Climate Change, then discussing your beliefs is appropriate. If you simply wish to discuss something that you believe but do not know, then the word "belief" is the appropriate word. You are obviously bothered by the use of the word "belief" in certain situations where it is entirely appropriate. Why?
Last edited: are out of control. You go on IGNORE immediately. Have fun ranting.
Just a suggestion, instead of putting him on ignore (which would not facilitate any sort of discussion), perhaps you could just recognize that JesusAI lives in a mostly chaotic world that has him feeling helpless, and that the only way he can feel as though he has any sort of control is to redefine words. If you realize that he specifically means something other than what he wrote, you can at least begin to pull the discussion back on track. Of course, JesusAI will go kicking and screaming the entire way, but at least you'll move forward.
Rebuttal implies you made a valid point worthy of riposte. Sorry you are so confused.

yes. i did.

Assertion: The environmental movement is a spinoff off the eugenics movement, designed to get people to kill other people out of misguided environmental fears.

Your turn, captain fuckcheese.