The main issue with Christianity

yeah, I know.

The key to peace on earth is uninteresting to military industrial complex shills such as yourself.

you are the problem.

The key to world peace is a global government where only that government has the tools to launch brutality....nations will have ceremonial military only. This military will likely be run out of the UN, and will be supported by extensive AI and robotic policing.

That's the story anyways.
The key to world peace is a global government where only that government has the tools to launch brutality....nations will have ceremonial military only. This military will likely be run out of the UN, and will be supported by extensive AI and robotic policing.

Go back to china chink boy.
Obviously the most likely place for the UN HQ is in China....but I am no longer sure that is a sure thing. Maybe a UN city will be set up outside of China as the Chinese radiate how confident and respectful of other cultures they are....Egypt for instance has possibilities.
The key to world peace is a global government where only that government has the tools to launch brutality....nations will have ceremonial military only. This military will likely be run out of the UN, and will be supported by extensive AI and robotic policing.

That's the story anyways.

that's not it at all. thats just a bad and dumb story.

you know that. you're being snarky and wise again.
Obviously the most likely place for the UN HQ is in China....but I am no longer sure that is a sure thing. Maybe a UN city will be set up outside of China as the Chinese radiate how confident and respectful of other cultures they are....Egypt for instance has possibilities.

Yep, chink boy.
I am fully intending on taking my last breath in this house in Oly, as one of the last surviving Free Men.

You're not a free man, you're a chink agent. "Miss" gave you away.

And you'd better pray I don't buy this forum...well, and...pray that my associates don't track you down.
Yeah, the chinese are a bunch of frustrated soy eating faggots. If those little anime pillow biters want war OK...come get some.

What say you chinkeye?
Nope. You are asking me to read your mind.

No...I was not asking you to read my mind. Stop with the childishness.

Then that is what we'll have to do. I don't know what you meant, you won't explain when I ask and you never asked me for any clarification on anything ... so yeah, a mystery it will remain.

Good by me. Adds a dramatic quality to the discussion.

Were you planning on performing any independent research? If not then I guess we're done.

I doubt we "are done."

I do not plan on doing any independent research.

One does not need mathematical theorems to posit that some truths cannot be proven. It is a given. And it is bullshit to assume someone has proven that that is ALWAYS the case.

As I said, we probably are not moving on...

I made no such suggestion. Would you mind quoting the text where you believe I said this, or will that remain a mystery as well?

The "tipped your king" nonsense...and the general tone of your responses was why I said what I did. I did not use a I am not saying you said, "Frank, you are a fucking moron." The entry of the Gödel crap into the discussion also played a part. That theorem is not the kind of thing one would expect a participant in a discussion such as we are understand sufficiently.

You tipped your king. This happens when you insist on a logical contradiction and won't undo it. We can't proceed further and you won't correct your error, the latter part of that is you tipping your king.

Stop. You are making me gag. I have never insisted on a logical contradiction in a discussion of this sort...and I certainly will not start with you. And if you want a reason to bring in this "leftist" least have the decency to pick something real.

Sorry, you failed to understand what I claimed could be argued. I'll run through it again for you:

1. P = "there are no gods"
2. You and I both acknowledge that P cannot be proven given our system of infinite statements
3. I mention that P is a true statement about the system that cannot be proven by the system, per the Incompleteness theorem
4. I proceed to explain why P is true
5. You and I discuss/debate the merits of my arguments in #4

You are saying that "there are no gods" CANNOT be established...which is exactly what I have been asserting.

But you want me to accept that there are no gods simply because you want me to do so.

That is absurd. You must learn to debate reasonably...which includes the need to accept when a point has been made...and not to insist on logical contradictions.

At the moment, there is nothing for us to discuss because we aren't having this discussion and I am not making any arguments in #4 for us to discuss/debate, however something about this topic bothers you greatly and makes you willing to deny math for some reason. Obviously you and I would therefore not even be able to have this sort of discussion. As always, you can let me know when you have done some independent research and something changes.

Now THAT is tipping one's king.

Only after you have shut down any possibility of having this discussion in the first place.

I am the one saying we should are the one saying this thing is ending...something you have done a couple of times now just before continuing. Let's us have our discussion.

I have given you the a great chance to show me how wrong I am. All you have to do is establish with certainty that no gods exist...and I will be shown to be wrong.

Do it. (Unasked for advise: Don't even try, because you cannot.)

I will even consider a thorough description of HOW IT CAN BE DONE, if you can come up with that.

Now...we have managed to inject more than enough drama into this discussion. I think it is time you just acknowledge that my assertion that "No gods exist" is always just a guess.

I haven't made any argument. You and I never even started. I'd love to have this discussion with you but you need to research the Incompleteness theorem first. Let me know if you have any questions.

You have made an argument...that I am incorrect in what I have asserted. We have started...we are continuing, despite your dramatic moves of suggesting we are ending. I do not intend to research the Incompleteness theorem...and I think you are being an ass for suggesting that I do.

If you are so sure it has bearing on what we are discussing...bring forth the argument in your words (quoting Gödel if you absolutely must) and we can see how it plays.

Not me. Math.

Math is not my strong point. But we are into logic here.

You've never had me as an opponent. I have always been on your side. If we have disagreed, it's because you were wrong.

Interesting take...and an unusual way to present your argument!

I am not wrong here. I have no idea if you are wrong or not. But if you are saying, "There are no gods" are being illogical. It is a blind guess that makes no sense.

I apologize for the additional cold water but ... right now, you believe that you are fooling me. You are not. Let's confirm.

Stop with the fucking "believe." I have never had as an intention to fool you in any way. I cannot fail in that endeavor, because it would never be anything I would want to try.

A. Do you claim that greenhouse gases are increasing the earth's average global temperature beyond that which is caused by the earth's changing distance to the sun and/or fluctuations in solar output?

Beats the shit out of me.

B. Do you claim that there is a global climate that is changing?

I have never claimed such a thing. I generally stay out of Internet threads on climate change (and several other items) because either I do not have enough information to come down hard...or because I think it to be bullshit to take a position in either direction.

When referring to what you believe, please use the word "beliefs" because that is the correct word, not "opinions," "conjectures," "suppositions," or "guesses."

Another area where you are as wrong as wrong can be.

My opinions are my opinions; m conjectures are my conjectures; my suppositions are my suppositions; and my guesses are my guesses.
Obviously the most likely place for the UN HQ is in China....but I am no longer sure that is a sure thing. Maybe a UN city will be set up outside of China as the Chinese radiate how confident and respectful of other cultures they are....Egypt for instance has possibilities.
the Chinese have been historically famous for assimilating all invaders but history has also shown us they aren't very successful at invasion.......