The main issue with Christianity

russiagate is bearing false witness.

Sweetie, get some help. No one was talking about Russiagate. You are spiraling out of control. Get a grip, focus. Get some help.

a whole government devoted to bearing false witness against one man.

Your god. No doubt you were offended when your god, Trump, was being attacked. But, honey, no one is attacking anyone now and no one was talking about Russiagate.


what are they afraid of?

Unhinged loons like you who can't keep anything straight. But don't feel bad. YOU CAN GET HELP. You just need to reach out.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
I can't say it any better than this.

You mean you can't PIVOT any better than that and EVADE any more effectively.

Why does her not believing in Christianity somehow empower her to just kill living humans who represent some form of inconvenience for her? Taichiliberal, would you be this enthusiastic about supporting her if she were kill you to make her life more convenient?

You seem persistent in responding to anything I post despite the fact that you keep getting notices that I have you on "ignore" and therefore can't read your responses. But it's been at least a month, so I took you off here to see what's on your mind.

:palm: You bleat the SOS.

If you had paid attention to the video, you would have noted that she stated that she would support and defend your right to worship and follow your religion as you see fit.


That does NOT give YOU the right to enforce your religious beliefs on others. THAT is what our Constitution, it's Amendments and the Bill of Rights is all about.

No one is forcing women to have an abortion and no one should force a woman not to have one.

The sheer insanity of forcing a junior high school girl that is a victim of rape and/or incest to bring that pregnancy to term smacks of a theocracy similar to that of the Taliban, or Al Qaeda. THAT is what YOU and your like minded ilk have put a cloak of "christianity" around.

Your moronic question compares murder of a grown adult to that of abortion. How stupid is that, given that one is a woman's pregnancy that has not reached full maturity (let alone BIRTH) to an independent man of many years? Remember, it's the CHOICE of the individual. If you have proof that the woman in the video is FORCING any woman to have an abortion, then please post it. If not, spare us all the usual dodgy "pro-life" rhetoric. :palm:
You seem persistent in responding to anything I post despite the fact that you keep getting notices that I have you on "ignore" and therefore can't read your responses. But it's been at least a month, so I took you off here to see what's on your mind.

:palm: You bleat the SOS.

If you had paid attention to the video, you would have noted that she stated that she would support and defend your right to worship and follow your religion as you see fit.


That does NOT give YOU the right to enforce your religious beliefs on others. THAT is what our Constitution, it's Amendments and the Bill of Rights is all about.

No one is forcing women to have an abortion and no one should force a woman not to have one.

The sheer insanity of forcing a junior high school girl that is a victim of rape and/or incest to bring that pregnancy to term smacks of a theocracy similar to that of the Taliban, or Al Qaeda. THAT is what YOU and your like minded ilk have put a cloak of "christianity" around.

Your moronic question compares murder of a grown adult to that of abortion. How stupid is that, given that one is a woman's pregnancy that has not reached full maturity (let alone BIRTH) to an independent man of many years? Remember, it's the CHOICE of the individual. If you have proof that the woman in the video is FORCING any woman to have an abortion, then please post it. If not, spare us all the usual dodgy "pro-life" rhetoric. :palm:

It is impossible to reason with anti-abortion people.
You seem persistent in responding to anything I post
Not quite. I will persist in responding to whatever I wish, whenever I wish, however I wish. I'm pleased to see that it bugs the crap out of you.

despite the fact that you keep getting notices that I have you on "ignore" and therefore can't read your responses.
So why aren't you ignoring me? Answer: because you can't. You are compelled to read every word of what I write and respond when it becomes too much to bear. I am pleased to cause you so much consternation and loss of sleep.

But it's been at least a month, so I took you off here to see what's on your mind.
You could always just ask, or shoot me a PM. "Hey IBDaMann, what's on your mind?"

If you had paid attention to the video,
I did. It's a bunch of EVASIVE MISDIRECTION. It does absolutely nothing to address the morality of killing living humans who have committed no crime and who have not expressed any desire to die, it merely barks orders to not stop her from being free to do it with impunity. If you had paid attention to the video, you would have noticed that all she does is bitch about some unnamed Christians who she feels are infringing on her ability to freely kill other living humans for her own convenience. You really should actually watch the videos you post. She states directly (and I'm paraphrasing) "Hey Christians, if you don't want to kill other living humans to make your lives more convenient, then fine, don't do it, but don't prohibit me from killing all the living humans I want on whatever whim suits my fancy."

Obviously she is raving lunacy ... and you posted that crap.

No one is [forcing anyone to kill living humans to make life more convenient] and no one should [prevent anyone from killing living humans to make life more convenient].
The sheer insanity of allowing even junior high school students to just kill other living humans who have committed no crime and who have not expressed any desire to die, is something I expect from the Taliban and the Mafia, but I guess it's what I should expect from leftists too. Aaaah, this is why you leftists want to convert all schools into total defenselessness zones so as to maximize the number of junior high and high school students who can kill other living humans who have not committed any crime. Now everything is coming clearly into focus.

So, Taichiliberal, the thought of killing which living humans gives you the most pleasure? Killing blacks? Whites? Hispanics? Women? Pygmies? Left-handed people? Who?

Your moronic question compares murder of a grown adult to that of abortion.
If you hadn't slept through highschool, you might have learned to read. The words "person," "people," "abortion," "age," "fetus," "murder," "elderly" are just some of the words that do not appear in my question.


Do you, Taichiliberal, advocate the killing of living humans* who have not committed any crime and who have not expressed any desire to die? No other question is being asked.
*Living Humans defined as having a pulse and human DNA.

What's your answer ... without PIVOTING and EVASION of course?
It is impossible to reason with anti-abortion people.
This is because it is impossible for leftists to reason. After all, leftists think it's perfectly OK to kill living humans* who have committed no crime and who have not expressed any desire to die. This is exactly the kind of shit societies try to flush away. Unfortunately, this kind of shit gets all over our school boards and all over our children's minds. Kill, kill, kill. Render everyone totally defenseless and then kill some more.

*Living Humans defined as having a pulse and human DNA.


BidenPresident, I want to thank you for being a standup guy and confessing to all of JPP that you too love the thought of living humans being killed, especially ones who have committed no crime and who have not expressed any desire to die. All that remains is for you to share with us which class of living humans gives you the most pleasure and makes you the most ecstatic when they are killed.

Which ones?
This is because it is impossible for leftists to reason. After all, leftists think it's perfectly OK to kill living humans* who have committed no crime and who have not expressed any desire to die. This is exactly the kind of shit societies try to flush away. Unfortunately, this kind of shit gets all over our school boards and all over our children's minds. Kill, kill, kill. Render everyone totally defenseless and then kill some more.

*Living Humans defined as having a pulse and human DNA.


BidenPresident, I want to thank you for being a standup guy and confessing to all of JPP that you too love the thought of living humans being killed, especially ones who have committed no crime and who have not expressed any desire to die. All that remains is for you to share with us which class of living humans gives you the most pleasure and makes you the most ecstatic when they are killed.

Which ones?

Law is not based on your feelings. Sorry.
you are a fucked up troll
It must suck to be obligated to support killing living humans who have committed no crime. When Iraqis throw gay men off the roofs of very tall buildings for no reason other than their sexuality, you are required to celebrate. Maybe you actually do get a thrill out of it, being the shitty humanity-hating leftist that you are. You don't need any special reason to HATE.

Just kill living humans and golf clap. You leftists are such wonderful people.
Sweetie, get some help. No one was talking about Russiagate. You are spiraling out of control. Get a grip, focus. Get some help.

Your god. No doubt you were offended when your god, Trump, was being attacked. But, honey, no one is attacking anyone now and no one was talking about Russiagate.


Unhinged loons like you who can't keep anything straight. But don't feel bad. YOU CAN GET HELP. You just need to reach out.

why do you hate actual morality and align with killbot fiat currency banker eugenicists?
The JesusAI translator reads: "of course it has no place in that discussion. I'm an idiot."

Oh, so that's what you meant.

The JesusAI translator reads: "I'm retarded."

Oh, so that's what you meant.

Yes, strawmen are your only fallback strategy, having been proven an imbecile.