The main issue with Christianity

Umm, Frank, yes there is. How do you deny this? Oh, that's right, Frank Apisa syndrome. I totally get it.


Granted. Go on.

I totally agree.

By the way, you once again tried to totally EVADE my points by declaring everything "nonsense" and thus, not addressing any points in any sort of honest manner. You simply chanted the exact same contradictions you have been chanting and nothing has changed. Again, you figured you'd be fooling someone, although I can't imagine who.


Anyone who changes what someone says in a a jerk.

If you want a response, just offer a single question and I will respond. I will no longer respond to posts where what I actually wrote is changed in a supposed quote.
You didn't write those words, you implied it with what you wrote. You did not do well on the SAT. Ask me how I know.

Next time, go back two levels and include what you wrote along with my response to what you wrote so I know what we're talking about so I can give you any further explanation you might need.

Out of your posts, not surprisingly.

Nope. I am correct that you will bend over backwards to justify away any and all killing. If egregious logical contradictions don't work, you simply "make an exception." Done. How convenient.

You will fight tooth and nail to ensure women can kill for no other reason than their own convenience. This shows that you NEED killing and will not do without it.

Does it have a heartbeat? (yes)
Does it have human DNA? (yes)

I'm afraid you don't have any wiggle room, Frank. None at all. Your Frank Apisa syndrome will not permit you to realize that this alone causes all of your arguments to come crashing down and to be summarily discarded. All of your arguments rest on this fallacy. All of them.

Yet you won't correct your bogus position. Be prepared to be mocked every time this topic surfaces.



You do not mock, show yourself to be a minor leaguer.

If you have a single question, ask it. I will respond...and we can discuss it until we resolve any differences. Then we can move on as I have previously proposed.
Long ago I stipulated, for the sake of argument, to exclude these from consideration. I grant thee whatever thou wilt in these cases, which when combined, comprise less than 1% of all pregnancies and comprise a negligible percentage of those living humans who are killed who have not committed any crime and who have not expressed any desire to die.

We can include them if you wish. My question does not change. Do you support the killing of these living humans? Let me guess, you fully support their killing. Ask me how I know. Go on, ask me how I know.

So...the same kind of (what you see as an) inconsistency of position happens for you as for me...and as happens for all sane, reasonable, intelligent people when discussing complicated issues like this.

Yeah...there are exceptions.

Here is my position: If a woman with a pregnancy occurring in her own body decides that she wants to terminate that pregnancy...she should be allowed to do so. No laws should be passed that says she has lost control over her body and that she must do as the government requires with regard to her pregnancy. And she must be allowed to do so with adequate, safe medical assistance.

I think you understand that completely.

I've asked you the same two questions over and over again and all you've done is EVADE them... Why should any rational adult believe, if I chose one of those two questions and separately asked it, that you'd suddenly perform a stress test on your brain cell and directly answer it honestly.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: TOO funny!

[1] What species is the fetus, if not human?
[2] What does a fetal heartbeat signify, if not the presence of life?

I am glad you are enjoying the discussion.

That makes two of us.

It is a win/win situation.

When you are ready...
Lie. You want some other living human to be able to kill another living human for convenience, one who has not committed any crime nor has expressed any desire to die, just so long as that particular living human is not yourself. What a sick, disgusting, vile, horrific, immoral, SHITTY position to take...

It is not a lie...and advocating for a woman's right to have control over her own body during a pregnancy is not advocating for killing. (See my "aside" below.)

What is soooooo unique about a sperm joining an egg, forming a zygote, forming an embryo, forming a fetus which eventually exits his/her mother's womb upon birth? Seems to me to be the common way that human childbirth occurs, eh? This happens ALL. THE. TIME. Literally every single day. There's absolutely NOTHING unique about it.

It is a totally unique situation. If you cannot understand that, perhaps this issue is too complicated for you. Maybe you can find a thread about television shows instead.

Continued special pleading... continued advocacy for the killing of living humans for convenience (other than yourself of course)... continued dishonesty and cowardice...

I am not advocating for the killing of anyone.

Yup. You condone living humans killing other innocent living humans (other than yourself) for convenience purposes.

No...I do not condone living humans killing other innocent living humans.

You have every right to your opinion, but at least be honest and forthright about it instead of being a dishonest coward. There is a reason why you cannot be honest and forthright about your opinion... because you deep down know that it is a SHITTY opinion that makes you out to be a very SHITTY person.

In this single post you have essentially called me sick, disgusting, vile, horrific, immoral, SHITTY, a liar, and a coward. You used those words essentially about me...and about my arguments.

That is not necessary...and I am asking you as politely as possible to cut that out.

ASIDE: There are times where I saw certain wars as necessary. (Not every war, but some.) I knew that during those wars innocent people were going to be killed...including some very young, toddlers, and infants. And, after consideration of all aspects of things, I saw the war as reasonable, or even unavoidable despite that knowledge. So...even though there was to be killing done...I saw the overall conflict as morally justifiable.

If you absolutely MUST consider the fetus to be a living human (not all scientist and doctors agree with that)...then consider my position to be an extension of that.
... abortion IS the killing of a living human, isn't it, FRANK??? Do try to be honest for once... However, I'm fully aware that your mind masters won't allow that to happen.

Yes, that is the messaging that your mind masters have programmed you to parrot, all the while being super giddy at the thought of forcing those very same women to undergo several mRNA jabs if they wish to remain employed.

You have been ordered by your mind masters to, at all costs, defend the blood lust of the communist liberal left via condoning the killing of living humans who have not committed any crimes nor expressed any desire to die, all for the convenience of some other living human. You are, of course, completely dishonest in your mantra because you are completely unwilling to volunteer yourself for said killing to convenience some other living human.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh, and we return back to this lovely point in the conversation... Do tell me, Frank:

[1] What species is the fetus, if not human? Dog? Cat? Opossum? Turtle?
[2] What does a fetal heartbeat signify, if not the presence of life? Death?

Do try to be honest this time.

If you have a single question of me...state it and I will respond. We can discuss my response for as long as you want. And we can continue from there until you ask as many as you want...with me asking mine in between yours.
Frank Apisa @ Day 279, an eyeblink before the moment of birth: A fetus of a non-determinant species, with a heartbeat that signifies a non-determinant status of life, is present.

Frank Apisa @ Day 280, an eyeblink after the moment of birth: A living human is present!

It is truly remarkable how, in the very blink of an eye, a non-determinant species can suddenly become clearly determined as being human, and the presence of a heartbeat, which only an eyeblink ago signified a non-determinant status of life, in the very blink of an eye suddenly signifies the presence of life.


The remarkable event is the BECOMING A LIVING human.

My position is that it is not a living human until it is born.

AND I would adjust that opinion considerably to what it was earlier on this issue...if people like you would move off their "life begins at conception" stance.

If people are bargaining over the price a car should be sold/bought...and the seller wants to get at least $10,000 for it...and the buy initially offers $1...the seller would be a fool to start his position at $10,000. He should start it at $1,000,000.

Then they can start with serious negotiations.
Anyone who changes what someone says in a a jerk.
I am clarifying your intentionally confusing and conflationary wording in the most efficient and most effective way possible. Again, anyone can click on the little button and immediately see your exact wording. I highlighted everything that I was clarifying with square brackets. There is nothing insidious about it.

You just complain and gripe and whine and bitch and moan and snivel and cry like a fucking baby as your way of once again EVADING the content of the post to which you have no valid response ... and, of course, you try to blame me for your intellectual cowardice and for your inexcusable immorality.

Sure, I'm a jerk for exposing you for the dishonest and immoral shitbag that you are well proving to be. You advocate for the killing of living humans who have not committed any crime and who have not expressed any desire to die. You attack others for defending the lives of living humans, especially in the cases where the deaths of living humans are demanded for someone's convenience. Positions don't get much shittier than that. Hitler thought that it would be more convenient to throw Jews into ovens, and you obviously find that acceptable since those Jews hadn't committed any crimes and hadn't expressed any desire to die. Way to go, Frank! Please tell me that I am the sick one. You advocate for the killing of living humans who have not expressed any desire to die, and you do so by fighting tooth and nail to deny that living humans are living humans. Slick move.

... and this brings us to your oft-proclaimed maxim that those who reveal your position in plain English are far worse than those who would throw Jews into ovens. At least you are honest about one of your positions. There might even be people who think I am exaggerating but nope, you went out of your way to emphasize this point over several posts!

If you want a response, just offer a single question and I will respond.
Screw that. You'll respond, but not honestly. You will EVADE, you will create logical contradictions, you will address questions that I don't ask and not address the questions that I do ask. You bitch about me clarifying your wording while you continue to change the wording of my question in every single post. You are a liar and a fucking crybaby if I have ever seen one. You should fucking grow up. Come in off the playground.

I will no longer respond to posts where what I actually wrote is [clarified and put back into context].
You have never responded honestly in the first place. Yes, you have provided many responses; not a single one was honest. Do you really think I actually want more dishonest responses? You have already provided me enough information to answer many questions concerning your positions without even needing you.

Do you have any questions for me? Feel free to continue changing all my wording while complaining about me changing some of your words.
I am clarifying your intentionally confusing and conflationary wording in the most efficient and most effective way possible. Again, anyone can click on the little button and immediately see your exact wording. I highlighted everything that I was clarifying with square brackets. There is nothing insidious about it.

You just complain and gripe and whine and bitch and moan and snivel and cry like a fucking baby as your way of once again EVADING the content of the post to which you have no valid response ... and, of course, you try to blame me for your intellectual cowardice and for your inexcusable immorality.

Sure, I'm a jerk for exposing you for the dishonest and immoral shitbag that you are well proving to be. You advocate for the killing of living humans who have not committed any crime and who have not expressed any desire to die. You attack others for defending the lives of living humans, especially in the cases where the deaths of living humans are demanded for someone's convenience. Positions don't get much shittier than that. Hitler thought that it would be more convenient to throw Jews into ovens, and you obviously find that acceptable since those Jews hadn't committed any crimes and hadn't expressed any desire to die. Way to go, Frank! Please tell me that I am the sick one. You advocate for the killing of living humans who have not expressed any desire to die, and you do so by fighting tooth and nail to deny that living humans are living humans. Slick move.

... and this brings us to your oft-proclaimed maxim that those who reveal your position in plain English are far worse than those who would throw Jews into ovens. At least you are honest about one of your positions. There might even be people who think I am exaggerating but nope, you went out of your way to emphasize this point over several posts!

Screw that. You'll respond, but not honestly. You will EVADE, you will create logical contradictions, you will address questions that I don't ask and not address the questions that I do ask. You bitch about me clarifying your wording while you continue to change the wording of my question in every single post. You are a liar and a fucking crybaby if I have ever seen one. You should fucking grow up. Come in off the playground.

You have never responded honestly in the first place. Yes, you have provided many responses; not a single one was honest. Do you really think I actually want more dishonest responses? You have already provided me enough information to answer many questions concerning your positions without even needing you.

Do you have any questions for me? Feel free to continue changing all my wording while complaining about me changing some of your words.

I thought you might not be the asshole I originally thought you to be. I HONESTLY was enjoying the discussion. But obviously you were faking things...and are not up to the job of continuing the deceit.

Have a good life. I hope at some point you wake up.
I am clarifying your intentionally confusing and conflationary wording in the most efficient and most effective way possible. Again, anyone can click on the little button and immediately see your exact wording. I highlighted everything that I was clarifying with square brackets. There is nothing insidious about it.

You just complain and gripe and whine and bitch and moan and snivel and cry like a fucking baby as your way of once again EVADING the content of the post to which you have no valid response ... and, of course, you try to blame me for your intellectual cowardice and for your inexcusable immorality.

Sure, I'm a jerk for exposing you for the dishonest and immoral shitbag that you are well proving to be. You advocate for the killing of living humans who have not committed any crime and who have not expressed any desire to die. You attack others for defending the lives of living humans, especially in the cases where the deaths of living humans are demanded for someone's convenience. Positions don't get much shittier than that. Hitler thought that it would be more convenient to throw Jews into ovens, and you obviously find that acceptable since those Jews hadn't committed any crimes and hadn't expressed any desire to die. Way to go, Frank! Please tell me that I am the sick one. You advocate for the killing of living humans who have not expressed any desire to die, and you do so by fighting tooth and nail to deny that living humans are living humans. Slick move.

... and this brings us to your oft-proclaimed maxim that those who reveal your position in plain English are far worse than those who would throw Jews into ovens. At least you are honest about one of your positions. There might even be people who think I am exaggerating but nope, you went out of your way to emphasize this point over several posts!

Screw that. You'll respond, but not honestly. You will EVADE, you will create logical contradictions, you will address questions that I don't ask and not address the questions that I do ask. You bitch about me clarifying your wording while you continue to change the wording of my question in every single post. You are a liar and a fucking crybaby if I have ever seen one. You should fucking grow up. Come in off the playground.

You have never responded honestly in the first place. Yes, you have provided many responses; not a single one was honest. Do you really think I actually want more dishonest responses? You have already provided me enough information to answer many questions concerning your positions without even needing you.

Do you have any questions for me? Feel free to continue changing all my wording while complaining about me changing some of your words.

You have made an error here...Frank does not lie.
Frank Apisa syndrome-induced projection to follow:

I thought you might not be the asshole I originally thought you to be.
I really thought you could be honest but you are a lying asshole. Your projection is spot-on here.

I HONESTLY was enjoying the discussion.
There wasn't any discussion. There was only EVASION on your part as your next bit of projection reveals:

But obviously you were faking things...
Obviously you were faking sincerity, faking the engagement in an honest discussion, faking the expression of positions, etc... Apparently, I was talking to a LeftChat bot the whole time.

... and are not up to the job of continuing the deceit.
Well, I'm not up to the job of dealing with more of your deceit. I would rather watch some paint dry.

Have a good life. I hope at some point you wake up.
I'll presume that this part of your projection is accurate as well. What do you think are your prospects?
You have lost an excellent sparring partner with your mistake.
There was no mistake. I will gladly exchange an "excellent" sparring partner for an honest one, any day of the week. I don't know if you noticed, but we weren't having discussions, and that was disappointing. Frank just couldn't ever make an honest post. I tried to engage him in discussions on two topics but he just doesn't have the honesty in him to do so.
There was no mistake. I will gladly exchange an "excellent" sparring partner for an honest one, any day of the week. I don't know if you noticed, but we weren't having discussions, and that was disappointing. Frank just couldn't ever make an honest post. I tried to engage him in discussions on two topics but he just doesn't have the honesty in him to do so.

Me too.