The main issue with Christianity

What about rape victims? What about victims of non-consensual incest? What about women who are told continuing their pregnancy will endanger their lives?
What about the other 99% of instances in which a living human wishes to kill another living human for convenience purposes?
You are correct that I hate killing anything. abortion is not killing a child. It is expelling a fetus...often even less than a fetus. Often just an embryo. So stop with the killing bullshit.
... abortion IS the killing of a living human, isn't it, FRANK??? Do try to be honest for once... However, I'm fully aware that your mind masters won't allow that to happen.

I have not been ordered to do anything. I am defending a woman's right to deal with her own body...from the assholes of the American right.
Yes, that is the messaging that your mind masters have programmed you to parrot, all the while being super giddy at the thought of forcing those very same women to undergo several mRNA jabs if they wish to remain employed.

You have been ordered by your mind masters to, at all costs, defend the blood lust of the communist liberal left via condoning the killing of living humans who have not committed any crimes nor expressed any desire to die, all for the convenience of some other living human. You are, of course, completely dishonest in your mantra because you are completely unwilling to volunteer yourself for said killing to convenience some other living human.

The fetus...or the not a living human.
Ahhhhhhhhhhh, and we return back to this lovely point in the conversation... Do tell me, Frank:

[1] What species is the fetus, if not human? Dog? Cat? Opossum? Turtle?
[2] What does a fetal heartbeat signify, if not the presence of life? Death?

Do try to be honest this time.
An abortion is not killing anyone...because there is no living human there. Most of the time there is just an embryo...although at times it has progressed to become a fetus. When it is born, it will be a living human.

So your argument is nonsense.

Frank Apisa @ Day 279, an eyeblink before the moment of birth: A fetus of a non-determinant species, with a heartbeat that signifies a non-determinant status of life, is present.

Frank Apisa @ Day 280, an eyeblink after the moment of birth: A living human is present!

It is truly remarkable how, in the very blink of an eye, a non-determinant species can suddenly become clearly determined as being human, and the presence of a heartbeat, which only an eyeblink ago signified a non-determinant status of life, in the very blink of an eye suddenly signifies the presence of life.

I asked yes/no questions, but I received answers other than simple yes's or no's. I'll try again:
I thought at one point you were sharper than [to believe that I would directly and honestly respond to your questions without purpose of EVASION]. Guess I was wrong. [Thank you for allowing me to waste more of your time].
@gfm7175, there are several problems at play with Quincuncth. Chief among them is Quincuncth is an idiot loser who is dethperate to be perthieved ath a thmart perthon ... a really, really thmart perthon. That's why Quincuncth posts on JPP. The problem is that Quincuncth has chosen Christianity as an "area of JPP ecthperteeth" ... and then you come along and suddenly he lookth weely weely thtoopid. So he simply attacks you with all he has ... which is middle school hallway-grade bravado. Expect him to never engage you honestly and to only hurl petty insults at you amounting to "You're tho' thtoopid!" Take it as a compliment; it's his way of acknowledging that you are the authority on the matter, to the point that he will need to pick a different area of ecthperteeth to be the JPP authority.

My humble opinion: You have a couple of animated GIFs that would specifically fit well into your posts to Quincuncth, as well as to others who won't engage you honestly:


... and you might have others at this point which would be just as appropriate ... because that's the actual topic of discussion, i.e. you being the authority and not Quincuncth/others. It's your authority on the topic that they/he fear(s).

If God created life (which we have already established as true), then does God have authority over life? If God has authority over life, does that authority include both the creation of life and the destruction of life?
Yes, I realize that you tried to make this the topic of discussion, but as long as you are the authority on the matter, Quincuncth can't be seen in public being made a mockery by you, so he will never even go there. If you are expecting Quincuncth to crawl out from under his rock to go toe-to-toe with you on Christianity, you are guaranteed to lose your patience first.

I've officially lost my patience.
Mostly because you are trying to honestly discuss one thing while Quincuncth is singularly focused on getting you to just go away. He doesn't have any sort of knowledge or logic or anything he can bring to bear, so you really are wasting your time. On the other hand, you could start addressing the topic that is underway, i.e. Quincuncth'th cowardice and the transparency of his dishonesty. You could raise a point or two about how he doesn't know anything about what he is speaking. I realize that you are far too nice and polite to mention that he's a totally gullible moron who bought into the sales pitch that Wikipedia is inerrant and bestows omniscience, wisdom and most importantly ... authority.

Oh, by the way, the other problem with your questions "then does God have authority over life? If God has authority over life, does that authority include both the creation of life and the destruction of life?" is that all this time, Quincuncth thought it was he who was that authority and you are the first person to mention the idea that perhaps someone else (God), and not Quincuncth, might be the authority over the lives of living humans and the authority over their creation and destruction. Naturally, he hadn't had time to deal with that blow to his authority for which he was totally unprepared.
According to Arby, taking accidental, unwanted pregnancies to term is a matter of personal responsibility.

Carrying that thought further, then, people who fuck up their personal lives with big mistakes ought to become parents.

These idiot pro-lifers don't give a fat fuck about children.

It can't be more obvious.

No. The prevention is personal responsibility.
Your opinion means nothing. Somehow, we survive.

No, you don't. Christians are parasites. I can't count how many fucking christians I've met who are total douchebags but think they're saved because they go to church once a week. They don't actually do anything though. I'm not a christian but I've spent a lot more time in the parish warehouse, more than the "real" christians have. I have no fucking respect for christians period.
No, you don't. Christians are parasites. I can't count how many fucking christians I've met who are total douchebags but think they're saved because they go to church once a week. They don't actually do anything though. I'm not a christian but I've spent a lot more time in the parish warehouse, more than the "real" christians have. I have no fucking respect for christians period.

I've met some douchebags who don't believe as I do. So what? Should I care enough to point it out?