The main issue with Christianity


Bottom are in heavy denial of science just to support a bogus position that repulses you. Further, you project your self-loathing in this regard onto the people who force you to face your support for your horrible position. You advocate for the killing of living humans who have committed no crime and who have not expressed any desire to die, and all of JPP watched as you tried to defend your support for this position by 1) claiming the special pleading fallacy, i.e that you are inexplicably making an "exception," 2) declaring a living human not a living human, 3) declaring a living human with a heartbeat to be "not alive," 4) declaring a living human with human DNA to nonetheless be "not human" and 5) declare that you do not support the killing of living humans for someone else's convenience because you wouldn't want anyone simply killing you for someone else's convenience ... but that you nonetheless support the killing of living humans for someone else's convenience.

This is all you, Frank. You can't blame anyone else for your position. Yes, you can call me shitty for clearly revealing your horrible position and not obscuring it in the self-deluding wording that you try to force on yourself. I totally get it. You desperately want your position to be my fault. Everyone can read your posts and watch how you use JPP as a self-delusion process because your glaring contradictions are far too absurd to fool anyone else. I know that when I ask you questions, you believe that you are answering them, but you are only fooling yourself. When your responses to my questions are merely pivots to egregious contradictions and are not honest answers, yes, you are "responding" to my questions but you are also EVADING them. This is why it is impossible to discuss any topic with you for which you have the aptly-named Frank Apisa syndrome.

Here's another question for you: gfm7175 also experienced your total EVASION of every single one of his questions as you availed yourself of the opportunity to feed your delusion. In this response of yours, you referred to his mention of your EVASION as "watching you lose it." That was heavy projection on your part, right?

Yo, Mann...sorry you are in such a snit that you are screwing up the logic of your arguments as much as you are.

I am doing no evading at all. I respond to every question put to me. What I do not do is to give the answers people like you want...and for a good reason. What you want as an answer is not the truth.

You people want to pretend you are defending babies by your anti-choice stance. Most of you also think you are defending what your gods want.

You are wrong.

If you have a single question you want to ask...ask it. I will respond. But as I said to the other guy...if you want to dictate what the answer MUST had better be an arithmetic question. If you ask a philosophical response may differ from what you are looking for. It's you who would think abortion is birth control. It should not be used as a form of birth control. What's wrong with having personal responsibility?

What about rape victims? What about victims of non-consensual incest? What about women who are told continuing their pregnancy will endanger their lives? It's you who would think abortion is birth control. It should not be used as a form of birth control. What's wrong with having personal responsibility?

As those idiots I have on ignore say (same person, three accounts): Fallacy.

There may be a few who believe that, but the vast majority of women do not. This lie is as specious as the one that claims that a fetal heartbeat can be detected as early as six weeks of gestation. There is no heart at that stage. It's just an emotional argument meant to manipulate.
According to Arby, taking accidental, unwanted pregnancies to term is a matter of personal responsibility.

Carrying that thought further, then, people who fuck up their personal lives with big mistakes ought to become parents.

These idiot pro-lifers don't give a fat fuck about children.

It can't be more obvious.
Okay, you want to use that "child being killed" bullshit also.
Wait a minute! Don't you supposedly HATE the idea of any killing? Now it's no fucking big deal? Well if it's your interests vs. the "abortion" issue which you have been ordered to defend to your death, obviously your own interests go out with the trash.

Frank, I see that you just can't bring yourself to write " you want to use that 'living human being killed' bullshit also.". We have the Frank Apisa syndrome on full display. You can't publicly reject abortion, no matter how much the thought of killing living humans (who have committed no crime) repulses you, because somebody totally owns you and forces you to believe, preach and regurgitate exactly as ordered without question.

In this case, you once again fall back on the trusty "change the issue" by eliminating the fulcrum concept of "living humans" from the equation as your method of denying that living humans are living humans. You have to. If you were to ever accept that living humans are living humans, you'd have to abandon "abortion" which is the killing of living humans ... and you aren't allowed to do that.
Carrying that thought further, then, people who fuck up their personal lives with big mistakes ought to become parents.
Nope. That does not follow logically.

Would I be the first person to inform you that you have no sense of logic? Would you find it surprising to learn that you qualify for a handicapped placard?

These idiot pro-lifers don't give a fat fuck about children.
These idiot blood-lusters are all logically challenged and certainly don't give a fat fuck about living humans, especially for those who have not committed any crime.

It can't be more obvious.
Wait a minute! Don't you supposedly HATE the idea of any killing? Now it's no fucking big deal?

Where did I say it is no big deal?

Where are you getting this shit from...out of your ass?

You are correct that I hate killing anything. abortion is not killing a child. It is expelling a fetus...often even less than a fetus. Often just an embryo. So stop with the killing bullshit.

Well if it's your interests vs. the "abortion" issue which you have been ordered to defend to your death, obviously your own interests go out with the trash.

I have not been ordered to do anything. I am defending a woman's right to deal with her own body...from the assholes of the American right.

Frank, I see that you just can't bring yourself to write " you want to use that 'living human being killed' bullshit also.". We have the Frank Apisa syndrome on full display. You can't publicly reject abortion, no matter how much the thought of killing living humans (who have committed no crime) repulses you, because somebody totally owns you and forces you to believe, preach and regurgitate exactly as ordered without question.

Is that what your masters instructed you to write?

I take instructions from no one. I am defending a woman's right to have control of her own body. Unfortunately, I am doing it with people like you...who do not care about any women's rights.

In this case, you once again fall back on the trusty "change the issue" by eliminating the fulcrum concept of "living humans" from the equation as your method of denying that living humans are living humans.

The fetus...or the not a living human.

You have to. If you were to ever accept that living humans are living humans, you'd have to abandon "abortion" which is the killing of living humans ... and you aren't allowed to do that.

You assholes will lose on this issue. The women of America are not going to give you control over their bodies.

But keep trying. I enjoy watching you make a fool of yourself.

People gladly accept the risk to have sex. However, if they lose the bet and a separate living human is created, it is wrong to kill the living human to cover the bet. I wonder if the Frank Apisa syndrome deludes one into believing that one is justified in robbing a bank to cover gambling debts.
I feel it is a decision that a woman makes after consulting her doctor, and it’s none of my business.
Nope. Not one dime of taxpayer money should go toward any medically unnecessary abortion.

No, I was not careless in my statement.
Interesting that the father has no say when it comes to killing his child,
yet he has to pay for 18 years if the mother decides to give birth. And,
he has no say in that matter either., The courts bleed him to suicide.

Boo hoo. He should have wrapped it up, no exceptions, when having sex. No blaming the woman because you expected her to do all the work and it failed.
I do not want anyone killing anyone. ANYONE...and...ANYONE.
False. You are about to pivot and explain how you want living humans killed ... in the very next sentence.

But the issue of a pregnancy is unique.
First, no it's not. In fact gfm7175 gave you a thorough treatise on the totally non-unique nature of pregnancy, which you might have missed because you were in full EVASION mode at the time. You weren't listening to a single point he was making.

Second, you give no explanation as to why you are somehow "making an exception" except that is "unique" but it's not. Logically, this means you have opened up ALL cases to "making an exception" to your statement "I do not want anyone killing anyone. ANYONE...and...ANYONE" which changes your position to "I can support the killing of anyone by anyone for any reason ... just let me label it an 'exception'".

The pregnancy is occurring inside the body of a particular person..
The location of the living human being killed is irrelevant.

Do you make an exception and approve of the killing of living humans who have not committed any crime and who have not expressed any desire to die if their remains will be forthwith properly disposed?


"It is my opinion that no laws should prevent that from happening." - Frank Apisa
There may be a few who believe that
Still the totally brain-dead lying coward.

Reality is not determined by consensus. Every year the number of women who use abortion as birth control increases and the numbers are already high. Your attempt to simply declare it away isn't likely to be fooling anyone.

The fact of the matter is that women are increasingly having unprotected sex and ending up pregnant. This leads to increased numbers of abortions that are serving as the birth control after the fact. The fact that you would even try to deny this confirms everything I have ever said about you.

You're a piece of shit.

...but the vast majority of women do not.
This is a pivot. The topic is simply the occurrence thereof, not whether the majority of women do it. You're as logically challenged as NiftyNiblick.
False. You are about to pivot and explain how you want living humans killed ... in the very next sentence.

First, no it's not. In fact gfm7175 gave you a thorough treatise on the totally non-unique nature of pregnancy, which you might have missed because you were in full EVASION mode at the time. You weren't listening to a single point he was making.

Second, you give no explanation as to why you are somehow "making an exception" except that is "unique" but it's not. Logically, this means you have opened up ALL cases to "making an exception" to your statement "I do not want anyone killing anyone. ANYONE...and...ANYONE" which changes your position to "I can support the killing of anyone by anyone for any reason ... just let me label it an 'exception'".

The location of the living human being killed is irrelevant.

Do you make an exception and approve of the killing of living humans who have not committed any crime and who have not expressed any desire to die if their remains will be forthwith properly disposed?


"It is my opinion that no laws should prevent that from happening." - Frank Apisa

An abortion is not killing anyone...because there is no living human there. Most of the time there is just an embryo...although at times it has progressed to become a fetus. When it is born, it will be a living human.

So your argument is nonsense.
An abortion is not killing [any living human]...because there is no [human fetus with human DNA and a heartbeat] there.
Umm, Frank, yes there is. How do you deny this? Oh, that's right, Frank Apisa syndrome. I totally get it.


Most of the time there is just a [human embryo with human DNA and a heartbeat]...although at times it has progressed to become a fetus. When [the living human] is born, [the living human] will [still] be a living human.
Granted. Go on.

So [my] argument [that I am trying to project onto you] is nonsense.
I totally agree.

By the way, you once again tried to totally EVADE my points by declaring everything "nonsense" and thus, not addressing any points in any sort of honest manner. You simply chanted the exact same contradictions you have been chanting and nothing has changed. Again, you figured you'd be fooling someone, although I can't imagine who.

I feel it is a decision that a woman makes after consulting her doctor, and it’s none of my business.
Would it also be none of your business if a group from the government came to kill you after she consulted with her doctor and decided that having you killed would be convenient and right for her? You certainly wouldn't expect to be allowed to have any legal representation in the case, right? You would fully support her decision to have you killed, provided she signed all the appropriate waivers of course, because you feel that it is her decision and her decision alone, yes?

Where did I say it is no big deal?
You didn't write those words, you implied it with what you wrote. You did not do well on the SAT. Ask me how I know.

Next time, go back two levels and include what you wrote along with my response to what you wrote so I know what we're talking about so I can give you any further explanation you might need.

Where are you getting this shit from...out of your ass?
Out of your posts, not surprisingly.

You are correct that I hate killing anything.
Nope. I am correct that you will bend over backwards to justify away any and all killing. If egregious logical contradictions don't work, you simply "make an exception." Done. How convenient.

You will fight tooth and nail to ensure women can kill for no other reason than their own convenience. This shows that you NEED killing and will not do without it. abortion is not killing a child.
Does it have a heartbeat? (yes)
Does it have human DNA? (yes)

I'm afraid you don't have any wiggle room, Frank. None at all. Your Frank Apisa syndrome will not permit you to realize that this alone causes all of your arguments to come crashing down and to be summarily discarded. All of your arguments rest on this fallacy. All of them.

Yet you won't correct your bogus position. Be prepared to be mocked every time this topic surfaces.


What about rape victims? What about victims of non-consensual incest? What about women who are told continuing their pregnancy will endanger their lives?
Long ago I stipulated, for the sake of argument, to exclude these from consideration. I grant thee whatever thou wilt in these cases, which when combined, comprise less than 1% of all pregnancies and comprise a negligible percentage of those living humans who are killed who have not committed any crime and who have not expressed any desire to die.

We can include them if you wish. My question does not change. Do you support the killing of these living humans? Let me guess, you fully support their killing. Ask me how I know. Go on, ask me how I know.
I asked yes/no questions, but I received answers other than simple yes's or no's. I'll try again:

If God created life (which we have already established as true), then does God have authority over life?

If God has authority over life, does that authority include both the creation of life and the destruction of life?

RAAA. (repetitive assertion already addressed).

I've officially lost my patience. From now on, every single repetitive assertion will be met with an 'RAAA' response and every single repetitive question will be met with an 'RQAA' response.

It is a false dilemma for the reasoning that I've already provided. RAAA.


Mantra 12.

I thought at one point you were sharper than that. Guess I was wrong. Sorry for wasting my time.
I have lots to add...and all of it is intelligent.

Stop with the games.

When you ask series of questions we get tied up in bullshit.

Choose your most important question...I will respond...and we can discuss my response for as long as you want. Then I will ask you one question. Then we give you a second bite of the apple...and continue that way until you understand my responses.

If you think you can ask a question and then dictate the answer...make it an easy math question. Arithmetic if at all possible. But questions of the sort you are asking are not always going to elicit answers that you would give.

I've asked you the same two questions over and over again and all you've done is EVADE them... Why should any rational adult believe, if I chose one of those two questions and separately asked it, that you'd suddenly perform a stress test on your brain cell and directly answer it honestly.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: TOO funny!

[1] What species is the fetus, if not human?
[2] What does a fetal heartbeat signify, if not the presence of life?
I do not want anyone killing anyone. ANYONE...and...ANYONE.
Lie. You want some other living human to be able to kill another living human for convenience, one who has not committed any crime nor has expressed any desire to die, just so long as that particular living human is not yourself. What a sick, disgusting, vile, horrific, immoral, SHITTY position to take...

But the issue of a pregnancy is unique.
What is soooooo unique about a sperm joining an egg, forming a zygote, forming an embryo, forming a fetus which eventually exits his/her mother's womb upon birth? Seems to me to be the common way that human childbirth occurs, eh? This happens ALL. THE. TIME. Literally every single day. There's absolutely NOTHING unique about it.

The pregnancy is occurring inside the body of a particular person...and that person should be allowed to choose to end that pregnancy through an abortion. The abortion should be as safe as possible...with competent medical assistance.
Continued special pleading... continued advocacy for the killing of living humans for convenience (other than yourself of course)... continued dishonesty and cowardice...

It is my opinion that no laws should prevent that from happening.
Yup. You condone living humans killing other innocent living humans (other than yourself) for convenience purposes.

If you have a problem with me having that opinion...nothing I can do about that.
You have every right to your opinion, but at least be honest and forthright about it instead of being a dishonest coward. There is a reason why you cannot be honest and forthright about your opinion... because you deep down know that it is a SHITTY opinion that makes you out to be a very SHITTY person.
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