The main issue with Christianity

Pretending it doesn't exist doesn't make it go away.

Whenever you wish to stop being a dishonest coward, you can answer these questions:

[1] What species is the fetus, if not human?
[2] What does the fetal heartbeat signify, if not the presence of life?

Ergo, a fetus (developmental stage) is a living (has a heartbeat) human (the species).

[1] What species is the fetus, if not human?

... which signifies the presence of life? Ergo, a living (has a heartbeat) human (the species)?

... which signifies the presence of life? Ergo, a living (has a heartbeat) human (the species)?

Oh how quickly you "forget"...

Continued gameplaying instead of being straightforward and honest.

Now you are just going apeshit. I still enjoy the action...but there is a bit of pity that spoils the I wish you would stop doing it.

If you have a question...even if it includes one of your imaginary charges...let us have it. ONE QUESTION...which I will answer and discuss if you think my answer requires a discussion. When that question is fully answered...I get to ask one...and then we go to your next question.
I have said what I think...namely, that if a pregnant woman chooses to terminate the pregnancy occurring in her own body, she should be allowed to do so...and she should b able to do so with the assistance of competent, safe, medical care.

By the way, not every pregnancy is the result of a woman willingly allowing a man to enter her body. You do realize that...right?

I've said what I think. It takes two to procreate My taxes should NOT be used to kill the unborn. If they must kill it, let them bare the cost.

Yes, I realize that. I've made my opinion known on forced conception, incest and risk to the mother.
I've said what I think. It takes two to procreate My taxes should NOT be used to kill the unborn. If they must kill it, let them bare the cost.

It is a medical procedure...and it should be treated like a medical procedure with all the concomitant features. In any case, the costs are not the issue being discussed at present.

Yes, I realize that. I've made my opinion known on forced conception, incest and risk to the mother.

Then you were being careless when you wrote, "She took the risk of allowing a man inside her body, she knew those risks when she spread her legs."
It is a medical procedure...and it should be treated like a medical procedure with all the concomitant features. In any case, the costs are not the issue being discussed at present.

Then you were being careless when you wrote, "She took the risk of allowing a man inside her body, she knew those risks when she spread her legs."

Nope. Not one dime of taxpayer money should go toward any medically unnecessary abortion.

No, I was not careless in my statement.
Interesting that the father has no say when it comes to killing his child,
yet he has to pay for 18 years if the mother decides to give birth. And,
he has no say in that matter either., The courts bleed him to suicide.
Nope. Not one dime of taxpayer money should go toward any medically unnecessary abortion.

No, I was not careless in my statement.
Interesting that the father has no say when it comes to killing his child,
yet he has to pay for 18 years if the mother decides to give birth. And,
he has no say in that matter either., The courts bleed him to suicide.

Okay, you want to use that "child being killed" bullshit also. That is pathetic...and far beneath you, RB.

In any case, a pregnancy is a unique is a single individual...a woman in whose body the pregnancy is occurring. And it is often the case that the woman did not consent to the activity which caused the pregnancy. So that part of your argument WAS carelessly worded.

As an aside, allow me to say that the American right is one of the most disgusting pieces of hypocritical garbage ever to exist. It pollutes the body of planet Earth like the leprosy corrupts a human body.
I have said what I think...namely, that if a pregnant woman chooses to terminate the pregnancy occurring in her own body, she should be allowed to do so...and she should b able to do so with the assistance of competent, safe, medical care.

By the way, not every pregnancy is the result of a woman willingly allowing a man to enter her body. You do realize that...right?
Birth control fails, too. You can think you are being precautious and it sometimes doesn’t work.
Okay, you want to use that "child being killed" bullshit also. That is pathetic...and far beneath you, RB.

In any case, a pregnancy is a unique is a single individual...a woman in whose body the pregnancy is occurring. And it is often the case that the woman did not consent to the activity which caused the pregnancy. So that part of your argument WAS carelessly worded.

As an aside, allow me to say that the American right is one of the most disgusting pieces of hypocritical garbage ever to exist. It pollutes the body of planet Earth like the leprosy corrupts a human body.

Every pregnancy is unique... but every pregnancy involves more than one person... not just a single person...the woman..Every pregnancy involves a life that is developing... an abortion is the termination of that life... It's not just a casual , medical procedure... look at these numbers... Something has to change...
Okay, you want to use that "child being killed" bullshit also. That is pathetic...and far beneath you, RB.

In any case, a pregnancy is a unique is a single individual...a woman in whose body the pregnancy is occurring. And it is often the case that the woman did not consent to the activity which caused the pregnancy. So that part of your argument WAS carelessly worded.

As an aside, allow me to say that the American right is one of the most disgusting pieces of hypocritical garbage ever to exist. It pollutes the body of planet Earth like the leprosy corrupts a human body.

It is, what it is.

Take it to court. Was it rape? Or just resentment?

That's a strong statement about 74,222,958 people (who voted for Trump in 2020).
You are getting old and cranky!. Cold and rain keeping you from playing golf?
So you think the father should have no say whatsoever? She took the risk of allowing a man inside her body, she knew those risks when she spread her legs.
You seem to think abortion should be a form of birth control. I do not.

No one believes that but forced birthers. Again, you want to "punish" the woman for "spreading her legs."

Women who do not want to have a child take precautions. Sometimes those precautions fail. So she should be forced to pay for that, according to forced birthers. And ditto for the man, who (if he can be caught and forced to pay) is on the hook for child support for 18 years.

Government -- and you individuals -- need to butt out of people's personal decisions.
No one believes that but forced birthers. Again, you want to "punish" the woman for "spreading her legs."

Women who do not want to have a child take precautions. Sometimes those precautions fail. So she should be forced to pay for that, according to forced birthers. And ditto for the man, who (if he can be caught and forced to pay) is on the hook for child support for 18 years.

Government -- and you individuals -- need to butt out of people's personal decisions.

Notice how often they say giving birth is punishment for having sex.
Every pregnancy is unique... but every pregnancy involves more than one person... not just a single person...the woman..Every pregnancy involves a life that is developing... an abortion is the termination of that life... It's not just a casual , medical procedure... look at these numbers... Something has to change...

Yes, something needs to change -- you forced-birthers need to butt out of other people's lives and personal decisions. Why do you think that I donate to PP in your name every time you issue one of your self-righteous screeches? Because *they* are doing something about making abortion a rare and unusual event. They provide education and contraceptives so that people can safely enjoy the gift of sexual love w/o bringing an unwanted child into the world. Anyone who has ever worked with or on behalf of children knows the lifelong problems a child who wasn't wanted faces. You'd think that a "teacher" would know this, most of all. :rolleyes:
Now you are just going apeshit. I still enjoy the action...but there is a bit of pity that spoils the I wish you would stop doing it.

If you have a question...even if it includes one of your imaginary charges...let us have it. ONE QUESTION...which I will answer and discuss if you think my answer requires a discussion. When that question is fully answered...I get to ask one...and then we go to your next question.
Continued chanting and game playing.

You have nothing of any intelligence to add, I take it?
Birth control fails, too. You can think you are being precautious and it sometimes doesn’t work.
People gladly accept the risk to have sex. However, if they lose the bet and a separate living human is created, it is wrong to kill the living human to cover the bet. I wonder if the Frank Apisa syndrome deludes one into believing that one is justified in robbing a bank to cover gambling debts.
People gladly accept the risk to have sex. However, if they lose the bet and a separate living human is created, it is wrong to kill the living human to cover the bet. I wonder if the Frank Apisa syndrome deludes one into believing that one is justified in robbing a bank to cover gambling debts.

Why should we punish someone for having sex?
... as long as she isn't killing you, right Frank, otherwise you DEFINITELY want a law to prevent that, right Frank? Yes or no, Frank.

[evasion in 6 .. 5 .. 4 .. 3 .. 2 .. 1 .. now!]
[deleted: bizarre, irrelevant question mistakenly directed at me]
Did you just mean to ask why people should be held responsible for their actions and be held accountable for the risks they willingly take? You should have learned the answer to this question long ago. Were you too stupid to learn the correct answer when your teachers tried in vain to teach you?

If you don't know the answer then tell me what part of the question confuses you so I know where to begin.