The main issue with Christianity

By some karmic coincidence, one of my daughters posted this last night. Carlin sums it up nicely. And you can't argue with his observation/question: "Why is it that most of the people who are against abortion you wouldn't want to fuck anyways?"

I LOVE the fact that Carlin's genius is being picked up by the younger generation.
And you can't argue with his observation/question: "Why is it that most of the people who are against abortion you wouldn't want to fuck anyways?"
Except that one can. The truth is that it's the butt-ugly, leftist "killing living humans is our arbitrary choice" women that nobody wants to fuck unless shit-faced drunk.



Science is not an opinion. You are choosing to deny science, and deny truth, because they both make you out to be a very dishonest and shitty person.

Irrelevant. Science is not a popularity contest.

"There you go again!" (as the late Ronald Reagan would say)

Once again, you are inserting words into the questioning that are quite simply not there.

The question contains the word 'human', which is the specific species that is being discussed. Questions about species are completely relevant in this discussion.

What is the species if not human? (you've already admitted to the fetus being human)

Yes, the LIVING HUMAN being discussed is in the fetal stage of human development.

What's unique about that situation? It happens all the time upon pregnancy.

A REALLY shitty position to take if you ask me... especially because you quickly dive away from it the very moment that YOUR life is the subject of discussion...

Irrelevant. Science is not a popularity contest.

Science is not an opinion or a fight.

Now you're sooooo angry that you're referring to science as "crap".

... and a tugboat is a tugboat... and a mosquito is a mosquito... and a light is a light. VERY GOOD!

... and a dead cat is a dead cat... and a living porcupine is a living porcupine... and a dead fly is a dead fly... VERY GOOD!

Correct (as living human has been defined here).

Interesting...... How does THAT work, exactly?? Please advise.

Clearly as possible?? hahahahaha You have outright rejected logic at this point to continue running away from the truth.

[1] What species is the fetus, if not human?
[2] What does the presence of a fetal heartbeat signify, if not life?

One of your countless paradoxes at this point... You've already admitted the fetus to be a human, but now you are denying it... Which is it?

What is soooooo unique about a sperm joining an egg, forming a zygote, forming an embryo, forming a fetus which eventually exits his/her mother's womb upon birth? Seems to me to be the common way that human childbirth occurs, eh?


You have now resorted to chanting repetitious phrases in an effort to ward off the science and truth that you so desperately hate. Doesn't work that way, dude...

Continued paradox. Now you're back to claiming that the fetus IS a human, after claiming that it isn't, after claiming that it is, after claiming that it isn't... ... ... WHICH IS IT?!

Continued paradoxes... Continued evasion of the questions asked of you.

Continued chanting.


Bottom line...a fetus is not a living human...and does not have the rights you want to afford it. The women in whose bodies the pregnancies are occurring have rights...and people like you are not going to get away with taking those rights from them.

So continue with your rant. I am enjoying watching you lose it.
If you weren't being intentionally dishonest, your misunderstanding could be correct with a little education in short order; however, dishonesty precludes you from learning, no matter how much information you receive. I'll let you demonstrate this in your own way.

Human fetuses, human infants. Human toddlers, human teenagers, human adults, middle-aged humans and human senior citizens are, in fact, all humans. All those with a heartbeat are living.

A fetus is a fetus. It is not a human. It will become a human when it is born. We all were fetuses at one time. Now...we are humans.

And when a fetus is in a woman's body during a pregnancy, she should have the right to end that pregnancy...and she should be able to do so with the assistance of adequate, legal medical care.

An oak seed (acorn) and a full grown oak plant (tree) are very much both oaks. It is not the case that one is somehow of a different species from the other. acorn is not an oak tree.

A chicken embryo (in the egg) and a chicken adult are very much both chickens. It is not the case that one is somehow of a different species from the other.

No...a chicken egg is not a chicken.

Here's a freebie for you. A maggot is a fly, even though it can't fly.

No...a maggot is not a fly.

Does this new information, which corrects your previous misunderstanding on which your erroneous conclusions were based, alter your conclusions any?

You are offering erroneous information...and supposing it to be something other than erroneous.

Pot calling the kettle black. You EVADE all my questions. Those you do answer you answer with contradictions and/or outright lies.

I do not evade your questions...and I do not lie to you. You just do not want to hear my responses.

Okay...fine with me if you remain with your fantasies.
Frank. Did you name your children before they were born?

I have no children that I know of. I decided early on that I would not make a good parent...and extended that decision to include not fathering any.

I had a vasectomy many decades ago.

What does your question have to do with your assertion that we have established as true that there is a God...and that the God created life?
Frank. Did you name your children before they were born?
Everyone here with children did... or at the very least discussed it... no one had a fetus shower... no one says they're excited about growing a fetus they tell everyone they're excited about having a baby and welcoming a new little person into the family.... and if you ask anyone who is pro-abortion they'll tell you... fetus if it's unwanted... unborn baby if it is... I think that's the most offensive thing (and the long list of reasons) when it comes to explaining away abortions...
Everyone here with children did... or at the very least discussed it... no one had a fetus shower... no one says they're excited about growing a fetus they tell everyone they're excited about having a baby and welcoming a new little person into the family.... and if you ask anyone who is pro-abortion they'll tell you... fetus if it's unwanted... unborn baby if it is... I think that's the most offensive thing (and the long list of reasons) when it comes to explaining away abortions...

Then we shouldn't try to explain away abortion. There is no need for that, because it only makes sense for the woman who is pregnant.

We should, instead, discuss a woman's right to control her own body.
Then we shouldn't try to explain away abortion. There is no need for that, because it only makes sense for the woman who is pregnant.

We should, instead, discuss a woman's right to control her own body.

We shouldn't be trying to explain away abortion...that was my point... it isn't simply a choice of wanted or unwanted... if a woman wants complete control of her body then she should be taking care not to be a part of unwanted pregnancies... I absolutely understand the need for abortions in specific situations however for the most part I completely disagree with using abortion as birth control... there are too many other things to consider...
Then we shouldn't try to explain away abortion. There is no need for that, because it only makes sense for the woman who is pregnant.

We should, instead, discuss a woman's right to control her own body.

If that's your argument, then the woman is responsible for using birth control if she doesn't want to become pregnant, no?
There are good reasons for an abortion, but birth control is not one of them.

I was very careful when I was single. I would ask if she was using birth control. Otherwise,

Bottom line...a fetus is not a living human...and does not have the rights you want to afford it. The women in whose bodies the pregnancies are occurring have rights...and people like you are not going to get away with taking those rights from them.

So continue with your rant. I am enjoying watching you lose it.

You're a brave man, Frank Apisa. I have that idiot and his socks IBMann and Into the Night on permanent ignore. Their posts are without any redeeming value.
Everyone here with children did... or at the very least discussed it... no one had a fetus shower... no one says they're excited about growing a fetus they tell everyone they're excited about having a baby and welcoming a new little person into the family.... and if you ask anyone who is pro-abortion they'll tell you... fetus if it's unwanted... unborn baby if it is... I think that's the most offensive thing (and the long list of reasons) when it comes to explaining away abortions...

Forced-birthers like yourself think that your emotional arguments for forcing someone to give birth have validity. They do not. No one is "pro-abortion," either. Those of us who cherish freedom, instead, are pro-choice -- even those of us like myself, for instance, who would require some catastrophic situation to undergo that procedure. I do not have the right to tell you what to do or not do with your body, and you don't have the right to dictate to anyone else, either.

Shall I PM or email you the latest receipt for the donation in your name to PP of Ohio?
If that's your argument, then the woman is responsible for using birth control if she doesn't want to become pregnant, no?
There are good reasons for an abortion, but birth control is not one of them.

I was very careful when I was single. I would ask if she was using birth control. Otherwise,

Then you were a lucky fool to not protect yourself anyway. She could have lied. She could have taken BC incorrectly. She could have taken BC correctly but also been on an antibiotic that renders BC ineffective. (My oldest g-son is here because of that OOPS.) You really dodged a child support bullet there. If your partner at the time had become pregnant, what would your reaction have been? Would you have supported her if she wanted to keep the future child? Would you have supported her if she wanted abortion?
Then you were a lucky fool to not protect yourself anyway. She could have lied. She could have taken BC incorrectly. She could have taken BC correctly but also been on an antibiotic that renders BC ineffective. (My oldest g-son is here because of that OOPS.) You really dodged a child support bullet there. If your partner at the time had become pregnant, what would your reaction have been? Would you have supported her if she wanted to keep the future child? Would you have supported her if she wanted abortion?

Of course I protected myself. And yes, I know that a pregnancy can happen when a woman is using birth control, although it's rare.
I've mentioned this before (I'm sure you have copied those posts too?), one of the girls I dated back when I was 20 got pregnant,
and depending on what mood she was in, said I was the father one day, and not on another day. I have always treated her like she
was my daughter. She would call me when she needed something. I took her to concerts, carnivals and fairs until she met her husband.
I took her out for supper at least once a week.I spoke to her yesterday (she's now 41 yrs. old and doing very well), as a matter of fact.
So, to answer your questions, I would have definitely supported her and the child, I've never run from responsibility.
If she contemplated an abortion, I would have suggested adoption as an option. I'm not a fan of killing my own child.
Of course I protected myself. And yes, I know that a pregnancy can happen when a woman is using birth control, although it's rare.
I've mentioned this before (I'm sure you have copied those posts too?), one of the girls I dated back when I was 20 got pregnant,
and depending on what mood she was in, said I was the father one day, and not on another day. I have always treated her like she
was my daughter. She would call me when she needed something. I took her to concerts, carnivals and fairs until she met her husband.
I took her out for supper at least once a week.I spoke to her yesterday (she's now 41 yrs. old and doing very well), as a matter of fact.
So, to answer your questions, I would have definitely supported her and the child, I've never run from responsibility.
If she contemplated an abortion, I would have suggested adoption as an option. I'm not a fan of killing my own child.

Good for you, your nasty little snark about copying a post I never saw until this one, aside. It's nice you did things for her. Did you pay child support too?
Good for you, your nasty little snark about copying a post I never saw until this one, aside. It's nice you did things for her. Did you pay child support too?

No, I didn't pay child support, but I did spend a lot of time and money with her when she was younger. She calls me her dad, I call her my little girl (although she's no longer "little").
Bottom line...a fetus is not a living human...
Are you clearing your paradox here? That means that you are choosing this option and sticking with it, never reverting back to the other option in the future.

Assuming that you have chosen this option, I must continue to ask the questions that you refuse to answer:

[1] What species is the fetus, if not human?
[2] What does the fetal heartbeat signify, if not life?

and does not have the rights you want to afford it.
Continued irrelevant chanting.

The women in whose bodies the pregnancies are occurring have rights...and people like you are not going to get away with taking those rights from them.
Continued irrelevant chanting... appeal to emotion fallacy.

So continue with your rant.
What rant? I'm simply asking you to clear your paradoxes and answer a few questions. You're too chicken shit to do so because the truth of the matter makes you out to be a dishonest and shitty person.

I am enjoying watching you lose it.
False declaration of victory. Answer the questions presented to you.
We should, instead, discuss a woman's right to control her own body.
Yup, I likewise REEEEEEALLY hated it when liberals were lording themselves over women, barking orders at them to get several mRNA jabs so they didn't have to punish those women, taking their jobs away from them, for refusing to be wholly subservient to their liberal overlords.

HOW DARE THEY lord themselves over women, controlling what those women do with their own bodies!!!