The main issue with Christianity

Did you just mean to ask why people should be held responsible for their actions and be held accountable for the risks they willingly take? You should have learned the answer to this question long ago. Were you too stupid to learn the correct answer when your teachers tried in vain to teach you?

If you don't know the answer then tell me what part of the question confuses you so I know where to begin.

blah blah
Again, you want to "punish" the woman for "spreading her legs."
You want women to be able to kill living humans to cover for their own screw-ups while engaging in reckless behavior. That is about as shitty and as detrimental to society as any policy could be. You'd cry like a recently born living human that you never meant what you wrote above, that it was all just a HUGE misunderstanding if they were to come for you to kill you to pay for someone else's gambling debts, i.e. someone who swears that she honestly didn't think she would lose ... and that she shouldn't be forced to pay her just debts just because the roulette table screwed up and didn't come up with the numbers she selected.

You're still totally dishonest and completely vile ... and you are about the shittiest person I can imagine. It's when people like you come to power that we get Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, Pol Pot's Cambodia, Castro's Cuba, and any other place that vast populations are killed with no concern beyond the aspirations (and convenience) of those doing the killing.

Women who do not want to have a child [nonetheless engage in risky behavior that they know could produce a new living human, and they do what they can to ameliorate that risk].
Correct. If the gamble doesn't work out, they produce a living human that represents an inconvenience for the woman who willingly chose to engage in that risky behavior.

Of course, some women who do not want to become pregnant nonetheless engage in risky sexual behavior without any precautions. There are plenty of these women for whom abortion is their birth control. I know that you are far too dishonest to acknowledge this, but the numbers are staggering.

So she should be forced to pay for that
If a woman walks into a casino and drops her rent money (that she can ill afford to lose) on Red 18, but Black 31 comes up, should she not have to pay her chips to the casino or should she not have to pay her rent?

If a woman takes out a personal loan that she, unfortunately, ends up being unable to repay, should she be able to kill the bank employees so that she no longer has to worry about going into arrears and having to deal with all of that bad credit inconvenience?

You don't have any answers, do you? ... at least you don't have any answers that support your bogus "kill living humans as the answer" position, and you don't want to reveal your Frank Apisa syndrome. I totally get it.

Have a great living human day.


Bottom line...a fetus is not a living human...
Bottom are in heavy denial of science just to support a bogus position that repulses you. Further, you project your self-loathing in this regard onto the people who force you to face your support for your horrible position. You advocate for the killing of living humans who have committed no crime and who have not expressed any desire to die, and all of JPP watched as you tried to defend your support for this position by 1) claiming the special pleading fallacy, i.e that you are inexplicably making an "exception," 2) declaring a living human not a living human, 3) declaring a living human with a heartbeat to be "not alive," 4) declaring a living human with human DNA to nonetheless be "not human" and 5) declare that you do not support the killing of living humans for someone else's convenience because you wouldn't want anyone simply killing you for someone else's convenience ... but that you nonetheless support the killing of living humans for someone else's convenience.

This is all you, Frank. You can't blame anyone else for your position. Yes, you can call me shitty for clearly revealing your horrible position and not obscuring it in the self-deluding wording that you try to force on yourself. I totally get it. You desperately want your position to be my fault. Everyone can read your posts and watch how you use JPP as a self-delusion process because your glaring contradictions are far too absurd to fool anyone else. I know that when I ask you questions, you believe that you are answering them, but you are only fooling yourself. When your responses to my questions are merely pivots to egregious contradictions and are not honest answers, yes, you are "responding" to my questions but you are also EVADING them. This is why it is impossible to discuss any topic with you for which you have the aptly-named Frank Apisa syndrome.

Here's another question for you: gfm7175 also experienced your total EVASION of every single one of his questions as you availed yourself of the opportunity to feed your delusion. In this response of yours, you referred to his mention of your EVASION as "watching you lose it." That was heavy projection on your part, right?
Nope. :laugh:

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No one believes that but forced birthers. Again, you want to "punish" the woman for "spreading her legs."

Women who do not want to have a child take precautions. Sometimes those precautions fail. So she should be forced to pay for that, according to forced birthers. And ditto for the man, who (if he can be caught and forced to pay) is on the hook for child support for 18 years.

Government -- and you individuals -- need to butt out of people's personal decisions.

Punish? What happened to personal responsibility?

That's what us responsible gun owners think...
Irrational people are always befuddled by rational argument.
Too funny! You think your incoherent gibberish is somehow a rational argument that would befuddle someone! You would have made more sense yammering in Mandarin ... and been just as befuddling.

But you are comedy gold. Get that HBO special!
You abortion obsessives have no morality. That is the problem.
Thank you. It's what I've been saying all along, and I'm as pleased as punch that guno agrees.

Those abortions obsessives who obsess over convincing/urging/tricking women into using abortion to kill living humans who have not committed any crime and who have not expressed any desire to die, have no morality.

Finally somebody gets it.
Continued chanting and game playing.

You have nothing of any intelligence to add, I take it?

I have lots to add...and all of it is intelligent.

Stop with the games.

When you ask series of questions we get tied up in bullshit.

Choose your most important question...I will respond...and we can discuss my response for as long as you want. Then I will ask you one question. Then we give you a second bite of the apple...and continue that way until you understand my responses.

If you think you can ask a question and then dictate the answer...make it an easy math question. Arithmetic if at all possible. But questions of the sort you are asking are not always going to elicit answers that you would give.
... as long as she isn't killing you, right Frank, otherwise you DEFINITELY want a law to prevent that, right Frank? Yes or no, Frank.

[evasion in 6 .. 5 .. 4 .. 3 .. 2 .. 1 .. now!]

I do not want anyone killing anyone. ANYONE...and...ANYONE.

But the issue of a pregnancy is unique. The pregnancy is occurring inside the body of a particular person...and that person should be allowed to choose to end that pregnancy through an abortion. The abortion should be as safe as possible...with competent medical assistance.

It is my opinion that no laws should prevent that from happening.

If you have a problem with me having that opinion...nothing I can do about that.