The main issue with Christianity

I didn't know that - I'll have to look him up. Sounds right up my alley.

7. So far I have spoken only of what goes on in the natural
world; now I must move up to the metaphysical level, by
making use of a great though not very widely used principle,
which says that nothing comes about without a sufficient
reason; i.e. that
for any true proposition P, it is possible for someone
who understands things well enough to give a sufficient reason why it the case that P rather than not-P.
Given that principle, the first question we can fairly ask
is: Why is there something rather than nothing? After all,
nothing is simpler and easier than something. Also, given
that things have to exist, we must be able to give a reason
why they have to exist as they are and not otherwise.
All you've told me is that he fits your fucked-up, bastardized redefinition of the word "agnostic." You can assume that I don't give a shit.

Your fabrications are really stupid. Why don't you just try using English? Is there a problem there?

agnostic means not knowing.

many claim to simply not know.

why are you trying to eliminate the word agnostic from the language?

or why are you trying to get people to falsely identify as atheist?

you're a fucking retard, now run along and go fuck yourself.
Totally incorrect.

If they have been convinced of some theism, which might include deities but might not, then they are theists to that extent.
If they have been convinced of a theism that has no gods, then they are theists who profess a profound faith that there are no gods, e.g. Buddhist monks, Marxists, etc., even if they mistakenly claim to be atheists.
If they are not convinced of any theism then they simply lack theism and are atheists and don't believe in any gods, but are not somehow required to reject the idea that maybe there are.

Agnosticism has no place in a discussion of theism. Agnosticism is a philosophical line of thought on what is knowable. It's a completely different topic.

or if they do not know, they say agnostic, it means does not know.

See. the very concept of the unknown is a perceived threat to the authoritarian psychopath, so legion is trying to destroy the idea of agnosticism, or merely the act of honestly saying one does not know or presume to know if there is a god or gods.

so legion, being a totalitarian, is trying to destroy the idea of agnosticism.
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See. the very concept of the unknown is a perceived threat to the authoritarian psychopath, so legion is trying to destroy the idea of agnosticism, or merely the act of honestly saying one does not know or presume to know if there is a god or gods.
Wrong again. Communists are confused by their screwed-up Marxist religious dogma and naturally claim to be atheists. They have an excuse. You do not. You are obviously too stupid to recognize when someone is making a mistaken assertion. I can imagine you as a basketball scout bringing a 4'6" midget to tryouts because he claimed to be 6'9". You're an idiot

this blather doesnt change what 'atheism' means.

I think i know.

the word atheism props up the concept of god within itself.

a true atheist must, lastly, destroy the word.

maybe you can make us use a vague and impractical pictrographic idiot language that you can't even make a typewriter for.

yellow minds are a terrible thing to waste.

we need a massive campaign to teach the chinese people how to read a reasonable typeable tongue, unless keeping them siloed is your evil plan.
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Too late. I fired him long ago. However, I have him on the books as being fully eligible to be rehired. Would you care to give me a reason I should do so? Nothing is off the table.

I do love this post on a comedic level.

The day i fired god was a weird day...... I can only smell sulfur.
I mentioned elsewhere that I was recently at a Lutheran service....I shit you not they started with a we are on stolen lands statement. Perhaps not coincidentally the place was dilapidated with at most 30 people in a space designed over 150 people. This is Maple Valley, a booming community as people escape the death of Seattle.

The experience had the stench of death....well earned.
I mentioned elsewhere that I was recently at a Lutheran service....I shit you not they started with a we are on stolen lands statement. Perhaps not coincidentally the place was dilapidated with at most 30 people in a space designed over 150 people. This is Maple Valley, a booming community as people escape the death of Seattle.

The experience had the stench of death....well earned.

guilting the west out of existence is the psyop.
agnostic means not knowing.
You wouldn't confuse yourself so if you wouldn't redefine words. "Agnostic" is a position on what is knowable, not a state of ignorance.

many claim to simply not know.
You keep clinging to what people "claim" like you're a moron who honestly believes that reality changes whether someone is mistaken or not, or if someone is lying or not. Reality is not determined by what people claim. Am I really the first person to explain this to you? It is truly painful reading what you write.

The reality is that nobody knows, that leads everybody with what they believe on the matter. It is not the case that everyone is therefore an agnostic. Everybody with a belief therefore has faith to that extent.

If you would leave the word "agnostic" alone and stop trying to redefine it, it means that you hold the position that some set of beliefs is not knowable. Notice that it doesn't have anything to say about your beliefs; that's a separate topic.

why are you trying to eliminate the word agnostic from the language?
Spend some time reflecting on the matter. You and your redefinition compulsion are the problem that needs to be figured out and solved. A "fascist" is not the corporate middle-manager in a business suit and "agnostic" is not the student who just doesn't know the answer on the pop quiz.

or why are you trying to get people to falsely identify as atheist?
Why are you condemning me for not joining you in fucking up the English language beyond recognition.

You're a moron who thought hooky was compulsory.
or if they do not know, they say agnostic, it means does not know.
Let's see how stupid that really is:
"Dear, I'm agnostic on my social security number. Would you get it for me?"
"I'm sorry dear, I'm agnostic on where you keep it."

See. the very concept of the unknown is a perceived threat to the authoritarian psychopath
See. the very thought of someone not aiding and abetting in the willful butchering of the English language is a perceived threat to the authoritarian psychopath.
Let's see how stupid that really is:
"Dear, I'm agnostic on my social security number. Would you get it for me?"
"I'm sorry dear, I'm agnostic on where you keep it."

See. the very thought of someone not aiding and abetting in the willful butchering of the English language is a perceived threat to the authoritarian psychopath.

in those instances we say do not know.

but agnostic is also techinically not knowing, according to it's etymology.

and we use it specifically in this religious context.

im sorry english is your second language.
You wouldn't confuse yourself so if you wouldn't redefine words. "Agnostic" is a position on what is knowable, not a state of ignorance.

You keep clinging to what people "claim" like you're a moron who honestly believes that reality changes whether someone is mistaken or not, or if someone is lying or not. Reality is not determined by what people claim. Am I really the first person to explain this to you? It is truly painful reading what you write.

The reality is that nobody knows, that leads everybody with what they believe on the matter. It is not the case that everyone is therefore an agnostic. Everybody with a belief therefore has faith to that extent.

If you would leave the word "agnostic" alone and stop trying to redefine it, it means that you hold the position that some set of beliefs is not knowable. Notice that it doesn't have anything to say about your beliefs; that's a separate topic.

Spend some time reflecting on the matter. You and your redefinition compulsion are the problem that needs to be figured out and solved. A "fascist" is not the corporate middle-manager in a business suit and "agnostic" is not the student who just doesn't know the answer on the pop quiz.

Why are you condemning me for not joining you in fucking up the English language beyond recognition.

You're a moron who thought hooky was compulsory.

no. it literally means not knowing.