The most and least educated U.S. religious groups

"The pork gobbling fundies, the lower IQ crowd"

You seem to have a problem with people that eat pork. Is there any logical reason for that?
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You mention "pork eating" quite a bit. Then go on to ridicule other 'religious' people. Do you see a problem in your position? Do you feel you are a hypocrite? Do you feel you may have reduced yourself to "My Religion Is Better Than Yours" status? Do you understand you are shooting yourself in the foot?

Ever heard the expression: "People that live in Glass Houses shouldn't throw stones"?
No surprise of where trump followers fall into
The pork gobbling fundies, the lower IQ crowd
At the bottom
the southern baptists and other fundy loons

I've seen this study in years past, done by the same research outfit. Nothing much has changed -- the least-educated belong to the most fundamentalist Xtian churches. I'm not sure that has to do with IQ or not, but it definitely has to do with how they worship and vote.
I've always thought Hinduism was one of the most badass religions for sure. Doesn't surprise me that they're the most educated.
I've seen this study in years past, done by the same research outfit. Nothing much has changed -- the least-educated belong to the most fundamentalist Xtian churches. I'm not sure that has to do with IQ or not, but it definitely has to do with how they worship and vote.

Yep...all the smart elite vote demwit. Why all the bigotry? Because education does not equate to IQ, it simply reflects what one has been taught....if one is taught lies and immorality education = immorality. Its called hypocrisy when one professes to be one thing but acts in contradiction to those stated qualities. Do you think Bigotry is a true liberal quality? If not why not? Its clear that you are a bigot of the highest level. The real question is why are there so many highly educated leftists flipping burgers at Micky Ds or gossiping on social networks? The quality of education in this nation sucks because of liberal policies.
if one is taught lies and immorality education = immorality. Its called hypocrisy when one professes to be one thing but acts in contradiction to those stated qualities.

I'm glad we agree on this. Perhaps you can explain why so many Xtians -- especially the fundies -- support an immoral, thrice-divorced, adulterous, crooked, lying, cheating, pompous, cruel and non-Christian bullying pig like Trump?
I've seen this study in years past, done by the same research outfit. Nothing much has changed -- the least-educated belong to the most fundamentalist Xtian churches. I'm not sure that has to do with IQ or not, but it definitely has to do with how they worship and vote.

And educational levels
And it applies to white evangelicals. 40% of evangelicals are black and they voted for Clinton. It seems racist to refer to all those black people as low IQ.
And it applies to white evangelicals. 40% of evangelicals are black who voted for Clinton.

Hmm, perhaps. Almost every single one of the black people I worked with, am friends with, lived by, etc. are deeply religious. However, their faith is not the same as the deeply religious white evangelicals I've likewise worked with, lived by, am friends with/related to. One outstanding difference between the two deeply-religious groups is their attitude about education. The white folks seem content with the level they have reached; the black folks are more ambitious and they also are much more ambitious for their children than are the white evangelicals that I know. I'm not sure how or why IQ got into this discussion, but to me IQ seems to have relatively little to do with the discussion here. It doesn't have a whole lot to do with educational attainment, either.
Hmm, perhaps. Almost every single one of the black people I worked with, am friends with, lived by, etc. are deeply religious. However, their faith is not the same as the deeply religious white evangelicals I've likewise worked with, lived by, am friends with/related to. One outstanding difference between the two deeply-religious groups is their attitude about education. The white folks seem content with the level they have reached; the black folks are more ambitious and they also are much more ambitious for their children than are the white evangelicals that I know. I'm not sure how or why IQ got into this discussion, but to me IQ seems to have relatively little to do with the discussion here. It doesn't have a whole lot to do with educational attainment, either.

I think Guno equated education level with IQ. All the studies show Trump got the vote of whites without a college degree. The Democrats changed "without a college degree" into "uneducated." My post was referring to black evangelicals and not blacks who might just be deeply religious. It especially applies to Southern blacks who are largely baptist.

It was just an attempt on Guno's part to denigrate Trump voters--an attitude I think drove many of the working class whites to vote for Trump. It was a reaction against those they perceive as looking down on them. They see themselves as the only remaining group people can make ignorant, bigoted stereotypes about without condemnation.
I think Guno equated education level with IQ. All the studies show Trump got the vote of whites without a college degree. The Democrats changed "without a college degree" into "uneducated." My post was referring to black evangelicals and not blacks who might just be deeply religious. It especially applies to Southern blacks who are largely baptist.

It's a mistake on our part to lump all Southern Baptists into the evangelical category because they are divided by race, as you noted. I have never once had a single devout Christian person of color approach me and exhort me to change my path, or hear or read one say anything about those who aren't of similar beliefs are going to hell, or get political much at all about her religious beliefs. I say "her" because most of my friends/family members of color are women. This isn't to say, however, that they are not passionate about politics, America, voting, and the wrong direction we are taking!

It was just an attempt on Guno's part to denigrate Trump voters--an attitude I think drove many of the working class whites to vote for Trump. It was a reaction against those they perceive as looking down on them. They see themselves as the only remaining group people can make ignorant, bigoted stereotypes about without condemnation.

Yep -- angry, fearful, clueless white people. That's said in sympathy, btw, not in condemnation. They are the stern stuff that looked up to a man in Germany in the 1930s, who promised to restore the economy, smite all the country's enemies both internal and external, and macht Deutschland Wieder Gross. They were hurting from real hardship -- not the bullshit made-up crap the Republicans want us to believe now. They had just lost a huge war, suffered massive deprivation in the Depression, were under sanctions by the winners of that war. The 1930s Germans had a reason to look towards a supreme and powerful figure like Hitler. He created internal enemies -- the Jews -- for them to focus their frustrations on. The external enemies were the Allies. Trump is doing that with immigrants and liberals. And our world allies as well. Fox and the other RW propaganda machines convinced the (R) voters that 21st century America is exactly like 1930s Germany. And this is why ppl like me think that ppl like you all are not-so-smart.
"It was just an attempt on Guno's part to denigrate Trump voters--an attitude I think drove many of the working class whites to vote for Trump."

I think that is an accurate assessment of some American Workers. They have a feeling that the 'Elites' are trying to convince them that unlimited immigration (a competing workforce) is in their best interest, along with off shoring manufacturing and industrial jobs to Third World countries so prices will be cheaper (even though they are now out of work) for them.

I'm not sure guno is a beneficial asset for the Left. He seems like he drives more people to the Right then to the Left? ... just my opinion.
guno: "The pork gobbling fundies, the lower IQ crowd"

Care to explain what relevance 'pork gobbling' has in your Statement?

(this is like the third time I've asked)