The National Collaborativist Thread

Fine, not on the same exact level, but a government is still affected by inflation...just look at Germany during the Depression.

But I'm sure government elites still had whatever quantity of walking around money they needed. Of coures it's untenable because people are pushed to the point of revolution when it's that out of control.

Your point is basically stupid though. The people closest to the source of money creation, government officials and first tier contractors, have the new money BEFORE the full inflationary impact of it's existence appears.
Fine, not on the same exact level, but a government is still affected by inflation...just look at Germany during the Depression.

What you're talking about then is uber, extreme, hyper-inflation where essentially, for all practical purposes, currency loses all value. I don't think that's what the good AssHat was talking about.
What you're talking about then is uber, extreme, hyper-inflation where essentially, for all practical purposes, currency loses all value. I don't think that's what the good AssHat was talking about.

My point is, currency aside, that politicians do not have an unlimited amount of currency...the government does, but individuals do not.
My point is, currency aside, that politicians do not have an unlimited amount of currency...the government does, but individuals do not.

Individuals who are employed by first tier contractors who lobby their friends in government to make money for their campaigns of death do. And the politicians who take payola from the corporations they create policy for do. Call it campaign contributions if you want to.
Individuals who are employed by first tier contractors who lobby their friends in government to make money for their campaigns of death do. And the politicians who take payola from the corporations they create policy for do. Call it campaign contributions if you want to.

There are two problems I have with your post...

First of all, that I don't care if defense contractors make money...I don't. They could be getting billions and billions every year (hell, make it trillions), and I still wouldn't care. As long as they are doing their job.

Secondly, that you keep lumping all corporations together, without any thought as to the actual diversity the term encompasses.
There are two problems I have with your post...

First of all, that I don't care if defense contractors make money...I don't. They could be getting billions and billions every year (hell, make it trillions), and I still wouldn't care. As long as they are doing their job.

Secondly, that you keep lumping all corporations together, without any thought as to the actual diversity the term encompasses.

But you're wrong in asserting that he fiat currency system doesn't allow some INDIVIDUALS huge amounts of cash, only limited by their ability to keep convincing government to put spending for their agenda in the budget. And that's what we were talking about. And yes, there are many diverse large corporate agendas served by our budgeting and legislative process.
But you're wrong in asserting that he fiat currency system doesn't allow some INDIVIDUALS huge amounts of cash, only limited by their ability to keep convincing government to put spending for their agenda in the budget. And that's what we were talking about. And yes, there are many diverse large corporate agendas served by our budgeting and legislative process.

An individual's salary does not exceed what people or companies are willing to pay for his services...and that's all there is to it. If people want to pay whatever for a commodity, person, what have you, then that is how capitalism works.

Corporate agendas...again you are making corporations into a sinister collective, when you use corporations that just about everyone could agree are benign on a daily basis.
An individual's salary does not exceed what people or companies are willing to pay for his services...and that's all there is to it. If people want to pay whatever for a commodity, person, what have you, then that is how capitalism works.

Corporate agendas...again you are making corporations into a sinister collective, when you use corporations that just about everyone could agree are benign on a daily basis.

And they're willing to pay a lot to convince a person to continue the patterns of corruption they love so well.

I'm not agianst capitalism, im against capitalism combined with a monetary system which enables a select bunch of assholes to control everyone through the power to create capital.
And they're willing to pay a lot to convince a person to continue the patterns of corruption they love so well.

I'm not agianst capitalism, im against capitalism combined with a monetary system which enables a select bunch of assholes to control everyone through the power to create capital.

So you think that as long as the corporations make pieces of eight instead of dollars, corruption will go away?
So you think that as long as the corporations make pieces of eight instead of dollars, corruption will go away?

I think the power to create money from thin air is a form of obscene power, that guarantees inflation and gives the military industrial complex an inordinate abount of influence and control. I would like to see use abandon fiat currency for this reason.
I think the power to create money from thin air is a form of obscene power, that guarantees inflation and gives the military industrial complex an inordinate abount of influence and control. I would like to see use abandon fiat currency for this reason.

But it isn't as simple as currency still has a value that is as based in reality as gold (from the perspective of gold as a rock that we go apeshit for).
But it isn't as simple as currency still has a value that is as based in reality as gold (from the perspective of gold as a rock that we go apeshit for).

Nope. It's totally different. It's based on the power of the state to enforce it, and they make it whenever they need it. If they had to wait and collect currency through taxation instead of making it according to their whims, the state would be much less powerful, and they would have to be more responsive to the wishes of the people.
Nope. It's totally different. It's based on the power of the state to enforce it, and they make it whenever they need it. If they had to wait and collect currency through taxation instead of making it according to their whims, the state would be much less powerful, and they would have to be more responsive to the wishes of the people.

But it still has an impact on the national budget, and on national debt, which then affects the economy.
Are you talking about inflation or fiat currency? Both effect the economy. No shit, Poindexter.

Ah, so you concede that it is impossible to have a completely unlimited amount of fiat currency, because of the affect it would have on the economy. Thus, fiat currency is just as "real" as any other system of, set, and match.
Ah, so you concede that it is impossible to have a completely unlimited amount of fiat currency, because of the affect it would have on the economy. Thus, fiat currency is just as "real" as any other system of, set, and match.

No. Not at all. It does cause massive inflation and most people just accept the erosion of their life savings over time as "just how things have to be" as the lying bastard military industrial complex hired economists tell them.

They push it as far as they possibly can, for their own power and to the detriment of individuals who actually have to work for money FIRST before they can spend it.

I concede none of your idiotic points, because they're wrong.
No. Not at all. It does cause massive inflation and most people just accept the erosion of their life savings over time as "just how things have to be" as the lying bastard military industrial complex hired economists tell them.

They push it as far as they possibly can, for their own power and to the detriment of individuals who actually have to work for money FIRST before they can spend it.

I concede none of your idiotic points, because they're wrong.

What is wrong with you that you think inflation doesn't affect the profits of corporations? By the way, "military industrial complex" definitely shows your age...I'm guessing you are some sort of Vietnam draft dodger or ancient hippie of some sort.
What is wrong with you that you think inflation doesn't affect the profits of corporations? By the way, "military industrial complex" definitely shows your age...I'm guessing you are some sort of Vietnam draft dodger or ancient hippie of some sort.

The point is that huge companies with government contracts get lots of new fresh money every year. Fiat currency warps society such that what matters most is your position in the money receiving hierarchy. The military industrial complex gets theirs first.
The point is that huge companies with government contracts get lots of new fresh money every year. Fiat currency warps society such that what matters most is your position in the money receiving hierarchy. The military industrial complex gets theirs first.

The "fresh money" they get is increasingly worthless if they just continue to get it.

By the way, explain in 200 words or less "military industrial complex" as a concept...otherwise you don't get to keep using it.
The "fresh money" they get is increasingly worthless if they just continue to get it.
Yes. But because they get it FIRST it has full value. The inflation effect increases as it enters the economy. Thus true power comes from your position in the hierarchy of the money flow.
By the way, explain in 200 words or less "military industrial complex" as a concept...otherwise you don't get to keep using it.

I've explained it a million times. I will not indulge your retardation any further.