The National Collaborativist Thread

Fiat currency is wrong because elites make it when they want it and everyone else has to work for it. This is the basic injustice that is warping the entire world.
Gonzo. You have no credible arguments. You just ignore everything you don't want to see. Arguing with you is a waste of time.

What have I lied about? just for funzies let's see if you can come up with something.

I have no credible arguments? This from the guy who believes that the Jewish Bankers are trying to take over the world and make some sort of Orwellian dystopic New World Order? The day I let a Bill Cooper fan tell me that I have no credible arguments is the day that I die.

If anyone is ignoring what they don't want to see (mainly that there is no "good" or "evil" when speaking about politics), it is you.
Fiat currency is wrong because elites make it when they want it and everyone else has to work for it. This is the basic injustice that is warping the entire world.

Aw, poor world. And how is it warping the entire world?

The elites don't make it when they want it...the government makes it when it needs to.
Aw, poor world. And how is it warping the entire world?
The power of the state is increased many fold, thus making their statist agenda that much more powerful.
The elites don't make it when they want it...the government makes it when it needs to.

And the legislators that make the budget are biased by the money from corporate elitists. Are you really this dense?
The power of the state is increased many fold, thus making their statist agenda that much more powerful.
The State is necessary and to be loved.

And the legislators that make the budget are biased by the money from corporate elitists. Are you really this dense?
There is a difference between being friends with the guy that makes money and being the guy that makes money...are you really that dense?
The State is necessary and to be loved.

Wow. You're sick.
There is a difference between being friends with the guy that makes money and being the guy that makes money...are you really that dense?

One hand washes the others, then they switch places, Cheney goes from halliburton to VP. Stuff like that happens all the time.

Your worldview rests on a complete denial of corruption of any kind, that's why nobody buys your garbage but your momma.
Wow. You're sick.

One hand washes the others, then they switch places, Cheney goes from halliburton to VP. Stuff like that happens all the time.

Your worldview rests on a complete denial of corruption of any kind, that's why nobody buys your garbage but your momma.

My worldview is a realistic one. You realise that people are more likely to buy my brand of crazy than yours, right? There have been fascist governments (although I maintain I'm better than fascism)...there has never been a crazed alien-conspiracy government.

As far as the State, I challenge you to tell me how it is not to be loved...without the State there can be no Society, and without Society the individual is worthless.
My worldview is a realistic one. You realise that people are more likely to buy my brand of crazy than yours, right? There have been fascist governments (although I maintain I'm better than fascism)...there has never been a crazed alien-conspiracy government.

As far as the State, I challenge you to tell me how it is not to be loved...without the State there can be no Society, and without Society the individual is worthless.

Things can change, and they should. I agree with having governments, but I don't agree with the fraudulent monetary systems they force on us.

As I said before, your fearless advocacy of the status quo is quite touching.

What happened to your soul?
Things can change, and they should. I agree with having governments, but I don't agree with the fraudulent monetary systems they force on us.

As I said before, your fearless advocacy of the status quo is quite touching.

What happened to your soul?

I'm not advocating the status quo...I'm just not falling into the class warfare crap that you anarchists/socialists try to push on the masses.
Again, how is using fiat any more bogus than using rocks?

There is a disparity in access. The scarcity of gold is the same for indiviuals and for the government. WIth fiat currency the disparity comes in when the state makes it in unlimited quantities as it sees fit while everyone else has to work for it, and has it's value guaranteed to decrease over time from the unavoidable rampant inflation of fiat currency systems. Inflation doesn't effect the government, they just keep making more.

Tell me if you don't get it yet and need further explanation.
This sentence removes any credibility you ever may have had.

You wish.

They are effected by the unrest of people when inflation gets too rampant, but on a day to day basis they can keep making more money regardless of inflation to keep forcing society to goosestep to their agenda.
You wish.

They are effected by the unrest of people when inflation gets too rampant, but on a day to day basis they can keep making more money regardless of inflation to keep forcing society to goosestep to their agenda.

And the more they print, the less valuable it becomes...the government's spending suffers in this manner just as much as the common man's.