The nature of the universe, whether God(s) exist, and how we define them

So it seems to me

Why? Specifically why would the origin of the universe be tied to a specific language spoken by a tiny group of hill people in a small near-desert point on the large planet?

Is there something about the nature of the microwave background that indicates HEBREW?
Why? Specifically why would the origin of the universe be tied to a specific language spoken by a tiny group of hill people in a small near-desert point on the large planet?

Is there something about the nature of the microwave background that indicates HEBREW?

LMFAO it's amusing that youre stuck on the language and miss the point. Have you ever read the bible? I'm not being contentious just wondering.
LMFAO it's amusing that youre stuck on the language and miss the point. Have you ever read the bible? I'm not being contentious just wondering.

It's fascinating to me that you are too dense to get my point.

I have read the bible, cover to cover, yes.

The reason I ask is because the ONLY reason you think that "Let there be...." in Hebrew is because someone told you it was. There is nothing about the Big Bang that in ANY WAY implies the existence of the Abrahamic God anymore than it implies the existence of Zeus, Aharu Mazda, or Bobo the Transdimensional Waiter Who Creates Universes.

(Get it now???)
It's fascinating to me that you are too dense to get my point.

I have read the bible, cover to cover, yes.

The reason I ask is because the ONLY reason you think that "Let there be...." in Hebrew is because someone told you it was. There is nothing about the Big Bang that in ANY WAY implies the existence of the Abrahamic God anymore than it implies the existence of Zeus, Aharu Mazda, or Bobo the Transdimensional Waiter Who Creates Universes.

(Get it now???)

Lmfao you STILL think Hebrew is the issue.
Lmfao you STILL think Hebrew is the issue.

NO! How many times do I have to clarify the point? I'll try AGAIN:

There is NO REASON to assume ANY designer, let alone a SPECIFIC designer of any sort. NOTHING about the Big Bang tells you ANYTHING about ANY BEING who "created" the universe. It doesn't even tell you that there WAS ANY BEING who created anything.

Do you get it now?
NO! How many times do I have to clarify the point? I'll try AGAIN:

There is NO REASON to assume ANY designer, let alone a SPECIFIC designer of any sort. NOTHING about the Big Bang tells you ANYTHING about ANY BEING who "created" the universe. It doesn't even tell you that there WAS ANY BEING who created anything.

Do you get it now?

So you're saying things come into existence without a creator. We find a turtle on top of a fence post and say, "That's just how it is."
So you're saying things come into existence without a creator. We find a turtle on top of a fence post and say, "That's just how it is."

No. I say that we have no knowledge of any Creator. Certainly no specific knowledge of any Creator (hence the plethora of versions of God that humans have created over the millennia). AND it is exactly equivalent to suggest that there was a Creator with no evidence as there is to say the universe has always existed in a state of inflation-deflation-inflation-deflation.... ad infinitum.

Right now the ONLY reason you think there is a Creator is because you know of nothing that has always existed without a beginning. But that's not think you know something which you call "God". But what do you know about "God"? Nothing actually. You know what someone wrote somewhere on a piece of paper a few millennia ago but you don't know who it was, what their intent was or even if they just made it up outta whole cloth.

It is therefore equivalent to think about a "god" with no beginning and a universe with no beginning. Both are equally incomprehensible to the human mind. So why is your thought more likely than mine?
So you're saying things come into existence without a creator. We find a turtle on top of a fence post and say, "That's just how it is."

How do you know the universe 'came into existence' at all? It may have always existed.
As far as a turtle on a fence post, what was 'created'?
How do you know the universe 'came into existence' at all? It may have always existed.
As far as a turtle on a fence post, what was 'created'?

The big bang theory posits it. It may have always existed but there is far more evidence for it being created.

It's an analogy, you know that but what's "created" the reality that a turtle is on top of a fence post. He likely wasn't always there and he likely didn't get there on his own.
No. I say that we have no knowledge of any Creator.
There is no 'we'.

He does. Indeed, many gods have been attributed with the creation of Earth. Many have been attributed with the creation of the universe (despite the paradox).
Certainly no specific knowledge of any Creator (hence the plethora of versions of God that humans have created over the millennia).
His knowledge is specific to the god he believes in.
AND it is exactly equivalent to suggest that there was a Creator with no evidence
There is evidence that God exists. There is evidence that no god or gods exist. There is evidence that multiple gods exist. I have already shown some of it to you.
as there is to say the universe has always existed in a state of inflation-deflation-inflation-deflation.... ad infinitum.
Nope. False equivalence. Opposites are not equivalent.
Right now the ONLY reason you think there is a Creator is because you know of nothing that has always existed without a beginning.
You are ignoring the evidence I have already shown you.
But that's not think you know something which you call "God".
He does.
But what do you know about "God"? Nothing actually.
Again, you deny and discard the Bible.
You know what someone wrote somewhere on a piece of paper a few millennia ago but you don't know who it was, what their intent was or even if they just made it up outta whole cloth.
Tablets and scrolls, actually. Paper doesn't survive very long and wasn't available at the time in that area.
It is therefore equivalent to think about a "god" with no beginning and a universe with no beginning. Both are equally incomprehensible to the human mind. So why is your thought more likely than mine?
Opposites are not equivalent.