The Obama is dumber than Bush

It's not every day we see a community organizer so honest. When I look at you people I almost believe in Evolution.
So, SM is admitting that Bush II is stupid, now. That's progress.

Is there actually a direct line from SAT scores to IQ scores, now?
Obama's IQ The Highest Of Any President Ever?

The former Guidance Counselor of Obama's private Hawaiian school has supplied The Washington Post with a certified copy of
Obama's Stanford-Banai IQ Certification, one of which was taken in 1966 when he was a kindergardener in Hawaii before moving to Indonesia, and one which was taken as entrance protocol as a freshman in his private (extremely exclusive) Honolulu private highschool.

His IQ was clocked at 172 and 166 respectively (IQ's normally have a fluctuation of 6 or 7 points from test to test so that discrepency is normal).

That puts Obama in the certifiable clinical genius category.

Obama's campaign is apparently NOT HAPPY about The Washington Post preparing to disclose this, because they fear it adds to his reputation as not an "everyman" and being too "elitist".

FYI-- HRC's certified IQ is 140.
April 07, 2009
A comment on Obama's IQ

A commenter named “Ted” who claims to be a Harvard Law School grad has an excellent explanation for why Obama’s IQ is “well in excess of 140”:

If we assume that LSAT 163=IQ 130 and average LSAT at HLS is 173, then the average HLS student has an IQ of 145 or 146, since on the LSAT 10 points is one SD.
Actually I think average LSAT Obama's year was more like 170 or 171, so IQ = 140 is probably a reasonable estimate.
As an HLS grad, I can confirm that grading is largely blind, however the magna=top 10% rule was only established after Obama graduated. His year as I recall it was more like top 20%, and it varied year to year somewhat before it was changed from a minimum GPA standard to the top 10% rule.
Law Review has a few AA spots, and President of HLR is an elected position, so this means that the mainly white and very smart editors thought highly of him but does not speak directly to his intelligence.
All that said, even assuming the worst, that Obama just barely squeaked by in getting magna and was right at the top 20% and was an above average grade grubber, he still could not have graduated magna without having an IQ well in excess of 140.
HLS students are hardly slackers and the school is about 85% white or asian, so getting to the top 20% of that group is no easy task. I did know one guy who was somewhat less intelligent than the HLS average and got magna, but he studied insane amounts, more than 10 hours a day in addition to attending every class.
If Obama got his good grades this way, it speaks extremely well of his good character and work ethic in particular contrasting it with Bush, Gore, and Kerry with their gentleman's B- averages, McCain and his bottom 1% grades at the navel academy, Biden with his plagerism, and Palin with her long struggle to find a college and major easy enough to squeak by. Also, comparing Harvard College and Harvard Law School IQs, only about 1/3 of HC students who apply to HLS are accepted, and many more probably don't even apply realizing they have no chance. I can't remember the source, but I read that the average LSAT for HC students is 163, which is tied for the highest in the USA, but still well below HLS's standards. There is a list floating around there somewhere.
I agree with the reasoning above. I think that certain commenters who keep hinting at Obama's low intelligence either: (1) don't understand that liberals can be highly intelligent; or (2) think that because Obama is half black he can't possibly be that smart--this attitude demonstrates a lack of understanding of about HBD.
Obama's IQ The Highest Of Any President Ever?

The former Guidance Counselor of Obama's private Hawaiian school has supplied The Washington Post with a certified copy of
Obama's Stanford-Banai IQ Certification, one of which was taken in 1966 when he was a kindergardener in Hawaii before moving to Indonesia, and one which was taken as entrance protocol as a freshman in his private (extremely exclusive) Honolulu private highschool.

His IQ was clocked at 172 and 166 respectively (IQ's normally have a fluctuation of 6 or 7 points from test to test so that discrepency is normal).

That puts Obama in the certifiable clinical genius category.

Obama's campaign is apparently NOT HAPPY about The Washington Post preparing to disclose this, because they fear it adds to his reputation as not an "everyman" and being too "elitist".

FYI-- HRC's certified IQ is 140.
April 07, 2009
A comment on Obama's IQ

A commenter named “Ted” who claims to be a Harvard Law School grad has an excellent explanation for why Obama’s IQ is “well in excess of 140”:

If we assume that LSAT 163=IQ 130 and average LSAT at HLS is 173, then the average HLS student has an IQ of 145 or 146, since on the LSAT 10 points is one SD.
Actually I think average LSAT Obama's year was more like 170 or 171, so IQ = 140 is probably a reasonable estimate.
As an HLS grad, I can confirm that grading is largely blind, however the magna=top 10% rule was only established after Obama graduated. His year as I recall it was more like top 20%, and it varied year to year somewhat before it was changed from a minimum GPA standard to the top 10% rule.
Law Review has a few AA spots, and President of HLR is an elected position, so this means that the mainly white and very smart editors thought highly of him but does not speak directly to his intelligence.
All that said, even assuming the worst, that Obama just barely squeaked by in getting magna and was right at the top 20% and was an above average grade grubber, he still could not have graduated magna without having an IQ well in excess of 140.
HLS students are hardly slackers and the school is about 85% white or asian, so getting to the top 20% of that group is no easy task. I did know one guy who was somewhat less intelligent than the HLS average and got magna, but he studied insane amounts, more than 10 hours a day in addition to attending every class.
If Obama got his good grades this way, it speaks extremely well of his good character and work ethic in particular contrasting it with Bush, Gore, and Kerry with their gentleman's B- averages, McCain and his bottom 1% grades at the navel academy, Biden with his plagerism, and Palin with her long struggle to find a college and major easy enough to squeak by. Also, comparing Harvard College and Harvard Law School IQs, only about 1/3 of HC students who apply to HLS are accepted, and many more probably don't even apply realizing they have no chance. I can't remember the source, but I read that the average LSAT for HC students is 163, which is tied for the highest in the USA, but still well below HLS's standards. There is a list floating around there somewhere.
I agree with the reasoning above. I think that certain commenters who keep hinting at Obama's low intelligence either: (1) don't understand that liberals can be highly intelligent; or (2) think that because Obama is half black he can't possibly be that smart--this attitude demonstrates a lack of understanding of about HBD.


Nothing like watching the Rightie Roaches scurry away from facts like the cowards they are!

I wonder why DY/MLK suddenly ran away? Could it be he's just another typical coward?

Nothing like watching the Rightie Roaches scurry away from facts like the cowards they are!

I wonder why DY/MLK suddenly ran away? Could it be he's just another typical coward?

Not "exceptional coward". That a white racist and bigot could impersonate MLK by stealing his ID, is beyond comprehension. It's affront to anyone's sensibilities.
While I do find Damn Yankee's choice of MLK as his personal avatar an affront to my sensibilities, as well as an assault on general proprieties, I do not find is surprising, at this point.

Obama's IQ has been estimated anywhere from 110-165. He is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he served as editor, and later as president of the Harvard Law Review; which is an extremely prestigious position. Obama also taught at the University of Chicago for over 10 years, a top-ranked university in the United States. However, these achievement-based estimates fail to account for the possibility that Obama was a beneficiary of affirmative action, which based on collegiate averages would lower his estimated IQ to the 115-120 range.

Note: To many professionals in the 'IQ' field , this is all utterly absurd. I have no idea what Barack Obama's IQ is, but nobody with even a rudimentary understanding of what IQ means and how it is determined would suggest that any of the estimations methods (school grades and positions held at college) described in the answer have any validity whatsoever.

And the fact that an adult person could be unfamiliar with the word corpsman and pronounce it a corpse-man or
call Europe a country....loses 25 points just for stupidity....
Obama's IQ has been estimated anywhere from 110-165. He is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he served as editor, and later as president of the Harvard Law Review; which is an extremely prestigious position. Obama also taught at the University of Chicago for over 10 years, a top-ranked university in the United States. However, these achievement-based estimates fail to account for the possibility that Obama was a beneficiary of affirmative action, which based on collegiate averages would lower his estimated IQ to the 115-120 range.

Note: To many professionals in the 'IQ' field , this is all utterly absurd. I have no idea what Barack Obama's IQ is, but nobody with even a rudimentary understanding of what IQ means and how it is determined would suggest that any of the estimations methods (school grades and positions held at college) described in the answer have any validity whatsoever.

And the fact that an adult person could be unfamiliar with the word corpsman and pronounce it a corpse-man or
call Europe a country....loses 25 points just for stupidity....

Let's not forget those 57 States that we have. :lol:
From the OP link (predicting the liberal replies):
If his intelligence is so incredibly important, as some of his more visibly insane supporters insist, then surely the senator should inform us precisely how intelligent he is. Because he demonstrates his ignorance and a less-than-impressive intelligence nearly every time he opens his mouth despite his handlers' attempts to retroactively fix his statements... sident-Ever
Obama's IQ The Highest Of Any President Ever?

The former Guidance Counselor of Obama's private Hawaiian school has supplied The Washington Post with a certified copy of
Obama's Stanford-Banai IQ Certification, one of which was taken in 1966 when he was a kindergardener in Hawaii before moving to Indonesia, and one which was taken as entrance protocol as a freshman in his private (extremely exclusive) Honolulu private highschool.

His IQ was clocked at 172 and 166 respectively (IQ's normally have a fluctuation of 6 or 7 points from test to test so that discrepency is normal).

That puts Obama in the certifiable clinical genius category.

Obama's campaign is apparently NOT HAPPY about The Washington Post preparing to disclose this, because they fear it adds to his reputation as not an "everyman" and being too "elitist".

FYI-- HRC's certified IQ is 140.
April 07, 2009
A comment on Obama's IQ

A commenter named “Ted” who claims to be a Harvard Law School grad has an excellent explanation for why Obama’s IQ is “well in excess of 140”:

If we assume that LSAT 163=IQ 130 and average LSAT at HLS is 173, then the average HLS student has an IQ of 145 or 146, since on the LSAT 10 points is one SD.
Actually I think average LSAT Obama's year was more like 170 or 171, so IQ = 140 is probably a reasonable estimate.
As an HLS grad, I can confirm that grading is largely blind, however the magna=top 10% rule was only established after Obama graduated. His year as I recall it was more like top 20%, and it varied year to year somewhat before it was changed from a minimum GPA standard to the top 10% rule.
Law Review has a few AA spots, and President of HLR is an elected position, so this means that the mainly white and very smart editors thought highly of him but does not speak directly to his intelligence.
All that said, even assuming the worst, that Obama just barely squeaked by in getting magna and was right at the top 20% and was an above average grade grubber, he still could not have graduated magna without having an IQ well in excess of 140.
HLS students are hardly slackers and the school is about 85% white or asian, so getting to the top 20% of that group is no easy task. I did know one guy who was somewhat less intelligent than the HLS average and got magna, but he studied insane amounts, more than 10 hours a day in addition to attending every class.
If Obama got his good grades this way, it speaks extremely well of his good character and work ethic in particular contrasting it with Bush, Gore, and Kerry with their gentleman's B- averages, McCain and his bottom 1% grades at the navel academy, Biden with his plagerism, and Palin with her long struggle to find a college and major easy enough to squeak by. Also, comparing Harvard College and Harvard Law School IQs, only about 1/3 of HC students who apply to HLS are accepted, and many more probably don't even apply realizing they have no chance. I can't remember the source, but I read that the average LSAT for HC students is 163, which is tied for the highest in the USA, but still well below HLS's standards. There is a list floating around there somewhere.
I agree with the reasoning above. I think that certain commenters who keep hinting at Obama's low intelligence either: (1) don't understand that liberals can be highly intelligent; or (2) think that because Obama is half black he can't possibly be that smart--this attitude demonstrates a lack of understanding of about HBD.

Avoid much?