The Obama is dumber than Bush

More than half of the country has figured out by now that Obama doesn't have a clue on how to lead a country; but all of us know that most blacks, hipsters and dumb hillbillies will vote democrat or just vote for him because he is colored or they love the spread the wealth system so they can sit on their asses and collect a check.

More right wing propaganda from Faux News. Most blacks and Hispanics , that I know, get up and go to work, everyday. And work hard. I'm sure a segment of the black community voted and will vote again, for Obama, simply because he was the black candidate, much like those whites who voted for McCain/Palin becuase they weren't the black candidates. It works both ways.
And you're evidently doing crack again, to suggest that Democrats believe in a "spread the wealth" system. First of all, how do I know, first hand, that you don't have any personal wealth to speak of, and all your posturing is for naught? No doubt, you've never done a "hard day's work", in your miserable life, and all you do is sit on your proverbial ass and collect a check. And have the audacity to "point fingers". Ain't that some shit?
More right wing propaganda from Faux News. Most blacks and Hispanics , that I know, get up and go to work, everyday. And work hard. I'm sure a segment of the black community voted and will vote again, for Obama, simply because he was the black candidate, much like those whites who voted for McCain/Palin becuase they weren't the black candidates. It works both ways.
And you're evidently doing crack again, to suggest that Democrats believe in a "spread the wealth" system. First of all, how do I know, first hand, that you don't have any personal wealth to speak of, and all your posturing is for naught? No doubt, you've never done a "hard day's work", in your miserable life, and all you do is sit on your proverbial ass and collect a check. And have the audacity to "point fingers". Ain't that some shit?
More right wing propaganda from Faux News. Most blacks and Hispanics , that I know, get up and go to work, everyday. And work hard. I'm sure a segment of the black community voted and will vote again, for Obama, simply because he was the black candidate, much like those whites who voted for McCain/Palin becuase they weren't the black candidates. It works both ways.
And you're evidently doing crack again, to suggest that Democrats believe in a "spread the wealth" system. First of all, how do I know, first hand, that you don't have any personal wealth to speak of, and all your posturing is for naught? No doubt, you've never done a "hard day's work", in your miserable life, and all you do is sit on your proverbial ass and collect a check. And have the audacity to "point fingers". Ain't that some shit?

How was prison life for you? Is that where you learned to be so repressed?

I imagine those tatoos on your back are not real knockers.

Everyone can see that you still blame whitey for being such a lazy ass. Your mom told me a story about you when you almost starved to death..... she said it was funny. She hid your food stamps in your work boots.
How was prison life for you? Is that where you learned to be so repressed?

I imagine those tatoos on your back are not real knockers.

Everyone can see that you still blame whitey for being such a lazy ass. Your mom told me a story about you when you almost starved to death..... she said it was funny. She hid your food stamps in your work boots.

Prison life? What life is there in prison? LOL. Repressed? Don't you mean "oppressed"? You're too stupid to know the difference.
Whitey? Really? When have I ever referred to white people as "whitey"? I don't refer to myself, or other black people as "the n-word" that should give you a clue. A word to the wise is sufficient.
My mother? You don't know me, my mother, or my you just lied. She passed away in 1989, but don't let that prevent you from adding insult to injury. I have never gone hungry , a day in my life. I have no tatoos. I frown on them. I have no need of food stamps, and I don't wear work boots. Anything else?
Prison life? What life is there in prison? LOL. Repressed? Don't you mean "oppressed"? You're too stupid to know the difference.
Whitey? Really? When have I ever referred to white people as "whitey"? I don't refer to myself, or other black people as "the n-word" that should give you a clue. A word to the wise is sufficient.
My mother? You don't know me, my mother, or my you just lied. She passed away in 1989, but don't let that prevent you from adding insult to injury. I have never gone hungry , a day in my life. I have no tatoos. I frown on them. I have no need of food stamps, and I don't wear work boots. Anything else?

Repression. It is similar to suppression in that a thought or feeling or emotion is not expressed -- but in repression, we deny that the element even exists. That is you Poet.

Now for a song about life as a poet....
lol.....I posed my statement that way so the discussion could continue......obviously it didn't work......I should have just said
"Re-elected?....His ass is grass"......and been done with it.....
How was prison life for you? Is that where you learned to be so repressed?

I imagine those tatoos on your back are not real knockers.

Everyone can see that you still blame whitey for being such a lazy ass. Your mom told me a story about you when you almost starved to death..... she said it was funny. She hid your food stamps in your work boots.

Does that pass for humour in your trailer camp, thicko?
Not really, dim wit.

Yeah, there really is.

Crack is one of the most addictive substances available, possibly as much as 9 times as addictive as heroin.

Weed is not physicaly addictive at all, and has been used medicaly for thousands of years. Weed's medical uses are widespread and wellknown, though frequently denied or derided by western medicine.

You are just putting your ignorance on a flag staff for all to witness.
Both will put you in the same jail, dim wit.

Hardly, Dumb Ass.

I can walk down the street with up to an ounce of weed clipped to the front of my shirt.

The cops can only give me a $50 ticket, cannot use the weed as reasonable cause, cna not arrest me, cannot even ask for an I.D., and there is not even a mechanism in place to collect the fine.

Crack on the other hand results in a nice long, well deserved staycation in jail.

How does it feel to be wrong so often?