The OT: how did the "old laws" become obsolete?

I have the right to show what the Bible says which is the word of God. You don't believe the Bible anyway since you are a Democrat

I don't believe in the Bible because I studied it and studied a lot of theology. Read parts of the New Testament in original Greek.
Homosexuality is still sin.
This is not correct. Homosexual sex amongst men is what is spelled out as being an abomination. Simply being a homosexual, i.e. homosexuality, is not denigrated in the Bible at all, nor is lesbian sex, however gfm7175 has asserted that certain passages cover lesbian sex as being wrong, so I'll defer to his interpretation. Otherwise the Bible has no LGBTQIAPPIOSPRPUVWESALM+-specific references. All you will find are the generic, vanilla "men should not fornicate" and "women should not whore."
Jesus replaced much of the law. But what was sin in the old Testament still is sin But the Blood of Jesus gives you forgiveness for sin if you repent. Homosexuality is still sin. Saying God made a mistake with your gender is also sin

The ONLY thing a sin is (in fact, the ONLY thing a sin can be) something a human does that offends a god.

Christians claim that EVERYONE is a sinner. What that means to me...and should mean to anyone with a functioning that the god is offended too fucking easily. The god should lighten up...a lot.

Today's religions are no more sophisticate or reasonable than the religions of the ancient Greeks or Romans. Get over the bullshit.
I'm not a Bible scholar, at all. I have read the Bible. The OT reads like the document that it is - something written by ancient, rather primitive and superstitious people. And clearly, the God of the OT bears little to no resemblance to the God of the NT.

Leviticus comes up a lot because of LGBTQ, but can anyone explain to me why some Christians adhere to both the OT and NT, and some just the NT? And I think I've heard that some of the "old laws" were abolished or something, at some point?

I just don't get it. I believe God is a timeless being - at least 13 billion years old, and likely much older than that. He changed his mind and personality over the course of a few thousand years?

it's not that complicated.......there are three bodies of law in the old testiment.....the Ten Commandments, the Mosaic Code or moral law.......the laws regarding sanctification for sacrifices, the Levitical Code.......and the Civil Code, those rules related to the functioning of the Israelites as a society during the Exodus.......

When Christ gave Himself as the sacrifice to end all sacrifices, the Levitical Code became moot.....

YHWH's admonition regarding sexual relations between members of the same sex are not part of the Levitial Code...

Four things were considered to be the worst violations of the moral code......human sacrifice.....beastiality......incest......homosexual sex......the Hebrew word translated as "abomination" is only used four times in the describe those four cannot say the admonition about one of those four has changed without saying the same about the other three.....
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It's still socially convenient to accept the trappings of religion,
but do these very smart people really have religious faith

I doubt it, but I could of course be wrong.

To me, if you open your eyes in the morning,
you see instantly that you're not in a world
created by a god who's both omnipotent and all-loving.

In the end, it's something that simple that determined my position on the subject.

Are you saying that Jimmy and Roslyn Carter, Joe and Jill Biden are faking their Christian faith?
It seems like you are thinking of Trump.

When I wake up in the. morning I see magic all around me. There is no law of biology or evolution that explains to me why a sunrise palatte or clear star strewn night sky gives me such palpable and intangible aesthetic pleasure.

It's possible nothing is real besides quarks and electrons. But most people are looking for meaning and purpose beyond the quark. That's where religion and spirituality come into play.
In the Old Testament Homosexuality was punishable by death. Now through the Blood of Jesus you can be forgiven for that sin if you repent

Right. Christians also stopped killing people for working on the Sabbath, killing wives if they weren't virgins, killing kids for back-talking, etc. They've interpreted the NT statements by God to make it ok to start ignoring what God commanded in the OT
Are you saying that Jimmy and Roslyn Carter, Joe and Jill Biden are faking their Christian faith?
It seems like you are thinking of Trump.

When I wake up in the. morning I see magic all around me. There is no law of biology or evolution that explains to me why a sunrise palatte or clear star strewn night sky gives me such palpable and intangible aesthetic pleasure.

It's possible nothing is real besides quarks and electrons. But most people are looking for meaning and purpose beyond the quark. That's where religion and spirituality come into play.

I'm totally cool with it if people aren't trying to incorporate it into the laws of the land.
Whatever brings one peace is helpful.
It just didn't work for me.
For every beautiful sunrise or sunset, there's also a malignant tumor somewhere.
To me, it's just random, but of course, we don't all perceive things similarly.
I'm not a Bible scholar, at all. I have read the Bible. The OT reads like the document that it is - something written by ancient, rather primitive and superstitious people. And clearly, the God of the OT bears little to no resemblance to the God of the NT.

Leviticus comes up a lot because of LGBTQ, but can anyone explain to me why some Christians adhere to both the OT and NT, and some just the NT? And I think I've heard that some of the "old laws" were abolished or something, at some point?

I just don't get it. I believe God is a timeless being - at least 13 billion years old, and likely much older than that. He changed his mind and personality over the course of a few thousand years?

This guy named "Jesus" showed up, and everything changed...
I'm not a Bible scholar, at all. I have read the Bible. The OT reads like the document that it is - something written by ancient, rather primitive and superstitious people. And clearly, the God of the OT bears little to no resemblance to the God of the NT.

Leviticus comes up a lot because of LGBTQ, but can anyone explain to me why some Christians adhere to both the OT and NT, and some just the NT? And I think I've heard that some of the "old laws" were abolished or something, at some point?

I just don't get it. I believe God is a timeless being - at least 13 billion years old, and likely much older than that. He changed his mind and personality over the course of a few thousand years?

Totalitarians and "might makes right" types prefer the old testament.

Gnostic christians literally believe that the ot god is a confused angry demon named yaldabaoth.