The OT: how did the "old laws" become obsolete?

Why not?

I mean, the story is god makes humans, and makes them sinful. Then torments them forever for being what he made them.

God seems like a total jerk.

It’s your choice not His.

It’s not like it’s difficult to choose the other path especially given the rewards He promises you.
God chose the Jews to be His representatives on earth, to lead by example and to demonstrate His glory by saving them countless times.

Because of that He specifically heave them a set of laws which were to be followed but only applied to these laws and the subset rewards they received for following them it was Gods method to bring others to follow Him

Through the strict adherence to these laws and and the rewards the Jews received from following them was the method God chose to spread His word and bring followers to Him

Now the important thing here is the old laws were a set form of specific religious practices the Jews were to follow such as their diets or observing the sabbath

The majority of Hods commandments in the OT are general things that God wants everyone to follow

Leviticus was not a Jewish law, it applies to every then and now so when Jesus came He only removed those laws which were specific to the Jews, everything else in the OT remains the same

We returned to the Old Testament on May 15 1948
Christian Proof-Texting

The claim of Paul and the New Testament authors is that Jesus fulfilled many prophecies connected to the Hebrew Scriptures (so-called Old Testament) and a true believer will easily be able to see them. The gospel according to Matthew, in particular, attempts to cross-reference the miraculous birth, deeds, and proclamations attributed to Jesus with relevant passages found in Tanach. What are the differences in Christianity vs Judaism?

Closer scrutiny, however, reveals a great conspiracy and tampering of the evidence. Not one verse from Tanach proves the messiahship of Jesus. On the contrary, our Jewish sages, for two millennia have had ample time to analyze and decipher all 22,000+ verses in Tanach, and have concluded that Jesus did not fulfill any of its prophecies, nor are there any passages that unambiguously allude to his life or ministry. On the contrary, we will discover how the New Testament distorts and contorts Tanach to make it “bend” to their a priori agenda to “prove” their beliefs about Jesus. Let’s see!

In a certain way, Fundamentalist missionaries shoot the arrow in the target and then draw the bull’s eye around the arrow. In this fashion, they claim to always be correct, making the evidence conform to their foregone conclusions.
I don't believe in the Bible because I studied it and studied a lot of theology. Read parts of the New Testament in original Greek.

I have all kinds of reference books. I have the complete set of the complete Biblical Biblw library. You Reject God and Jesus. That is to bad hopefully one day you wiill see the light

This is not correct. Homosexual sex amongst men is what is spelled out as being an abomination. Simply being a homosexual, i.e. homosexuality, is not denigrated in the Bible at all, nor is lesbian sex, however gfm7175 has asserted that certain passages cover lesbian sex as being wrong, so I'll defer to his interpretation. Otherwise the Bible has no LGBTQIAPPIOSPRPUVWESALM+-specific references. All you will find are the generic, vanilla "men should not fornicate" and "women should not whore."

Nice spin but Homosexuality was punishable by death. Don't forget what Ronams 1 says

If a man lies with a male as one lies with a woman, the two of them have done an abhorrent thing; they shall be put to death—and they retain the bloodguilt.
The ONLY thing a sin is (in fact, the ONLY thing a sin can be) something a human does that offends a god.

Christians claim that EVERYONE is a sinner. What that means to me...and should mean to anyone with a functioning that the god is offended too fucking easily. The god should lighten up...a lot.

Today's religions are no more sophisticate or reasonable than the religions of the ancient Greeks or Romans. Get over the bullshit.

Typical atheist hate for Christians and a God you do not know
Right. Christians also stopped killing people for working on the Sabbath, killing wives if they weren't virgins, killing kids for back-talking, etc. They've interpreted the NT statements by God to make it ok to start ignoring what God commanded in the OT

Can you show proof of that this year?
Homosexuality is still sin.
This is not correct. Homosexual sex amongst men is what is spelled out as being an abomination. Simply being a homosexual, i.e. homosexuality, is not denigrated in the Bible at all, nor is lesbian sex, however gfm7175 has asserted that certain passages cover lesbian sex as being wrong, so I'll defer to his interpretation. Otherwise the Bible has no LGBTQIAPPIOSPRPUVWESALM+-specific references. All you will find are the generic, vanilla "men should not fornicate" and "women should not whore."
Nice spin but Homosexuality was punishable by death. Don't forget what Ronams 1 says
You didn't read anything I wrote. You just emphasized my point.

Male homosexual sex is prohibited.
Fornication is prohibited.
Whoring is prohibited.

That's all.

There is no Biblical prohibition against lesbian sex (except gfm7175 claims otherwise so we'll go with his interpretation)
There is no Biblical prohibition against being LGBTQIAPPOSPVWTKLXSIAPLNNORSV+.
Atheists don't hate Christians. Marxists and those of competing religions/theisms hate Christians.

Remembering that there are now barely enough Christians left to matter.

If they were going to measure up they would have done it by now.

Buckle Up.
Typical atheist hate for Christians and a God you do not know

I am not an atheist. I do not hate Christians...or any gods you suppose exist.

I understand you blindly guess a god exists...and that is your right. But all it a blind guess. So don't get so crotchety.
It’s your choice not His.

Not true. According to the myth, god made people - if that were true, then our nature is designed by god. He made man sinful just so he could take pleasure in tormenting most for eternity?

Kind of sick and demented.

It’s not like it’s difficult to choose the other path especially given the rewards He promises you.

One Anabaptist church I was dragged to as a child declared drums to be of Satan. According to them, my appreciation of John Bonham will send me to hell.
You didn't read anything I wrote. You just emphasized my point.

Male homosexual sex is prohibited.
Fornication is prohibited.
Whoring is prohibited.

That's all.

There is no Biblical prohibition against lesbian sex (except gfm7175 claims otherwise so we'll go with his interpretation)
There is no Biblical prohibition against being LGBTQIAPPOSPVWTKLXSIAPLNNORSV+.

Homosexuality is a sin the fact they use males as an example does not mean that other forms of homosexuality is acceptable just like Gay marriage goes against the Bible. Read Romans 1 and see how it is a curse
I am not an atheist. I do not hate Christians...or any gods you suppose exist.

I understand you blindly guess a god exists...and that is your right. But all it a blind guess. So don't get so crotchety.

No I have seen the miracles of God. my cancer doctor calls me a miracle because I am a 2 time cancer survivor