The perfect candidate.


You'd think that the modern society that wrote wikipedia would take that into account......
Volunteers do not need any formal training before creating a new article or editing an existing article. The people who create and edit articles in Wikipedia come from countries all around the world and have a wide range of ages and backgrounds. Anyone who contributes to this encyclopedia is called a "Wikipedian".

I'm sorry, what was your point? That's the opinion of modern society. But if you'd prefer a source written by "experts":

political doctrine that takes the abuse of power, and thus the freedom of the individual, as the central problem of government. For liberals, power is most importantly abused by governments, but it may also be abused by the wealthy; by monarchs, aristocrats, and others with inherited authority and privileges; and indeed by any group that has the means and the inclination…
It's annoying whenever ignorant people like SM condescend Wikipedia. It's proven to be as accurate as brittanica, which used to be the gold standard.
I'm sorry, what was your point? That's the opinion of modern society. But if you'd prefer a source written by "experts":

political doctrine that takes the abuse of power, and thus the freedom of the individual, as the central problem of government. For liberals, power is most importantly abused by governments, but it may also be abused by the wealthy; by monarchs, aristocrats, and others with inherited authority and privileges; and indeed by any group that has the means and the inclination…

It's annoying whenever ignorant people like SM condescend Wikipedia. It's proven to be as accurate as brittanica, which used to be the gold standard.

From your Britannica link:
Like other political doctrines, liberalism is highly sensitive to time and circumstance. Each nation's liberalism is different, and it changes in each generation.
That's just as I stated and 180 degrees from Wikipedia. :p
I'm sorry, what was your point? That's the opinion of modern society. But if you'd prefer a source written by "experts":

political doctrine that takes the abuse of power, and thus the freedom of the individual, as the central problem of government. For liberals, power is most importantly abused by governments, but it may also be abused by the wealthy; by monarchs, aristocrats, and others with inherited authority and privileges; and indeed by any group that has the means and the inclination…

What you don't understand about a modern socieity that liberials seak---is that China leads the way as a communist country as a model for your learnings (conditioning is what it is--anti American conditioning). That is the modernism you speak of---weather your professor at commie college told you that or not.
What you don't understand about a modern socieity that liberials seak---is that China leads the way as a communist country as a model for your learnings (conditioning is what it is--anti American conditioning). That is the modernism you speak of---weather your professor at commie college told you that or not.

We don't really have professors at mississippi gulf coast community college. All my teachers are conservatives too. All the students are conservatives. The entire college board of directors are conservative.

It's run like shit.
No matter what the era. Just because we have cell phones and internet, does not mean we had to change the winning strategy that made this country great in the first place---heads and shoulders above all others that ever existed. Better than all of those socialistic countries. They all rode on our backs, we were kicking their asses so bad. They hated us (and many still do) because our people were earning great lifestyles. It is not the different time we live in that is the difference---it is different people. People that strayed from their oaths, incrimentally--a little bit at a time, until we forgot what worked and made the country the best---in unbeatable record time. Greed and power took over, and money started ruling the government, instead of the people. The people were cut off from happenings within washignton--we wern't getting the whole story on issues that effect us directly-and decisions are made behind closed doors--or jammed through as quickly as possible, in hopes nobody will notice. Ear marks can be in massive numbers--attached to one bill, instead of dealing with one issue at a time. It is not that the times have changed---It is the fact that the people we elect have changed. The old proven philosophy of being a constitutionalist has worked exponentionally better than any other form of government----yet that winning philosophy keeps changing along with the people we elect, by the people we elect.

In my opinion--the perfect candidate today, would be the same person as the perfect candidate from the late 1700's. A person that knows it is not about the party, it is about the people. A person that remembers when it was considered a responsibility of our employeers to keep their home based American workers employed. (ya never hear any Cathy Lee Gifford fights about China) A person with the integrity to not take what he himself has not earned. A person that allows a nation of laws, and a free population at the same time. A person that friggen remembers the governments that were fled from to form THE GREATIST NATION ON EARTH! A person that truly knows that all men are created equal, and should be treated as such. No other country can beat such a mass population of perfection. Every citizen in the world wanted to live like Americans, yet we assimilate to them.

I select Ron Paul with Dwight D. Eisonhowers (sp of course) military knowlege. (the last militarially responsible predident we probably had--he knew when to hold, and when to fold--and he had the balls to warn us about the military industrial congressional complex and the possiblity of imperialism)

Anybody got any DNA? Wierd Science for the perfect politician?

Ya gotta admitt--a liberial can't tell a story like that --touching the heart of real free Americans--without wanting to gain power over the people--for the good of the socialist all---- whos ass we used to kick--and still and always will be able to.


I like it! And, I have favored Ron Paul because he is at heart a Libertarian. I have been doing more checking on his background lately. He doesn't give his 'yeas' away lightly. To me that spells integrity because he is obviously not pandering to any special interests.

I live in a red state. (South Dakota) BIG TIME!! Until I moved here I never would have guessed that so many people could spend so much time trying to keep their neighbors from doing things simply because they do not approve. The abortion bill fiasco here was almost too much to stand! I watched the religious zealots stand on one of the busiest streets in town with giant placards of aborted fetuses and lashed out at them. I left just before the cops showed up. :tongout
We also have CLOSED-DOOR government here. We're going in a direction that I do not like one bit.
I like it! And, I have favored Ron Paul because he is at heart a Libertarian. I have been doing more checking on his background lately. He doesn't give his 'yeas' away lightly. To me that spells integrity because he is obviously not pandering to any special interests.

I live in a red state. (South Dakota) BIG TIME!! Until I moved here I never would have guessed that so many people could spend so much time trying to keep their neighbors from doing things simply because they do not approve. The abortion bill fiasco here was almost too much to stand! I watched the religious zealots stand on one of the busiest streets in town with giant placards of aborted fetuses and lashed out at them. I left just before the cops showed up. :tongout
We also have CLOSED-DOOR government here. We're going in a direction that I do not like one bit.

It's not as bad as Mississippi. I promise thee.