The persecution of Donald Trump


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The truth of the matter in the outrageous Trump case on city lawyer Bragg's case.

The persecution of Donald Trump

The prosecution has wrapped up its case against Donald Trump in his New York trial on 34 felony counts of nobody is sure exactly what.

The 34 counts pertain to allegedly falsifying business records, but that’s not a felony in New York, and the statute of limitations on those misdemeanors expired years ago. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg elevated the misdemeanors to felonies by alleging that they were committed as part of another crime.

But he never said what crime that might be. Prosecutors didn’t say it in the indictment. They didn’t say it in the opening argument. And even now, having presented their case in full, Bragg and his prosecutors still haven’t said what “other” crime Trump is accused of committing.

A casual observer might think Trump had been arrested for rape in Central Park. Lurid but irrelevant details gushed into the record, a firehose of daily chit-chat for the TV news cycle. The prosecutors’ purpose seemed to be the general defamation of the leading candidate for the presidency of the United States.

It wasn’t too different from the “Russia collusion hoax,” which was investigated by special counsel Robert Mueller for as long as possible before he had to admit he had found no evidence of collusion. Until that moment, newsrooms had feasted on innuendo and smug suspicion, all originating from a compilation of phony intelligence that was cooked up to serve as political opposition research. The so-called “Steele dossier” was a garbage heap of salacious and unverified nonsense that was used to justify surveillance and investigation of Trump, his campaign and his associates.

And here we are again, this time in a criminal court. After weeks of tawdry but irrelevant allegations, the prosecution has concluded its case without showing any evidence that Trump committed some other crime that these 34 allegedly falsified ledger entries supposedly furthered.

~ To sum up the proceedings so far, the prosecution has no crime, the witnesses have no credibility, and the judge and prosecutors have enough major conflicts to win a screenplay contest. Imagine the judge’s instructions to the jury. “Ladies and gentlemen, please figure out what crime was committed. Don’t rush, the cable TV ratings are great. And did you meet my daughter the Democratic fundraising consultant? What a year she’s having with all the anti-Trump donations. Ka-ching, you know what I’m saying?”

~ Meanwhile, James Carville, a longtime political advisor to the Clintons, released a video on social media in which he boiled with frustration that Trump is getting stronger in the polls. “It’s not working,” he ranted. “Everything that we’re throwing is spaghetti at a wall, and none of it is sticking.”

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Well, the 34 counts are nothing but charge stacking. Instead of a single charge for felony bookkeeping or whatever it is, Trump got charged 34 times, once for each supposed entry made that could be charged.

It's like charging a bank robber for each dollar bill he took.
Each of the 34 counts did not happen on the same day. They occurred over 12 months. It would be like charging a bank robber for each bank he entered and robbed if he robbed 3 banks a month for a year.
How would you feel if the referees in a football game your favorite team was playing in were wearing the jersey of the other team. That is pretty much what is happening here and everyone knows it. It's backfiring on the Democrats.
Are you saying Trump is already wearing black and white stripes?
Makes ZERO difference.
Only in MAGA world.

If the multiple crimes make no difference then shouldn't Hunter Biden only have been charged with one tax crime instead of 9? Shouldn't he have only been charged with one instance of false statements when buying a gun instead of 2 who is charged with?

In the real world, people can be charged with each crime they commit.
Only in MAGA world.

If the multiple crimes make no difference then shouldn't Hunter Biden only have been charged with one tax crime instead of 9? Shouldn't he have only been charged with one instance of false statements when buying a gun instead of 2 who is charged with?

In the real world, people can be charged with each crime they commit.

What crimes ?? NONE have been shown
and you're playing pretend......
I'm playing, read the indictment and read the testimony. No pretend about it. Are you claiming that no crime is listed in the indictment?

This is the first sentence of the indictment.
THE GRAND JURY OF THE COUNTY OF NEW YORK, by this indictment, accuses
the defendant of the crime of FALSIFYING BUSINESS RECORDS IN THE FIRST
DEGREE, in violation of Penal Law §175.10

Can you point out where the crime is listed in that sentence? Can you point out where they list the actual law that is alleged to be broken? Are you agreeing with Grok that no crime is presented as having been committed in that sentence?