The persecution of Donald Trump

It just comes down to the fact the far lefties are scared shitless of Donald Trump.

democrats were convinced that America was defeated. They came out strong in 2021 - after the J6 protests they created a full blown police state that would make Fidel Castro envious. The FBI dropped any pretense of legitimacy and morphed into the American STASI. Moving door to door hunting for any who supported Donald Trump or protested against the party. The long night of terror went on for 9 months, but gradually the public pushed back. Videos of political prisoners in the Gulag couldn't be suppressed. Whistleblowers exposed the shit Twitter and Facebook were doing on behalf of the Biden Regime to crush basic civil rights, and slowly the Stalinist regime Biden had impose rolled back - America could not be put under totalitarianism quite yet. Speaking for myself - 2021 is as close to totalitarian dictatorship as I ever want to get.

But democrats seek to end America and bring about the authoritarian state they came close to in 2021. They believed it to be just a waiting game, to incrementally erode civil liberty and impose dictatorial controls on the populace. Just as the party believed that Hillary would usher in the end of the Constitutional Republic until Trump saved America for a few years, the rapid assault at the start of Biden's reign of terror.

Until recently, democrats were again convinced of their victory over the Constitution and the inevitability of a Marxist dictatorship - but again Trump comes in and disrupts their coup. It's a true hatred they have of Trump, the man who has twice disrupted their final destruction of America.
The truth of the matter in the outrageous Trump case on city lawyer Bragg's case.

The persecution of Donald Trump

The prosecution has wrapped up its case against Donald Trump in his New York trial on 34 felony counts of nobody is sure exactly what.

The 34 counts pertain to allegedly falsifying business records, but that’s not a felony in New York, and the statute of limitations on those misdemeanors expired years ago. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg elevated the misdemeanors to felonies by alleging that they were committed as part of another crime.

But he never said what crime that might be. Prosecutors didn’t say it in the indictment. They didn’t say it in the opening argument. And even now, having presented their case in full, Bragg and his prosecutors still haven’t said what “other” crime Trump is accused of committing.

A casual observer might think Trump had been arrested for rape in Central Park. Lurid but irrelevant details gushed into the record, a firehose of daily chit-chat for the TV news cycle. The prosecutors’ purpose seemed to be the general defamation of the leading candidate for the presidency of the United States.

It wasn’t too different from the “Russia collusion hoax,” which was investigated by special counsel Robert Mueller for as long as possible before he had to admit he had found no evidence of collusion. Until that moment, newsrooms had feasted on innuendo and smug suspicion, all originating from a compilation of phony intelligence that was cooked up to serve as political opposition research. The so-called “Steele dossier” was a garbage heap of salacious and unverified nonsense that was used to justify surveillance and investigation of Trump, his campaign and his associates.

And here we are again, this time in a criminal court. After weeks of tawdry but irrelevant allegations, the prosecution has concluded its case without showing any evidence that Trump committed some other crime that these 34 allegedly falsified ledger entries supposedly furthered.

~ To sum up the proceedings so far, the prosecution has no crime, the witnesses have no credibility, and the judge and prosecutors have enough major conflicts to win a screenplay contest. Imagine the judge’s instructions to the jury. “Ladies and gentlemen, please figure out what crime was committed. Don’t rush, the cable TV ratings are great. And did you meet my daughter the Democratic fundraising consultant? What a year she’s having with all the anti-Trump donations. Ka-ching, you know what I’m saying?”

~ Meanwhile, James Carville, a longtime political advisor to the Clintons, released a video on social media in which he boiled with frustration that Trump is getting stronger in the polls. “It’s not working,” he ranted. “Everything that we’re throwing is spaghetti at a wall, and none of it is sticking.”

Oh the horrors!!

That someone accused of a crime should actually stand trial.
Falsifying business records in the first degree. 34 counts.

A single misdemeanor outside the statute of limitations charged 34 times?

Why did Bragg/Merchan fail to establish a crime using black letter law before resting their case?

Simple they have no crime. This is and always was just an attempt to corrupt and pervert the 2024 presidential election.

Except it backfired and ensured that Trump will again be president.

In 2016 democrats rioted across the nation to try and undo the election - democrats HATE democracy. I expect that your party will be extremely violent this time around and urge the Rittenhouse Response as the first rather than last answer to democrat terrorism once Trump wins.
The truth of the matter in the outrageous Trump case on city lawyer Bragg's case.

The persecution of Donald Trump

The prosecution has wrapped up its case against Donald Trump in his New York trial on 34 felony counts of nobody is sure exactly what.

The 34 counts pertain to allegedly falsifying business records, but that’s not a felony in New York, and the statute of limitations on those misdemeanors expired years ago. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg elevated the misdemeanors to felonies by alleging that they were committed as part of another crime.

But he never said what crime that might be. Prosecutors didn’t say it in the indictment. They didn’t say it in the opening argument. And even now, having presented their case in full, Bragg and his prosecutors still haven’t said what “other” crime Trump is accused of committing.

A casual observer might think Trump had been arrested for rape in Central Park. Lurid but irrelevant details gushed into the record, a firehose of daily chit-chat for the TV news cycle. The prosecutors’ purpose seemed to be the general defamation of the leading candidate for the presidency of the United States.

It wasn’t too different from the “Russia collusion hoax,” which was investigated by special counsel Robert Mueller for as long as possible before he had to admit he had found no evidence of collusion. Until that moment, newsrooms had feasted on innuendo and smug suspicion, all originating from a compilation of phony intelligence that was cooked up to serve as political opposition research. The so-called “Steele dossier” was a garbage heap of salacious and unverified nonsense that was used to justify surveillance and investigation of Trump, his campaign and his associates.

And here we are again, this time in a criminal court. After weeks of tawdry but irrelevant allegations, the prosecution has concluded its case without showing any evidence that Trump committed some other crime that these 34 allegedly falsified ledger entries supposedly furthered.

~ To sum up the proceedings so far, the prosecution has no crime, the witnesses have no credibility, and the judge and prosecutors have enough major conflicts to win a screenplay contest. Imagine the judge’s instructions to the jury. “Ladies and gentlemen, please figure out what crime was committed. Don’t rush, the cable TV ratings are great. And did you meet my daughter the Democratic fundraising consultant? What a year she’s having with all the anti-Trump donations. Ka-ching, you know what I’m saying?”

~ Meanwhile, James Carville, a longtime political advisor to the Clintons, released a video on social media in which he boiled with frustration that Trump is getting stronger in the polls. “It’s not working,” he ranted. “Everything that we’re throwing is spaghetti at a wall, and none of it is sticking.”

The truth of the matter in the outrageous Trump case on city lawyer Bragg's case.

The persecution of Donald Trump

The prosecution has wrapped up its case against Donald Trump in his New York trial on 34 felony counts of nobody is sure exactly what.

The 34 counts pertain to allegedly falsifying business records, but that’s not a felony in New York, and the statute of limitations on those misdemeanors expired years ago. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg elevated the misdemeanors to felonies by alleging that they were committed as part of another crime.

But he never said what crime that might be. Prosecutors didn’t say it in the indictment. They didn’t say it in the opening argument. And even now, having presented their case in full, Bragg and his prosecutors still haven’t said what “other” crime Trump is accused of committing.

A casual observer might think Trump had been arrested for rape in Central Park. Lurid but irrelevant details gushed into the record, a firehose of daily chit-chat for the TV news cycle. The prosecutors’ purpose seemed to be the general defamation of the leading candidate for the presidency of the United States.

It wasn’t too different from the “Russia collusion hoax,” which was investigated by special counsel Robert Mueller for as long as possible before he had to admit he had found no evidence of collusion. Until that moment, newsrooms had feasted on innuendo and smug suspicion, all originating from a compilation of phony intelligence that was cooked up to serve as political opposition research. The so-called “Steele dossier” was a garbage heap of salacious and unverified nonsense that was used to justify surveillance and investigation of Trump, his campaign and his associates.

And here we are again, this time in a criminal court. After weeks of tawdry but irrelevant allegations, the prosecution has concluded its case without showing any evidence that Trump committed some other crime that these 34 allegedly falsified ledger entries supposedly furthered.

~ To sum up the proceedings so far, the prosecution has no crime, the witnesses have no credibility, and the judge and prosecutors have enough major conflicts to win a screenplay contest. Imagine the judge’s instructions to the jury. “Ladies and gentlemen, please figure out what crime was committed. Don’t rush, the cable TV ratings are great. And did you meet my daughter the Democratic fundraising consultant? What a year she’s having with all the anti-Trump donations. Ka-ching, you know what I’m saying?”

~ Meanwhile, James Carville, a longtime political advisor to the Clintons, released a video on social media in which he boiled with frustration that Trump is getting stronger in the polls. “It’s not working,” he ranted. “Everything that we’re throwing is spaghetti at a wall, and none of it is sticking.”
Pretty funny, if he loses an election, the election was rigged; if he is prosecuted for breaking the law, he’s persecuted, and the cult will still deny they don’t have daddy issues
A single misdemeanor outside the statute of limitations charged 34 times?

Why did Bragg/Merchan fail to establish a crime using black letter law before resting their case?

Simple they have no crime. This is and always was just an attempt to corrupt and pervert the 2024 presidential election.

Except it backfired and ensured that Trump will again be president.

In 2016 democrats rioted across the nation to try and undo the election - democrats HATE democracy. I expect that your party will be extremely violent this time around and urge the Rittenhouse Response as the first rather than last answer to democrat terrorism once Trump wins.
The Democrats are trying to cheat again. Cheaters never win.
Oh the horrors!!

That someone accused of a crime should actually stand trial.
What crime? None has been presented.

That is the entire point; this is a case in search of a crime..IOW= NO CASE.

Oh, do YOU have the Big Secret Underlying Crime that this entire fiasco depends on?

By all means share.
Pretty funny, if he loses an election, the election was rigged; if he is prosecuted for breaking the law, he’s persecuted, and the cult will still deny they don’t have daddy issues

The election is so perversely rigged a misdemeanor in book keeping is fabricated into a farce of 34 felonies in a kangaroo court designed to keep the opposition candidate from running a campaign against the party.

But it backfired, America isn't as stupid as you Marxists think - all you ended up doing is pushing Trump so far ahead that not even the legendary democrat fraud can stop him from winning the election.

The question is to what lengths your party will go to hang on to power? Will Obama use his trained monkey to declare martial law and refuse to abide by the election and surrender power? democrat Brown Shirts are already deployed nationwide on college campuses. How far will the Stalinist party go to try and retain power? You Marxists always have the delusion that the military will back your treason, will you try to use the military to create a literal Junta?
A single misdemeanor outside the statute of limitations charged 34 times?

Why did Bragg/Merchan fail to establish a crime using black letter law before resting their case?

Simple they have no crime. This is and always was just an attempt to corrupt and pervert the 2024 presidential election.

Except it backfired and ensured that Trump will again be president.

In 2016 democrats rioted across the nation to try and undo the election - democrats HATE democracy. I expect that your party will be extremely violent this time around and urge the Rittenhouse Response as the first rather than last answer to democrat terrorism once Trump wins.
34 instances of FELONIES charged once for each time committed.
The election is so perversely rigged a misdemeanor in book keeping is fabricated into a farce of 34 felonies in a kangaroo court designed to keep the opposition candidate from running a campaign against the party.

But it backfired, America isn't as stupid as you Marxists think - all you ended up doing is pushing Trump so far ahead that not even the legendary democrat fraud can stop him from winning the election.

The question is to what lengths your party will go to hang on to power? Will Obama use his trained monkey to declare martial law and refuse to abide by the election and surrender power? democrat Brown Shirts are already deployed nationwide on college campuses. How far will the Stalinist party go to try and retain power? You Marxists always have the delusion that the military will back your treason, will you try to use the military to create a literal Junta?
LMAO your orange pile of dirty diapers tried to cling to power, both by setting up fraudulent electors, trying to have Pence subvert the Constitution, and then attempting a violent coup when neither of those worked.

Look in a fucking mirror you rube.
34 instances of FELONIES charged once for each time committed.

Lying doesn't help you.

Under New York law, misclassification of expenditures is a misdemeanor. FURTHER the alleged action was 3 years past the statute of limitations. Not ONLY did Merchan fabricate the felonies out of whole cloth, he violated the law by charging outside of it. Then the new Marxist trick of stacking, taking a single instance and multiplying. There was one alleged act - which turns out didn't actually happen as Cohen let spill - which Merchan multiplied 34 times.

Sleaziest show trial since Stalin died.
LMAO your orange pile of dirty diapers tried to cling to power, both by setting up fraudulent electors,

You mean like you Stalinists did in 2016?

{. An unprecedented public lobbying campaign was organized by Democratic activists to persuade some of the presidential electors pledged to vote for the Republican Party nominee to instead cast their ballot for someone—anyone—else, in the hopes of denying Donald Trump the White House.}

Oh, but that's different because Uber Alles democrat.

trying to have Pence subvert the Constitution, and then attempting a violent coup when neither of those worked.

More fucking lies - what idiocy you Marxists spew.

Jackson Lee and her allies argued that widespread voter suppression in states won by Trump tarnished the results. They also pointed to research provided by a team of independent lawyers that found dozens of Republican electors were technically ineligible to serve. But their arguments failed to persuade their Senate colleagues to step forward.

Though any single member may lodge an objection, only those supported by both a House member and senator are eligible for debate. Had the effort by House Democrats gained the support of a single senator, it would have delayed the confirmation of Trump’s victory by hours, forcing the Senate to retreat to its chamber and debate the merits of each challenged electoral vote.

The attempted objections began immediately, when Rep. James McGovern (D-Mass.) protested Alabama’s electoral votes, citing Russian interference in the presidential election. His declaration drew a sharp round of booing from the Republicans in the chamber.}

Oh, but that's different because Uber Alles democrat.

Look in a fucking mirror you rube.

Oh the irony - Comrade.
What crime? None has been presented.

That is the entire point; this is a case in search of a crime..IOW= NO CASE.

Oh, do YOU have the Big Secret Underlying Crime that this entire fiasco depends on?

By all means share.

34 instances of FELONIES charged once for each time committed.


Trump admitted the money he paid Cohen was 'hush money payments' not legal salary and the jury knows it, so the attempt to lie now and paint them as 'legal payments' will not fly.
Falsifying business records in the first degree. 34 count

Unproven misdemeanors, far expired under statute of limitations.

The Big, Secret " UNDERLYING CRIME" is the issue....except that no one, including the prosecution, seems to know what that is.

The ENTIRE CASE depends upon it, which is why the trial is off for a week; so the Stalinists can DREAM ONE UP.