The philosophy of freedom

“ Bhagavad-Gita, chapter 16
Fearlessness, purity of being, knowledge, generosity, discipline, sacrifice, sacred study, austerity, honesty, non-harm, truth, non-anger, letting go, peace, non-slander, kindness to living things, non-greed, gentleness, modesty, non-caprice, energy, forgiveness, resolve, cleanliness, non-aggression, non-arrogance -- those exist in one born to godly assets.”

Sounds like the Stoics, as well.

A good insight.

The Bhagavad-Gita in some sense is about duty, in accordance with your Dharma.

The Stoics placed a premium on duty too, in the sense of civic obligation.
a testament to your stupidity. a simple look at accounting proves that government run programs are the worst.

The accounting systems are different, but you’re ignorance probably doesn’t allow you to see that.

My personal experience with the accounting in the two worlds, I never had the accountants in my public sector jobs fuck up nearly as much as the dodes in the corporate world.

It's really funny that to your ear, The Buddha, Jesus, and the sage Vyasa sound like Marxists.
This would be a combination of your Marxist mischaracterizations and your generally undereducated nature.

I never said Buddha or Jesus were Marxist, just that you are Marxist.

The accounting systems are different, but you’re ignorance probably doesn’t allow you to see that.

My personal experience with the accounting in the two worlds, I never had the accountants in my public sector jobs fuck up nearly as much as the dodes in the corporate world.

sure.......because in all my years..............i've certainly read MORE articles about the federal government 'misplacing' billions of dollars than I have a private corporation................

you're such a moron
I’ve worked in both the public and private sectors.
That doesn't mean that you weren't asleep the whole time, or that you were ever cognizant of which day of the week it was.

The most poorly run are the corporations. By far.
There are, in fact, some poorly run and/or inefficient businesses that will be going out of business. The US Federal government, on the other hand, NEVER needs to turn a profit; it has only one job, i.e. it spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends, spends. The US Federal government has long-since become addicted to spending YOUR money, and as such, has convinced itself that it can spend YOUR money better than YOU can. Therefore, while being the most inefficient and wasteful organization on the planet, it never loses any of its voracious appetite for more and more wealth to piss away like a drunken sailor.

Don't be afraid to come to me with the hard stuff.

And yet here you are again, reading through my posts and threads,
Yes, and I was moved to comment on the overwhelming disappointment at your repeated failures to write anything worthy of the consumption of rational adults.

... taking the time to compose long winded responses,
So you characterize the OP as "long winded"?

You can count on my continued reporting on the dearth of intellect contained in your posts.

sure.......because in all my years..............i've certainly read MORE articles about the federal government 'misplacing' billions of dollars than I have a private corporation................

you're such a moron

Yeah, it’s all relative, dumbfuck.

With a budget of $6.27 trillion, $10 billion is about 0.16%.

Now, in my workplace, my little end of the store brings in maybe $10,000 a day. Know what waste of 0.16% is? $16.

I watch $16 AN HOUR go down the shitter, much less $16 a day.

So much for corporate efficiency.
I don't agree.

Freedom is a slippery word we throw around without ever really thinking about what it means.

I should have included FDR's formulation of freedom - the four freedoms, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from fear,freedom from want.

FDR violated the Constitution. He reduced freedom, not enhanced it.

He attempted to restrict freedom of speech.
He used fear to steal gold and implement fiat currency, and established the normal habit of government borrowing in peacetime, producing the crisis in government funding we are facing today.
Democrats live in fear. There is no freedom from fear for them. They fear guns. They fear CO2. They fear oil or natural gas. They fear nuclear power. They fear coal. They fear having only two genders. They fear someone speaking out against them. The fear a company making a profit. They fear light bulbs. They fear toilets that actually work. They fear the climate is somehow 'changing' (even though it can't). They fear 'global warming'. They fear ozone holes. They fear any chemical, machine, or technology they don't understand. They fear Donald Trump (TDS). They fear Christianity. They fear the Earth is somehow running out of food and other resources.

Democrats take away freedom from want. Shortages loom everywhere. Inflation is high (the dollar has devalued 25% since Biden was installed). The economic depression started by Democrats continues to this day.

...and you have the gall to talk about freedom??????!?
That’s EXACTLY what I wrote. In response to your moronic post that 19 people are under indictment for speech. They’re not. They’re under indictment, especially Trump, for coercing people to break the law. And they did.

Your “speech” rhetoric comes from your right wing handlers, ie conspiracy sites.

What law was broken by Trump, Dumber?
and the left avoids the word at all costs

that's probably true for most rightwingers.........their idea of freedom is as limited as the lefts idea of it. The framers of our Constitution wrote down and debated their ideas of freedom, then voted on it. It lasted less than 20 years when they realized that their power as political leaders really was they brainwashed their supporters in to believing that they could use 'common sense' to ignore their restrictions.

Like all government programs, they are poorly built, poorly run, and severely inefficient...........with that entire history as a guideline, people still think that the federal government is the only entity capable of managing the economy........brilliantly idiotic of them.

The liberal philosophy of freedom is clearly and concisely articulated in FDR's four freedoms:
Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from want, freedom from fear.

That's a hell of a lot more focused and far-reaching than the right's vague sloganeering about keeping taxes extremely minimal on wealth and having as many guns as possible.
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a testament to your stupidity. a simple look at accounting proves that government run programs are the worst.

There is a simple reason for this:

The success metric for private industry is profit. It is capitalism. If you produce an inferior or too expensive product or service, you will lose profit to another that can do better than you. The incentive is to do better. To be more efficient at what you do.

The success metric for a government agency is simply to justify itself. Agencies are created to 'solve a problem'. If the 'problem' is solved, the agency has no further rationale for existence. Therefore, the incentive is to create 'problems' for the agency to 'solve' without actually solving anything. The incentive is to create 'problems' and appear to try to 'solve' them. Oft times the 'problems' are very real and created by the agency in the first place. No profit motive is in play at any time, since governments are funded by taxing, borrowing, or printing money. There is no incentive for efficiency. The incentive is for inefficiency.
Well I have heard people say you are free to say what you like but not the consequences of saying it. That may be true but the consequences have the effect of reducing ones freedom and willingness to speak. The effect is the same regardless of the reasons.

The last 2 from FDR make no sense whatsoever. How about freedom of association? Can the govt morally demand me to do business I don't want to do business with? Some people certainly think so.

Excellent points.

We are all free to choose. We are NOT free of the consequences of that choice.
If I choose, I can go out and shoot someone. I must pay the consequences of that choice should I choose to do so.

The fastest and only road to freedom is choosing wisely.
Bigots are generally free to say anything they want, short of threats of violence.
They can make threats of violence. They are free to do so. They are NOT free of the consequences of those choices.
Bigotry itself is a fallacy, based on a compositional error involving people as the class.
Other people have the freedom to decide for themselves if they want to be friends with that person, work with them, or invite them to social gatherings.
Not according to FDR or various government agencies.
Freedom isn't a one way street who's highest goal is to make sure that a bigot's coworkers will still go to lunch with him.
Freedom is a two way street
Freedom is not a street.
The liberal philosophy of freedom is clearly and concisely articulated in FFR's four freedoms:
Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from want, freedom from fear.

That's a hell of a lot more focused and far-reaching than the right's vague sloganeering about keeping taxes extremely minimal on wealth and having as many guns as possible.


The liberal philosophy is tyranny. Tyranny is not freedom. Democrats fear and try to outlaw freedom of speech, freedom of religion, cause shortages and economic depressions (producing want), and live in fear of CO2, ozone holes, guns, freedom of expression, anyone speaking out against them, even of someone flying the American flag.
They can make threats of violence...
That's a crime, not "free speech", Sybil.
Technically, you could be charged with a crime for verbally threatening someone. Making threats is a form of assault. You could face criminal charges for assault if it can be proven that you made a threat of violence and had the ability or intent to see it through.

You may also face charges for written threats. Written threats could result in even more serious charges or penalties for cyberstalking, harassment, abuse, or even terrorism depending on the nature of the threat.

There are many defense strategies available if you are charged for making a threat:

  • Not Going to Follow Through: Your defense could be that although you made a threat, you had no actual intent of following through.
  • No Means To Follow Through: You may also prove that you did not have any way to act on the threat you made, and therefore had no intention to actually cause harm.
  • Self-Defense: Many people face charges after acting in self-defense. You can prove that you did not start the incident that led to a threat being made.
  • Wrong Perception: Perhaps the alleged victim misunderstood what you said and no genuine threat was actually made.
  • Unreasonable Fear: Another common defense is that the victim’s fear of harm is not reasonable or justified based on the alleged threat.
It's amazing they say, my body my choice until it came to the death stab. They claim to love free speech until you "misgender" one of them. It's all leftist double speak.

The 'my body my choice' failed to consider the child's body as well.
Yup. Doublespeak.
If civil rights are violated the government and the courts are an option for redress.

Freedom of association is a fundamental type of freedom too.

If someone if giggling and openly agreeing with Trump that we need to keep people from shit hole places in Africa out of America, people have a right to decide if they want to associate with that person.

Until the government and the courts become the instrument of violating civil rights. Which is what is happening now.
So the rights of some people outweigh the rights of other people?

Fundamental maybe but ignored definitely

I agree but that is not what happens. What's happens is the thugs demand they be silenced. Not the same at all.

He thinks rights come from government or from a constitution. How wrong he is.