The President Can Now Assassinate You, Officially

Under this new standard, a president can go on a four-to-eight year crime spree and then retire from public life, never to be held accountable.

Welp, Donald Trump won. The Supreme Court today ruled that presidents are entitled to “absolute immunity” from criminal prosecution for official acts, then contended that pressuring the vice president and the Department of Justice to overthrow the government was an “official act,” then said that talking to advisers or making public statements are “official acts” as well, and then determined evidence of what presidents say and do cannot be used against them to establish that their acts are “unofficial.”

The ruling from the Supreme Court was 6-3, written by Chief Justice John Roberts, on a straight party-line vote, with all the Republican-appointed justices joining to give the president the power of a king. While some parts of the federal indictment against Trump will be remanded back down to the district-court trial judge to determine whether any of Trump’s actions were “unofficial” (“unofficial” acts, the court says are not entitled to immunity), Trump’s victory in front of the Supreme Court is total. Essentially all he has to do is claim that everything he did to plot a coup was part of his “official” duties, and the Supreme Court provided no clear method or evidentiary standard that can be used to challenge that presumption.

Legally, there are two critical things to understand about the totality of the court’s ruling here:

  • The immunity is absolute
  • There is no legislative way to get rid of what the court has given
You are a certified moron but just in case you are correct,

But the President could justifiably argue that all his acts are official. The Nixon doctrine: If the President does it, it means it is legal.
And the DOJ can prosecute and argue illegal acts are not official.

Under this new standard, a president can go on a four-to-eight year crime spree and then retire from public life, never to be held accountable.
Where was your outrage when Obama said he could do it?

from the article: "The Obama administration today argued before a federal court that it should have unreviewable authority to kill Americans the executive branch has unilaterally determined to pose a threat."

nothing to do with Europe.

Abroad, not domestically. And I oppose even that.
from the article: "The Obama administration today argued before a federal court that it should have unreviewable authority to kill Americans the executive branch has unilaterally determined to pose a threat."

nothing to do with Europe.

You asked me where I was. Not of voting age and I was living in Europe. Next
After seeing prominent Democrat voices openly calling for Trump's assassination today and to impeach the Supreme Court, I am unfortunately now confident that Trump's #47 2nd term is going to be filled with historic levels of Leftist violence and disorder.

These Marxists do NOT want to relinquish control of their authoritarian federal government and they will engage in terrorism to stop it.

Brace Yourselves, for these Marxists will stop at nothing to keep control and power.
Glad you see what I see.

Keep yer powder dry!