The problem with slavery.

Oh my, aren't we full of ourselves! :laugh: :lolup:

Get real were taken to task and couldn't mount a rational, let alone fact based retort. So you blow all this self aggrandizing smoke.

And are saying that you're not clever enough to give the reading audience a general label, topic or description of what you're prevented from saying in a public medium? Their out to git ya? I mean, the regurgitated clap trap you laid out is such a laughable dodge, it's almost grade school.

You're done, toodles. The chronology of the posts will always be your undoing. Carry on.

Oh, can't give me just one point to refute. Chicken. Coward.
Oh, can't give me just one point to refute. Chicken. Coward.

Get sober, my pointy hood wearing friend....the chronology of the posts shows EXACTLY what was said in our exchanges. I took you to task point for point and left you babbling and dodging to no avail....a direct question gets the most ludicrous response from you that has NOTHING but vague references, generalized statements and oft topic declarations, but NOTHING THAT STATES EXACTLY IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS WHAT YOU BELIEVE YOU ARE BEING KEPT FROM SAYING ON THIS SITE! To date, you've posted several racist threads chock full of fake/misconstrued "facts"....I've deconstructed just one for the reading audience. You rant and blather on all types of excuses and justifications for the recent Buffalo shooting that would make the talking heads of Fox News, Murdoch publicatons, David Duke and the op ed page of StormWatch proud.

You can type all your revisionist clap trap and lies all you want...the only people who are buying them are the documented sheet wearers on this site and the clown you see in the mirror.

Say goodnight, gracie.