The problem with slavery.

No. But Communists have no Biblical moral standards. They view Christians and faggots equally as threats to total control.

I'm from America where faggots used to be hanged, ok?

Now I'm not for that. I'm for live and let live, but then they got too big for their britches and set out to indoctrinate the children.

Not all fags did that, mind you. Just the homosexual/commie lobby did that. Obama is probably their Grand Poobah.

A supermajority of "normal" homosexuals know that pushing sexuality on children is wrong, so there's something much more nefarious going on with that.

Definitely an evil force is behind doing that. And it's been being done for 2 decades. :palm:

As well as the attempt to normalize mentally ill trannies. That's in the same genre.

Sure, accept 'em for what they are, but no one has to buy into their delusions.

Did you know 40% of post-op trannies end up committing suicide? I've known that since the 80s.

Homosexuality and transgender are two different things. I understand homosexuality, I don't understand transgender.
Because I think it's caught up in traditional male and female stereotypes!
Not all men are Alpha males,as all women aren't all girlie girls!
I don't understand wanting to change your groin!
Homosexuality and transgender are two different things. I understand homosexuality, I don't understand transgender.
Because I think it's caught up in traditional male and female stereotypes!
Not all men are Alpha males,as all women aren't all girlie girls!
I don't understand wanting to change your groin!

I can sympathize with that.

I know it's not the supermajority of homosexuals in America trying to push sexuality on children. It's something different and much more nefarious.

Something that's a tiny minority yet got their way for a couple decades.

Who the fuck let this happen?

Corrupting children is evil as can be.
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I can sympathize with that.

I know it's not the supermajority of homosexuals in America trying to push sexuality on children. It's something different and much more nefarious.

Something that's a tiny minority yet got their way for a couple decades.

Who the fuck let this happen?

I don't think it's homosexuals pushing this sexualizing children.I think it's the far left PC group!Where everyone has to be cool with everything.
American politics has pretty much become bipartisan "evil".

I disagree, to an extent.

The bipartisan Senators voting themselves the "Lords of the US" during Reagan's 2nd Congress was evil; And really every single one of them should have to pay back the Treasury out of their own pockets.

However, that was 3 decades ago. What needs to be done now is working on what can be done from here. Maybe reverse that; Yes.

Get things back to how the Founding Fathers intended a bit.
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I disagree, to an extent.

The bipartisan Senators voting themselves the "Lords of the US" during Reagan's 2nd Congress was evil; And really every single one of them should have to pay back the Treasury out of their own pockets.

However, that was 3 decades ago. What needs to be done now is working on what can be done from here. Maybe reverse that; Yes.

Get things back to how the Founding Fathers intended a bit.

We aren't remotely close to where the founding fathers intended.We aren't even remotely the America of Reagan!
I don't think it's homosexuals pushing this sexualizing children.I think it's the far left PC group!Where everyone has to be cool with everything.

Too stupid for words.

How about the right wingers who victimize a sexual victim of a pedophile priest a second time, by allowing a price to make the whole thing a pay for play and turning the victim into a prostitute.

Be one left or right, when one starts to say stupid things, ----

art is subjective.

for you to ignore his comments and rant on about your sophomoric views of something subjective shows what a miserable little piece of shit you are, have been,and always will be

that you spent any amount of time doing so also shows what a fucking loser you are in life.

This loser is 75 and has been retired for twenty years. You wish you were as miserable as I, kiddo.
IT'S REALLY QUITE SIMPLE: you can have freedom of speech, but that freedom does not make you immune from the consequences of that speech.

Nothing people do anywhere on this planet is perfect. It's just going to take time and effort to get things as right as possible for the general population.

And the band played on.

Where can I have freedom of speech. Not here. Also, the only "consequence" anybody should suffer for exercising their freedom of speech is to be proven wrong. Banning somebody over exercising their freedom of speech isn't a consequence of freedom of speech. It's an example of it being suppressed.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
IT'S REALLY QUITE SIMPLE: you can have freedom of speech, but that freedom does not make you immune from the consequences of that speech.

Nothing people do anywhere on this planet is perfect. It's just going to take time and effort to get things as right as possible for the general population.

And the band played on.

Where can I have freedom of speech. Not here. Also, the only "consequence" anybody should suffer for exercising their freedom of speech is to be proven wrong. Banning somebody over exercising their freedom of speech isn't a consequence of freedom of speech. It's an example of it being suppressed.

Your idea of being "suppressed" is not being allowed to say things that are slanderous, libelous, inciting violence, defamation of character, language that has been universally recognized as "vulgar" or "unsuitable for children", etc. Those are the basics by federal law. Now, in a private institution like this, the creators have the right to set their own rules in addition and accordance with the FCC. People are banned from private and public mediums when they violate said laws and show every indication of continuing such actions. Now, there are and have been lawsuits against unfair interpretations of these laws by the organizations that enforce them. Some have won, some have lost, some have changed the face of social discourse. And so on, and so on.

Given some of the fantastic displays of racism, classism, misogyny and anti-gov't rhetoric on this site, I dare say that little is being "suppressed". What exactly do you feel you are being kept from saying in a public medium?
Your idea of being "suppressed" is not being allowed to say things that are slanderous, libelous, inciting violence, defamation of character, language that has been universally recognized as "vulgar" or "unsuitable for children", etc. Those are the basics by federal law. Now, in a private institution like this, the creators have the right to set their own rules in addition and accordance with the FCC. People are banned from private and public mediums when they violate said laws and show every indication of continuing such actions. Now, there are and have been lawsuits against unfair interpretations of these laws by the organizations that enforce them. Some have won, some have lost, some have changed the face of social discourse. And so on, and so on.

Given some of the fantastic displays of racism, classism, misogyny and anti-gov't rhetoric on this site, I dare say that little is being "suppressed". What exactly do you feel you are being kept from saying in a public medium?

What are you talking about with "public medium." Sure, I can go out on a street corner and say what I want. And maybe not get beaten up or shot. But have you personally ever seen anybody doing so? So you can basically call that freedom of speech nonexistent. And there is no government run public forum out there there that by law they would have to respect the first amendment. The only you can speak to the public in any way is through things like facebook, twitter or various forums like this one. Where freedom of speech isn't allowed. But I say that in any way where the public in general communicates with each other, that is where freedom of speech should apply. And what would I say? The TRUTH! Forums are just a way around the law of freedom of speech.

plato 2.jpg
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What are you talking about with "public medium." Sure, I can go out on a street corner and say what I want. And maybe not get beaten up or shot. But have you personally ever seen anybody doing so? So you can basically call that freedom of speech nonexistent. And there is no government run public forum out there there that by law they would have to respect the first amendment. The only you can speak to the public in any way is through things like facebook, twitter or various forums like this one. Where freedom of speech isn't allowed. But I say that in any way where the public in general communicates with each other, that is where freedom of speech should apply. And what would I say? The TRUTH! Forums are just a way around the law of freedom of speech.

View attachment 22495

The former President.

Anyone who believes we don't have freedom of speech is an idiot.

Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: I am Gunnery Sergeant Hartman, your senior drill instructor. From now on you will speak only when spoken to, and the first and last words out of your filthy sewers will be "Sir". Do you maggots understand that?

Recruits: [In unison in a normal speaking tone] Sir, yes Sir.

Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Bullshit, I can't hear you. Sound off like you got a pair!

Recruits: [In unison, much louder] SIR, YES SIR!

Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: If you ladies leave my island, if you survive recruit training, you will be a weapon. You will be a minister of death praying for war. But until that day, you are pukes. You are the lowest form of life on Earth. You are not even human fucking beings. You are nothing but unorganized grab-asstic pieces of amphibian shit! Because I am hard, you will not like me. But the more you hate me, the more you will learn. I am hard but I am fair. There is no racial bigotry here. I do not look down on niggers, kikes, wops or greasers. Here you are all equally worthless. And my orders are to weed out all non-hackers who do not pack the gear to serve in my beloved Corps. Do you maggots understand that?

Are you a non-hacker, Fucktify?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Your idea of being "suppressed" is not being allowed to say things that are slanderous, libelous, inciting violence, defamation of character, language that has been universally recognized as "vulgar" or "unsuitable for children", etc. Those are the basics by federal law. Now, in a private institution like this, the creators have the right to set their own rules in addition and accordance with the FCC. People are banned from private and public mediums when they violate said laws and show every indication of continuing such actions. Now, there are and have been lawsuits against unfair interpretations of these laws by the organizations that enforce them. Some have won, some have lost, some have changed the face of social discourse. And so on, and so on.

Given some of the fantastic displays of racism, classism, misogyny and anti-gov't rhetoric on this site, I dare say that little is being "suppressed". What exactly do you feel you are being kept from saying in a public medium?

What are you talking about with "public medium." Sure, I can go out on a street corner and say what I want. And maybe not get beaten up or shot. But have you personally ever seen anybody doing so? So you can basically call that freedom of speech nonexistent. And there is no government run public forum out there there that by law they would have to respect the first amendment. The only you can speak to the public in any way is through things like facebook, twitter or various forums like this one. Where freedom of speech isn't allowed. But I say that in any way where the public in general communicates with each other, that is where freedom of speech should apply. And what would I say? The TRUTH! Forums are just a way around the law of freedom of speech.

View attachment 22495

Let's address your lame attempts of dodging, denial and smoke blowing sentence by sentence:

1 - YOU are part of the public, jackass! This forum/site is open to ANYONE who has a PC and access to an internet server. Get a dictionary and look up the definition of the word.

2 to 3 - And if you yell anything that causes a stampede or riot, you get arrested and charged.

4 - Yep, years ago on the streets of Manhattan in Times Square, where some soapbox clowns were railing anti-white bigotry that pissed off a group of folks (of various ethnicities and races, by the by). Some scuffling started, the cops shut it down real quick and arrested the preachers who would not shut down and move on along with the fighters who wouldn't stop when ordered. No biggie for NYC and not frequent, but it happens.

5 - YOU can call it that, but in REALITY those guys were railing away for sometime before they got the violent reaction. THAT is just one consequence of free speech. What YOU are erroneously stating would require a pre-emptive shut down by the cops BEFORE anything was said or just because they didn't like the content of the speeches. That DID NOT HAPPEN.

6 - I don't know how old you are, but there have always been town hall meetings (sometimes covered by local news or national affiliates, depending upon importance and relevancy), letters to the editors, phone ins to radio stations. Distribution of pamphlets for political/social meetings, street corner advocacy, etc. The world existed long before the internet, which is how the whole free speech thing got addressed.

7 - You repeat your assertion yet avoid how I pointed out how wrong you are. Here it is again, " ... Given some of the fantastic displays of racism, classism, misogyny and anti-gov't rhetoric on this site, I dare say that little is being "suppressed".

8 to 11 - Empty rhetoric and self aggrandizing preach based on YOUR personal supposition and conjecture.

So I ask AGAIN and expect an honest, direct answer bereft of your regurgitating the SOS, " ... What exactly do you feel you are being kept from saying in a public medium?
You’re trying to defend a long dead singer, the “godfather of comedy rock”, against hateful fuckwits.

Although I didn’t scroll to see what started their shit-slinging, the fact all are among JPP’s top shitbirds is all the explanation necessary. LOL

I remember some of his songs from college and didn’t realize his history was so extensive. It also surprised me that Deep Purple’s “Smoke on the Water” was based on a fire accidentally started by a fan at the Zappa concert in Switzerland.
On December 4, 1971, Zappa suffered his first of two serious setbacks. While performing at Casino de Montreux in Switzerland, the Mothers' equipment was destroyed when a flare set off by an audience member started a fire that burned down the casino.[1]: 112–115  Immortalized in Deep Purple's song "Smoke on the Water", the event and immediate aftermath can be heard on the bootleg album Swiss Cheese/Fire, released legally as part of Zappa's Beat the Boots II compilation.

frank zappa would be a trumper today.

you sold out, cynical boomer dum dum.
Let's address your lame attempts of dodging, denial and smoke blowing sentence by sentence:

1 - YOU are part of the public, jackass! This forum/site is open to ANYONE who has a PC and access to an internet server. Get a dictionary and look up the definition of the word.

2 to 3 - And if you yell anything that causes a stampede or riot, you get arrested and charged.

4 - Yep, years ago on the streets of Manhattan in Times Square, where some soapbox clowns were railing anti-white bigotry that pissed off a group of folks (of various ethnicities and races, by the by). Some scuffling started, the cops shut it down real quick and arrested the preachers who would not shut down and move on along with the fighters who wouldn't stop when ordered. No biggie for NYC and not frequent, but it happens.

5 - YOU can call it that, but in REALITY those guys were railing away for sometime before they got the violent reaction. THAT is just one consequence of free speech. What YOU are erroneously stating would require a pre-emptive shut down by the cops BEFORE anything was said or just because they didn't like the content of the speeches. That DID NOT HAPPEN.

6 - I don't know how old you are, but there have always been town hall meetings (sometimes covered by local news or national affiliates, depending upon importance and relevancy), letters to the editors, phone ins to radio stations. Distribution of pamphlets for political/social meetings, street corner advocacy, etc. The world existed long before the internet, which is how the whole free speech thing got addressed.

7 - You repeat your assertion yet avoid how I pointed out how wrong you are. Here it is again, " ... Given some of the fantastic displays of racism, classism, misogyny and anti-gov't rhetoric on this site, I dare say that little is being "suppressed".

8 to 11 - Empty rhetoric and self aggrandizing preach based on YOUR personal supposition and conjecture.

So I ask AGAIN and expect an honest, direct answer bereft of your regurgitating the SOS, " ... What exactly do you feel you are being kept from saying in a public medium?

stfu stalin.

america rejects your tyrannical bullshit beliefs.
frank zappa would be a trumper today.

you sold out, cynical boomer dum dum.
:laugh: :laugh: that’s hilarious you think he’d be a Trumpublican. Zappa hated authoritarianism. He would have found Trump to be a joke. Frank Zappa was a fiscal conservative who hated taxes, but he was also a stand up guy, he would have found Trump to be gross, Moon gave an interview saying her dad would likely not have supported Trump.

I’m a big Zappa fan and I don’t agree with your assessment of him.
:laugh: :laugh: that’s hilarious you think he’d be a Trumpublican. Zappa hated authoritarianism. He would have found Trump to be a joke. Frank Zappa was a fiscal conservative who hated taxes, but he was also a stand up guy, he would have found Trump to be gross, Moon gave an interview saying her dad would likely not have supported Trump.

I’m a big Zappa fan and I don’t agree with your assessment of him.

so he would be very against the censorship, surveillance state, mandatory jabs, and parental persecution the dems are into.