The problem with slavery.

concerned parents at school board meetings have nothing to do with terrorism, you nazi cocksucker.

...until they threaten people. Then it's terrorism. The other parents have rights too, Fredo.
Fort Worth Residents Concerned Over ‘Threatening Remarks’ Made at School Board Meeting
Fort Worth ISD parents and residents felt unsafe after another member of the public made what may be considered threatening remarks at a recent school board meeting.

...until they threaten people. Then it's terrorism. The other parents have rights too, Fredo.
Fort Worth Residents Concerned Over ‘Threatening Remarks’ Made at School Board Meeting
Fort Worth ISD parents and residents felt unsafe after another member of the public made what may be considered threatening remarks at a recent school board meeting.


nobody was threatened.

these are thin skinned totalitarian crybullies like you.
nobody was threatened.

these are thin skinned totalitarian crybullies like you.

It's a good thing you're such a basement dwelling chickenshit, Fredo. Otherwise I'd be concerned you'd end up on prison for acting upon your convictions.
in fact.

school boards threatened parents.

Scottsdale School Board Member Publicized Parents’ Social Security Numbers, Divorce Proceedings, Financial Records In Effort To Track Outspoken Parents
Scottsdale Parents
Photo provided by Amy Carney

November 10, 2021
6:06 PM ET

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Parents with children enrolled in the Scottsdale Unified School District were appalled when they uncovered that one of the district’s school board members had editing access to a Google Drive that included personal pictures and information on a slew of outspoken parents, including their social security numbers, a divorce proceeding, and financial records.

Mother Kim Stafford uncovered a Google Drive link when school board President Jann-Michael Greenberg sent her an email accusing her of “anti-Semitic” comments against billionaire George Soros. Greenburg sent Stafford a screenshot of his desktop, which included a since-deleted Google Drive URL reviewed by the Daily Caller. The drive was available to anyone who had the link.

Screenshot/Google Drive
Screenshot/Google Drive

Stafford shared the link with her friends, including mother Amanda Wray who told the Daily Caller she was “disgusted” when she saw that the drive included pictures of her 8 and 10-year-old daughters.

Parents have since dubbed the Google Drive an “online dossier.” The folders housed within the dossier are labeled “SUSD Wackos,” “Press Conference Psychos,” and “Anti Mask Lunatics,” among others. Included under “Press Conference Psychos” was a video that shows parents calmly holding signs that read “CRT is Racist” and “SUSD We Demand Transparency.”

The dossier takes specific aim at the concerned parent group “Community Advocacy Network” (CAN). Administrators and founders of CAN’s active Facebook page have folders dedicated to screenshots of their Facebook comments, pictures of them with their husbands, and in some cases financial records.

Wray, one of the concerned parents and leaders of CAN, was a top target of the online dossier. The folder has a credit deed of trust from Desert Financial Federal Credit Union, her mortgage, information on Wray’s AirBNB property, and pictures of her children.

Wray told the Daily Caller that her first dust-up with the school board was in January when she criticized Greenburg for “making a political rant during a school board meeting that’s supposed to be non-partisan.” She feels she’s been unfairly doxed by the publication of her information.

“I’m just a parent,” Wray said. “I’m not a public official.”

Parents have largely been concerned with the school board’s handling of mask mandates and their alleged lack of transparency.

Other posts detailed in the Google Drive include a PDF with members and moderators in CAN’s Facebook group, the personal documents that show portions of parents’ social security numbers, parents sharing pro-Trump signs or Thomas Sowell quotes, and one parent’s divorce proceeding. (RELATED: Arizona School Board, Police Coordinated To Spy On, Arrest Concerned Parents)

The dossier also appeared to harbor opposition work against Amy Carney, a concerned parent who announced recently that she plans on running for Scottsdale Unified school board in Nov. 2022.

Carney told the Daily Caller that while Greenburg had access to the Google Drive, most of the information was procured and posted by Greenburg’s father, Mark Greenburg. The elder Greenburg is listed as the owner of the Google Drive, according to screenshots obtained by the Daily Caller.

Screenshot/Google Drive
Screenshot/Google Drive

The elder Greenburg can be heard in bodycam footage reviewed by the Daily Caller calling Wray a “lunatic.” He also admitted that he pulled up to Wray’s car on his motorcycle with his license plate covered and said he had a private investigator “who’s writing down all of [the parents’ license] plates.”

Both Wray and Carney described the Greenburgs as “bullies” and “trolls,” who do little to quell the real concerns of parents. Carney said that if parents criticize the younger Greenburg, “the dad goes after them.”

The elder Greenburg has a history of harassing his political opponents. In 2019, he was unmasked as the anonymous author of a parody website that mocked school board leadership, according to a local Scottsdale news outlet.

School board member Greenburg denied involvement with the dossier to the outlet Independent NewsMedia. When asked whether his father had access to the Google Drive, Greenburg said that he’s not his “father’s keeper.”

“I have been sent screenshots of what is done on CAN. I have been sent videos, and yes, from parents, including my own father,” Greenburg said. “Yes, people send me emails and text messages, but I don’t store them and I don’t know who stores them if that is what you are asking.”

Scottsdale Unified School District has remained silent on the issue. Nancy Nooman, the district’s spokesperson, picked up the Daily Caller’s phone calls twice and mumbled, though she did not respond to any official inquiries.

Jann-Michael Greenburg did not respond to a request for comment.

Ms. King's life just became very complicated by her own actions. Even if she walks, the legal costs will require a second mortgage on her doublewide. A conviction would probably entail weekend jail and a fine. She's better off with a plea deal.

At an arraignment in Page General District Court on Thursday, Judge W. Dale Houff scheduled the trial for June 16 at 2 p.m., and granted Amelia King permission to leave Virginia, which she was previously unable to do, according to court documents.

“I don’t see any problem giving her permission to travel outside the commonwealth,” Houff said.

The Luray Police Department charged King, 42, on Jan. 21 with making an oral threat while on school property. The charge is a class 1 misdemeanor in Virginia...

....King was charged the next day and turned herself in, according to court documents. She owns firearms, court documents show, and “seems upset” when she turned herself in.

She was released by a magistrate on a $5,000 unsecured bond, according to court documents.

Court documents show King was released by the magistrate because she was not likely to obstruct justice or threaten, injure or intimidate a prospective witness, juror, victim, or family or household member. She has no previous charges, except for traffic tickets, according to court documents.

Upon release, King was ordered to refrain from possessing firearms or other weapons, and to stay off Page County Public Schools property.
Class 1 Misdemeanors
Class 1 misdemeanors are the most serious misdemeanor offenses in Virginia. Offenses that are more serious than Class 1 misdemeanors are felonies. The maximum penalties for a Class 1 Misdemeanor conviction include:

  • Up to 12 months in jail,
  • Fine of up to $2,500, or
  • Both.

Examples of Class 1 Misdemeanors in Virginia include:
  • Driving Under the Influence (DUI)
  • Reckless Driving
  • Petit Larceny
  • Assault and Battery
  • Disorderly Conduct
Let's address your lame attempts of dodging, denial and smoke blowing sentence by sentence:

1 - YOU are part of the public, jackass! This forum/site is open to ANYONE who has a PC and access to an internet server. Get a dictionary and look up the definition of the word.

2 to 3 - And if you yell anything that causes a stampede or riot, you get arrested and charged.

4 - Yep, years ago on the streets of Manhattan in Times Square, where some soapbox clowns were railing anti-white bigotry that pissed off a group of folks (of various ethnicities and races, by the by). Some scuffling started, the cops shut it down real quick and arrested the preachers who would not shut down and move on along with the fighters who wouldn't stop when ordered. No biggie for NYC and not frequent, but it happens.

5 - YOU can call it that, but in REALITY those guys were railing away for sometime before they got the violent reaction. THAT is just one consequence of free speech. What YOU are erroneously stating would require a pre-emptive shut down by the cops BEFORE anything was said or just because they didn't like the content of the speeches. That DID NOT HAPPEN.

6 - I don't know how old you are, but there have always been town hall meetings (sometimes covered by local news or national affiliates, depending upon importance and relevancy), letters to the editors, phone ins to radio stations. Distribution of pamphlets for political/social meetings, street corner advocacy, etc. The world existed long before the internet, which is how the whole free speech thing got addressed.

7 - You repeat your assertion yet avoid how I pointed out how wrong you are. Here it is again, " ... Given some of the fantastic displays of racism, classism, misogyny and anti-gov't rhetoric on this site, I dare say that little is being "suppressed".

8 to 11 - Empty rhetoric and self aggrandizing preach based on YOUR personal supposition and conjecture.

So I ask AGAIN and expect an honest, direct answer bereft of your regurgitating the SOS, " ... What exactly do you feel you are being kept from saying in a public medium?

You went through a lot of effort to spout stupidity. I have better things to do that go through it line by line to refute it. So how about this. Out of all those statements, repeat the one you are most sure is right. I will answer it. Though I will answer what you said last. If I told you what I wouldn't be allowed to say here, truthful as it is, would you care to guess what excuse they would use to ban me? There are many that have been used on me over the years at various forums. Troll, race baiter, sock, holocaust denier, breaking some rule, etc. You also say this is a public forum. I have been told many times that forums like this are private entities. As such, they have to allow or not allow whatever they want.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Let's address your lame attempts of dodging, denial and smoke blowing sentence by sentence:

1 - YOU are part of the public, jackass! This forum/site is open to ANYONE who has a PC and access to an internet server. Get a dictionary and look up the definition of the word.

2 to 3 - And if you yell anything that causes a stampede or riot, you get arrested and charged.

4 - Yep, years ago on the streets of Manhattan in Times Square, where some soapbox clowns were railing anti-white bigotry that pissed off a group of folks (of various ethnicities and races, by the by). Some scuffling started, the cops shut it down real quick and arrested the preachers who would not shut down and move on along with the fighters who wouldn't stop when ordered. No biggie for NYC and not frequent, but it happens.

5 - YOU can call it that, but in REALITY those guys were railing away for sometime before they got the violent reaction. THAT is just one consequence of free speech. What YOU are erroneously stating would require a pre-emptive shut down by the cops BEFORE anything was said or just because they didn't like the content of the speeches. That DID NOT HAPPEN.

6 - I don't know how old you are, but there have always been town hall meetings (sometimes covered by local news or national affiliates, depending upon importance and relevancy), letters to the editors, phone ins to radio stations. Distribution of pamphlets for political/social meetings, street corner advocacy, etc. The world existed long before the internet, which is how the whole free speech thing got addressed.

7 - You repeat your assertion yet avoid how I pointed out how wrong you are. Here it is again, " ... Given some of the fantastic displays of racism, classism, misogyny and anti-gov't rhetoric on this site, I dare say that little is being "suppressed".

8 to 11 - Empty rhetoric and self aggrandizing preach based on YOUR personal supposition and conjecture.

So I ask AGAIN and expect an honest, direct answer bereft of your regurgitating the SOS, " ... What exactly do you feel you are being kept from saying in a public medium?

You went through a lot of effort to spout stupidity. I have better things to do that go through it line by line to refute it. So how about this. Out of all those statements, repeat the one you are most sure is right. I will answer it. Though I will answer what you said last. If I told you what I wouldn't be allowed to say here, truthful as it is, would you care to guess what excuse they would use to ban me? There are many that have been used on me over the years at various forums. Troll, race baiter, sock, holocaust denier, breaking some rule, etc. You also say this is a public forum. I have been told many times that forums like this are private entities. As such, they have to allow or not allow whatever they want.

Oh my, aren't we full of ourselves! :laugh: :lolup:

Get real were taken to task and couldn't mount a rational, let alone fact based retort. So you blow all this self aggrandizing smoke.

And are saying that you're not clever enough to give the reading audience a general label, topic or description of what you're prevented from saying in a public medium? Their out to git ya? I mean, the regurgitated clap trap you laid out is such a laughable dodge, it's almost grade school.

You're done, toodles. The chronology of the posts will always be your undoing. Carry on.