The problem with slavery.

And I’m talking directly to you

You racist fucks need to climb your less than worthless asses into the sewer where you belong

Count on that boot coming to send you there if you don’t

The worlds hates racists more than any other group of humans

This is the fate of all racists

The world is done with your stupid evil asses

Find a nice safe hidey hole and shut the fuck up with your stupid evil ideas

They are a cancer on society

Mummer them to your self and leave them out of our decent public discourse
Your hate against racists is stronger than the hate you fight, fool.

Your aim is also way off.

I enjoy all colors, but am not blind to the competitions going on.

White Americans are about to make the biggest mistake in U.S. history by shifting resources to the non-white sectors.

Restitution without a limit on spending.

A fantastic boon for non-white Americans.

Praise be to all white Americans for their generosity to non-whites and their limitless restitution.

Anarchists are a perfect example of people who think Zappa's noise is music.

The guy was Italian and still managed to be a no-talent noise maker.

Didn't he ever hear Sinatra or Tony Bennett?
art is subjective.

for you to ignore his comments and rant on about your sophomoric views of something subjective shows what a miserable little piece of shit you are, have been,and always will be

that you spent any amount of time doing so also shows what a fucking loser you are in life.
He did not name any.

Was yours an intentional error, or bias driven?


Neither, it was sarcasm.

He achieved his goal by posting the book that contained his "truths."

It is the same as previous posts---pretend there is no free speech because nobody will let him post his message but eventually linking to the pro-Hitler racist message.
Neither, it was sarcasm.

He achieved his goal by posting the book that contained his "truths."

It is the same as previous posts---pretend there is no free speech because nobody will let him post his message but eventually linking to the pro-Hitler racist message.

Bias driven then.

Thanks for the honesty. Rare.


Thumbs up on the O.P.

For fun, given that we would not argue on slavery, let me say that the only thing wrong with slavery, is that it is not protected under the law the way other demographic sub sections of society are.

Strange that legalizing the real slavery in the world might end it. Nothing else has worked and we all know what Einstein said of continuing to live with bad ideas.

Now to argue on free will.

True that we might not have much, but to say we have o free will would not be correct, as there is a test that irrefutably shows that we do have a limited free will.

The test is just to have you give up your free will to me in some posting way.

One interesting fact you should think about, if we have no free will, is that we cannot then blame criminals for being whatever they are, as they have no choice or free will to be otherwise.


If somebody is brainwashed, and the vast majority of people are, they can't have any real free will. As for crime, the vast majority of people are criminals in some way. But there are other more direct crimes out there that just need to be judged upon and punished. Even by those who are themselves criminals in one way or another. To do otherwise would be anarchy. One of the main problems is that these days, it is often the innocent who are being punished. I could give some examples of that. But I'm nor sure I could do so without getting banned. By criminals.
Here is what I think is the biggest problem with slavery. The vast majority of those who are slaves just don't care. For example, everybody here is a slave. Does anybody care? I will give you a couple of examples. Without freedom of speech, you are a slave. Our government enslaves you. In turn, our government is enslaved by big business. Big business itself is enslaved by money and greed. So you are the slave of a slave of a slave. Being so, having any ability of free will is just an illusion.

Here is another example of your slavery. No forum that I have ever found allows freedom of speech. The "freedom" that the government gives you to stand out on a street corned and voice your views is basically meaningless. How many people do you see doing that. That isn't how people communicate. They communicate with each other either in person or on the telephone. How else do they communicate with each other? Either through platforms such as twitter, facebook or discussion forums such as this. Where freedom of speech isn't allowed. The result? Most people avoid the truth at all costs.

Though I do know of one forum where the truth is allowed to some extent. It is a good place to go if you enjoy basically hearing crickets chirp. If you like talking to yourself, it's a good place to go. And to me there appears to be a reason why that forum is the way it is. Because so many people there are idiots and trolls. Why are they there? I think is is because they are in fact government agents whos job it is to throw a monkey wrench into anyplace where freedom of speech could happen.

On top of all that, I think that every forum in existence, including the one I speak of, are in fact run by the government. Or their obedient stooges. Face it. Government and in turn business interests want to keep you all as stupid as possible. And how successful they have been at it! Care to discuss the matter more? Even if there was a place to do it, I doubt very much that you would do so. In fact, I would say it is nearly IMPOSSIBLE! This video will show you part of the reason why.

IT'S REALLY QUITE SIMPLE: you can have freedom of speech, but that freedom does not make you immune from the consequences of that speech.

Nothing people do anywhere on this planet is perfect. It's just going to take time and effort to get things as right as possible for the general population.

And the band played on.
IT'S REALLY QUITE SIMPLE: you can have freedom of speech, but that freedom does not make you immune from the consequences of that speech.

Nothing people do anywhere on this planet is perfect. It's just going to take time and effort to get things as right as possible for the general population.

And the band played on.

Yep, your commie faggoty bullshit will catch up with you.
Are you saying communism causes homosexuality?

No. But Communists have no Biblical moral standards. They view Christians and faggots equally as threats to total control.

I'm from America where faggots used to be hanged, ok?

Now I'm not for that. I'm for live and let live, but then they got too big for their britches and set out to indoctrinate the children.

Not all fags did that, mind you. Just the homosexual/commie lobby did that. Obama is probably their Grand Poobah.

A supermajority of "normal" homosexuals know that pushing sexuality on children is wrong, so there's something much more nefarious going on with that.

Definitely an evil force is behind doing that. And it's been being done for 2 decades. :palm:

As well as the attempt to normalize mentally ill trannies. That's in the same genre.

Sure, accept 'em for what they are, but no one has to buy into their delusions.

Did you know 40% of post-op trannies end up committing suicide? I've known that since the 80s.
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No. But Communists have no Biblical moral standards. They view Christians and faggots equally as threats to total control.

Wow. The fucking commies have a lot in common with Pedo Don and the Insurrectionists. Remember how the commies overthrew the Czar, butchered his family and ran Russia as a dictatorship? Pedo Don is just like them except he failed which makes him a loser. His followers are losers too; all cucks and criminals.
Wow. The fucking commies have a lot in common with Pedo Don and the Insurrectionists. Remember how the commies overthrew the Czar, butchered his family and ran Russia as a dictatorship? Pedo Don is just like them except he failed which makes him a loser. His followers are losers too; all cucks and criminals.

When you see Dork CarbUncle quoted you, and his post is the utter shit you expected and worse. :palm:

You are a loser, Dutch Uncle.
