The Progressives And Their Value System.

None... but there's huge difference between "jesting" and seem yo fit nicely into the latter.


Are you sure?

What about the afro centrism? You reject that?

Do you believe that the white man freed the slaves like he committed attempted genocide on the southern people and the Indians at the same time?

What about Palin?

How about Christmas and Easter?

So you oppose all of them?
Ok, guys and gals. Meet up in the secret thread to see how long this one hangs around! :)

I haven't broken any rules, Howey the Hater.

I'm just saying things here that progressives and some on the right don't like to hear.

Sometimes these people are moderators and they don't like it so they make an excuse and ban me.

Do you ever get banned for calling people Nazis?

Do you know what a Nazi is?
Well I guess my Nazi accusers all subscribe to the values list that I provided.

When you become politically incorrect and violate the progressives rules such as pointing out a few of the passages from their value system, they usually resort to the Nazi accusation strategy.

And also notice how the self proclaimed libertarian on the thread tried to cover for them also.
The single greatest failure of the "Federal Government's Army" was in not securing a complete and total genocide against the South during the 1860s.
The single greatest failure of the "Federal Government's Army" was in not securing a complete and total genocide against the South during the 1860s.

And here's the war imperialist troll himself .. Theedee.

Theedee is another progressive who subscribes to said values list.

War imperialism is and has always been a progressive stamp mark.
The South is my exception. Even the Middle East, I just advocate reviving the Ottoman Empire to contain, and not genocide. Well, I suppose I have also advocated genocide against WWII Germany and against Serbia as well...
The single greatest failure of the "Federal Government's Army" was in not securing a complete and total genocide against the South during the 1860s.

They could have at least taken out Al, Ms, and Ga. That would have immediately raised the general IQ at least 50 pts to 90.
So, again, no evidence.

Chapel .. no offense but you're nothing but a religious bigot who runs around inside a progressive social circle among liked-minded bigots and war imperialists.

You don't care about America with your every man for himself mentality and your total disregard for society's needs. Your heroes remain the 1960's radicals because of their social libertine norms and new moral "values" but you never examine their one world government Marxist mentalities and their anti private property, pro communal living attitudes.

The country can't possibly be more secularized than it's become but you persist with your relentless bigoted attitudes and your total disdain for anything possibly reflecting order or stability.

Have a nice day and please observe all traffic regulations if you decide to take a drive someplace. A religious Christian didn't insert the next stop sign you must obey just to pizz you off and ruin your whole day.
A national socialist.

And in the context that is being used to describe me .. a mass murdering racist.

That's what they tell you on the Blaze, isn't it? And it's a convenient lie....because that's actually part of the name that Hitler's boys chose.... and they chose that name for a very good reason
... to dupe the German Public into voting for them. They weren't Socialists...they were Fascists. Kind of like now....when your right wing Media dupes you into thinking they are for Freedom and Capitalism....and everyone else is a Socialist. But in truth, they are for Corporatism and Plutocracy.... they don't give a shit about your freedoms...they care about the freedoms of the people who keep them on the air....they are the modern day "Tokyo Rose's", spreading propaganda for weak minds.
Chapel .. no offense but you're nothing but a religious bigot who runs around inside a progressive social circle among liked-minded bigots and war imperialists.
[Citation Needed]

You don't care about America with your every man for himself mentality and your total disregard for society's needs. Your heroes remain the 1960's radicals because of their social libertine norms and new moral "values" but you never examine their one world government Marxist mentalities and their anti private property, pro communal living attitudes.
Uh huh, who are these heroes of mine? This whole line of thought you have about me is incredibly hilarious, considering I've almost certainly donated more to Rand and Ron Pauls campaigns than you have.

The country can't possibly be more secularized than it's become but you persist with your relentless bigoted attitudes and your total disdain for anything possibly reflecting order or stability.
And apparently the best way to maintain that order to not present evidence for a claim.

Have a nice day and please observe all traffic regulations if you decide to take a drive someplace. A religious Christian didn't insert the next stop sign you must obey just to pizz you off and ruin your whole day.
Why would a stop sign 'pizz' (I assume you mean piss but are uninformed as to the proper spelling) me off? The only things that piss me off on the road are trains, cyclists, and moronic drivers (who I must assume you'd be among).

Why do you not present evidence for anything you claim? Is it because you have none? Is it because you don't believe evidence should matter? Is it because you are retarded? Is it all of the above?