The Progressives And Their Value System.

Then it must be AM radio....because you speak the talking points so well....Equal outcomes? Where did you get that from, if not some right wing pundit?

No...we ARE talking about equal opportunity. Opportunities arise from families having economic health. Having two parents working shit jobs and having to work OT to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table means Little Johnny is not getting the parenting he needs. This has been going on for 20 years....and you sit in your chair and rail against the "moral degredation" of our society.

So...take Little Johnny as an example....does he have the same opportunities as a CEO's kid, or a Senator's? about the same opportunities as an upper Middle Class Family who's parents only have to work 40-60 hours/week and has time to nurture and teach that youth?

Now....imagine Little Johnny lives in the bowels of our crime infested the worst of environments.... shit he needs a ladder to climb out of the hole that gets him to ground level so he can START to climb the ladder of success.

I'm sure you can give me examples of people who made it out of those horrific situations....but even if you listed enough to fill an entire would still be the smallest of percentage points when compared to those who don't.

Equal opportunity....for all.

You pipe dream boys just crack me up. You cry for equal outcome without demanding equal effort by all. You cheer eqailty as if the state of equality exists and is a paradise. Equally miserable could be attained, do you want it? No socialist/communist state ever existed that did not murder innocent people by the tens of thousands yet you people cheer on your damn fantasy as if its not a fool's chase.
Here is a big clue just for you. It doesn't work ever because human nature insures that massive and brutal force MUST be applied to establish and maintain it.
God some people are so damn clueless.
so my father, a successful attorney who founded a large and lucrative law practice was forced to "apply massive and brutal force" in order to achieve financial independence and to provide a HUGE stepping stone for myself and my three siblings so that all of us had a relatively easy path to professional and financial success? Do I have to "apply massive and brutal force" to maintain my lifestyle? What you say clearly doesn't make much sense in the real world... maybe in comic books, but not real life.
You pipe dream boys just crack me up. You cry for equal outcome without demanding equal effort by all. You cheer eqailty as if the state of equality exists and is a paradise. Equally miserable could be attained, do you want it? No socialist/communist state ever existed that did not murder innocent people by the tens of thousands yet you people cheer on your damn fantasy as if its not a fool's chase.
Here is a big clue just for you. It doesn't work ever because human nature insures that massive and brutal force MUST be applied to establish and maintain it.
God some people are so damn clueless.

You're a moron. Face it....We don't want equal outcomes... you just don't want equal opportunity.

Equal effort? What a fucking don't think a person who works with his back or his hands or with his heart(caregivers) is putting out effort enough to keep a roof over his head, food on the table and raise a family without government assistance?

What a fucking snob you are. What you fail to realize is that the working poor are not the ones being subsidized... their employers are. So...I guess you're cool with handouts for billionaires... well, I'm not.
You're a moron. Face it....We don't want equal outcomes... you just don't want equal opportunity.

Equal effort? What a fucking don't think a person who works with his back or his hands or with his heart(caregivers) is putting out effort enough to keep a roof over his head, food on the table and raise a family without government assistance?

What a fucking snob you are. What you fail to realize is that the working poor are not the ones being subsidized... their employers are. So...I guess you're cool with handouts for billionaires... well, I'm not.

My background includes farm work as a kid, construction as a young man and management later on. No snob here but giving handouts by way of hard earned money stolen from the workers (ever increasing taxes) is insanity.
I guess you are cool with big government slaving out the population, well I am not..
so my father, a successful attorney who founded a large and lucrative law practice was forced to "apply massive and brutal force" in order to achieve financial independence and to provide a HUGE stepping stone for myself and my three siblings so that all of us had a relatively easy path to professional and financial success? Do I have to "apply massive and brutal force" to maintain my lifestyle? What you say clearly doesn't make much sense in the real world... maybe in comic books, but not real life.

I couldn't care less about your lifestyle. My life has been long and not boring . I have had nothing given to me. So your dad gave you an easy life. Is that why you are such a dumbass now?
My background includes farm work as a kid, construction as a young man and management later on. No snob here but giving handouts by way of hard earned money stolen from the workers (ever increasing taxes) is insanity.
I guess you are cool with big government slaving out the population, well I am not..

If that's your beef, why do you have a problem with people getting a wage that they can live on and the excesses of the wealthy get curtailed a smidgeon?

There's nothing wrong with being wealthy...but if it's getting to the point where their excesses are hurting the country....something has to be done....and that something shouldn't be at the expense of the workforce.
My background includes farm work as a kid, construction as a young man and management later on. No snob here but giving handouts by way of hard earned money stolen from the workers (ever increasing taxes) is insanity.
I guess you are cool with big government slaving out the population, well I am not..

Just to add....they aren't slaving out the population....the "conglomerate" is....they privatize their profits and socialize their expenses....I suppose you think it's better for them to privatize their profits and let the workers go hungry and homeless.

I think you need to think outside the box a little bit, really use some critical thinking and realize who the "takers" really are.
Then it must be AM radio....because you speak the talking points so well....Equal outcomes? Where did you get that from, if not some right wing pundit?

No...we ARE talking about equal opportunity. Opportunities arise from families having economic health. Having two parents working shit jobs and having to work OT to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table means Little Johnny is not getting the parenting he needs. This has been going on for 20 years....and you sit in your chair and rail against the "moral degredation" of our society.

So...take Little Johnny as an example....does he have the same opportunities as a CEO's kid, or a Senator's? about the same opportunities as an upper Middle Class Family who's parents only have to work 40-60 hours/week and has time to nurture and teach that youth?

Now....imagine Little Johnny lives in the bowels of our crime infested the worst of environments.... shit he needs a ladder to climb out of the hole that gets him to ground level so he can START to climb the ladder of success.

I'm sure you can give me examples of people who made it out of those horrific situations....but even if you listed enough to fill an entire would still be the smallest of percentage points when compared to those who don't.

Equal opportunity....for all.

Is this why you punish people who excel?

In the name of equal opportunity?

Is this why you punish the middle class with your deliberate inflation with your funny money?

In the name of equal opportunity?

Under your system, nobody's allowed to excel if you had your way and everybody would be equal .. equal to depend on your federal monster government for their daily crumbs.
Is this why you punish people who excel?

In the name of equal opportunity?

Is this why you punish the middle class with your deliberate inflation with your funny money?

In the name of equal opportunity?

Under your system, nobody's allowed to excel if you had your way and everybody would be equal .. equal to depend on your federal monster government for their daily crumbs.

What you don't get is that NO ONE excels without the people under them. That's right....the WORKFORCE is their means to success.

Let's try a nationwide private sector strike and see how much money those "successes" make... the ONLY thing they have over the workforce is an education that everyday people can barely afford... PERHAPS a few IQ points.... and most importantly... Money to begin with.

I find the bigotry against hard working people you guys have appalling and disheartening.
What you don't get is that NO ONE excels without the people under them. That's right....the WORKFORCE is their means to success.

Let's try a nationwide private sector strike and see how much money those "successes" make... the ONLY thing they have over the workforce is an education that everyday people can barely afford... PERHAPS a few IQ points.... and most importantly... Money to begin with.

I find the bigotry against hard working people you guys have appalling and disheartening.

I do as well, because they all appear to be working people.
I do as well, because they all appear to be working people.

I's not like I think that those at the top of the economic food chain don't work hard....they do...and they perform a valuable job. But so does the person stocking shelves.

Let it be perfectly clear that in no way, shape or form do I think a CEO and a stock person's job is equal and deserves equal pay....which is typical right wing talking point.

I just think that the stock person shouldn't have to rely on government to make ends meet. When we do that...we aren't subsidizing the stock person....we are subsidizing the company....with OUR tax dollars.

Can the stock person go get another job and perhaps even a third? Sure...but then don't blame the "moral degradation" of our country on "libruls" when you have a huge chunk of the parents in this country who aren't there for their kids.
I couldn't care less about your lifestyle. My life has been long and not boring . I have had nothing given to me. So your dad gave you an easy life. Is that why you are such a dumbass now?

so where does this massive and brutal force ALWAYS present itself?
"The white man" committed an attempted genocide on the Indians .. "the federal government's army" (which also attempted genocide on the southern people as well as attempting genocide on the Indians) freed the slaves.

The crimes against the Native Americans are not controversial and I will not address such a stupid point.

The Union army unfortunately was very lenient on the southerners after the war, it has distorted their mindset and allowed them to shirk off responsibility for the crimes of their ancestors. Giving too much mercy to evil people is always dangerous, just look at how prevalent Japanese denial of their wartime atrocities is, because we bizarrely decided to let Hirohito off the hook rather than hanging the shithead. Jefferson Davis should've been hung, along with every Confederate official. Instead, a decade later they were back in power, terrorizing the African-Americans, and the north just looked away, choosing to hold hands and sing kumbayah with the bastards. The north does hold responsibility, for not meting out justice as it should have.

All life and everything of value and worthwhile came .... (Trumpets and fanfare!) ..... OUT OF AFRICA!

Humans have a common African ancestor. That is not the same as saying that all life came from out of africa, for most of the geological timespan "Africa" as a continent didn't really exist.

White Europeans stole all their knowledge and their technology from Africans.

The sub-Saharan Africans weren't generally that technologically advanced. There was a lot of technological trading between the Eurasian and north African civilizations.

White slavers infiltrated African "rain forests" (Another PC term that replaced jungles) and kidnapped Africans "Roots" style and made them slaves.

Most slaves were purchased from tribes who had gotten slaves by raiding other tribes and forcibly taking the victims as prisoner. I don't see how this absolves the Europeans of moral responsibility. This meme that has emerged on the internet that "black people did it to themselves" is disgusting beyond belief. If a European came to America and bought an American sex slave from some Americans who had abducted her, we would not say that that European was a nice guy and that the Americans had "done it to themselves".

Also, LOL @ rain forest being a PC term. Jungle is not in anyway politically incorrect, it's just a vague description of an area of lots of overgrowth, while rain forest is a more precise climatological term that simply refers to a forest with high rainfall. They are not necessary synonyms, something may be a jungle but not a rain forest and vice versa. Also, most of the slaves came from west Africa, which has a lot of desert regions. Africa is not, in fact, one huge jungle, there are different places on that continent with different climates. Amazing, I know.

Christians stole Christmas ..( oops, I forgot) Winter Solstice from the Pagans.

Christians stole Easter (spring solstice?) from the pagans.

Equinox. And, yes, either the Christians appropriated the winter solstice and spring equinox celebrations that are common throughout traditional religions worldwide, or Jesus, just by pure chance, happened to be born on the Roman winter solstice and happened to die right around the spring equinox.
The crimes against the Native Americans are not controversial and I will not address such a stupid point.

The Union army unfortunately was very lenient on the southerners after the war, it has distorted their mindset and allowed them to shirk off responsibility for the crimes of their ancestors. Giving too much mercy to evil people is always dangerous, just look at how prevalent Japanese denial of their wartime atrocities is, because we bizarrely decided to let Hirohito off the hook rather than hanging the shithead. Jefferson Davis should've been hung, along with every Confederate official. Instead, a decade later they were back in power, terrorizing the African-Americans, and the north just looked away, choosing to hold hands and sing kumbayah with the bastards. The north does hold responsibility, for not meting out justice as it should have.

Humans have a common African ancestor. That is not the same as saying that all life came from out of africa, for most of the geological timespan "Africa" as a continent didn't really exist.

The sub-Saharan Africans weren't generally that technologically advanced. There was a lot of technological trading between the Eurasian and north African civilizations.

Most slaves were purchased from tribes who had gotten slaves by raiding other tribes and forcibly taking the victims as prisoner. I don't see how this absolves the Europeans of moral responsibility. This meme that has emerged on the internet that "black people did it to themselves" is disgusting beyond belief. If a European came to America and bought an American sex slave from some Americans who had abducted her, we would not say that that European was a nice guy and that the Americans had "done it to themselves".

Also, LOL @ rain forest being a PC term. Jungle is not in anyway politically incorrect, it's just a vague description of an area of lots of overgrowth, while rain forest is a more precise climatological term that simply refers to a forest with high rainfall. They are not necessary synonyms, something may be a jungle but not a rain forest and vice versa. Also, most of the slaves came from west Africa, which has a lot of desert regions. Africa is not, in fact, one huge jungle, there are different places on that continent with different climates. Amazing, I know.

Equinox. And, yes, either the Christians appropriated the winter solstice and spring equinox celebrations that are common throughout traditional religions worldwide, or Jesus, just by pure chance, happened to be born on the Roman winter solstice and happened to die right around the spring equinox.

What you don't get is that NO ONE excels without the people under them. That's right....the WORKFORCE is their means to success.

Let's try a nationwide private sector strike and see how much money those "successes" make... the ONLY thing they have over the workforce is an education that everyday people can barely afford... PERHAPS a few IQ points.... and most importantly... Money to begin with.

I find the bigotry against hard working people you guys have appalling and disheartening.

I find the limits you would put on how far they may go with their work, talent ,education and spirit appalling. When you so chastise and degrade wealthy people for simply being wealthy you have lowered the heights to which anybody may reach. There can not be a high standard if absolute equality prevails. Get used to that . Equality of outcome by its very nature limits the heights to which one may achieve! Equality of outcome simply must punish the achievers! Not a good idea...
I find the limits you would put on how far they may go with their work, talent ,education and spirit appalling. When you so chastise and degrade wealthy people for simply being wealthy you have lowered the heights to which anybody may reach. There can not be a high standard if absolute equality prevails. Get used to that . Equality of outcome by its very nature limits the heights to which one may achieve! Equality of outcome simply must punish the achievers! Not a good idea...

That's great... just do me one favor...point out where I said anything degrading the wealthy or absolute equality.... other than that...great post...

Oh wait....that was your whole post... forget're an imbecile with nothing to add but RW talking points.