The Progressives And Their Value System.

You ought to know, slick. You know nothing about honor, decency and love of country or it's are simply one of the brainwashed many that RW media has poisoned the minds of.

And don't call me slick either.

You and your peculiar company can call each other whatever you like.
You're fulla sh*t.

You just gave a standing ovation for a full blown communist over his desire to commit an extermination of the southern people and his teary eyed sympathy for euro communists who lost a street brawl to Nazis.

You're as worthless as tits on a bull for our revolution and you are on your natural side with like minds.

So I guess you can't earn the $1,000 huh?
What stockboys make is my business if I am supplementing their lives with my tax dollars. The thing choose to blame the stock boy who used to have a job in a factory somewhere making decent money and now has to settle for what he can get. I choose to blame the greedy bastards who destroyed this economy for handsome short term profits and expect us to clean up the mess and subsidize the aftermath with our taxes. We are subsidizing the they can get away with paying wages that are unsustainable.

Your "social Darwinism" is really the antithesis of freedom. You want people to be slaves to their employers....but what can I expect from a "proud Confederate"?

Social Darwinism doesn't relate to a middle class does it?

What employers pay their employees is nobody's business but the employers.

And nobody is being forced to be enslaved to any employer in a free enterprise system.
Social Darwinism doesn't relate to a middle class does it?

What employers pay their employees is nobody's business but the employers.

And nobody is being forced to be enslaved to any employer in a free enterprise system.

You ain't looking around you and seeing what's happening. Slick.
So Slick, when's this Revolution gonna start? Let's get it over with. Truth is...your tired, worn out message is increasingly falling on deaf your chances of it happening at the political level are nil. So that leaves the armed rebellion path. So....put your fucking money where your mouth is and get started. You won't, because you are a blustering fool and a coward who's played way too many Call of Duty games...

I played call of duty games in Vietnam.

Are those the kind of games you're referring to?

Do you play cute little fag boy in his office cube suit video games?

If I were you sonny boy, I'd be a little careful just who you call a coward.
Tell me why you support centralized government and claim that the southern states started the civil war.

Tell me why you support building a statue of James Earl Ray on the moon. Also, Fort Sumter. Attacking a federal military base is an act of war.
I played call of duty games in Vietnam.

Are those the kind of games you're referring to?

Do you play cute little fag boy in his office cube suit video games?

If I were you sonny boy, I'd be a little careful just who you call a coward.

Ooooo scary.
Tell me why you support building a statue of James Earl Ray on the moon. Also, Fort Sumter. Attacking a federal military base is an act of war.

Blockading southern harbors was an act of war.

Using the military to invade other states is a violation of the constitution and an act of war.

So the great libertarian himself supported total warfare on the southern people and the establishment of the federal government holding complete authority over the states.

A true libertarian indeed.
Rana must've had a sexual impulse and temporarily disappeared from the forum to relieve it.

It was a waste of typing to expect an explanation.

Wow, was this nesessary? I think I was trying to have a adult conversation with you, and this is how you choose to act?
I played call of duty games in Vietnam.

Are those the kind of games you're referring to?

Do you play cute little fag boy in his office cube suit video games?

If I were you sonny boy, I'd be a little careful just who you call a coward.

Bring it on slick...the sooner your "armed rebellion" gets squashed, the sooner this country can move forward and stop worshiping greed and avarice.
Rana must've had a sexual impulse and temporarily disappeared from the forum to relieve it.

It was a waste of typing to expect an explanation.

If you don't know what a company store is, then you don't know history...perhaps that's why a dumb ass like you is so willing to support the very same agenda that gave us them to begin with. Got it, slick?
Blockading southern harbors was an act of war.
Firing on a "foreign military" is an act of war.

Using the military to invade other states is a violation of the constitution and an act of war.
I thought the southern states were a separate nation? How could they then fall under the Constitution?

So the great libertarian himself supported total warfare on the southern people and the establishment of the federal government holding complete authority over the states.

A true libertarian indeed.
Well your probably shouldn't start a war where its certain you'll lose, but uhhh no. The south never had a right to determine people were property to begin with. Everything else stems from that.
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That's great... just do me one favor...point out where I said anything degrading the wealthy or absolute equality.... other than that...great post...

Oh wait....that was your whole post... forget're an imbecile with nothing to add but RW talking points.

OK, I will point it out . The post in which I made that reply to.

Originally Posted by Steelplate
What you don't get is that NO ONE excels without the people under them. That's right....the WORKFORCE is their means to success.

Let's try a nationwide private sector strike and see how much money those "successes" make... the ONLY thing they have over the workforce is an education that everyday people can barely afford... PERHAPS a few IQ points.... and most importantly... Money to begin with.

I find the bigotry against hard working people you guys have appalling and disheartening.
Bring it on slick...the sooner your "armed rebellion" gets squashed, the sooner this country can move forward and stop worshiping greed and avarice.

Mankind has never stopped worshiping greed. That you propose it will do so by way of Democrat party politics is the stupidest thing that I have read in a long time.

Man told you to be careful who you called a coward. Sounds like good advice. Perhaps you should take it.
Bring it on slick...the sooner your "armed rebellion" gets squashed, the sooner this country can move forward and stop worshiping greed and avarice.

The violence will come from you and it will occur in earnest when we decide to secede and we will secede as a last resort if we cannot restore our republic.

There are over a hundred million gun owners in America and those are just the ones you already know about and don't include the guns you don't know about.

You have on your side the federal military, the national guard in the states, and the militarized police and all the heavy artillery but what you don't have at your disposal for consideration is the amount of people from those ranks who will desert you and join us.

If we have exhausted all our efforts to restore our republic, then you can have your shithole socialist U.S.A. with a big, red, ribbon tied around it.

The thought of sharing the same country with a collectivist moral midget who was nurtured by a computer like yourself is enough to make anybody want to leave in the first place.

But you will not let us go in peace because you need our money in order to keep feeding your leviathan government.
Mankind has never stopped worshiping greed. That you propose it will do so by way of Democrat party politics is the stupidest thing that I have read in a long time.

Man told you to be careful who you called a coward. Sounds like good advice. Perhaps you should take it.

Not the Democrat Party...the Democratic Process.