The Progressives And Their Value System.

Ah, but what is a National Socialist?

He won't be able to give you that answer... So I will. :)

National socialism: A political profile

- Nationalist.
- Far right.
- Statist.
- Opposes socialism, communism, capitalism, and democracy.
- High stress on race solidarity.
- Powerful state is a means to the end of fostering a populace united by racial/national identity.
- Preaches a powerful nation based on unification of identity/interests.
- Generally virile and militaristic.
- Very similar to fascism. The idea of idol/hero worship arguably applies to both.
- Along with fascism, national socialism eventually became a manifestation of barbarism.
He won't be able to give you that answer... So I will. :)

National socialism: A political profile

- Nationalist.
- Far right.
- Statist.
- Opposes socialism, communism, capitalism, and democracy.
- High stress on race solidarity.
- Powerful state is a means to the end of fostering a populace united by racial/national identity.
- Preaches a powerful nation based on unification of identity/interests.
- Generally virile and militaristic.
- Very similar to fascism. The idea of idol/hero worship arguably applies to both.
- Along with fascism, national socialism eventually became a manifestation of barbarism.

Wow....sounds a lot like our conservative brethren.
Wow....sounds a lot like our conservative brethren.

See, I just don't subscribe to that line of reasoning. Your equivocation of national socialism and right wing capitalism is about as far from the truth as you can get. Do you maybe get annoyed when you're shamed as a communist? This is no different from that. National socialism is what you'd call part of the collectivist, anti-capitalist authoritarian right. The American conservatives at least believe in some form of democracy and individual liberty - NSs don't. It's the same as calling American liberals communists, or calling communists national socialists. The three are so vastly separated by principals and application that doing anything past connecting minutia is anti-academic.
See, I just don't subscribe to that line of reasoning. Your equivocation of national socialism and right wing capitalism is about as far from the truth as you can get. Do you maybe get annoyed when you're shamed as a communist? This is no different from that. National socialism is what you'd call part of the collectivist, anti-capitalist authoritarian right. The American conservatives at least believe in some form of democracy and individual liberty - NSs don't. It's the same as calling American liberals communists, or calling communists national socialists. The three are so vastly separated by principals and application that doing anything past connecting minutia is anti-academic.

Well...I'll back off....a little. How about Fascist lite?

*Fourteen Defining
Characteristics Of Fascism
By Dr. Lawrence Britt

Dr. Lawrence Britt has examined the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia) and several Latin American regimes. Britt found 14 defining characteristics common to each:
1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism - Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.
2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights - Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of "need." The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc.
3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause - The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.
4. Supremacy of the Military - Even when there are widespread
domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized.
5. Rampant Sexism - The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Divorce, abortion and homosexuality are suppressed and the state is represented as the ultimate guardian of the family institution.
6. Controlled Mass Media - Sometimes to media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.
7. Obsession with National Security - Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses.
8. Religion and Government are Intertwined - Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government's policies or actions.
9. Corporate Power is Protected - The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.
10. Labor Power is Suppressed - Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed.
11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts - Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts and letters is openly attacked.
12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment - Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations.
13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption - Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders.
14. Fraudulent Elections - Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections.
Well, that's accurateish. But you have to look at the tenets of ideology: Motivation, social policy, economic policy, foreign policy, so on. The primary thing you can draw from comparing fascism to AnCon is social policy. But that's not to say they're one and the same. No, while AmCon and fascist ideas may both be conceived out of fear, the actualities of the two ideologies are strikingly different. Fascism is complete subjugation to a higher entity. Whiter that be a race, nationality, religion, leader, or otherwise, it's a defining tenet of fascism. Which is opposed by AmCons - or at least most of them. They're hyper-individualist, even at the sacrifice of liberties. They're all about social contracts, which is their justification for LF capitalism. Some of them even condemn the centralized manifestation of it. And they're almost always fundamentally opposed to government processes - though they'll make exceptions. Fascists, on the other hand, preach a command economy. As your article says: "the industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite." Many conservatives oppose this. Those who don't have a far different reasoning. Moreso, fascism is heavily authoritarian in regards to the police, arms, prohibition(which, if you look at it, is far different from AmCons), race/gender identity, media, etc. Then there's the democracy bit.

While some of the core ideas are similar, there are so many points on which fascists and AmCons are fully opposed. An important thing to remember is, past looking at policies, fascism was conceived as an extreme response to communism. AmCon is not that.

There's a lot in common, I'll admit that, but I wouldn't go so far as to equate th two/
Well, that's accurateish. But you have to look at the tenets of ideology: Motivation, social policy, economic policy, foreign policy, so on. The primary thing you can draw from comparing fascism to AnCon is social policy. But that's not to say they're one and the same. No, while AmCon and fascist ideas may both be conceived out of fear, the actualities of the two ideologies are strikingly different. Fascism is complete subjugation to a higher entity. Whiter that be a race, nationality, religion, leader, or otherwise, it's a defining tenet of fascism. Which is opposed by AmCons - or at least most of them. They're hyper-individualist, even at the sacrifice of liberties. They're all about social contracts, which is their justification for LF capitalism. Some of them even condemn the centralized manifestation of it. And they're almost always fundamentally opposed to government processes - though they'll make exceptions. Fascists, on the other hand, preach a command economy. As your article says: "the industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite." Many conservatives oppose this. Those who don't have a far different reasoning. Moreso, fascism is heavily authoritarian in regards to the police, arms, prohibition(which, if you look at it, is far different from AmCons), race/gender identity, media, etc. Then there's the democracy bit.

While some of the core ideas are similar, there are so many points on which fascists and AmCons are fully opposed. An important thing to remember is, past looking at policies, fascism was conceived as an extreme response to communism. AmCon is not that.

There's a lot in common, I'll admit that, but I wouldn't go so far as to equate th two/

That's why I added the "lite" label. I don't think it's entirely accurate either, when describing MOST of our conservative brethren... but there is a growing minority that hits just about every one of those 14 traits.

As far as the one major item that you expounded upon that I have to disagree with is the intertwining of industry/business and government. Our government is not ruled by the people. It's ruled by industry, business and special interests. Many of those special interests are left wing... like labor unions for instance... but many are right wing too. Now, with the SCOTUS ruling on Citizen's and industry can pump even more into our electoral system....unlimited amounts and all anonymous....that last part is scary...because they can talk to foreign countries where they do business....say China, OPEC Nations, etc....and have them pour money into their SUPERPAC and because it's anonymous, we could have foreign interests deciding American elections.
That's why I added the "lite" label. I don't think it's entirely accurate either, when describing MOST of our conservative brethren... but there is a growing minority that hits just about every one of those 14 traits.

As far as the one major item that you expounded upon that I have to disagree with is the intertwining of industry/business and government. Our government is not ruled by the people. It's ruled by industry, business and special interests. Many of those special interests are left wing... like labor unions for instance... but many are right wing too. Now, with the SCOTUS ruling on Citizen's and industry can pump even more into our electoral system....unlimited amounts and all anonymous....that last part is scary...because they can talk to foreign countries where they do business....say China, OPEC Nations, etc....and have them pour money into their SUPERPAC and because it's anonymous, we could have foreign interests deciding American elections.

I do believe there was a misunderstanding here, primarily due to what's written in my post. So, if you're not familiar with the politics I argue for on this site, you're about to be. I generally support a political program using elements from free market socialism, collectivist anarchism, Keynesianism and Trotskyism. Thusly, it's evident that I do fundamentally agree with your argument. The only thing I might add is that the media plays a big role in the centralization of democratic control as well. Or, perhaps, that government officials themselves can be as negative a force as plutocrats.

It also appears that I didn't give you a sense of how I was using "command economy" and "democracy".
Well, that's accurateish. But you have to look at the tenets of ideology: Motivation, social policy, economic policy, foreign policy, so on. The primary thing you can draw from comparing fascism to AnCon is social policy. But that's not to say they're one and the same. No, while AmCon and fascist ideas may both be conceived out of fear, the actualities of the two ideologies are strikingly different. Fascism is complete subjugation to a higher entity. Whiter that be a race, nationality, religion, leader, or otherwise, it's a defining tenet of fascism. Which is opposed by AmCons - or at least most of them. They're hyper-individualist, even at the sacrifice of liberties. They're all about social contracts, which is their justification for LF capitalism. Some of them even condemn the centralized manifestation of it. And they're almost always fundamentally opposed to government processes - though they'll make exceptions. Fascists, on the other hand, preach a command economy. As your article says: "the industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite." Many conservatives oppose this. Those who don't have a far different reasoning. Moreso, fascism is heavily authoritarian in regards to the police, arms, prohibition(which, if you look at it, is far different from AmCons), race/gender identity, media, etc. Then there's the democracy bit.

While some of the core ideas are similar, there are so many points on which fascists and AmCons are fully opposed. An important thing to remember is, past looking at policies, fascism was conceived as an extreme response to communism. AmCon is not that.

There's a lot in common, I'll admit that, but I wouldn't go so far as to equate th two/

You are not a fool, but deluded by hegemony! It does not matter what our opponents are called. It matters how and why we crush them in battle!
Sounds like he's talking about all of us here on this forum. But that would be easy to correct wouldn't it?

It's no wonder he's been banned from eight forums.

Howey to forum.

I'm a homosexual (over and over and over) how many of you out there don't like it?
And what company might that be?

You continue to deny that the conditions that I speak of exist when anybody with a half a brain who hasn't been completely isolated from society knows that they do indeed exist.

You do this so you don't have to offer any solutions to the problems because you don't have any solutions in the first place.

So you revert back to your anti religious bigoted attacks on Christians and western Christian civilization as a whole as the culprit to societal problems.

You're worthless to our cause while your social bedfellows receive all the intellectual moon gazing and breath taking emotional yearnings from your being that you can devise.

Inside that brain of yours, the left will always be to you intellectually and morally superior to you on account these relentless social issues that according to the constitution should be left to the states to decide in the first place.

The very fact that you behave like a trial lawyer here toward myself with your stupid calls for evidence when the evidence keeps being thrown in your face confirms everything.
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That's why I added the "lite" label. I don't think it's entirely accurate either, when describing MOST of our conservative brethren... but there is a growing minority that hits just about every one of those 14 traits.

As far as the one major item that you expounded upon that I have to disagree with is the intertwining of industry/business and government. Our government is not ruled by the people. It's ruled by industry, business and special interests. Many of those special interests are left wing... like labor unions for instance... but many are right wing too. Now, with the SCOTUS ruling on Citizen's and industry can pump even more into our electoral system....unlimited amounts and all anonymous....that last part is scary...because they can talk to foreign countries where they do business....say China, OPEC Nations, etc....and have them pour money into their SUPERPAC and because it's anonymous, we could have foreign interests deciding American elections.

Early and mid twentieth century European socialism was a railroad track consisting of a left rail and a right rail but by American western standards was all the same totalitarian hogwash.

There's no difference between Nazis and Communists. Each side labeled the other side with these moronic comparisons you use to describe conservatives and their false marriage to Nazism.

Conservatives are Nazis is another passage on your values list is all and it's as false and phony as all the other passages and it's supposed to give your progressive stat-ism intellectual superiority.

Don't say this, say that instead.

Don't say that, say this instead.

March along together comrades, one, two, three, four

You are being watched, you are being heard .. one, two, three, four.

Sarah Palin is a sub human .. one, two, three, four

DO NOT JEST or joke about a minority .. one, two, three, four.

DO NOT jest or joke about a homosexual .. one, two, three, four

These are crimes if you do comrades, these are hate speech crimes.

Change the definition of words

All non white males are victims and need special help from the government and will be placed in victim groups including women, blacks, Hispanics, gays, etc according to their gender, their race, and their "sexual orientation" .. one, two, three, four

The white male is THE VICTIMIZER! The white male IS THE DEVIL. The white male IS THE EPITOME OF EVIL .. one, two, three, four

"The white man" committed an attempted genocide on the Indians .. "the federal government's army" (which also attempted genocide on the southern people as well as attempting genocide on the Indians) freed the slaves.

And here's the real corker.

All life and everything of value and worthwhile came .... (Trumpets and fanfare!) ..... OUT OF AFRICA!

White Europeans stole all their knowledge and their technology from Africans.

White slavers infiltrated African "rain forests" (Another PC term that replaced jungles) and kidnapped Africans "Roots" style and made them slaves.
One, two, three, four

Christians stole Christmas ..( oops, I forgot) Winter Solstice from the Pagans.

Christians stole Easter (spring solstice?) from the pagans.

Government schools are not to take Christmas or Easter holiday vacations, they will take winter and spring vacations.

One, two, three, four comrades .. march along.

This is where Fox News takes you........

Let me sum this up quick and easy.

The Left wants equality for everyone, including you. What happens when an "alien" population comes in and you are the minority? Will you want equality or will you just be happy with less since you are the new minority? Either you didn't think that far or you think it will never happen, typical.

The Libertarian Party doesn't focus on anyone beyond ones self. It's basically a self centered party. That's not a bad thing but to ignore recurring bad situations while screaming, "I'm a good person, who cares what they did" is a bad thing.

Keeping away from political parties and thinking for yourself is KEY in America's future.

(oh, and btw, the only "dictatorship" in America is the people who tell others they can't think freely. The Constitution can change with Amendments. If freedom of thought was an Amendment we would have a different America but the founders were vague or the new movements are just dense.)
Also I want to add that I was raised VERY Christian and the new Progressive movements align with Christianity more than the Rights. They even align with what the Indians believed. Basically every wise movement in history.
Also I want to add that I was raised VERY Christian and the new Progressive movements align with Christianity more than the Rights. They even align with what the Indians believed. Basically every wise movement in history.

Christianity is a religious faith that converts, it doesn't progress.

When it progresses it becomes secular like when progressives wish to create heaven on earth by way of the government.

You should know the difference between Calvinism and Puritan progressivism and perhaps you do already
This is where Fox News takes you........

Let me sum this up quick and easy.

The Left wants equality for everyone, including you. What happens when an "alien" population comes in and you are the minority? Will you want equality or will you just be happy with less since you are the new minority? Either you didn't think that far or you think it will never happen, typical.

The Libertarian Party doesn't focus on anyone beyond ones self. It's basically a self centered party. That's not a bad thing but to ignore recurring bad situations while screaming, "I'm a good person, who cares what they did" is a bad thing.

Keeping away from political parties and thinking for yourself is KEY in America's future.

(oh, and btw, the only "dictatorship" in America is the people who tell others they can't think freely. The Constitution can change with Amendments. If freedom of thought was an Amendment we would have a different America but the founders were vague or the new movements are just dense.)

I only become a minority when I am part of the numerical minority of the state where I live otherwise I become empowered by way of the numerical majority of my state. The left wants equal outcome for everybody and not equal opportunity. You can't make everyone equal in a free society because everyone isn't equal and freedom requires exceptional results and not equal results. This is where the individual becomes empowered and not the dependent group.

I'm not sure about your fox news remark because unless a major news story breaks, I don't watch that network. I'm not a parrot of that network's talking heads no more I'm confident that you were born with the knowledge base of everything required to be known without reference.
I only become a minority when I am part of the numerical minority of the state where I live otherwise I become empowered by way of the numerical majority of my state. The left wants equal outcome for everybody and not equal opportunity. You can't make everyone equal in a free society because everyone isn't equal and freedom requires exceptional results and not equal results. This is where the individual becomes empowered and not the dependent group.

I'm not sure about your fox news remark because unless a major news story breaks, I don't watch that network. I'm not a parrot of that network's talking heads no more I'm confident that you were born with the knowledge base of everything required to be known without reference.

I want a level playing field.

You don't believe the Founding Fathers' that all are created equal?

Don't say this, say that instead.

Don't say that, say this instead.

March along together comrades, one, two, three, four

You are being watched, you are being heard .. one, two, three, four.

Sarah Palin is a sub human .. one, two, three, four

DO NOT JEST or joke about a minority .. one, two, three, four.

DO NOT jest or joke about a homosexual .. one, two, three, four

These are crimes if you do comrades, these are hate speech crimes.

Change the definition of words

All non white males are victims and need special help from the government and will be placed in victim groups including women, blacks, Hispanics, gays, etc according to their gender, their race, and their "sexual orientation" .. one, two, three, four

The white male is THE VICTIMIZER! The white male IS THE DEVIL. The white male IS THE EPITOME OF EVIL .. one, two, three, four

"The white man" committed an attempted genocide on the Indians .. "the federal government's army" (which also attempted genocide on the southern people as well as attempting genocide on the Indians) freed the slaves.

And here's the real corker.

All life and everything of value and worthwhile came .... (Trumpets and fanfare!) ..... OUT OF AFRICA!

White Europeans stole all their knowledge and their technology from Africans.

White slavers infiltrated African "rain forests" (Another PC term that replaced jungles) and kidnapped Africans "Roots" style and made them slaves.
One, two, three, four

Christians stole Christmas ..( oops, I forgot) Winter Solstice from the Pagans.

Christians stole Easter (spring solstice?) from the pagans.

Government schools are not to take Christmas or Easter holiday vacations, they will take winter and spring vacations.

One, two, three, four comrades .. march along.

Wow, you are quite stupid, even for a social conservative.

All life did not come out of Africa. Humans did.

Rain forests and jungle are not the same.

Neither of these things have anything to do with PC, nor do the histories surrounding the holidays.
I only become a minority when I am part of the numerical minority of the state where I live otherwise I become empowered by way of the numerical majority of my state. The left wants equal outcome for everybody and not equal opportunity. You can't make everyone equal in a free society because everyone isn't equal and freedom requires exceptional results and not equal results. This is where the individual becomes empowered and not the dependent group.

I'm not sure about your fox news remark because unless a major news story breaks, I don't watch that network. I'm not a parrot of that network's talking heads no more I'm confident that you were born with the knowledge base of everything required to be known without reference.

Then it must be AM radio....because you speak the talking points so well....Equal outcomes? Where did you get that from, if not some right wing pundit?

No...we ARE talking about equal opportunity. Opportunities arise from families having economic health. Having two parents working shit jobs and having to work OT to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table means Little Johnny is not getting the parenting he needs. This has been going on for 20 years....and you sit in your chair and rail against the "moral degredation" of our society.

So...take Little Johnny as an example....does he have the same opportunities as a CEO's kid, or a Senator's? about the same opportunities as an upper Middle Class Family who's parents only have to work 40-60 hours/week and has time to nurture and teach that youth?

Now....imagine Little Johnny lives in the bowels of our crime infested the worst of environments.... shit he needs a ladder to climb out of the hole that gets him to ground level so he can START to climb the ladder of success.

I'm sure you can give me examples of people who made it out of those horrific situations....but even if you listed enough to fill an entire would still be the smallest of percentage points when compared to those who don't.

Equal opportunity....for all.