r Gödel’s model uses mathematical equations that are extremely complicated, but the essence is that no greater power than God can be conceived, and if he or she is believed as a concept then he or she can exist in reality

one word was all it took to dispel this idea

the math says CAN not does
I am an atheist

in my definition ( due to the facts that are known in this momment in time) god is an idea.

it is the manifestation of how some human minds understand their existence in relevance to the world arround them.

are ideas real ?

only in the sense that someone can think them and utter them to others.

that means if you can think it or utter it is real in a sense.

that means any monster you can imagine is real in a sense

that means the gods and monsters any human (or maybe even other animals) can imagine exist in a thought form exist

Now if you want to go where a god or monster that can independently effect the world without being merely a thought passed from one to another living being we may have a problem of proof.

Gods cant exist if they cant be demonstrated to exist in a physical manner.

the same with monsters

did you know what people thought was a unicorn actually exists?

desert sheep viewed from the side.

mythical creatures

Dragons were thought to exist due to huge reptile skeletons found

imagine a person finding a nearly intact teradactile skeleton?

The Cracken was kniwn science at the time

It was a real as a cow to sailors

things like giant octopie being heaved onto a ship in a great storm and slithering off the deck back into the sea pushing men off the deck while doing so

so monsters do not exist

they are merely uneducated descriptions of unknown species

now what is GOD?

something different in each mind that conceives it

uneducated minds trying to precieve things they have no full understanding of

can it be they are each individual minds attempt to understand the very complex interwiring of the human mind?

education can effect the wiring of the mind

if you teach a child more than one language from birth that childs brain will have a more complex and advantageous language wiring system

( I Believe this is why the right hates kids knowing more than one language from birth, they are easier to manipulate and not as adept at language)

brain wiring studies have documented these improved wiring systems in childrens brains.

they have also found that GOD believers have a certain wiring that is different than nonbelievers.

that may be aguired the same way the language thing is huh.

so the fact that people BELIEVE in god has no bearing on a physical existence of God or monsters

Gods and monsters are thoughts and will be embraced by individuals depending on their brain wiring.

that means they are thoughts not physical beings

Thank you, Evince.

I will respond to many of the things you said here, but I would like to have you extend one thing you mentioned that is nebulous.

You wrote:

I am an atheist.

Not sure what that means. It is a descriptor...a label...that means many different things to many different people.

On the question of whether any gods exist, I am an agnostic...but I use that descriptor only as a shortcut. What I actually mean is:

I do not know if gods exist or not;
I see no reason to suspect gods CANNOT EXIST...that the existence of gods is impossible;
I see no reason to suspect that gods MUST EXIST...that gods are needed to explain existence;
I do not see enough unambiguous evidence upon which to base a meaningful guess in either direction... I don't.

Please give me a better idea of your atheism...even if it is just explaining why you differ from my agnosticism.
A theist

without theism

My beliefs do not include an all powerful all knowing being running everything

the typical description of a god

the word God is not really defined the same from one religion to another
there are world religions that don't need a god

they currently exist and people believe them as deeply as the god centered ones most people think of.

existance does not require an all powerful being to make sense and function
an agnostic is a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena, a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.

I don't believe God is anything beyond a concept

I have never seen anything in my 60 years to point to a physical existence of god

there are gases that I have never seen, smelt, tasted, felt or been effected by.

there is evidence they exist even though I have never encountered them.

Not the same with god huh

I cant believe in God simply because somone I may even love insists god came to them.

It can be perfectly explained by their mind wiring.

I would need to see the science that proves that gas indeed exists on planet X34B and is provable by light refraction.

science is far more reliable than monsters
My specific question?

Actually, if you read my is not an actual question. It a request.

Here is my "specific" request of you:

Explain the mathematical proof to us...unless, of course, you are just taking the word of that blog that what the guy claims he did...he actually did.

Should be no problem for you. Right? (He asked with a healthy dose of sarcasm!) could stop the bullshit and join evince and moi in a discussion of the topic. Love to have you as part of it. You seem like you may have interesting stuff to contribute.

You and desh obviously enjoy wasting people's time on this forum and until you prove me otherwise by ax'ing a specific question on the math, then sorry, I won't be entertaining your request.
...cannot be answered using logic, reason, science, or math.

It just cannot be done...or at least, I am asserting that it cannot. I've tried...never come close. I've challenged hundreds of others to give it a shot...none has ever come close.

I am inviting anyone who can prove the assertion wrong...or show substantially that it most likely is do so.

To make my assertion even more specific...and more encompassing...I'm going to expand it:

One cannot use logic, reason, science, or substantiate "At least one god exists."

One cannot use logic, reason, science, or substantiate "No gods exist."

One cannot use logic, reason, science, or substantiate "It is more likely that at least one god exists...than that no gods exist."

One cannot use logic, reason, science, or substantiate "It is more likely that no gods exist...than that at least one god exists."

Comments would be appreciated.

Proving me wrong would be even more appreciated.

I agree with the above.
You and desh obviously enjoy wasting people's time on this forum and until you prove me otherwise by ax'ing a specific question on the math, then sorry, I won't be entertaining your request.

Careful of the door!
Enjoy you actual masturbation, Ooda. Remember to buy you fist flowers. It IS Valentine's Day.

Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm happily married to a young, beautiful, sensual woman, and still have my virility. We have a date tonight, dinner at home, then drive the '64 to dance lessons. What happens after that I'll leave up to your fertile imagination.
Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm happily married to a young, beautiful, sensual woman, and still have my virility. We have a date tonight, dinner at home, then drive the '64 to dance lessons. What happens after that I'll leave up to your fertile imagination.

Buy your fist flowers anyway. It's earned them.