The Question that Makes Cowards out of Leftists

That's the stereotype about Scots, they're super cheap. I don't know if there's really a link between cheapness and Lolberts, but it would make sense. People who are super cheap and also short-sighted would be extra susceptible to Libertarianism.

It might be true.
This millionaire survey seems to be supporting evidence.

First, Scottish Americans tend to be frugal. Given a household's income, there is a corresponding mathematical expectation of level of consumption. Members of this group do not fit such expectations. On average, they live well below the norm for people in various income categories. They often live in self-designed environments of relative scarcity. A household of Scottish ancestry with an annual income of $100,000 will often consume at a level typical for an American household with an annual income of $85,000. Being frugal allows them to save more and invest more than others in similar income groups. Thus the same $100,000 income-producing household of Scottish descent saves and invests at a level comparable to the typical American household that annually earns nearly $150,000.

In the chapters that follow, we reveal the highest prices typical millionaires reported paying for suits, shoes, watches, and motor vehicles. A significantly greater number of millionaires with Scottish ancestry reported paying less for each item than the norm for all millionaires in the sample. For example, more than two-thirds (67.3 percent) of Scottish millionaires paid less for their most expensive motor vehicle than the norm for all millionaires surveyed.

Because they accumulate wealth, the Scottish-ancestry affluent have wealth to pass on to their offspring. Our research reveals that Scottish offspring typically become economically and emotionally independent even as young adults. Thus, they tend not to drain their parents' wealth.
I didn't know that racism, bigotry and discrimination are based on "discriminating taste". :laugh:
Obviously not "racism" or "bigotry" .. but "discrimination" ... yes.

Sure some people like black coffee, coffee with vanilla, white milk and chocolate milk. That's discrimination! :laugh:
It most certainly was, e.g. "No thank you, I only drink coffee from Salento, Colombia." Like I said, leftists hijacked the word to mean exclusively "negatively judgemental about people."

So yes, that is the word "discrimination" and "disriminating." Of course, if you try to use the word correctly with leftists on a message forum, they cackle and roll their eyes. Too funny.

p.s. - are you thinking that we need a new "CAMACHO 2020" meme?

Well if you don't know about it, then I'm guessing you aren't a believer in it.
Unless you're being a trolly boi again.

Be honest, are you Jewish?

He could be, but I kind of doubt it, because almost all Jews who are anti-Polish wimper how anti-Semitic Poland is, kind of like Guano does.
That's insulting and totally untrue.

The stereotype about Scots is that they will foul and cheat in sports the moment the ref isn't watching.

Too funny. You don't know what Libertarianism is.


So, you're of a Scottish background?

I can't figure out, why you'd be for anti-Polish discrimination, but against anti-Scottish discrimination?
Obviously not "racism" or "bigotry" .. but "discrimination" ... yes.

It most certainly was, e.g. "No thank you, I only drink coffee from Salento, Colombia." Like I said, leftists hijacked the word to mean exclusively "negatively judgemental about people."

Not wanting to date a black woman is different from not wanting to provide a black woman service.

p.s. - are you thinking that we need a new "CAMACHO 2020" meme?

What do you suggest?
I actually think Collectivists are usually more socially Conservative.
Those who are members of LGBTQIATIOAPP are "collectivists" by definition.

Collectivists tend to be more tribal, racist, group oriented, leading to more prejudices against LGBTQ, other ethnic groups & other races.
Are you telling me that members of LGBTQIATIOAPP, Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA and NOW all tend to hate themselves? OK. I'll take your word for it.

Conservatives, by the way, are anti-collectivist.

Collectivists also care more about helping out the tribe, and organizing the tribe, like Socialism.
This is totally consistent with everything written thus far.

Western Europe & the Anglosphere are the most Individualist, and also the most tolerant of groups today.
The United States and its American Exceptionalism are the most tolerant humanity has ever had to offer. There are no restrictions on speech, religion, or ideology. This is not the case in Europe where one can be arrested for "hate speech."

That's the stereotype about Scots, they're super cheap. I don't know if there's really a link between cheapness and Lolberts, but it would make sense. People who are super cheap and also short-sighted would be extra susceptible to Libertarianism.

I don't know about thrift, but I do notice most of my town's drunken derelict population has a Scottish, and sometimes English heritage, vastly overrepresented.

The town drunken derelicts are named Scot, Scottie, Bob, Charlie, Willy, and Rick.

We have some Irish, Italian, German & Polish drunks too, but they're more normal, like not the kind who takes off their shirt & passes out on the side walk & usually have a decent job too.
Those who are members of LGBTQIATIOAPP are "collectivists" by definition.

Are you telling me that members of LGBTQIATIOAPP, Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA and NOW all tend to hate themselves? OK. I'll take your word for it.

Conservatives, by the way, are anti-collectivist.

This is totally consistent with everything written thus far.

The United States and its American Exceptionalism are the most tolerant humanity has ever had to offer. There are no restrictions on speech, religion, or ideology. This is not the case in Europe where one can be arrested for "hate speech."


Individualism is basically classical Liberalism, which is pretty much what the first Leftists in the French Revolution were.

Individualists are very odd, if you ask me.

They're weirdos in this World, I mean they caused half of the World to suffer racist genocide, and now commit anti-racist self suicide.
Individualists behave like they have mild Autism, often very one track minded, and obsessive, and very detached from culture & society.

Sounds like someone I know on this forum?

Anybody guess who that is?
Those who are members of LGBTQIATIOAPP are "collectivists" by definition.

Are you telling me that members of LGBTQIATIOAPP, Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA and NOW all tend to hate themselves? OK. I'll take your word for it.

Conservatives, by the way, are anti-collectivist.

This is totally consistent with everything written thus far.

The United States and its American Exceptionalism are the most tolerant humanity has ever had to offer. There are no restrictions on speech, religion, or ideology. This is not the case in Europe where one can be arrested for "hate speech."


a professor of early modern France at Princeton University. Would he have the right to an absolute veto? As the debate continued, those who thought the king should have an absolute veto sat on the right of the president of the assembly, and those who thought he should not — the more radical view — sat on the left of the president of the assembly. In other words, those who wanted to hew closer to tradition were on the right, and those who wanted more change were on the left.

That is true because the original leftists wanted to abolish government controls over industry, trade, and the professions. They wanted wages, prices, and profits to be determined by competition in a free market, and not by government decree. They were pledged to free their economy from government planning, and to remove the government-guaranteed special privileges of guilds, unions, and associations whose members were banded together to use the law to set the price of their labor or capital or product above what it would be in a free market.

The first leftists were a group of newly elected representatives to the National Constituent Assembly at the beginning of the French Revolution in 1789. They were labeled "leftists" merely because they happened to sit on the left side in the French Assembly.
Well if you don't know about it, then I'm guessing you aren't a believer in it.
So are you going to leave me in suspense or are you going to tell me what this Cultural Marxist Conspiracy Theory is?

Be honest,...
I am always honest. I cannot say the same for many on this board.

... are you Jewish?
I don't believe I am. My understanding is that there are rules for that, specifically one's mother must be Jewish. I am one of the many people who had a mother and I'm confident that she wasn't Jewish.

Is "Jewish" an ethnicity? I thought it was a religion.

Would being Jewish afford me a rhetorical advantage in this forum?

Individualists behave like they have mild Autism, often very one track minded, and obsessive, and very detached from culture & society.
Well you just blew any remaining credibility you might have had out of the water. That has to be one of the stupidest things I have read in the past few months. I have to ask from what planet you are posting.

Well you just blew any remaining credibility you might have had out of the water. That has to be one of the stupidest things I have read in the past few months. I have to ask from what planet you are posting.


Western Europeans are more one track minded & obsessive, I've noticed it since childhood.

They tend to be Black & White thinkers, and aren't good with gray areas.

As for culturally detached, just look at how many cultures Western Europeans destroyed in genocide, and now how they destroy their own culture.

You are only proving my point, rather than disproving it.

Look at how one track minded you are about Socialism, you think it is just Libertarian or full blown Communism.

You are also obsessive, look at how for awhile there you had to mock Poles in every post!
Would [the king] That is true because the original leftists wanted to abolish government controls over industry, trade, and the professions.
Yes, the political left and the political right have a tendency to swap sides periodically, owing mostly to one particular side's penchant for dishonestly hijacking words/terms to intentionally confuse issues and to disguise the true agenda.

Yes, the political left and the political right have a tendency to swap sides periodically, owing mostly to one particular side's penchant for dishonestly hijacking words/terms to intentionally confuse issues and to disguise the true agenda.


Actually, Americans hijacked the definitions & ruined them.

Leftists & Liberals originally equated to Capitalists & their supporters.

In Europe they still equate Nationalism & Social Conservatism to the Right.

Many Americans like yourself act like Nationalism & Social Conservatism don't exist.

But, really Capitalism erodes Nationalism & Social Conservative values.
So are you going to leave me in suspense or are you going to tell me what this Cultural Marxist Conspiracy Theory is?

It's a theory that the Frankfurt School has infiltrated Western media and academia in order to promote "degenerate" ideas such as Atheism, homosexuality, gender non-conformity, women's rights, pornography, and so on. Supposedly, all of these ideas will eventually make people into Marxists because.... well, I never said the theory made sense.

Cultural Marxism used to be for the really extreme conspiracy nuts. But now because Trump has made conspiracy theories mainstream, the Cultural Marxism theory has become pretty common on the Right.

Is "Jewish" an ethnicity? I thought it was a religion.

The Jewish community considers someone to be Jewish based on ancestry, not religion. So while Judaism is a religion, the Jews are an ethnic group, not a religious group.

It is pretty suspicious that you refuse to tell me your ethnicity. Usually the only people who don't do that are Jews.
It's a theory that the Frankfurt School has infiltrated Western media and academia in order to promote "degenerate" ideas such as Atheism, homosexuality, gender non-conformity, women's rights, pornography, and so on. Supposedly, all of these ideas will eventually make people into Marxists because.... well, I never said the theory made sense.

Cultural Marxism used to be for the really extreme conspiracy nuts. But now because Trump has made conspiracy theories mainstream, the Cultural Marxism theory has become pretty common on the Right.

The Jewish community considers someone to be Jewish based on ancestry, not religion. So while Judaism is a religion, the Jews are an ethnic group, not a religious group.

It is pretty suspicious that you refuse to tell me your ethnicity. Usually the only people who don't do that are Jews.

A lot of it is Capitalism, they know smut, violence & sex sells, so they push a more degenerate society.

I mean, it's definitely true that Jews run a lot of Hollywood, the media & social media like Facebook, or even Google & Youtube.

So, are they more Capitalistic or more Cultural Marxist?

As for Atheism, a lot of it is due to science.

But, I still believe, because I can sense energy, positive, or negative in people, or myself, and think science does a piss poor job at explaining the ecosystems of Earth, and how they came to be.

If the ecosystems are so delicate, that a invasive species, or man can destroy these eco systems so quickly, then it seems to support creation, even if it doesn't disprove evolution, but such delicate & intricate ecosystems seem to be about impossible to create by chance.

If I practice abstinence my demonic nightmares dissappear.

While, if I hate too much, I get demonic nightmares too.

I've sensed negative energy around someone & told nobody, and my friend said feel that negative energy around that dude, that's a Demon.

I've also sensed spirits & told nobody, and had a psychic medium sense the same spirit I had.
Actually, Americans hijacked the definitions & ruined them.
I know, I know ... Americans are to blame for everything. I get it.

In Europe they still equate Nationalism & Social Conservatism to the Right.
This is due to a combination of Europeans being stupid and being in denial. This is a good example of European Leftists hijacking words, in this case "nationalism." Nationalism simply means being patriotic and putting one's country first. However Leftists hijacked the word to denigrate political opponents who take pride in their country ... and gullible Leftists like yourself NEVER question what they are being ordered to believe.

Many Americans like yourself act like Nationalism & Social Conservatism don't exist.
That's a stupid thing to say. How does one "act" like an ideology doesn't exist? You should be thankful that nobody adds up the really stupid things you write. You'd have a rather high tally.

I can proudly say that I know what the word "nationalism" means and you can bet that I will mock all people like you who do not.

I'm very nationalist, by the way. Go USA! Donald Trump is nationalist. He puts America first. It's why he was elected.

But, really Capitalism erodes Nationalism & Social Conservative values.
That's another stupid thing you have written. How does sound economics erode nationalism? Good economies increase nationalism, they don't erode it. It's Marxism in all its forms that erodes nationalism and turns otherwise functionable humans into raving loons.

Las Vegas currently has 77-to-1 odds against you knowing what capitalism is.
