The Question that Makes Cowards out of Leftists

I'm not so sure of that.

Councils of Trust (German: Vertrauensräte) were established in businesses and companies with more than 20 employees in Nazi Germany following the introduction of the Labour organization law of 20 January 1934. They served as the only representation of employees to the “factory leader” (i.e. entrepreneur) (Betriebsführer) in order to increase mutual trust within the factory community.[1] Councillors were elected by secret ballots, but the list of candidates was prepared by the factory leader and the German Labour Front overseer (Betriebsobmann). The councils did not play an active role in industrial relations, except to serve as a platform for discussing working conditions regulated in the “factory code of rules” (Betriebsordnung).[2]

While in 1934 only 2 per cent of businesses and companies were required to establish a council of trust, this affected 46.2 per cent of employees.[3]

Its leader was Robert Ley, who stated that its aim was 'to create a true social and productive community'.[1] Theoretically, the DAF existed to act as a medium through which workers and owners could mutually represent their interests. Wages were set by the 12 DAF trustees. The employees were given relatively high set wages and security of employment, and dismissal was increasingly made difficult. Social security and leisure programmes were started, canteens, breaks, and regular working times were established, and German workers were generally satisfied by what the DAF gave them in repayment for their absolute loyalty and increased work hours (Due to armaments production).[citation needed]

Following the National Socialist’s Volksgemeinschaft approach towards developing a greater "people's community", the DAF expanded or established new social, educational, sports, health, and entertainment programs for German workers via the Strength through Joy, which included factory libraries and gardens, swimming pools, low-priced hot meals, adult education programs, periodic work breaks, physical education, sports facilities, gymnastic training, orchestral music during lunch breaks, free tickets to concerts and opera, and subsidized vacations that saw over 10.3 million Germans signed up by 1938.[2] The DAF financed the building of ocean-going vessels that permitted German workers to pay minimal prices to sail to many foreign destinations. Up to six ocean liners were operating just before the start of World War II. According to the chief of the Associated Press in Berlin, Louis P. Lochner, ticket prices for ocean steamer vessels ranged from twelve to sixteen marks for "a full week on such a steamer".[3]

The idea is correct but you aren't credible as long as you are citing Wikipedia. There are probably a dozen errors in all of this. You should get your information from authoritative sources that aren't mostly bogus writen by yahoos with political agendas.

If I were StoneByStone, I would simply dismiss everything you wrote as not being reliable information. Wikipedia is out.

Nope. Europeans are mostly in denial. Hitler was a socialist and squarely on the left. Europe LOVES their socialism ... and so they tell all the gullible Europeans that the NAZIs were actually on the right. That's mostly why Europe is so fucked up, i.e. Europeans are stupid and gullible and will believe whatever they are told.

The NAZIs were on the left, just like Europe is. That is the correct understanding just as sure as Poland took only four weeks to roll over and die.


The Nazis were Nationalists & Social Conservatives, nice try.

Poland was outnumbered, explain why the USA lost Vietnam when they outnumbered Vietnam?
The idea is correct but you aren't credible as long as you are citing Wikipedia. There are probably a dozen errors in all of this. You should get your information from authoritative sources that aren't mostly bogus writen by yahoos with political agendas.

If I were StoneByStone, I would simply dismiss everything you wrote as not being reliable information. Wikipedia is out.


Same thing, besides often times Wikipedia is actually one of the better sources of information, not the worst by a long shot.
Racism by definition is to think one race is superior over another,
Incorrect. That is covered by the word "bigotry" and it mean that you think one "race" is beneath you, or that Poles are beneath you, or those of a particular religion, or of a particular political party, or of any class whatsoever.

...or prejudices & discrimination against another race,
Nope. Prejudice simply means to pre-judge and it doesn't necessarily mean in a negative way. If I think Poles are just better at drinking vodka then I might pre-judge a particular Pole that I meet as probably being a good drinking partner ... and I would be prejudiced in favor of Poles in that manner.

Discrimination historically has been a positive thing and liberals and leftists have hijacked it to mean something negative. Someone who discriminates does so because of discriminating taste. That is the sign of a refined, cultured and educated individual. Of course that word has been hijacked to mean "negatively judgemental." The bottom line is that if you were to call me "predjudiced" and "discriminating" then I will thank you for the compliment.

The word you are looking for is "bigot" ("bigotry"). You can greatly improve your diction by using those words instead of inappropriately using "racism," "prejudice" and "discrimination." Of course, if you are conversing with dullard leftists then I guess it doesn't matter what words you use because they aren't really listening to any ideas anyway.

Bigotry by definition means to be intolerant of someone elses opinion or beliefs.
Nope. See above.

Incorrect. That is covered by the word "bigotry" and it mean that you think one "race" is beneath you, or that Poles are beneath you, or those of a particular religion, or of a particular political party, or of any class whatsoever.

Nope. Prejudice simply means to pre-judge and it doesn't necessarily mean in a negative way. If I think Poles are just better at drinking vodka then I might pre-judge a particular Pole that I meet as probably being a good drinking partner ... and I would be prejudiced in favor of Poles in that manner.

Discrimination historically has been a positive thing and liberals and leftists have hijacked it to mean something negative. Someone who discriminates does so because of discriminating taste. That is the sign of a refined, cultured and educated individual. Of course that word has been hijacked to mean "negatively judgemental." The bottom line is that if you were to call me "predjudiced" and "discriminating" then I will thank you for the compliment.

The word you are looking for is "bigot" ("bigotry"). You can greatly improve your diction by using those words instead of inappropriately using "racism," "prejudice" and "discrimination." Of course, if you are conversing with dullard leftists then I guess it doesn't matter what words you use because they aren't really listening to any ideas anyway.

Nope. See above.


You're very desperate & talk a lot of sh(t for a dumb@$$.
If that was the case, then Europe would have way more crime. Certainly more than America.
The riots we're seeing now is just the result of Multiculturalism.
Nope. What we're seeing is an exact repeat of Hitler's brown shirts while a fascist socialist tries to rise to power behind the scenes.

Black Lives Matter is mostly caucasian. The name Black Lives Matter is intended to 1) draw blacks in to support the movement as well and 2) serve as diversionary propaganda.

This is why we learn history, i.e. so we can avoid repeating it.

I didn't know that racism, bigotry and discrimination are based on "discriminating taste". :laugh:

Sure some people like black coffee, coffee with vanilla, white milk and chocolate milk.

That's discrimination! :laugh:
Nope. What we're seeing is an exact repeat of Hitler's brown shirts while a fascist socialist tries to rise to power behind the scenes.

Black Lives Matter is mostly caucasian. The name Black Lives Matter is intended to 1) draw blacks in to support the movement as well and 2) serve as diversionary propaganda.

This is why we learn history, i.e. so we can avoid repeating it.


Do you believe in the Cultural Marxist conspiracy theory?

May I know your ethnicity?
You're very desperate & talk a lot of sh(t for a dumb@$$.
You're a humorless moron. You don't have to convince anyone that you are a European.

Oh, and you are wrong about virtually everything ... except you do get credit for being on the right track about NAZI Germany seizing control of industry. StoneByStone is in total denial and cannot accept that Hitler was a socialist because that would totally destroy his fragile safe space.

For you, I will tell you that your attempts to revise history to somehow put Hitler on the right-hand side of the political spectrum won't ever result in Poland somehow not having been totally occupied and conquered in only four weeks.

Probably something British Isle related, they tend to be more likely to be Libertarians, and also babble on a lot to say little.

It's mostly just the English-Americans who are more likely to be Lolberts. There are some theories on why that is. I think it's mainly related to the geography of where they're living in America.
You're a humorless moron. You don't have to convince anyone that you are a European.

Oh, and you are wrong about virtually everything ... except you do get credit for being on the right track about NAZI Germany seizing control of industry. StoneByStone is in total denial and cannot accept that Hitler was a socialist because that would totally destroy his fragile safe space.

For you, I will tell you that your attempts to revise history to somehow put Hitler on the right-hand side of the political spectrum won't ever result in Poland somehow not having been totally occupied and conquered in only four weeks.


Nazis were for German Hierarchy & German tradition, that's all that needs to be known.

Socialism can be Right, or Left wing, in reality.

There's no reason to classify Right vs Left as the amount of government. (Rolls eyes)

We already have the Libertarian - Authoritarian scale for that.
Do you believe in the Cultural Marxist conspiracy theory?
Tell me about it, in your own words.

May I know your ethnicity?
Absolutely, ... once you explain to me how I can ascertain my ethnicity and can enable me to explain to my children how they can ascertain theirs. I will immediately follow your algorithm, determin my ethnicity and promptly let you know the results. Until then, I haven't the vaguest idea.

What are the options, by the way? Is there an official list?

It's mostly just the English-Americans who are more likely to be Lolberts. There are some theories on why that is. I think it's mainly related to the geography of where they're living in America.

A lot of Scots, I suspect too, they don't call them thrifty Scots for nothing, the Scots think Libertarianism is giving them a bargain, in reality not really.
It's mostly just the English-Americans who are more likely to be Lolberts. There are some theories on why that is. I think it's mainly related to the geography of where they're living in America.

I think the South is probably more Scottish blooded, than English blooded.

The Confederate stars & bars is a Scottish Saint Andrews Cross, with American coloring.

Although, the issue is confused, because of 2 factors, we don't know how much Irish Americans are Scots-Irish, and how much "American" first ethnicity is Scottish, or Scots-Irish.

A lot of the South puts Irish as one of their biggest ethnic groups, but I don't think any of them are really Irish Catholics.

Most appear to be Scots-Irish (Northern Irish) Baptists.

Besides, Northern Irish are immigrants from Scotland, and some of them were at one time aware of that.

Which is why they changed the name to Scots-Irish.
Nazis were for German Hierarchy & German tradition, that's all that needs to be known.
Nope. You have to be out of your mind. There was a great deal more to be known about the NAZI Deutschland.

Socialism can be Right, or Left wing, in reality.
Nope. There can be no individual-freedom-based version of socialism. Socialism is only on the left ... like Europe.

There's no reason to classify Right vs Left as the amount of government. (Rolls eyes)
The determining factor is the extent to which individuals have freedom and the extent to which the government serves the people and not the other way around. This is why Libertarians are on the far right and socialism is on the far left.

A lot of Scots, I suspect too, they don't call them thrifty Scots for nothing, the Scots think Libertarianism is giving them a bargain, in reality not really.

That's the stereotype about Scots, they're super cheap. I don't know if there's really a link between cheapness and Lolberts, but it would make sense. People who are super cheap and also short-sighted would be extra susceptible to Libertarianism.
Nope. You have to be out of your mind. There was a great deal more to be known about the NAZI Deutschland.

Nope. There can be no individual-freedom-based version of socialism. Socialism is only on the left ... like Europe.

The determining factor is the extent to which individuals have freedom and the extent to which the government serves the people and not the other way around. This is why Libertarians are on the far right and socialism is on the far left.


I actually think Collectivists are usually more socially Conservative.

Collectivists tend to be more tribal, racist, group oriented, leading to more prejudices against LGBTQ, other ethnic groups & other races.

Collectivists also care more about helping out the tribe, and organizing the tribe, like Socialism.

Western Europe & the Anglosphere are the most Individualist, and also the most tolerant of groups today.
Tell me about it, in your own words.

Well if you don't know about it, then I'm guessing you aren't a believer in it.
Unless you're being a trolly boi again.

Absolutely, ... once you explain to me how I can ascertain my ethnicity and can enable me to explain to my children how they can ascertain theirs. I will immediately follow your algorithm, determin my ethnicity and promptly let you know the results. Until then, I haven't the vaguest idea.

What are the options, by the way? Is there an official list?

Be honest, are you Jewish?