The Question that Makes Cowards out of Leftists

... but I'm getting your interpretation of this theory and you haven't gotten much right of anything else and you mischaracterize virtually everything. Do you have a website for the people who espouse this theory? I can just get the straight scoop from them.

So you do believe in Cultural Marxism?
Why is talking with Fascists always like pulling teeth? They never want to give a straight answer. I guess because your points are impossible to defend.

Nope. This is just one of your countlessTDS-driven mischaracterizations.

So Trump didn't mainstream conspiracy theories?

Now I'm curious. Are you saying that this is very typical of how Jews troll people or very typical of how people troll Jews? Your wording is very ambiguous.

I'm saying the way you refuse to give a straight answer on your ethnicity and then try to turn it into a joke is very typical of Jews. A lot of Jews try to hide their Jewishness and pass as Goys when talking politics.
Wrong wording. Capitalist societies don't need to bring in anyone. Societies based on sound economics have better economies than the Marxist societies whose government interference doesn't work. Workers from these poorer, government-interferred economies actively seek out the stronger, capitalist economies where there are far more opportunities.


You're clearly exaggerating.

Russia was poorer than the USA before the creation of the Soviet Union, but actually kept up at about the same rate according to this graph.

Also note since the fall of the Soviet Union, 90% of people in Russia are poorer, while 10% are much richer.
We have a word for this: "trivia."

Did those workers agree to that wage?

Since the answer is "yes", why are you pretending to imply that they were somehow cheated? Why are you pretending to speak for them? As far as either of us knows, they were perfectly happy with what they had and didn't want to lose it.

My teenage daughter makes roughly that much at a convenience store. Why does she deserve any more than what she is making, which is exactly the wage to which she agreed?

You keep implying that there is somehow something wrong with this yet you always stop short of explaining exactly why.

It sounds a lot like you are advocating for huge government interference in markets of the kind that historically bring about economies like Venezuela's. No thanks.

Yes, by eliminating many low-paid unskilled positions and replacing them with highly-paid technical jobs.

We do whatever we can to accelerate its development and usher in the highly-paid technical jobs. We establish certifications in these new technical jobs and we widen the gap between the US and rest of the world. That's what we do.

By the way, you used the word "solve" like automation is some sort of problem. It's an opportunity. We need to leverage it to the fullest extent.

The only way to fully leverage the opportunity is to rein-back all government interference and to let private industry barrel forward unhindered, full steam ahead.

... and why don't you tax rain while you're at it?

People will flock to the higher-paying jobs rather than flock to be unemployed.

You didn't think this through. Economics is not your strong suit.


Automation is going to destroy a lot more jobs, than it creates, for sure.

The Capitalist market demands the kind of jobs & pay it demands.

If they can't find people willing to work for such low wages, or have labor shortages, they'll import immigrants to do it.

Those immigrants would still be in lower wage jobs.

So, for so long, it's not always someone's fault for being poverty.

Many people have disabilities & low IQ's, and can't get ahead much in life.

Individualists clearly can't understand economics very well, typically.

Because an economy is a collective, not an individual.

I've dealt with tons of Individualists online & in person, believe me, you are typically as mean & dumb as Humans can be!
You simply do not know what the word "discriminate" means. It's not really possible to discriminate against someone on an anonymous online forum unless one is a board administrator.


I actually don't care that much about prejudices & discrimination, as long as nobody is killed, or harmed physically.

But, you have in fact discriminated against Poles with prejudices!

Doesn't matter if it's in person, or online that much, it's still a person behind the computer screen, ditz.
I think it's more likely that there are other factors in some countries not being cucked by Globalism. For Austria, it could be that for a long time, they claimed they were the first victims of Nazism. This was really just to avoid being called Nazis after the war, but today a lot of Austrians really do believe this. And as a result, they don't want any foreign influence in Austria, no matter who the foreigners are. I'm open to the idea that Slavic genetics just have some quality that makes people more tribal, though that wouldn't explain the Finns, who have actually had very little mixing with Slavs. Not sure if the same goes for the Greeks.

This genetic map by Eurogenes might explain the genetic relations better than I can.

East Germans fall near Czechs, and Austrians between West-Germans & Hungarians.

Finns fall between North Russians & Swedes.

It's a bit confusing, with the Finnic one, but if you understand that most of Russia was once Finno-Ugric tribes, conquered & absorded by Slavic tribes, it makes more sense.
We literally have a vice president who is homophobic and transphobic.
I don't believe you know him personally. Are you just throwing around the "homophobe" slur to meet boilerplate leftist requirements? Is there any reason I should believe that Pence fears homosexuals? Transexuals?

Of course, I suppose Pence is a "RACIST!" and "MISOGYNIST!" as well, yes?

And, because homophobia and transphobia is still so common on the Right,
Is there any reason that a rational person should believe you? I'm on the right, I clearly understand the right better than you do, and I see all the HATRED and bigotry coming from the left. I dismiss your assertion as being completely WACKY and baseless.

... the president pretends to be against LGBT rights too.
Is there any reason anyone should believe you, aside from orders from political leaders to simply believe you out of solidarity?

You're tired of LGBT folks talking about being victims?
YES! That is quite an understatement but yes, I am quite tired of it.

I wonder if they're tired of actually being victims.
They never have been. They've always been whining self-loathers. They are inherent liars. Nobody should waste even a single moment of his life listening to them. If you like that sort of thing there are many crying infants and toddlers who are actually deserving of attention.

Serious questions here. What is cancel culture?
It's the effort by total losers to destroy what society prides/cherishes/honors, purely out of spite and self-loathing. When Black Lives Matters topples a statue of Abraham Lincoln, for example ... they do it just because society honors Abraham Lincoln and does not honor them (the total losers). Or when LGBTQIATIOAPP pushes to allow men to compete in women's sports just to ruin women't sports out of seething envy of women who aren't total losers and who are being celebrated for their athletic accomplishments. Cancel Culture is comprised entirely of spiteful losers and is entirely on the political left. As such Leftist politicians pander to them by allowing them to loot with impunity, by charging people with hate crimes for merely expressing opposition to Black Lives Matter. Cancel Culture groups like ANTIFA don't respect anything or anyone because they are adults who have the emotional maturity of toddlers throwing temper tantrums. They HATE all authority and thus want to defund the police (so that no one has police to protect them) and they want all firearms confiscated so that no one can defend himself in the face of the violent criminal mobs. They want to have civil rights repealed in California so that people can start suffering from discrimination. They HATE humanity and they HATE themselves. They want to be able to loot with impunity because that would empower them to "get even." Get even with whom you ask? With society, i.e. the society that doesn't recognize them as being rising stars like the celebrities who are, in fact, celebrated.

Let me know if you have any questions.

I actually don't care that much about prejudices & discrimination, as long as nobody is killed, or harmed physically.
Then you must therefore be opposed to ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter.

But, you have in fact discriminated against Poles with prejudices!
Fine, explain to me how I have discriminated against them. Let's make it official that you don't know the meaning of the word "discriminate."

Doesn't matter if it's in person, or online that much, it's still a person behind the computer screen, ditz.
Exactly. He is safely separated from discrimination by the internet.

Seriously, you need to learn the meaning of the word.

Automation is going to destroy a lot more jobs, than it creates, for sure.
Nope. Econonmics is not your strong suit. Each unskilled labor position that is eliminated will create roughly four high tech jobs, from engineering the automating equipment to building it, to configuring and installing it, to operating it and finally to maintaining it. The jobs will increase in number and will "gentrify" as they accumulate high tech requirements that command higher pay.

Your assessment is not accepted by any educated economist who hasn't sold his credibility for a paycheck with Marxist political organizations.

The Capitalist market demands the kind of jobs & pay it demands.
I don't know if I mentioned this already but ecnomomics is clearly not your strong suit. There is only "the market." There is no separate "Capitalist" market and separate "Marxist" market.

If they can't find people willing to work for such low wages, or have labor shortages, they'll import immigrants to do it.
Yes, if American workers demand more pay than they are worth to a business then the business will look elsewhere. When American workers lose employment opportunities simply because they demand too much in compensation, they have only themselves to blame. If foreigners are willing to work for fair market value then their rewards are the jobs that overpriced Amercians throw away.

Many people have disabilities & low IQ's, and can't get ahead much in life.
It is not possible to legislate away their disabilities or other shortcomings. There was never any way I could have been the starting center for the Lakers. Life isn't fair.

Because an economy is a collective, not an individual.
You never studied microeconomics. Ask me how I know.

I've dealt with tons of Individualists online & in person, believe me, you are typically as mean & dumb as Humans can be!
... and you are as uneducated (and humorless) as anyone who doubles down on uninformed and stupid opinions in areas of which he knows nothing.

This genetic map by Eurogenes might explain the genetic relations better than I can.

East Germans fall near Czechs, and Austrians between West-Germans & Hungarians.

Finns fall between North Russians & Swedes.

It's a bit confusing, with the Finnic one, but if you understand that most of Russia was once Finno-Ugric tribes, conquered & absorded by Slavic tribes, it makes more sense.

Makes sense. Finns and Russians had similar genetics before Slavs even existed as a tribe. So even though there wasn't much mixing, they still have a similarity. Looks like Austrians aren't that Slavic, though. Closer than West Germans, but not East Germans.
You're clearly exaggerating.
Are you for real? You don't believe that immigrants flood to the US? You think that the US has to send out planes and boats to pick them all up and bring them to the US otherwise they won't come?

Did you just wake up from a twenty-year nap?

I don't believe you know him personally. Are you just throwing around the "homophobe" slur to meet boilerplate leftist requirements? Is there any reason I should believe that Pence fears homosexuals? Transexuals?

Is there any reason anyone should believe you, aside from orders from political leaders to simply believe you out of solidarity?

Trump claimed he's against gay marriage. Then he tried to ban trans people from the military.
Whether Trump is really against LGBT rights, or he's just acting like it in order to get support, this shows how common discrimination against LGBT people still is in America.

YES! That is quite an understatement but yes, I am quite tired of it.

Imagine how tired they are of having to talk about it.

They never have been. They've always been whining self-loathers. They are inherent liars. Nobody should waste even a single moment of his life listening to them. If you like that sort of thing there are many crying infants and toddlers who are actually deserving of attention.

Gay people were never victims in America? Really, my dude?

It's the effort by total losers to destroy what society prides/cherishes/honors, purely out of spite and self-loathing. When Black Lives Matters topples a statue of Abraham Lincoln, for example ... they do it just because society honors Abraham Lincoln and does not honor them (the total losers). Or when LGBTQIATIOAPP pushes to allow men to compete in women's sports just to ruin women't sports out of seething envy of women who aren't total losers and who are being celebrated for their athletic accomplishments. Cancel Culture is comprised entirely of spiteful losers and is entirely on the political left. As such Leftist politicians pander to them by allowing them to loot with impunity, by charging people with hate crimes for merely expressing opposition to Black Lives Matter. Cancel Culture groups like ANTIFA don't respect anything or anyone because they are adults who have the emotional maturity of toddlers throwing temper tantrums. They HATE all authority and thus want to defund the police (so that no one has police to protect them) and they want all firearms confiscated so that no one can defend himself in the face of the violent criminal mobs. They want to have civil rights repealed in California so that people can start suffering from discrimination. They HATE humanity and they HATE themselves. They want to be able to loot with impunity because that would empower them to "get even." Get even with whom you ask? With society, i.e. the society that doesn't recognize them as being rising stars like the celebrities who are, in fact, celebrated.

So a lot of this is wrong, but has nothing to do with "cancel culture," anyway. Therefore, I'm just going to reply to the last sentence, because that is the closest thing to common claims about cancel culture.

With society, i.e. the society that doesn't recognize them as being rising stars like the celebrities who are, in fact, celebrated.

So yeah, this is the main argument. That if a celebrity says something controversial, they will be "cancelled" by a culture that tolerates very little and is usually just being carried out by jealous losers who hate anyone better than them.
Now SJW losers do exist, no question. However, they're such a tiny minority, that they don't have enough power to get people cancelled. How many celebrities can you name who actually had their careers ruined by so-called cancel culture?

Makes sense. Finns and Russians had similar genetics before Slavs even existed as a tribe. So even though there wasn't much mixing, they still have a similarity. Looks like Austrians aren't that Slavic, though. Closer than West Germans, but not East Germans.
That genetic map does show some overlap between Austrians & Hungarians, but also Germans, East Germans & even a little with East French & Czechs.

If the map showed Italians, some portions would also overalp Northern Italy too.
Then you must therefore be opposed to ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter.

Fine, explain to me how I have discriminated against them. Let's make it official that you don't know the meaning of the word "discriminate."

Exactly. He is safely separated from discrimination by the internet.

Seriously, you need to learn the meaning of the word.


Don't care for BLM, or ANTIFA, or anti-Polish bigots very much.

But, will tolerate them a bit, so long as they aren't violent.

Besides, I'll sometimes fight back with facts, or if my life is threatened.
So you do believe in Cultural Marxism? Why is talking with Fascists always like pulling teeth? They never want to give a straight answer. I guess because your points are impossible to defend.
I know who totally blew the English comprehension portion of the SAT.

So Trump didn't mainstream conspiracy theories?
Correct. The DNC managed to get credit for that ... and they earned it.

I'm saying the way you refuse to give a straight answer on your ethnicity and then try to turn it into a joke is very typical of Jews
I'm saying that the way you fight tooth-and-nail to EVADE my honest and straightforward question shows that you are completely dishonest. I was VERY CLEAR that I am eager to answer your question.

So let's give you a do-over. How do I ascertain my ethnicity? I will be ignoring all your question to this effect until you answer my question so that I can answer yours. Meanwhile, where can I find the official list of ethnicities so that I can peruse that and see if I can find a match.

A lot of Jews try to hide their Jewishness and pass as Goys when talking politics.
I told you that I don't believe that I am Jewish but fortunately you are going to tell me how I can verify one way or the other. I'm standing by.



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Are you for real? You don't believe that immigrants flood to the US? You think that the US has to send out planes and boats to pick them all up and bring them to the US otherwise they won't come?

Did you just wake up from a twenty-year nap?


Russia appears to be in worse shape than it was in 1992, 90% are worse off in real wages by a little, while 10% are much better off in real wages.

Besides, Russia in 1992, didn't have so many illegal immigrants & Muslim migrants.

So, sorry to say, but Russia & other Eastern European nations, should've kept some Soviet tenants, while introducing some tenants of Capitalism.
That genetic map does show some overlap between Austrians & Hungarians, but also Germans, East Germans & even a little with East French & Czechs.

If the map showed Italians, some portions would also overalp Northern Italy too.

Yeah, that's because of Austria-Hungary. Even today, a lot of Austrians see their history as being more linked to Hungary than Germany.

It seems like, with a few exceptions, genetic drift in Europe goes from South-East to North-West. So Austrians will have more genetically in common with Serbians than they would the English, despite the linguistic situation.
Yeah, that's because of Austria-Hungary. Even today, a lot of Austrians see their history as being more linked to Hungary than Germany.

It seems like, with a few exceptions, genetic drift in Europe goes from South-East to North-West. So Austrians will have more genetically in common with Serbians than they would the English, despite the linguistic situation.

Yes, some Slavs are more like Austrians than Austrians are like say English. true. Especially probably Slovenians, who are right on the border with Austria!

South-East Europe tends to have the highest genetic diversity in Europe & North-East Europe tends to have the lowest genetic diversity in Europe.

So, it's probably kind of like a snake, Mediterranean DNA is highest in the South-East & has more genetic diversity, and then heads into Central & North-Western Europe & last into the North-East of Europe like the Baltic region, Finns, Russians have lower Mediterannean DNA than North-Western Europe like the British Isles, Netherlands & Scandinavia.
Nor do I.

I don't really tolerate them but there's not much I can do at this point.

Just don't wander into economics or you'll disarm yourself.


Don't wander into economics? LOL!

The real wages of USA Babyboomers was 20% higher than the real wages of USA Millennials at the same age.

If in 2 generations wages adjusted for cost of living have fallen by 20%, how does that make us any better than a Communist country?

Venezuela, and Soviets didn't free fall much faster, ONLY they started from a lower point, to begin with!

The issue is too much Capitalist power, they poisoned the wage market with foreign workers, be it undocumented immigrants, H2B Visas, or outsourced all together.

Not only is this harmful for economics, it's harmful for national security, Balkanizing America, and building up China is a threat to the USA National Security!

Besides, it's eroding our culture / heritage!
I know who totally blew the English comprehension portion of the SAT.

Or you believe in the Cultural Marxism theory, but you can't defend it.

Correct. The DNC managed to get credit for that ... and they earned it.

This didn't address the list of nutty conspiracy theories that Trump promoted
Again, you can't defend Trump repeating these theories, thus making conspiracy theories mainstream.

By the way, I do believe in some conspiracy theories. I don't think Epstein killed himself. But Trump has mainstreamed this Alex Jones culture of everything being a conspiracy theory. And the theory is always about something Trump's political enemies did. Sometimes these are even Republicans, like when he was running against Ted Cruz, so he promoted the theory that Cruz's father killed JFK.

So let's give you a do-over. How do I ascertain my ethnicity? I will be ignoring all your question to this effect until you answer my question so that I can answer yours. Meanwhile, where can I find the official list of ethnicities so that I can peruse that and see if I can find a match.

I don't believe you don't know what an ethnicity is.

If you don't know which country your ancestors are from, you'd just say so. Instead, you're pretending you don't know what ethnicity is.