The Question that Makes Cowards out of Leftists

Or you believe in the Cultural Marxism theory, but you can't defend it.

This didn't address the list of nutty conspiracy theories that Trump promoted
Again, you can't defend Trump repeating these theories, thus making conspiracy theories mainstream.

By the way, I do believe in some conspiracy theories. I don't think Epstein killed himself. But Trump has mainstreamed this Alex Jones culture of everything being a conspiracy theory. And the theory is always about something Trump's political enemies did. Sometimes these are even Republicans, like when he was running against Ted Cruz, so he promoted the theory that Cruz's father killed JFK.

I don't believe you don't know what an ethnicity is.

If you don't know which country your ancestors are from, you'd just say so. Instead, you're pretending you don't know what ethnicity is.

Eh, some Anglos, Welsh & Scots have been here since the 1700's, in 300 years it's completely possible to lose track of your ancestry!
So, it's probably kind of like a snake, Mediterranean DNA is highest in the South-East & has more genetic diversity, and then heads into Central & North-Western Europe & last into the North-East of Europe like the Baltic region, Finns, Russians have lower Mediterannean DNA than North-Western Europe like the British Isles, Netherlands & Scandinavia.

It's actually really good. There is enough genetic diversity within the white race that we can not race-mix and still be healthy. Especially if you include white people from outside Europe, which I do.
Eh, some Anglos, Welsh & Scots have been here since the 1700's, in 300 years it's completely possible to lose track of your ancestry!

Totally. The reason I think he's being dishonest isn't because he's saying he doesn't know his ancestry. It's because he's pretending he doesn't know what ethnicity is. Probably a Jew.
Yeah, that's because of Austria-Hungary. Even today, a lot of Austrians see their history as being more linked to Hungary than Germany.

It seems like, with a few exceptions, genetic drift in Europe goes from South-East to North-West. So Austrians will have more genetically in common with Serbians than they would the English, despite the linguistic situation.

I think something like Intermarium should be created.

Nations in Eastern Europe excluding Russia, Southern Europe, and Finland + Austria, and East Germans could easily create a Nationalist Union to replace the European Union, and create a balance to protect it's self from Russia better too!

Yes, I see nothing wrong with pushing East Germany into a Polish - Italian dominated union, because East German values are closer to that, than to many North -Western Europeans.
It's actually really good. There is enough genetic diversity within the white race that we can not race-mix and still be healthy. Especially if you include white people from outside Europe, which I do.

Genetic diversity kind of seems to have a negative impact on educational PISA scores, the PISA scores in Europe is lower in the Balkans especially Albania & higher in Estonia, Finland & Poland.

Of course, East Asians have a lower genetic diversity than Europeans, and Ashkenazi Jews are notoriously inbred.

They have higher IQ's too.
I think something like Intermarium should be created.

Nations in Eastern Europe excluding Russia, Southern Europe, and Finland + Austria, and East Germans could easily create a Nationalist Union to replace the European Union, and create a balance to protect it's self from Russia better too!

Yes, I see nothing wrong with pushing East Germany into a Polish - Italian dominated union, because East German values are closer to that, than to many North -Western Europeans.

Yeah, another union to give countries an alternative to the EU would be great. And maybe it would push the EU to allow countries to control their own borders.
Yeah, another union to give countries an alternative to the EU would be great. And maybe it would push the EU to allow countries to control their own borders.

Agreed, Jozef Pilsudski about 100 years ago wanted to link nations into a Union between the Baltics & the Balkans, as a counteraction to Russians & Germans. (Called Intermarium)

Too bad, because that would've saved more lives I think.

Also, too bad today, for the same reason, because things are looking worse once again between the EU Liberals & Putin's a potential mad-man, although I think Trump's more dangerous than Putin in many ways!
Genetic diversity kind of seems to have a negative impact on educational PISA scores, the PISA scores in Europe is lower in the Balkans especially Albania & higher in Estonia, Finland & Poland.

Of course, East Asians have a lower genetic diversity than Europeans, and Ashkenazi Jews are notoriously inbred.

They have higher IQ's too.

That could be because of the economic situation in the Balkans. Living standards affect ability to do well on testing. It could also be because some of the genetic diversity in the Balkans is from Africa.
That could be because of the economic situation in the Balkans. Living standards affect ability to do well on testing. It could also be because some of the genetic diversity in the Balkans is from Africa.

Ding, ding, ding we have a winner, the South-Balkans is about 1/4tth E1b1b haplogroup shared with Ethiopians & Morroccans!
Ding, ding, ding we have a winner, the South-Balkans is about 1/4tth E1b1b haplogroup shared with Ethiopians & Morroccans!

So that's one possible reason. But it could also be the economy, either as a result of still recovering from Bolshevikism, or from the miscegenation making it harder to build a higher living standard.
So that's one possible reason. But it could also be the economy, either as a result of still recovering from Bolshevikism, or from the miscegenation making it harder to build a higher living standard.

Eh, Greece wasn't Soviet bloc, and is slightly richer than Estonia & Poland who both score higher IQ's & PISA scores than Greece.

I do agree that the difference in IQ & PISA scores between Greeks & Albanians might be environmental, however.
This link has nothing to see. It contains no videos of Pence expressing the bigotry for homosexuals claimed. The site lists a voting record without the full body of text of any of the bills mentioned so that the reader can see the TRUE content that Pence supported or opposed. This site relies exclusively on unsupported claims. Considering that the LGBTQIATIOAPP community is always completely dishonest, this site is summarily dismissed.

Your argument is not accepted.

Trump claimed he's against gay marriage.
Yep. That's just a law. He's also against lowering the national speed limit. That's just a law as well. Trump's position on any law does not translate into homophobia. To honestly claim that either Trump or Pence are homophobes you need video evidence of them expressing something homophobic. Neither Trump nor Pence has called for legislation to round up homosexuals and to incarcerate them or to deport them.

Then he tried to ban trans people from the military.
Yep. The military is different. Things are not "fair" in the military. Things are not "equal." The special nature of the military is reflected in the UCMJ. The military can actively discriminate against left-handed people. The military can make decisions based on "race."

Once upon a time, I supported homosexuals. In fact, I supported this guy:

By Patrice Gaines-CarterJune 25, 1991

An Air Force captain who led the Lesbian and Gay Pride Parade in Washington Sunday was questioned yesterday by security officers and told his discharge is being held up, the officer and Air Force officials said.

Capt. Greg Greeley, 27, of Arlington, said his discharge was to take effect at midnight yesterday, but he was ordered yesterday afternoon to report to the Office of Special Investigations at Bolling Air Force Base for questioning.

"I was told my discharge was put on administrative hold," said Greeley, who works with computer systems at the Pentagon. "They said they are concerned that I may have compromised classified information. They started asking who I slept with . . . . If anyone else in the Air Force that I know is gay -- and their names? If I am gay? Was I in the Gay Pride Day Parade?"

I have since realized that they only seek to screw with those who never ever screwed with them. They will lie faster than a dog becoming interested in beef. They started the Cancel Culture. They are dishonest and deserving of being ignored.

Imagine how tired they are of having to talk about it.
No imagination is required. They NEVER get tired of bitching and whining and moaning and complaining and griping and crying like babies. They live for it. It seems to be the only thing that brings them happiness. Honesty sure doesn't.

Gay people were never victims in America? Really, my dude?
Don't stop there. Support your assertion, otherwise it is dismissed. Yes, I acknowledge that homosexuals have been whining and complaining and bitching and moaning and crying like babies for decades but when has it ever been of substance? Concrete examples need to be on the menu.

So a lot of this is wrong, but has nothing to do with "cancel culture," anyway.
It absolutely does. LGBTQIATIOAPP get joy in fucking with people.

A Colorado gay couple walked into a bakery owned by a Christian, Jack Phillips, and told him that they didn't want any of the cakes he had for sale but instead demanded that he craft a custom cake with a clearly homosexual theme. Phillips told them that they could purchase any cake he had to offer but that he wasn't going to make a custom cake of that kind that goes against his religion. They didn't really want the cake, they just wanted to fuck with him, i.e. to watch a Christian have to go against his religion. They cuold have gone to any other bakery but they learned that Phillips was a Christian and they just had to fuck with him. When he refused, they sued him and laughed as he had to spend all his money fighting all the way to the Supreme Court just to be able to adhere to his religion. The Supreme Court ruled 7-2 in favor of Jack Phillips (with the two dissenting votes of course being Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor). Nonetheless, the LGBTQIATIOAPP community are just the most spiteful fucks so they sent a Transfreak to place an order from the same Colorado bakery a custom Transgender-themed birthday cake ... otherwise Transfreak was going to take him right back through the same litigation. Jack Phillips had never done anything to anyone, but LGBTQIATIOAPP learned that he was Christian and they did what ashsoles do. What fuckers. What spiteful fuckers. The whole time crying "We're VICTIMS" when the cameras are rolling, and laughing hysterically when they're not.

Of course, this is just one example.

Yes, LGBTQIATIOAPP started the Cancel Culture and they continue to feed it every day.

Now SJW losers do exist, no question. However, they're such a tiny minority, that they don't have enough power to get people cancelled.
You don't know how many there are. How many LGBTQIATIOAPP are there?

By the way ... no, Cancel Culture is not the cancelling of things celebrities say. That's stupid. Read what I wrote.

It's the effort by total losers to destroy what society prides/cherishes/honors, purely out of spite and self-loathing. When Black Lives Matters topples a statue of Abraham Lincoln, for example ... they do it just because society honors Abraham Lincoln and does not honor them (the total losers). Or when LGBTQIATIOAPP pushes to allow men to compete in women's sports just to ruin women't sports out of seething envy of women who aren't total losers and who are being celebrated for their athletic accomplishments. Cancel Culture is comprised entirely of spiteful losers and is entirely on the political left. As such Leftist politicians pander to them by allowing them to loot with impunity, by charging people with hate crimes for merely expressing opposition to Black Lives Matter. Cancel Culture groups like ANTIFA don't respect anything or anyone because they are adults who have the emotional maturity of toddlers throwing temper tantrums. They HATE all authority and thus want to defund the police (so that no one has police to protect them) and they want all firearms confiscated so that no one can defend himself in the face of the violent criminal mobs. They want to have civil rights repealed in California so that people can start suffering from discrimination. They HATE humanity and they HATE themselves. They want to be able to loot with impunity because that would empower them to "get even." Get even with whom you ask? With society, i.e. the society that doesn't recognize them as being rising stars like the celebrities who are, in fact, celebrated.

Eh, Greece wasn't Soviet bloc, and is slightly richer than Estonia & Poland who both score higher IQ's & PISA scores than Greece.

I do agree that the difference in IQ & PISA scores between Greeks & Albanians might be environmental, however.

Greece has other problems, such as being the main gateway for illegal immigration. Though they are richer than Estonia and Poland. So sure, living standards don't always mean higher or lower test results.
So that's one possible reason. But it could also be the economy, either as a result of still recovering from Bolshevikism, or from the miscegenation making it harder to build a higher living standard.

I also don't rule out, dysgenics of intelligence, it's very possible that at one time civilizations along the Mediterranean into Indus Valley were more intelligent than they are now.

It could very well be that once a society becomes too comfortable, that dysgenics of intelligence tends to weed out the intelligent, because natural selection is canceled out, and then the idiots who have more kids begin to take over!
Greece has other problems, such as being the main gateway for illegal immigration. Though they are richer than Estonia and Poland. So sure, living standards don't always mean higher or lower test results.

I don't know, even in the 1970's & 1980's during the Soviet era, countries like Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia & Russia were outdoing Greece on IQ by several points.

Besides, I think PISA scores might be more accurate than IQ scores.

Because, Ireland is now one of the most rich & innovative countries in Europe, and apparently has an IQ barely higher than African Americans, or Morrocco & Iraq!

Hard to believe, but if we look at PISA scores then Ireland's one of the highest in Europe, just behind Poland, Estonia & Finland.

But, PISA scores are quite lower for Greece than many other European countries.
The real wages of USA Babyboomers was 20% higher than the real wages of USA Millennials at the same age.
You're missing the "so what?" Why do you think that anyone cares about your selected trivia?

If in 2 generations wages adjusted for cost of living have fallen by 20%, how does that make us any better than a Communist country?
Primarily because our wages have not decreased by 20%. You fabricated that value.

Also, there has never been a communist country. No one has ever gotten beyond the socialism stage. Dictators don't ever seem to voluntarily step down. Imagine that.

Venezuela, and Soviets didn't free fall much faster, ONLY they started from a lower point, to begin with!
You're crazy. Venezuela hit bottom. The Soviet Union collapsed. Your comparison is absurd.

The issue is too much Capitalist power,
Economics is not your strong suit.

You never explain why individual liberty is somehow a problem. You never explain why you always describe socialism whenever you use the word "capitalism." Economics was never your strong suit I see.

Give it up.

You're missing the "so what?" Why do you think that anyone cares about your selected trivia?

Primarily because our wages have not decreased by 20%. You fabricated that value.

Also, there has never been a communist country. No one has ever gotten beyond the socialism stage. Dictators don't ever seem to voluntarily step down. Imagine that.

You're crazy. Venezuela hit bottom. The Soviet Union collapsed. Your comparison is absurd.

Economics is not your strong suit.

You never explain why individual liberty is somehow a problem. You never explain why you always describe socialism whenever you use the word "capitalism." Economics was never your strong suit I see.

Give it up.


I'm not a Communist, I don't know where you keep getting this idea from?

I'm actually arguing that Capitalism is about as inferior as Communism.

Yes, and the USA started off at a much higher income than Russia, or Venezuela, derp.

Russia was kept back for decades before the Revolution, because of no compulsory education, so illiteracy was huge in Russia prior to the Soviet Union.

Many Libertarians also want no compulsory education.
I also don't rule out, dysgenics of intelligence, it's very possible that at one time civilizations along the Mediterranean into Indus Valley were more intelligent than they are now.

It could very well be that once a society becomes too comfortable, that dysgenics of intelligence tends to weed out the intelligent, because natural selection is canceled out, and then the idiots who have more kids begin to take over!

And it could also be that in the Mediterranean, survival in ancient times wasn't as hard as other regions. The winter months didn't get as cold as Northern Europe and they had more natural resources than the Alps. So even though the genetics of the Nordics and the South Slavs are mostly similar, natural selection still killed off Nordics and North Slavs with lower IQs, thus giving them a higher IQ rate.
It could be that, or that South Slavs are more mixed, or both.
And it could also be that in the Mediterranean, survival in ancient times wasn't as hard as other regions. The winter months didn't get as cold as Northern Europe and they had more natural resources than the Alps. So even though the genetics of the Nordics and the South Slavs are mostly similar, natural selection still killed off Nordics and North Slavs with lower IQs, thus giving them a higher IQ rate.
It could be that, or that South Slavs are more mixed, or both.

Agreed that the arctic region puts natural selection into higher gear.

The grains that fueled the Agriculture revolution, could only be grown in the Levant or Mesopotamia regions initially, because things like wheat initially only had a natural spread range there.

So, that built up their population & thus civilization earlier on.

But, at the same time, It could possible that they were once more intelligent, than they are now as well.

I've had dicscussions like this on Anthropologist forums with Jews, Italians, Greeks & Arabs like this.

They cite Ashkenazi Jews as being more intelligent due to being Mediterranean descendants mostly.

But, meanwhile, their the only ones from the Mediterranean region with high IQ's, well also Northern Italians too.

But, Ashkenazis & Northern Italians also mixed more with Northern European than other Mediterraneans!
And it could also be that in the Mediterranean, survival in ancient times wasn't as hard as other regions. The winter months didn't get as cold as Northern Europe and they had more natural resources than the Alps. So even though the genetics of the Nordics and the South Slavs are mostly similar, natural selection still killed off Nordics and North Slavs with lower IQs, thus giving them a higher IQ rate.
It could be that, or that South Slavs are more mixed, or both.

I actually do think Ashkenazi Jewish intelligence does come from mixing with Germans, Poles, Hungarians, Austrians, etc.

Because, Sephardi Jews & Ashkenazi Jews were once one of the same, the difference is Sephardi Jews didn't mix with Central - East Europeans.

Because some argue that Jewish merchants & bankers made them so intelligent, but so did Sephardi Jews!

Sephardi Jews have an IQ about the same as Israel, at about 94 or so.

They certainly don't have anybody like Einstein.