The Question that Makes Cowards out of Leftists

This link has nothing to see. It contains no videos of Pence expressing the bigotry for homosexuals claimed. The site lists a voting record without the full body of text of any of the bills mentioned so that the reader can see the TRUE content that Pence supported or opposed. This site relies exclusively on unsupported claims. Considering that the LGBTQIATIOAPP community is always completely dishonest, this site is summarily dismissed.

Which claim do you think is untrue? Are you saying Pence doesn't have a history of voting against LGBT interests? That would be a hard sell to make, even to Republicans

Yep. That's just a law. He's also against lowering the national speed limit. That's just a law as well. Trump's position on any law does not translate into homophobia. To honestly claim that either Trump or Pence are homophobes you need video evidence of them expressing something homophobic. Neither Trump nor Pence has called for legislation to round up homosexuals and to incarcerate them or to deport them.

If Trump said he didn't think the states should recognize marriage between Irish-Americans, would you say that isn't bigotry against Irish-Americans?

Yep. The military is different. Things are not "fair" in the military. Things are not "equal." The special nature of the military is reflected in the UCMJ. The military can actively discriminate against left-handed people. The military can make decisions based on "race."

Sure. And if there was a reason to discriminate against blonde people, like blonde people are especially slow runners or something, I would say don't let in the blondies. But if the military decided to ban blonde soldiers without a reason, it would be pretty stupid and probably bigoted, yes?
Well, Trump never gave a real reason to ban trans soldiers. This was done entirely to suck up to the Christian Right.
Personally, I don't think Trump really has anything against gay or trans people. Socially speaking, he's very liberal. But as a con-man, he'll do whatever it takes to advance his career.

No imagination is required. They NEVER get tired of bitching and whining and moaning and complaining and griping and crying like babies. They live for it. It seems to be the only thing that brings them happiness. Honesty sure doesn't.

I have to call bullshit there. Trump whines constantly, but you don't have a problem with him. At least when LGBT people complain, it's about real world discrimination and oppression.
I think you just need to oppose LGBT rights because you want to be edgy.

Don't stop there. Support your assertion, otherwise it is dismissed. Yes, I acknowledge that homosexuals have been whining and complaining and bitching and moaning and crying like babies for decades but when has it ever been of substance? Concrete examples need to be on the menu.

It literally used to be illegal to have same-sex relations in a number of American states. It was also common place, even in states where homosexuality was legal, for cops to raid gay bars.
I don't know how old you are, but even in my lifetime, same-sex marriage wasn't recognized in most states.

A Colorado gay couple walked into a bakery owned by a Christian, Jack Phillips, and told him that they didn't want any of the cakes he had for sale but instead demanded that he craft a custom cake with a clearly homosexual theme. Phillips told them that they could purchase any cake he had to offer but that he wasn't going to make a custom cake of that kind that goes against his religion. They didn't really want the cake, they just wanted to fuck with him, i.e. to watch a Christian have to go against his religion. They cuold have gone to any other bakery but they learned that Phillips was a Christian and they just had to fuck with him. When he refused, they sued him and laughed as he had to spend all his money fighting all the way to the Supreme Court just to be able to adhere to his religion. The Supreme Court ruled 7-2 in favor of Jack Phillips (with the two dissenting votes of course being Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor). Nonetheless, the LGBTQIATIOAPP community are just the most spiteful fucks so they sent a Transfreak to place an order from the same Colorado bakery a custom Transgender-themed birthday cake ... otherwise Transfreak was going to take him right back through the same litigation. Jack Phillips had never done anything to anyone, but LGBTQIATIOAPP learned that he was Christian and they did what ashsoles do. What fuckers. What spiteful fuckers. The whole time crying "We're VICTIMS" when the cameras are rolling, and laughing hysterically when they're not.

So here's the deal with that. Personally, I think private companies should be able to discriminate based on anything they want. However, we have laws that prohibit private companies from discrimination based on certain "protected classes." This includes race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age (with some exceptions), country of origin, and probably some I'm missing.

So while I do agree that the bakers should have been allowed to discriminate, this is about anti-discrimination laws, not any alleged privileges for gay people.
And yeah, it was a dick move to sue the bakers, they should have just let it go and gone to another bakery. But is that any reason to condemn every LGBT person? Sure, some gay people are dicks, some straight people are dicks. There are a lot of gay people who agree with us on this issue. Seems a bit strange to oppose gay rights because a few gay people are shitty people.

It's the effort by total losers to destroy what society prides/cherishes/honors, purely out of spite and self-loathing. When Black Lives Matters topples a statue of Abraham Lincoln, for example ... they do it just because society honors Abraham Lincoln and does not honor them (the total losers). Or when LGBTQIATIOAPP pushes to allow men to compete in women's sports just to ruin women't sports out of seething envy of women who aren't total losers and who are being celebrated for their athletic accomplishments. Cancel Culture is comprised entirely of spiteful losers and is entirely on the political left. As such Leftist politicians pander to them by allowing them to loot with impunity, by charging people with hate crimes for merely expressing opposition to Black Lives Matter. Cancel Culture groups like ANTIFA don't respect anything or anyone because they are adults who have the emotional maturity of toddlers throwing temper tantrums. They HATE all authority and thus want to defund the police (so that no one has police to protect them) and they want all firearms confiscated so that no one can defend himself in the face of the violent criminal mobs. They want to have civil rights repealed in California so that people can start suffering from discrimination. They HATE humanity and they HATE themselves. They want to be able to loot with impunity because that would empower them to "get even." Get even with whom you ask? With society, i.e. the society that doesn't recognize them as being rising stars like the celebrities who are, in fact, celebrated.

Is there any way you can shorten this? There are too many wrong points and I don't want to debunk every single one.

It seems like, in short, you think cancel culture is about people changing things about society they don't like. But surely that can't be it, because people have always done that.
And it could also be that in the Mediterranean, survival in ancient times wasn't as hard as other regions. The winter months didn't get as cold as Northern Europe and they had more natural resources than the Alps. So even though the genetics of the Nordics and the South Slavs are mostly similar, natural selection still killed off Nordics and North Slavs with lower IQs, thus giving them a higher IQ rate.
It could be that, or that South Slavs are more mixed, or both.

You're probably not going to like hearing this, but I think the European mixture in Ashkenazis is LGBTQ people, because a lot of Ashkenazis do act sort of LGBTQ, they're often really whiny, have shrill nasally voices, more often lisps, the women are about as macho as the men are!

I think a clan of LGBTQ Polish people who hated Jesus, decided to join the Jewish faith, somewhere, some how.
Agreed that the arctic region puts natural selection into higher gear.

The grains that fueled the Agriculture revolution, could only be grown in the Levant or Mesopotamia regions initially, because things like wheat initially only had a natural spread range there.

So, that built up their population & thus civilization earlier on.

But, at the same time, It could possible that they were once more intelligent, than they are now as well.

I've had dicscussions like this on Anthropologist forums with Jews, Italians, Greeks & Arabs like this.

They cite Ashkenazi Jews as being more intelligent due to being Mediterranean descendants mostly.

But, meanwhile, their the only ones from the Mediterranean region with high IQ's, well also Northern Italians too.

But, Ashkenazis & Northern Italians also mixed more with Northern European than other Mediterraneans!

I think with the Ashkenazis, it has more to do with pogroms against the Jews that led to a survival of the fittest situation.
I think with the Ashkenazis, it has more to do with pogroms against the Jews that led to a survival of the fittest situation.

It could also be the Hasidim movement, that it concentrated the intelligence genes into the normal Jews, and then the Hasidim remained slow.

I also think similar about Brits, they fragmented into Fundamentalist groups like Baptists, Mormons, but concentrating the intelligence genes into the Anglicans & Presbyterians.

Most Europeans don't have such fragments, most European countries are mostly one faith, and don't have weird fundamentalist offshoots.
You're probably not going to like hearing this, but I think the European mixture in Ashkenazis is LGBTQ people, because a lot of Ashkenazis do act sort of LGBTQ, they're often really whiny, have shrill nasally voices, more often lisps, the women are about as macho as the men are!


Those are the stereotypes, but I don't know how true they really are. A lot of gay guys are pretty feminine, but gay girls usually aren't butch like in the media. And it's hard to say how many straight-passing gays there are, especially since we have no idea how many gay people exist.
And it seems unlikely that Jewish communities would adopt LGBT people, since throughout history, the Jews have been way more homophobic than Europeans. Homophobia itself was brought to Europe by the Jews. And even then, Europeans generally only oppressed gay males who got penetrated. If anything, there were probably more LGBT Jews who abandoned their communities to become European.
I actually do think Ashkenazi Jewish intelligence does come from mixing with Germans, Poles, Hungarians, Austrians, etc.

Because, Sephardi Jews & Ashkenazi Jews were once one of the same, the difference is Sephardi Jews didn't mix with Central - East Europeans.

Because some argue that Jewish merchants & bankers made them so intelligent, but so did Sephardi Jews!

Sephardi Jews have an IQ about the same as Israel, at about 94 or so.

They certainly don't have anybody like Einstein.

Sephardic Jews were chased out of Spain and into North Africa. While there are a lot of white people in North Africa, there are also a lot of Blacks and Mulattos. That's why the Sephardis have a lower IQ. They're more black, while Ashkenazis are more white.
It could also be the Hasidim movement, that it concentrated the intelligence genes into the normal Jews, and then the Hasidim remained slow.

I also think similar about Brits, they fragmented into Fundamentalist groups like Baptists, Mormons, but concentrating the intelligence genes into the Anglicans & Presbyterians.

Most Europeans don't have such fragments, most European countries are mostly one faith, and don't have weird fundamentalist offshoots.

I wonder if there is a difference in German IQ. Germany is one of those few countries that was split, in their case between Catholicism and Lutheran Protestantism.

Those are the stereotypes, but I don't know how true they really are. A lot of gay guys are pretty feminine, but gay girls usually aren't butch like in the media. And it's hard to say how many straight-passing gays there are, especially since we have no idea how many gay people exist.
And it seems unlikely that Jewish communities would adopt LGBT people, since throughout history, the Jews have been way more homophobic than Europeans. Homophobia itself was brought to Europe by the Jews. And even then, Europeans generally only oppressed gay males who got penetrated. If anything, there were probably more LGBT Jews who abandoned their communities to become European.

I do agree that more Gay guys are feminine than Lesbian women are masculine.

It's actually easier to spot a Gay guy, than a Lesbian woman quite often.

I have seen bull dykes though, and while they're more likely in Lesbian circles, they also can be found in straight circles.

But, do you deny that Ashkenazis seem more LGBTQ than other ethnic groups?

I mean, Asian men might not be very masculine, but they're not really very LGBTQ like, either. ( I mean Asian men aren't whiny, lisping, turds)

A lot of Ashkenazi men I notice do have a lot of similarities to Gay men, and so do Jewish women to Lesbians!
I wonder if there is a difference in German IQ. Germany is one of those few countries that was split, in their case between Catholicism and Lutheran Protestantism.

Actually, Catholic regions of Germany in the South like Bavaria, and your beloved Swabians, probably have slightly higher IQ's, and definitely slightly higher PISA scores & wealth than actually North Germany.

East Germany used to be behind, but now I think it's test scores are higher than most of Germany.
(Perhaps because of less immigrants)
But, do you deny that Ashkenazis seem more LGBTQ than other ethnic groups?

Yeah, I don't really get that from them. Gay guys don't really whine like Jews. Maybe they complain more than straight men, but I haven't really noticed that. And keep in mind, LGBT people are still oppressed, so often when they are complaining about discrimination, it actually is valid. Not like the Jews, who run the West, but still whine about discrimination.
Yeah, I don't really get that from them. Gay guys don't really whine like Jews. Maybe they complain more than straight men, but I haven't really noticed that. And keep in mind, LGBT people are still oppressed, so often when they are complaining about discrimination, it actually is valid. Not like the Jews, who run the West, but still whine about discrimination.

Jews always sound like they're about to cry, the last time I cried was like a year & a half ago. LOL

That was because I found out a childhood friend had died.
Actually, Catholic regions of Germany in the South like Bavaria, and your beloved Swabians, probably have slightly higher IQ's, and definitely slightly higher PISA scores & wealth than actually North Germany.

East Germany used to be behind, but now I think it's test scores are higher than most of Germany.
(Perhaps because of less immigrants)

The reason South Germany has more wealth is because North Germany was always more industrialized, going back to the days of the Kingdom of Prussia. So when Germany was destroyed in WWII, the South Germans did a lot better, since they already had a culture and economy that didn't rely on industrialization. They didn't need to rebuild the way North Germany did.

East Germany is still pretty far behind because of brain drain.
The reason South Germany has more wealth is because North Germany was always more industrialized, going back to the days of the Kingdom of Prussia. So when Germany was destroyed in WWII, the South Germans did a lot better, since they already had a culture and economy that didn't rely on industrialization. They didn't need to rebuild the way North Germany did.

East Germany is still pretty far behind because of brain drain.

I saw a graph of PISA scores in Germany years ago & it showed Bavaria, Swabia & Baden Württemberg as the highest.

A few years after that I saw standardized test scores by region in Germany, and I believe Saxony was highest, as were other East German regions.
(This could be because of less immigrants)

But, I'm not so sure I could find this today.
LOL, well I've never seen a Black person blame Poland for the Holocaust, like Guano does, but I've seen a lot of Jews do such.

Well he's one of these.

They think they're the real Jews so they use a lot of Jewy talking-points. It is pretty inconsistent, though. There were (obviously) little to no "Black Hebrews" in Europe during WWII. So they weren't affected by the Holocaust, but they act like they were.
The reason South Germany has more wealth is because North Germany was always more industrialized, going back to the days of the Kingdom of Prussia. So when Germany was destroyed in WWII, the South Germans did a lot better, since they already had a culture and economy that didn't rely on industrialization. They didn't need to rebuild the way North Germany did.

East Germany is still pretty far behind because of brain drain.

Okay, I found some data on East Germany outperforming West Germany.\

Those are the stereotypes, but I don't know how true they really are. A lot of gay guys are pretty feminine, but gay girls usually aren't butch like in the media. And it's hard to say how many straight-passing gays there are, especially since we have no idea how many gay people exist.
And it seems unlikely that Jewish communities would adopt LGBT people, since throughout history, the Jews have been way more homophobic than Europeans. Homophobia itself was brought to Europe by the Jews. And even then, Europeans generally only oppressed gay males who got penetrated. If anything, there were probably more LGBT Jews who abandoned their communities to become European.

Here too, 2006 PISA scores in Germany were highest in Saxony & Bavaria.

The lowest were Lower Saxony near the Netherlands.

Does Bavaria have as many Turks & Yugoslavian immigrants as Lower Saxony?

If so, then Bavarians definitely appear to be superior over Lower Saxons of the North-West.