The Question that Makes Cowards out of Leftists

The assumption being made in the op is that there is an undisputable truth that life begins at conception and that the life that some people believe starts at conception warrants constitutional and legal protection.

The questions that are actually being evaded are the ones that I've asked regarding child support and tax deductions. If we are going to say that the life that begins at conception is worthy of constitutional and legal protection, then there is no reason that a woman who becomes pregnant in December shouldn't be able to write off that living human child on her taxes. If we are going to say that the life that begins at conception is come equal to a 6-month or 1-year-old child, then there is no reason that a male shouldn't start paying child support based on the date of conception.

I suspect that those questions /situations are being avoided because, if you respond to them honestly, it will require you to acknowledge that not all human life is equal in the eyes of the law or Constitution.
The OP says nothing of the sort. Read it again.
The OP says nothing of the sort. Read it again.

"How many leftists will own up to approving of the killing of a living human who has committed no crime and who has expressed no desire to die?

How many leftists will own up to approving of said killing if the justification is to make some third living human's life more convenient?"

The implication is that abortion is wrongly killing a living human, inside a mother with the same rights and legal protections as a 15 year old. Otherwise, what is so difficult to answer?
The assumption being made in the op is that there is an undisputable truth that life begins at conception and that the life that some people believe starts at conception warrants constitutional and legal protection.

The questions that are actually being evaded are the ones that I've asked regarding child support and tax deductions. If we are going to say that the life that begins at conception is worthy of constitutional and legal protection, then there is no reason that a woman who becomes pregnant in December shouldn't be able to write off that living human child on her taxes. If we are going to say that the life that begins at conception is come equal to a 6-month or 1-year-old child, then there is no reason that a male shouldn't start paying child support based on the date of conception.

I suspect that those questions /situations are being avoided because, if you respond to them honestly, it will require you to acknowledge that not all human life is equal in the eyes of the law or Constitution.

The right wants to save lives, but do not want to help pay to have them become better citizens than what present statistics show they will become.

The right would burden our societies with debt, while manipulating demographics to favor non-whites.

Total white stupidity and injustice.

Demographic suicide.

I do like the notion though as it speaks to restitution.

"How many leftists will own up to approving of the killing of a living human who has committed no crime and who has expressed no desire to die?

How many leftists will own up to approving of said killing if the justification is to make some third living human's life more convenient?"

The implication is that abortion is wrongly killing a living human, inside a mother with the same rights and legal protections as a 15 year old. Otherwise, what is so difficult to answer?

I like that he attributes a trait in the left, that is super dominant in the right.

That is why I initially thought he was referring to Jesus and the right wingers waiting to drink his blood and ride him as their scapegoat into heaven.

A totally immoral concept, but Christians are not generally moral, given their vile God.

I like that he attributes a trait in the left, that is super dominant in the right.

That is why I initially thought he was referring to Jesus and the right wingers waiting to drink his blood and ride him as their scapegoat into heaven.

A totally immoral concept, but Christians are not generally moral, given their vile God.


There is definitely palpable hypocrisy in having extraordinary concern about ending the "life" of a human that has no consciousness or even an awareness of being alive, while their all-moral, all-loving God drowns the world.
There is definitely palpable hypocrisy in having extraordinary concern about ending the "life" of a human that has no consciousness or even an awareness of being alive, while their all-moral, all-loving God drowns the world.

All while they pray to Jesus to bring Armageddon and yet another genocide of man.

Christians are consistent in their hate of those who do not bend the knee to their imaginary God.

Christianity began as a decent religion, but look at what supernatural belief has spawned.

All while they pray to Jesus to bring Armageddon and yet another genocide of man.

Christians are consistent in their hate of those who do not bend the knee to their imaginary God.

Christianity began as a decent religion, but look at what supernatural belief has spawned.


How could Christinity be a "decent religion" ,if it's an
"Imaginary God"?
That's hypocrisy
What God religion is not based on lies?

They are all false.

The only worthy religions and isms, are those that put man above God.

That includes atheism.


The term atheism shouldn't even exist. It's like have a specific term for people who don't believe in astrology.
How many leftists will own up to approving of the killing of a living human who has committed no crime and who has expressed no desire to die?

How many leftists will own up to approving of said killing if the justification is to make some third living human's life more convenient?


I'm assuming this is about abortion and the "expressed no desire to die" bit is odd since an embryo/fetus can't express any desire about anything.

Also, how many unwanted babies have you adopted and/or provided a better life for in some way?
I'm assuming this is about abortion and the "expressed no desire to die" bit is odd since an embryo/fetus can't express any desire about anything.

Also, how many unwanted babies have you adopted and/or provided a better life for in some way?

That care after birth, is not a concern of those who would force a woman to have an unwanted child.

They do not care how many crack babies and their costs other people will pay for.

The U.S already has 60% of all households maned by single women.

How many dysfunctional families are the functional willing to support?

In the U.S, that means more white supporting more black and brown etc.

Good that for all but white.

Stupid is as stupid does and white may be stupid.

Just in some the right wing U.S. though.

I'm assuming this is about abortion and the "expressed no desire to die" bit is odd since an embryo/fetus can't express any desire about anything.
This is about all killing of living humans who have not exressed any desire to die, not just about abortion, a proper subset thereof.

Also, how many unwanted babies have you adopted and/or provided a better life for in some way?
I have produced zero unwanted children, and I have not killed any living humans on the declaration that their existence falls beneath my specified quality threshold.
How many leftists will own up to approving of the killing of a living human who has committed no crime and who has expressed no desire to die?

How many leftists will own up to approving of said killing if the justification is to make some third living human's life more convenient?

Oh looky! Another Anti-Choicer is going to make people feel bad for not being a member of his church!
Oh looky! Another Anti-Choicer is going to make people feel bad for not being a member of his church!

What church would that be? Shall I presume that you support the killing of living humans who have committed no crime and who have not exressed any desire to die, just for someone else's convenience?