The Question that Makes Cowards out of Leftists

What church would that be? Shall I presume that you support the killing of living humans who have committed no crime and who have not exressed any desire to die, just for someone else's convenience?

You only get to decide on such things if you have a womb
Every male who is sperm producing gets a reversible simple procedure to prevent ejaculate from containing sperm
If you can’t produce sperm you never have to get the procedure

If you want to have children you get it reversed
That means the man will be the one going to jail if someone gets pregnant and doesn’t want to be pregnant

What church would that be? Shall I presume that you support the killing of living humans who have committed no crime and who have not exressed any desire to die, just for someone else's convenience?

Your plan is designed to control the lives of women

If you want to prove that is NOT the case then you should be more than happy to agree with me
Your plan is designed to control the lives of women
I asked a question. You have EVADED. You are dishonest. I'm guessing that you realize that it makes you a shitty person to advocate for the killing of living humans who have committed no crimes (and who have not exressed any desire to die) just for someone else's convenience. Now you are scrambling to make it seem that your socially insalubrious nature is somehow my fault.

Why do you advocate the killing of living humans just for someone else's convenience? That might have been ideal for the NAZIs but no sane society could ever live by that maxim.
How many leftists will own up to approving of the killing of a living human who has committed no crime and who has expressed no desire to die?

How many leftists will own up to approving of said killing if the justification is to make some third living human's life more convenient?


I haven't the slightest qualm with it. Sparing an embryo that's a potential child from the life of an unwanted child is an act of humanity, mercy, and grace.

i personally go beyond that, however.

I have no problem with the eradication of all misogynists who would seek to turn real life into a Handmaid's Tale.

My disrespect for those people is more profound that I can articulate with mere language.

Do you, IBDaMann, really think that you deserve a place at life's table.?

I certainly don't.

I'm not threatening a soul, but anybody taking you out certainly isn't stepping on my toes.
What church would that be? Shall I presume that you support the killing of living humans who have committed no crime and who have not exressed any desire to die, just for someone else's convenience?

I think you must be attending your Donald "Christ" Trump's church!

I asked a question. You have EVADED. You are dishonest. I'm guessing that you realize that it makes you a shitty person to advocate for the killing of living humans who have committed no crimes (and who have not exressed any desire to die) just for someone else's convenience. Now you are scrambling to make it seem that your socially insalubrious nature is somehow my fault.

Why do you advocate the killing of living humans just for someone else's convenience? That might have been ideal for the NAZIs but no sane society could ever live by that maxim.

Because it’s a fake question

Women are not killing babies

They are aborting unwanted fetuses

Your views are not the law asshole

You gonna get a vasectomy to prove you are willing to prevent abortions Or not shit brick
Putting all the onus on the woman is bullshit
What is bullshit is asserting that women's convenience is so paramount that it somehow justifies giving women the power to decide if other living humans shall be put to death.
You won’t

Because it’s not about what you claim it’s about

You just want to force birth on women so men can control their lives

You are a fucking phoney
What is bullshit is asserting that women's convenience is so paramount that it somehow justifies giving women the power to decide if other living humans shall be put to death.


You are a fucking liar

You have no concern for these fetuses you pretend are babies

Fuck off liar
What is bullshit is asserting that women's convenience is so paramount that it somehow justifies giving women the power to decide if other living humans shall be put to death.

You can end it all by having men get vasectomies

Women die in child birth all the time

No man has Ever Died of a vasectomy huh
Do you care about those women who die in child birth asshole?

You don’t care if both the woman and the fetus dies do you

Which proves for your shitty ass it’s all about controlling women