The Real Reason the Democrats Will Lose in November

No, but it isn't escapist reality world, either.

I have no idea what that's supposed to mean. If you have an argument that demonstrates that the American electorate has the same mindset as in 2004, I'd like to hear it.

The day that Americans are smart is the day that politics end. Americans will never be smart. They are going to have the same easily influenced mob mentality they (and other voters) have always had.

Maybe its because I'm older than you but I've seen Americans get smarter before during the Civil Rights Era .. and compared to a great many periods in our existence, we are undoubtedly smarter. There is a woman, an African-American, and an old man running for president which demonstrates that we are smarter.

We're against the war .. we're smarter.

We're rejecting Roveism and the far-riight .. we're smarter.

Bush/Rove/Rumsfeld are not running.

Yes they are in the embodiment of McSame. Trying to suggest differently is the afore-mentioned Roveism.

The fact that McCain and Obama are polling similarly (even if off by a few points) pokes a hole in your argument. This will not be a landslide, either way.

No it does not. It simply says that McCain and Obama are not confronting each other .. AND is they are even at this point with Obama being attacked from both sides .. shouldn't you be the one worried? :)

Doesn't that prove my point?

The economy is the result of both parties.

Let me say this louder .. ROVEISM WILL NOT WORK.

C'mon my brother .. tell me you're grinning when you write this bullshit. Tell me you're laughing you ass off at my expense making me believe that you actually believe that bullshit you just wrote.

You are smarter than this.

Did you ever support the war on Iraq and/or Bush?

If the answer is yes, you've been officially denied the use of the word "smart" for 8 years.
I have no idea what that's supposed to mean. If you have an argument that demonstrates that the American electorate has the same mindset as in 2004, I'd like to hear it.
Thinking that Obama is the messiah of a new era that will have no trouble winning the election is an escapist fantasy.

Maybe its because I'm older than you but I've seen Americans get smarter before during the Civil Rights Era .. and compared to a great many periods in our existence, we are undoubtedly smarter. There is a woman, an African-American, and an old man running for president which demonstrates that we are smarter.
You have no idea how old I am, so don't try to pull the age card. There is a difference between getting smarter as far as tolerance is concerned and getting smarter as far as persuasion is concerned. Obama is a prime example of how the American people are easily swayed by empty words.

We're against the war .. we're smarter.
No, WE aren't. 70 percent of the country is unsupportive of Bush and the way he has handled things, but just as popular opinion can turn against you it can turn back in your favor. With the proper spin McCain will have no problem with the war, which is the entire point of this thread.

We're rejecting Roveism and the far-riight .. we're smarter.
The far right has never been embraced and Roveism isn't a real thing. The Karl Roves you can name are the people who are bad at their jobs. The ones you have to worry about are the ones you do not know.

Yes they are in the embodiment of McSame. Trying to suggest differently is the afore-mentioned Roveism.
I hope clever names can earn you votes, because those are the same tactics I would assume that Democratic Party would try to rise above.

No it does not. It simply says that McCain and Obama are not confronting each other .. AND is they are even at this point with Obama being attacked from both sides .. shouldn't you be the one worried? :)
What should I be worried about? I'm not voting for McCain. I do love the mentality that the Obama-ites have, however. If you don't drink the Obama kool-aid you must be a neocon, right? Or maybe I am the last sane person in America.

Let me say this louder .. ROVEISM WILL NOT WORK.

C'mon my brother .. tell me you're grinning when you write this bullshit. Tell me you're laughing you ass off at my expense making me believe that you actually believe that bullshit you just wrote.
Let me say this louder ..THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE SHEEP. The Democratic Party has nothing compared to the Republican's knack for Orwellian speech.

Did you ever support the war on Iraq and/or Bush?

If the answer is yes, you've been officially denied the use of the word "smart" for 8 years.

No. What now?
Thinking that Obama is the messiah of a new era that will have no trouble winning the election is an escapist fantasy.


How about something coherent we can debate?

You have no idea how old I am, so don't try to pull the age card. There is a difference between getting smarter as far as tolerance is concerned and getting smarter as far as persuasion is concerned. Obama is a prime example of how the American people are easily swayed by empty words.

If you are older than I am, then how is it you don't know any better? What would make you believe Americans haven't gotten smarter? I suspect you speaking from ideology, not truth.

Additionally, you speak this nonsense about how "stupid" Americans are, yet I'm betting that you voted for Bush and supported the war. What could possibly be more stupid than that?

No, WE aren't. 70 percent of the country is unsupportive of Bush and the way he has handled things, but just as popular opinion can turn against you it can turn back in your favor. With the proper spin McCain will have no problem with the war, which is the entire point of this thread.

Now that's stupid and hardly requires response.

The far right has never been embraced and Roveism isn't a real thing. The Karl Roves you can name are the people who are bad at their jobs. The ones you have to worry about are the ones you do not know.

Surely you're aware of the effect Rove and the right has had on US politics for the last 8 years. Surely you're aware of the lock on nearly all levels of government the right had for 6 years.

I don't have to worry about any of them whether I know thwm or not. They aren't that bright as evidenced by all that is before us.

I hope clever names can earn you votes, because those are the same tactics I would assume that Democratic Party would try to rise above.

I'm not a democrat and don't speak for them.

What should I be worried about? I'm not voting for McCain. I do love the mentality that the Obama-ites have, however. If you don't drink the Obama kool-aid you must be a neocon, right? Or maybe I am the last sane person in America.

Got it a bit wrong .. if you vote for McCain you breath smells like kool-aid.

Don't worry, there are lots of sane people here with you .. and getting saner.

Let me say this louder ..THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE SHEEP. The Democratic Party has nothing compared to the Republican's knack for Orwellian speech.

Politics is about incrementalism .. if you don't know that, you don'y know politics.

No. What now?

You get to misuse the word "smart."
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How about something coherent we can debate?
I am not saying that Obama is a bad candidate. I am saying that Obama has been given more credit than he has earned, and that some of it may be fantastical in nature.

If you are older than I am, then how is it you don't know any better? What would make you believe Americans haven't gotten smarter? I suspect you speaking from ideology, not truth.

Additionally, you speak this nonsense about how "stupid" Americans are, yet I'm betting that you voted for Bush and supported the war. What could possibly be more stupid than that?
How many times do I have to say I did not vote for Bush? I'm sorry that intelligence sans Obama worship does not fit into your paradigm of ideology.

Now that's stupid and hardly requires response.
A person saying that rhetoric will have no impact in politics is stupid.

Surely you're aware of the effect Rove and the right has had on US politics for the last 8 years. Surely you're aware of the lock on nearly all levels of government the right had for 6 years.

I don't have to worry about any of them whether I know thwm or not. They aren't that bright as evidenced by all that is before us.
George Bush isn't at bright. With someone with a few brain cells, these people can and will be quite dangerous.

I'm not a democrat and don't speak for them.
Well I would think you would respect your intellectual honesty enough to be above it.

Got it a bit wrong .. if you vote for McCain you breath smells like kool-aid.

Don't worry, there are lots of sane people here with you .. and getting saner.

Politics is about incrementalism .. if you don't know that, you don'y know politics.

You get to misuse the word "smart."
I am not saying that Obama is a bad candidate. I am saying that Obama has been given more credit than he has earned, and that some of it may be fantastical in nature.

Obama isn't the messiah, but he's not a plutocrat, is an intelligent man who brings good ideas, commitment, and change from the status quo to the top of American politics .. AND he's far better than the other choices.

How many times do I have to say I did not vote for Bush? I'm sorry that intelligence sans Obama worship does not fit into your paradigm of ideology.

I'm sorry my friend .. I can see how being accused of such inhumanity would really piss you off. I won't do it again.

A person saying that rhetoric will have no impact in politics is stupid.

How much impact? Enough to elect McCain?

I don't think so.

George Bush isn't at bright. With someone with a few brain cells, these people can and will be quite dangerous.

The question is, who are "these people"?

The answer is that they are corporate plutocrats and they exist in both the Democrat and Republican Party. If "those people" were in control Hillary Clinton would be the president.

Well I would think you would respect your intellectual honesty enough to be above it.

I do indeed my brother.
I have no idea what that's supposed to mean. If you have an argument that demonstrates that the American electorate has the same mindset as in 2004, I'd like to hear it.

Maybe its because I'm older than you but I've seen Americans get smarter before during the Civil Rights Era .. and compared to a great many periods in our existence, we are undoubtedly smarter. There is a woman, an African-American, and an old man running for president which demonstrates that we are smarter.

We're against the war .. we're smarter.

We're rejecting Roveism and the far-riight .. we're smarter.

Yes they are in the embodiment of McSame. Trying to suggest differently is the afore-mentioned Roveism.

No it does not. It simply says that McCain and Obama are not confronting each other .. AND is they are even at this point with Obama being attacked from both sides .. shouldn't you be the one worried? :)

Doesn't that prove my point?

Let me say this louder .. ROVEISM WILL NOT WORK.

C'mon my brother .. tell me you're grinning when you write this bullshit. Tell me you're laughing you ass off at my expense making me believe that you actually believe that bullshit you just wrote.

Did you ever support the war on Iraq and/or Bush?

If the answer is yes, you've been officially denied the use of the word "smart" for 8 years.

What the hell? Why do those quotes have my name attached? You tryin to put one over on a cracker?
Awareness of Iraq War Fatalities Plummets

Public awareness of the number of American military fatalities in Iraq has declined sharply since last August. Today, just 28% of adults are able to say that approximately 4,000 Americans have died in the Iraq war. As of March 10, the Department of Defense had confirmed the deaths of 3,974 U.S. military personnel in Iraq.

In August 2007, 54% correctly identified the fatality level at that time (about 3,500 deaths). In previous polls going back to the spring of 2004, about half of respondents could correctly estimate the number of U.S. fatalities around the time of the survey.

In the current poll, more respondents underestimated than overestimated the number of fatalities. A plurality of 35% said that there have been about 3,000 troop deaths, and another 11% said there have been 2,000 deaths. Just under a quarter (23%) said the number of fatalities is closer to 5,000.

Along with declining interest in news about Iraq, a Pew poll last month found a significant increase in the number of Americans who believe that military progress is being made in Iraq. However, the public remains divided about when to remove troops and a majority continues to say that the war was the wrong decision. See Obama Has The Lead, But Potential Problems Too, February 28, 2008.

Awareness of the number of troop deaths has declined substantially among every demographic group, including the well-educated. College graduates in August were somewhat more likely than other respondents to correctly identify the level of troop deaths (60% correct, vs. 51% for those with some college experience and 47% for those with no college experience). Now, college graduates are no more likely than other groups to know the number of deaths. The proportion of Republicans who can correctly identify the number of troop deaths fell by half between August and the current poll (down 27 points from 53% to 26%). The same is true of independents (down 30 points from 59% to 29%).

Answer: Howard Dean

All of you republicans take a look at WRL's "answer" to Epi.

Doesn't it ever bother you that all the smart people are liberals?