The reason Palin is demonized, and you're not sure why you don't like her

well you don't seem to mind the fringe radical commies in your party, so whats your beef with fringe..

There are not enough fringe radicals in my party to make me happy. I voted for change and got bush redux. You should be overjoyed with the way he's continuing the SOS.
You're describing the mindset of some of our more rabid neocon parrots on these boards. Remember when they howled like banshees when the Shrub gave credence to amnesty for illegal aliens being in the country for over 7 years? Teabaggers and birthers are wanting to split from the GOP.....and I encourage them to do so! ;)

You and me both. Let's see how far to the right they can push it, before reality reaches out and gives them a bracing slap upside the head. :)
Here is one of 19 reasons Palin stepped down..this is one the 19 frivolous lawsuit filed against Palin and all have been she said, she stepped down to stop all this dirty politics (by Democrat supporters) and because these lawsuits were costing the state of Alaska..



Judge dismisses Juneteenth lawsuit against Palin

By RACHEL D'ORO / The Associated Press

Published: January 7th, 2010 02:50 PM
Last Modified: January 7th, 2010 05:41 PM

ANCHORAGE, Alaska - A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit against former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin that alleged she violated the plaintiffs' constitutional rights by failing to issue a proclamation in 2007 for a celebration commemorating the freeing of U.S. slaves.

the rest.

If she stepped down ONLY because of those nasty Democrats, she's certainly proved she has no business running for the highest office in this country, where she'd have to work with Dems on a daily basis.
You and me both. Let's see how far to the right they can push it, before reality reaches out and gives them a bracing slap upside the head. :)

would that be kinda like what is happening to your Messiah and his comrade in arms today...Below a 50% approval rating in just one year...what you all keep forgetting..most people are moderates or conservative, not this radical leftist that your party is today..
you are the ones who should be worried about being slapped up side the head...
If she is no threat to the left, why are they still bringing her up all the time..

that is the million dollar question, THINK about it..

why is the left so hung up on her? shouldn't they be signing the praises of their Messiah day in and day out?

Sarah Palin isn't going anywhere..:cof1:

They only bring her up because she makes an ass out of herself in public umpteen times, and comment is required. :D:D
They only bring her up because she makes an ass out of herself in public umpteen times, and comment is required. :D:D

sure, you betcha..we believe that..:whome:

Your Messiah and his slow Joe Vp makes an ass out of themselves all time, why don't you all bring up those?
Hi, Im Barry Obama, Im a community organizer.

Hi, I'm Sarah barracuda and I can field-dress a moose in under five minutes.

"Field dressing a moose means wiping the poo from the dead moose's ass and surrounds. This is much more difficult than you might imagine and generally it is necessary to get your hand right up the animal's rectum to get everything out or it quickly starts to stink because of the bacteria and stuff. It's a smelly job but someone has to do it."
sure, you betcha..we believe that..:whome:

Your Messiah and his slow Joe Vp makes an ass out of themselves all time, why don't you all bring up those?

I just criticized Obama in another post less than 30 minutes ago and you're telling me I don't bring up his mistakes? :palm:
Hi, I'm Sarah barracuda and I can field-dress a moose in under five minutes.

"Field dressing a moose means wiping the poo from the dead moose's ass and surrounds. This is much more difficult than you might imagine and generally it is necessary to get your hand right up the animal's rectum to get everything out or it quickly starts to stink because of the bacteria and stuff. It's a smelly job but someone has to do it."

yeah and?
I guess it would be too much to have some city slicker understand the way's of hunting for food, instead of jumping in their cars (making the huge carbon footprint) to run to the store to BUY their meat..LOL
Originally Posted by meme
Here is one of 19 reasons Palin stepped down..this is one the 19 frivolous lawsuit filed against Palin and all have been she said, she stepped down to stop all this dirty politics (by Democrat supporters) and because these lawsuits were costing the state of Alaska..



Judge dismisses Juneteenth lawsuit against Palin

By RACHEL D'ORO / The Associated Press

Published: January 7th, 2010 02:50 PM
Last Modified: January 7th, 2010 05:41 PM

ANCHORAGE, Alaska - A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit against former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin that alleged she violated the plaintiffs' constitutional rights by failing to issue a proclamation in 2007 for a celebration commemorating the freeing of U.S. slaves.

the rest.

If she stepped down ONLY because of those nasty Democrats, she's certainly proved she has no business running for the highest office in this country, where she'd have to work with Dems on a daily basis.

Tell me about it.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
You're describing the mindset of some of our more rabid neocon parrots on these boards. Remember when they howled like banshees when the Shrub gave credence to amnesty for illegal aliens being in the country for over 7 years? Teabaggers and birthers are wanting to split from the GOP.....and I encourage them to do so!

You and me both. Let's see how far to the right they can push it, before reality reaches out and gives them a bracing slap upside the head. :)

They should have taken the hint when die-in-the-wool conservative Republicans began to realize just what the PNAC was all about and began to publically distance and criticize the Shrub & company during the 2nd term. Hell, our local willfully ignorant neocon parrots probably already forgot about Gen. Baptiste. The little fools would gladly don black shirted uniforms and perform Stasi like operations if they could.
would that be kinda like what is happening to your Messiah and his comrade in arms today...Below a 50% approval rating in just one year...what you all keep forgetting..most people are moderates or conservative, not this radical leftist that your party is today..
you are the ones who should be worried about being slapped up side the head...

The latest Gallup poll has him at 52%.....a hell of a lot better than what the Shrub maintained for most of his 2 terms, let alone averaged overall.

Riddle me this, boy blunder....if most people are moderates or conservatives, then how do you explain the 2008 elections?
Like I said, it was the dirty politics being played that kept her tied up in courts that was PREVENTING her from doing her job and costing the state of ALASKA..

Once the people find out about this, they will understand more...

like you all say about the NO OBAMA supporters, it matters not whether you all change your mind, you are in the MINORITY as the polls are showing more and more..must suck to be you all today..:cof1:
The latest Gallup poll has him at 52%.....a hell of a lot better than what the Shrub maintained for most of his 2 terms, let alone averaged overall.

Riddle me this, boy blunder....if most people are moderates or conservatives, then how do you explain the 2008 elections?

a JOKE, a fluke?

and you can continue to bring up Bush, it might of worked to help get this inexperienced thug puppet elected, but as you see it is not really helping anymore today..But we know that won't stop ya all..that is what desperate people do..
Like I said, it was the dirty politics being played that kept her tied up in courts that was PREVENTING her from doing her job and costing the state of ALASKA..

Once the people find out about this, they will understand more...

like you all say about the NO OBAMA supporters, it matters not whether you all change your mind, you are in the MINORITY as the polls are showing more and more..must suck to be you all today..:cof1:

typical neocon parrot.....squawks the lame ass excuses of his idols without thinking it through
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
The latest Gallup poll has him at 52%.....a hell of a lot better than what the Shrub maintained for most of his 2 terms, let alone averaged overall.

Riddle me this, boy blunder....if most people are moderates or conservatives, then how do you explain the 2008 elections?

a JOKE, a fluke?

and you can continue to bring up Bush, it might of worked to help get this inexperienced thug puppet elected, but as you see it is not really helping anymore today..But we know that won't stop ya all..that is what desperate people do..

Once again, our resident willfully ignorant neocon parrot has no honest answer (yet alone one based in logic or fact) to counter a matter of history and fact that the American people rejected in a fair the ideology he holds so dear.

You're a joke meme....a neocon mental flunkie that has yet to unhinge your jaw from Karl Rove's flabby butt. Carry on.
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Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
What's truly funny is the latest neocon mantra, "Palin is more qualified than Obama because she was a governor".

Somebody clue in these dumb bastards that their qualified future candidate QUIT when the going got tough.


Nah, the going wasn't tough at all. She could have stayed on as governor, it wouldn't have bothered her a bit. She did what she did for the people of Alaska, so that the state could get on with its business instead of being mired knee-deep in liberals looking for any hint of an ethics case to bring. Her action defused the situation, and Alaskans are better for it. Now the Lt. Gov. can get along with state business and leave the media frenzy and liberal hack lawyers behind. Meanwhile, Palin can tour the country, make speeches, do book tours, etc. She doesn't have to worry about what she says, and how it might affect the state of Alaska, she is not a public official anymore, so there can be no further incursions into her public doings.

But you guys hang your hat on that one! Keep blathering that she is a "quitter" and we'll see how THE PEOPLE respond to that! So far, the more senseless negative shit you hurl at her, the higher her poll numbers go. I think you're pissing off more people than you are winning over to your side, to be completely honest. So I really hope you dimwits continue spewing your vile and disgusting nonsense at Palin.

I'll take this opportunity to point out, once again we have a response from a pinhead liberal without ANY substantive complaint against Palin. Just more of the same partisan hack bullshit we've come to know and love. Keep bringing it bitches!

As usual, you pile on the supposition and conjecture...sounding like you're vying for a position as one of Palin's PR hacks.

As usual, a closer look at the facts makes Palin's claims and your above rant dubious at best

Like I said before, Palin shot her own self in the foot. Only the insipidly stubborn neocon parrots like yourself are carrying the torch....which is just fine as the rest of the GOP party have seem to learn their lesson from the last 8 years. A divided GOP is easy prey for the Dems (no matter how many times they snatch defeat from the jaws of victory)...or a third party for local elections. Keep up the good work! :cof1:
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