The reason Palin is demonized, and you're not sure why you don't like her

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
I keep forgetting you're not too bright.....because only an ignorant fool would categorize document quotations and videos of Palin putting her foot in her mouth and repeating incorrect information as "made by liberals".

Bottom line: you can't logically or factually disprove the evidence presented, so you just lie and deny as usual....pity the chronological posts are always your undoing.

Like I said, you're a joke and obviously Dixie's lapdog. Bark away fido!

And obama thinks there are 57 states. YOu can't deny it. He said it. And you can't deny he said it.

Ahh, Southie's neocon lapdog. Get your ass out of your hat, genius ... you and I already did this dance:

Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - The reason Palin is demonized, and you're not sure why you don't like her
I'll take that as a "no". As such, you can't comprehend the time and treasure involved to fight a lawsuit. I assure you, and anyone who has been sued will confirm, that the efforts consume much of both.

And no, the State of Alaska has no obligation to provide legal protection against the suits that were filed.

Knowing this, her detractors filed ten lawsuits against her, and each one required significant resources, regardless of merit. Her total legal fees exceeded $500,000, well in excess of her family's life savings, and the time involved seriously affected her ability to perform her duties as governor.

This is all documented by the AP here.

Her only recourse was to step down and make some cash to pay the expenses. Every legal challenge against her has now been shown to be without merit, and her book has been a wild success.

So back to my point, Palin's detractors manufactured her "quitting", and now folks like you, willfully oblivious to the facts, parrot that by quitting she is unqualified to hold an elected position.

Sorry to burst your bubble, jackass

Like I tried to school you and I being sued is NOT the same as a governor. She has resources and appointments that you and I do not.

Deal with it, or don't....
Can anyone name an issue Palin has taken a stand on... All I hear from her is that she is for "common sense conservative ideas", but she never seems to take a stance on an issue.

Where does she stand on prayer in public schools, for example?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Sorry to burst your bubble, jackass

Like I tried to school you and I being sued is NOT the same as a governor. She has resources and appointments that you and I do not.

Deal with it, or don't....

Wow, a blog, that doesn't defend your position. :palm:

Here's the thing, mastermind....a blog is only as good as the valid information it contains..and the logic derived from that information. Neocon bullhorns like yourself just shut their minds and eyes to anything perceived as a threat to your world view. Unlike you, I READ the information offered before I pass judgement. But, for arguments sake, here is a bonafide, reputable news service that is appropo to the blog (or vice versa)

Bottom line: Palin is full of it...and all the supposition and conjecture you spin won't erase what good research and analysis reveals.
Yeah, I know, stunning shocker and stuff...

Now where did I put that post... you know the one that I used to describe how he posted.

Man, you are fast becoming just like the rest of these bitter neocon dummies....attacking the person rather than debating the issue.

Here's what I told Southie. If you've got anything of worth to respond to it, then please do. Otherwise, I'd say you're done.

Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - The reason Palin is demonized, and you're not sure why you don't like her
Can anyone name an issue Palin has taken a stand on... All I hear from her is that she is for "common sense conservative ideas", but she never seems to take a stance on an issue.

Where does she stand on prayer in public schools, for example?

Oh, she's taken a lot of "stances"....but just how steady her convictions are is another story.

Just do a Google with the phrase "Sarah Palin's flip flops" and you'll see what I mean.
But Obama thinks there are 57 states. Someone that ignorant shouldn't be allowed in the white house, yet you seem to want to blow him, TaiChi AKA Libby.
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Here's the thing, mastermind....a blog is only as good as the valid information it contains..and the logic derived from that information. Neocon bullhorns like yourself just shut their minds and eyes to anything perceived as a threat to your world view. Unlike you, I READ the information offered before I pass judgement. But, for arguments sake, here is a bonafide, reputable news service that is appropo to the blog (or vice versa)

Bottom line: Palin is full of it...and all the supposition and conjecture you spin won't erase what good research and analysis reveals.

Oh look, another opinion piece that doesn't say what you claim it says. Nor does it dispute my argument. :palm:
But Obama thinks there are 57 states. Someone that ignorant shouldn't be allowed in the white house, yet you seem to want to blow him, TaiChi.

As always, you're just being insipidly stubborn and willfully ignorant.

Only a man with his ass in his hat would excerpt ONE error and blow it out of proportion, and then treat your own distortion as if it's bonafide truth.

Like I said, a Harvard Law Grade who teaches Constitutional Law at his alma opposed to your lord & master the Shrub who had to have a legacy string pulled to get through Ivy League with a C average.

Bray on, Jackass....lock your lips to Palin's ass just like you did with the Shrub.
As always, you're just being insipidly stubborn and willfully ignorant.

Only a man with his ass in his hat would excerpt ONE error and blow it out of proportion, and then treat your own distortion as if it's bonafide truth.

Like I said, a Harvard Law Grade who teaches Constitutional Law at his alma opposed to your lord & master the Shrub who had to have a legacy string pulled to get through Ivy League with a C average.

Bray on, Jackass....lock your lips to Palin's ass just like you did with the Shrub.

It's just as bona fide as your distortion.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Here's the thing, mastermind....a blog is only as good as the valid information it contains..and the logic derived from that information. Neocon bullhorns like yourself just shut their minds and eyes to anything perceived as a threat to your world view. Unlike you, I READ the information offered before I pass judgement. But, for arguments sake, here is a bonafide, reputable news service that is appropo to the blog (or vice versa)

Bottom line: Palin is full of it...and all the supposition and conjecture you spin won't erase what good research and analysis reveals.

Oh look, another opinion piece that doesn't say what you claim it says. Nor does it dispute my argument. :palm:

Oh look, our willfully ignorant neocon parrot cannot disprove or refute the facts presented. Or maybe he's just too much of a coward to admit error?

No matter, McClatchy knows a that bonafide newsman can also "blog" genius, FYI about the author of the material you dare not discuss at any length or depth

Sean Cockerham

Sean Cockerham writes about Alaska state politics. He's worked for the ADN in Anchorage and Juneau, covered the legislature for the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, and covered Washington state politics for the Tacoma News Tribune. E-mail Sean at
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
As always, you're just being insipidly stubborn and willfully ignorant.

Only a man with his ass in his hat would excerpt ONE error and blow it out of proportion, and then treat your own distortion as if it's bonafide truth.

Like I said, a Harvard Law Grade who teaches Constitutional Law at his alma opposed to your lord & master the Shrub who had to have a legacy string pulled to get through Ivy League with a C average.

Bray on, Jackass....lock your lips to Palin's ass just like you did with the Shrub.

It's just as bona fide as your distortion.

Any proof beyond your worthless opinion and usual dodgy bullshit as to what I "distorted"?
Oh look, our willfully ignorant neocon parrot cannot disprove or refute the facts presented. Or maybe he's just too much of a coward to admit error?

No matter, McClatchy knows a that bonafide newsman can also "blog" genius, FYI about the author of the material you dare not discuss at any length or depth

Sean Cockerham

Sean Cockerham writes about Alaska state politics. He's worked for the ADN in Anchorage and Juneau, covered the legislature for the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, and covered Washington state politics for the Tacoma News Tribune. E-mail Sean at

Again, it is an opinion piece that doesn't say what you claim it says. Nor does it dispute my argument. :)
The conservative movement was formed by intellectuals, it won the GOP with a firebrand deeply committed to principle, and it was carried into the mainstream by a great communicator who reached the majority of the public.

Sarah Palin doesn't have those strengths. She speaks to the shrunken base and they read her loud and clear, but that is only 29% of the population. It may be enough to win a primary, but not a general unless discontent with Obama rides high enough that they see no other way out of a raw deal.

So far, Obama has done more for the future of the conservative movement than Palin. He has reminded the movement of its core values. What she has accomplished to unite the public on ideas, I really can't say.

haha so true. Sarah blew it big-time during her vice pres run. She gave poor interviews and looked unprepared for the job. Then she went on the Iquitarod and it's got to be common sense to anyone with half a brain that she's damaged goods at this point. She'll lose more votes than she'll gain for her party.
Opposes legalizing marijuana, but meth is greater threat. (Aug 2006)
Smoked marijuana when it was legal under Alaska law. (Aug 2006)

Your girl opposes legalizing pot, yet shes smoked it!