The Reds are coming!

Minorities in this countries are often disadvantaged. All we're trying to do is level the playing field.

Yes, but you're bringing people down to level the playing field instead of creating opportunities to bring poor people up. Destroying not only opportunity, but liberty as well.
Yes, but you're bringing people down to level the playing field instead of creating opportunities to bring poor people up. Destroying not only opportunity, but liberty as well.

What do you mean bringing people down? I keep getting general, nondescript rhetoric on this thread and it's getting you nowhere. What specific policies are you referring to?
Sr. Winston Churchill embodied the stupidity and evil of the left in a single sentence.

“Capitalism is the unequal sharing of the blessings and socialism is the equal sharing of the misery.” (Sr. Winston Churchill)
What do you mean bringing people down? I keep getting general, nondescript rhetoric on this thread and it's getting you nowhere. What specific policies are you referring to?

I mean the gov't is taking my money from me making it harder to get ahead. Making many people like me become dependent.

Also, with the regulations like they are, it's harder to keep pace with the growth required to do the things I need to do to get ahead.

I could pull a Dixie and write a novel to brake everything down, but it's time for football.

Go Texans, and Seatle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean the gov't is taking my money from me making it harder to get ahead. Making many people like me become dependent.

Also, with the regulations like they are, it's harder to keep pace with the growth required to do the things I need to do to get ahead.

I could pull a Dixie and write a novel to brake everything down, but it's time for football.

Go Texans, and Seatle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There're reasons those regulations are in place - primarily to protect the consumer and public.
1. Due to recent FDA budget cuts, they've had to pay third parties to regulate and inspect products. These parties have been unable to match the normal standards of the FDS, so the number of deaths caused by food poisoning has jumped sharply.
2. In Woburn MA, companies were sued for dumping solvents that leached into the water supply. This dumping caused numerous leukemia deaths.

As for your taxes? Get over it. It helps those who can't help themselves - plus, a little out of your paycheck each month won't hurt you that much.
Sr. Winston Churchill embodied the stupidity and evil of the left in a single sentence.

“Capitalism is the unequal sharing of the blessings and socialism is the equal sharing of the misery.” (Sr. Winston Churchill)

You mean the Winston Churchill who was one of the chief architects of the welfare state in Britain? The Winston Churchill who criss-crossed the country championing old age pensions, prison reform, unemployment insurance, public health care, and reform (if not elimination) of the House of Lords?

The Winston Churchill who created the system of national labor exchanges; he wrote to Prime Minister Asquith of the need to "spread ... a sort of Germanized network of state intervention and regulation" over the British labor market. But Churchill entertained much more ambitious goals for the Board of Trade. He proposed a plan whereby:

["]The Board of Trade was to act as the 'intelligence department' of the Government, forecasting trade and employment in the regions so that the Government could allocate contracts to the most deserving areas. At the summit ... would be a Committee of National Organisation, chaired by the Chancellor of the Exchequer to supervise the economy.["]

THAT Winston Churchill?
I see them as having improved the opportunities for minorities in our country.
By making them dependant.
Minorities in this countries are often disadvantaged. All we're trying to do is level the playing field.
You retarded fuck!!
What has this to do with minorities?

You head fucked retard !

The whole thing was about minorities - specifically, how they've been impacted by the left. :rolleyes:
There're reasons those regulations are in place - primarily to protect the consumer and public.
1. Due to recent FDA budget cuts, they've had to pay third parties to regulate and inspect products. These parties have been unable to match the normal standards of the FDS, so the number of deaths caused by food poisoning has jumped sharply.
2. In Woburn MA, companies were sued for dumping solvents that leached into the water supply. This dumping caused numerous leukemia deaths.

As for your taxes? Get over it. It helps those who can't help themselves - plus, a little out of your paycheck each month won't hurt you that much.

The reasons those regulations are in place is to take money, and opportunity away from me. I'm the consumer and the public.

1.So you're actually saying that government is/has failed. AGAIN! At both mine, and my familys expense. And I'm with less liberty.

2.Such companies should be held accountable. But with a paid off government, chances are,,,,, they won't be.

And I have no more money to Take! Why don't you pay my fair share, or for what I can't afford. Lets see how you deal with it.
The whole thing was about minorities - specifically, how they've been impacted by the left. :rolleyes:
You racist cunt!
How dare you imply that minorities are all dependants !!

Such evil racism!!!
You filth cunt racist fuck!
I don't actually think it's been saved. The Democrats - which you're wrongly equating to "the left" - haven't come close to ending the influence of money on politics.

I don't like to think of it as a Democrat standing, but an EVERYONE standing. The WolfPAC is a movement created by TYT to get money out of politics. It's what we need but the Right won't vote for it, even though they want it. Because, that's right, it was brought to you by the Left. And ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING brought to you by the Left is a bad idea. It doesn't matter what the idea, concept or decision is.
Minorities in this countries are often disadvantaged. All we're trying to do is level the playing field.

This statement got attacked hard after Shy Guy said it.

Multiple uninformed and bias Americans attacked it instantly.

Shy Guy is a Democrat, I think. What I find funny about this is the recent gun issue. The Right Wing has been screaming, "It's not the guns, we need armed guards in schools and more access to mental health" Though in reality it's been the Right Wing that has been cutting funding to Mental Health and Schools.

In heavily populated area's of poor people we see the most crime. Here is the tearing point. Do we ignore it? Or do we solve it?

Most Americans believe the best fix of massacres is educating our kids. Most people notice that schools and teachers are failing in mass poor populations. If I was REALLY smart my fix would be to cut PBS and Sesame Street. Because free education attacks the free market *sarcasm, if you were a right winger*

If you still haven't caught up yet, we need to educate the children of the uneducated to ensure a safe future. Or just keep crying about these hostile cases and cut funding to their education while living free while your kid gets shot.

Thinking is mandatory in politics.
For sure...The Reds are coming!

They already have a mean looking Cuban! Aroldis Chapman


And NOW they are bringing in a Korean!!

Meet the newest Red: Shin-Soo Choo


It's scary I tell you! SCARY!!!

The only Korean I want to harm is Psy, and he's from the South.
The only Korean I want to harm is Psy, and he's from the South.

So you want to harm a Korean only because he is from the South. I'm pretty sure the racial profiling judge names you the more hostile gunslinger and PSY the bigger and more passive PSY.

I challenge you to show me where PSY is a threat to you kid. :)
I don't like to think of it as a Democrat standing, but an EVERYONE standing. The WolfPAC is a movement created by TYT to get money out of politics. It's what we need but the Right won't vote for it, even though they want it. Because, that's right, it was brought to you by the Left. And ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING brought to you by the Left is a bad idea. It doesn't matter what the idea, concept or decision is.

When Santorum called for the Republicans to push further to the right, it was, in my mind, a pretty hard hit. When the right declared their inability to compromise - which they have, by following the former senator's advice - they began a path towards irrelevance. As for WolfPAC, it's not surprising the right won't support it, but it is that the Democrats will.

Pushing further to the right. Reagan may have said it, but it was Stalin who tried it.
So you want to harm a Korean only because he is from the South. I'm pretty sure the racial profiling judge names you the more hostile gunslinger and PSY the bigger and more passive PSY.

I challenge you to show me where PSY is a threat to you kid. :)

Psy, lyrics;-
"Kill the Yankees daughters and mothers and daughters in law and fathers"!

Very passive!!
Threatening the children and parents of those who disagree with him!

You can see why the liberals love him!!
This statement got attacked hard after Shy Guy said it.

Multiple uninformed and bias Americans attacked it instantly.

Shy Guy is a Democrat, I think. What I find funny about this is the recent gun issue. The Right Wing has been screaming, "It's not the guns, we need armed guards in schools and more access to mental health" Though in reality it's been the Right Wing that has been cutting funding to Mental Health and Schools.

In heavily populated area's of poor people we see the most crime. Here is the tearing point. Do we ignore it? Or do we solve it?

Most Americans believe the best fix of massacres is educating our kids. Most people notice that schools and teachers are failing in mass poor populations. If I was REALLY smart my fix would be to cut PBS and Sesame Street. Because free education attacks the free market *sarcasm, if you were a right winger*

If you still haven't caught up yet, we need to educate the children of the uneducated to ensure a safe future. Or just keep crying about these hostile cases and cut funding to their education while living free while your kid gets shot.

Thinking is mandatory in politics.
Poverty causes massacres?
Adam Lanza was not poor!
Newtown CT was not poor!

Guns are expensive, how do the poor afford them?
You mean the Winston Churchill who was one of the chief architects of the welfare state in Britain? The Winston Churchill who criss-crossed the country championing old age pensions, prison reform, unemployment insurance, public health care, and reform (if not elimination) of the House of Lords?

The Winston Churchill who created the system of national labor exchanges; he wrote to Prime Minister Asquith of the need to "spread ... a sort of Germanized network of state intervention and regulation" over the British labor market. But Churchill entertained much more ambitious goals for the Board of Trade. He proposed a plan whereby:

["]The Board of Trade was to act as the 'intelligence department' of the Government, forecasting trade and employment in the regions so that the Government could allocate contracts to the most deserving areas. At the summit ... would be a Committee of National Organisation, chaired by the Chancellor of the Exchequer to supervise the economy.["]

THAT Winston Churchill?

Churchill was a politician. If that tells you nothing you should take a few minutes to reflect on what most every politician says and then what they do. Most politicians see the value in bribery for the vote. I didn’t claim Churchill was a Saint or even acted in harmony to what he said. What he did doesn’t negate the truth of what he said. It’s like Obama promising to quickly end G. B. Bush’s wars then ordering more troops to the Afghanistan surge than Bush added to the surge in Iraq.

It’s like Jefferson’s total understanding of the strict construction of the Constitution then making the unconstitutional Louisiana Purchase.

It’s like Obama voting against raising the debt ceiling while being a Senator then demanding raising the debt ceiling as President.

It’s like Republicans that lament government spending then spend like Democrats when they’re in majority.

It’s like Democrats that pretend they support the Second Amendment then vote for gun control.

It’s like when your child tells you he wants to get an “A” in math then gets an “F.”

It’s like your New Year’s resolutions you never apply.

The truth of what Sr. Winston said exceeds his deeds, wouldn’t you agree?
When Santorum called for the Republicans to push further to the right, it was, in my mind, a pretty hard hit. When the right declared their inability to compromise - which they have, by following the former senator's advice - they began a path towards irrelevance. As for WolfPAC, it's not surprising the right won't support it, but it is that the Democrats will.

Pushing further to the right. Reagan may have said it, but it was Stalin who tried it.

I think Stalin was a leftist.

Hitler would be a better fit.