The Reds are coming!

None of the above are authorized by the Constitution and would require constitutional amendments to implement but socialist neo-communist Democrats couldn’t give a rat’s ass about the Constitution or constitutionalism.

Thanks for proving again you no liberal. You are a far right wing Ayn Rand social Darwinist. Even Friedrich Hayek, the patron saint of 'classical liberals' and libertarians not only accepted a limited welfare state, but specifically singles out health care as an area where the state should provide a safety net:

"There is no reason why, in a society which has reached the general level of wealth ours has, the first kind of security should not be guaranteed to all without endangering general freedom; that is: some minimum of food, shelter and clothing, sufficient to preserve health. Nor is there any reason why the state should not help to organize a comprehensive system of social insurance in providing for those common hazards of life against which few can make adequate provision."

"The preservation of competition," he wrote in the Road to Serfdom, is not "incompatible with an extensive system of social services — so long as the organization of these services is not designed in such a way as to make competition ineffective over wide fields."

You are a fraud, an enemy to the Constitution and a danger to a free and open society. The biggest social Darwinists of the 20th century were Marx, Engel, Stalin, and Hitler.

The only enemies of the Constitution are those who try to wield it as a weapon against the living, by using the words of the dead.
None of the above are authorized by the Constitution and would require constitutional amendments to implement but socialist neo-communist Democrats couldn’t give a rat’s ass about the Constitution or constitutionalism.

I'm pretty sure you and the rest of the Libertaridan world need to read, "The Unwritten Constitution" If Obama said, "Everyone should do jumping jacks, twice a day" You would say, "screw you". But if a state forced you to you would look for refuge in the Constitution, because it CLEARLY doesn't state that in there.

Spoiler alert; The Constitution is only a federal document.
Let me start with a broad question and see where this goes: :)

What role has the left played in the shaping of modern political though/public policy?
Wouldn't it be easier to ask "What has the right done to shape public policy?" Other than advocating reverse socialism, killing brown people, spending money like drunken sailors and grid locking our government....what have they done to shape public policy? Nothing!
The reasons those regulations are in place is to take money, and opportunity away from me. I'm the consumer and the public.

1.So you're actually saying that government is/has failed. AGAIN! At both mine, and my familys expense. And I'm with less liberty.

2.Such companies should be held accountable. But with a paid off government, chances are,,,,, they won't be.

And I have no more money to Take! Why don't you pay my fair share, or for what I can't afford. Lets see how you deal with it.

Regulations are there to take money and opportunity from you? Sure, they do that. Keep in mind that they also protect the consumer and the worker.

I think by citing those examples of how the neglect and reduction of regulatory process has cost lives, I've shown that they protect the consumer. Now onward!

In 1892, a strike broke out at Carnegie Steel Company due the lowering of wages and deaths caused by the failure to maintain working facilities. There was very little to stop this abuse.

The Chinese government currently allows US corporations to act uninhibited within their borders. The result of this consists of inhumane hours, poor medical treatment for workers(that, due to their wages, end up living in provided dorms) and wages that barely keep them alive.
So, tell me how Democrats have been indoctrinating the population. People don't say things, even ones as ridiculous as this, unless they mean to defend them, no? :rolleyes:
Union school teachers forcing opinions on children by threat and violence!
Indoctrination on a massive scale in public schools!
Union school teachers forcing opinions on children by threat and violence!
Indoctrination on a massive scale in public schools!
