The Reds are coming!

Churchill was a politician. If that tells you nothing you should take a few minutes to reflect on what most every politician says and then what they do. Most politicians see the value in bribery for the vote. I didn’t claim Churchill was a Saint or even acted in harmony to what he said. What he did doesn’t negate the truth of what he said. It’s like Obama promising to quickly end G. B. Bush’s wars then ordering more troops to the Afghanistan surge than Bush added to the surge in Iraq.

It’s like Jefferson’s total understanding of the strict construction of the Constitution then making the unconstitutional Louisiana Purchase.

It’s like Obama voting against raising the debt ceiling while being a Senator then demanding raising the debt ceiling as President.

It’s like Republicans that lament government spending then spend like Democrats when they’re in majority.

It’s like Democrats that pretend they support the Second Amendment then vote for gun control.

It’s like when your child tells you he wants to get an “A” in math then gets an “F.”

It’s like your New Year’s resolutions you never apply.

The truth of what Sr. Winston said exceeds his deeds, wouldn’t you agree?

There is nothing you said I agree with.

Yes, Churchill was a politician. And so is Gary Johnson. So the same skepticism must apply. Your mostly childish examples are irrelevant other than bring 'context' into the conversation. What was the 'context' of the quote you now declare as doctrine? Do you know? Do you even care?? Or is it just something that fits your dogma??? What does it have to do with demobilization? On whether military personnel should be held in the service after that the war was over.

It's clear that Churchill didn't classify unemployment insurance, public health care, state-sponsored labor exchanges, state pensions, action against sweatshops, compulsory meal breaks for employees, mandates for "decent ventilation", forcing firms who had disputes with labor unions to submit to arbitration and forbade them the option of ignoring the unions as 'socialism'.

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
There is nothing you said I agree with.

Yes, Churchill was a politician. And so is Gary Johnson. So the same skepticism must apply. Your mostly childish examples are irrelevant other than bring 'context' into the conversation. What was the 'context' of the quote you now declare as doctrine? Do you know? Do you even care?? Or is it just something that fits your dogma??? What does it have to do with demobilization? On whether military personnel should be held in the service after that the war was over.

Anybody that’s not skeptical of every politician has to be a naïve numbskull.

The Churchill quote I presented was an accurate comparison of capitalism vs. socialism. It seems you have no problem with that comparison, simply a problem with the messenger of it. That’s not unusual for lefties, when they can’t handle the message they attempt to shoot the messenger.

It's clear that Churchill didn't classify unemployment insurance, public health care, state-sponsored labor exchanges, state pensions, action against sweatshops, compulsory meal breaks for employees, mandates for "decent ventilation", forcing firms who had disputes with labor unions to submit to arbitration and forbade them the option of ignoring the unions as 'socialism'.

Still shooting at the messenger? Apparently you have no rational argument relative to the message, huh? Here, I’ll post it again for you to analyze and attempt to debunk.

“Capitalism is the unequal sharing of the blessings and socialism is the equal sharing of the misery.”

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan

“One man’s facts are another man’s horseshit.” (Roy Rodgers)
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There is nothing you said I agree with.

Yes, Churchill was a politician. And so is Gary Johnson. So the same skepticism must apply. Your mostly childish examples are irrelevant other than bring 'context' into the conversation. What was the 'context' of the quote you now declare as doctrine? Do you know? Do you even care?? Or is it just something that fits your dogma??? What does it have to do with demobilization? On whether military personnel should be held in the service after that the war was over.

Anybody that’s not skeptical of every politician has to be a naïve numbskull.

The Churchill quote I presented was an accurate comparison of capitalism vs. socialism. It seems you have no problem with that comparison, simply a problem with the messenger of it. That’s not unusual for lefties, when they can’t handle the message they attempt to shoot the messenger.

Still shooting at the messenger? Apparently you have no rational argument relative to the message, huh? Here, I’ll post it again for you to analyze and attempt to debunk.

“Capitalism is the unequal sharing of the blessings and socialism is the equal sharing of the misery.”

“One man’s facts are another man’s horseshit.” (Roy Rodgers)

The quote you are trying to hold up as absolute doctrine was made in a floor debate over whether British troops should be released from the military because the war was over. It was not part of a speech about governance, political philosophy, or any related topic.

But what Churchill BELIEVED about governance and political philosophy was proven by WHAT HE DID and what he SAID about governance, political philosophy.

Churchill criss-crossed the country pushing his beliefs about governance and philosophy. He pushed FOR unemployment insurance, public health care, state-sponsored labor exchanges, state pensions, action against sweatshops, compulsory meal breaks for employees, mandates for "decent ventilation", forcing firms who had disputes with labor unions to submit to arbitration and forbade them the option of ignoring the unions.

You are officially forbidden from calling yourself any form of a liberal. Liberal have brains, you have a tiny little pea.
The quote you are trying to hold up as absolute doctrine was made in a floor debate over whether British troops should be released from the military because the war was over. It was not part of a speech about governance, political philosophy, or any related topic.

But what Churchill BELIEVED about governance and political philosophy was proven by WHAT HE DID and what he SAID about governance, political philosophy.

Churchill criss-crossed the country pushing his beliefs about governance and philosophy. He pushed FOR unemployment insurance, public health care, state-sponsored labor exchanges, state pensions, action against sweatshops, compulsory meal breaks for employees, mandates for "decent ventilation", forcing firms who had disputes with labor unions to submit to arbitration and forbade them the option of ignoring the unions.

I personally don’t give a rat’s ass what Churchill “DID” that’s totally irrelevant to the truth of the simple statement he “SAID”

You are officially forbidden from calling yourself any form of a liberal. Liberal have brains, you have a tiny little pea.

By what “official?” Show me your fucking badge!

You can bet your sorry ass I’m no “MODERN IDIOT LIBERAL” I’m a traditional classic liberal. Since you haven’t a clue what that is genius, it’s one who promotes the traditional classical liberalism of the Constitution, especially the “BILL OF RIGHTS.” That of course includes the 2nd, 9’th & 10th Amendments that the modern idiot liberal leftist abhor. You’re not a “liberal” you’re a LOONY LEFTIST!”
I personally don’t give a rat’s ass what Churchill “DID” that’s totally irrelevant to the truth of the simple statement he “SAID”

By what “official?” Show me your fucking badge!

You can bet your sorry ass I’m no “MODERN IDIOT LIBERAL” I’m a traditional classic liberal. Since you haven’t a clue what that is genius, it’s one who promotes the traditional classical liberalism of the Constitution, especially the “BILL OF RIGHTS.” That of course includes the 2nd, 9’th & 10th Amendments that the modern idiot liberal leftist abhor. You’re not a “liberal” you’re a LOONY LEFTIST!”

You are no fucking liberal. You are a far right wing moron who doesn't have a liberal bone in his body. And it is not 'classic' liberal, it is classical liberal. You don't even know what the fuck you are talking about. Liberals of all stripes put humans before materialism. You right wing morons who call yourself 'classic' liberals are merely right wing Ayn Rand social Darwinists.

Classical liberals assume a natural equality of humans; conservatives assume a natural hierarchy.
James M. Buchanan
You are no fucking liberal. You are a far right wing moron who doesn't have a liberal bone in his body. And it is not 'classic' liberal, it is classical liberal.

Are old cars called “classical” cars or “classic” cars, numb-nuts? Are old movies and songs called “classical” movies and songs, or are they called “classic” movies and songs?

You don't even know what the fuck you are talking about. Liberals of all stripes put humans before materialism. You right wing morons who call yourself 'classic' liberals are merely right wing Ayn Rand social Darwinists.

Classical liberals assume a natural equality of humans; conservatives assume a natural hierarchy.
James M. Buchanan

Socialism puts people in the bondage of government. It extorts the productive and bonds them to the forced slavery of financing the leftist “bribery for votes” scam that bonds the poor to a reliance on government and robs them of their incentive of individualism, self-reliance, personal responsibility and the American Dream!!!

Does the “Bill Of Rights” assume the “natural equality of humans? Is The Bill Of Rights “Classical Liberalism?” Is The Bill Of Rights a “Socialist” guarantee of Socialist/Leftist redistribution of wealth? Or is the Bill Of Rights a guarantee of individual rights, privacy, religion, speech, self-defense and limits on the federal government?

I promote the Constitution, especially the Bill Of Rights. The Bill Of Rights is Classic Liberalism. Leftist aren’t “LIBERALS,” They’re authoritarian neo-communist and crony neo-fascist capitalist, who detest the Second Amendment, the religion clauses of the First Amendment, the privacy of the Fourth Amendment, the individual rights of the Ninth Amendment and they especially hate and totally ignore the limits placed on the federal government by the Tenth Amendment.

The neo-communist/neo-fascist left has trashed the true meaning of “liberalism.”
Are old cars called “classical” cars or “classic” cars, numb-nuts? Are old movies and songs called “classical” movies and songs, or are they called “classic” movies and songs?

Socialism puts people in the bondage of government. It extorts the productive and bonds them to the forced slavery of financing the leftist “bribery for votes” scam that bonds the poor to a reliance on government and robs them of their incentive of individualism, self-reliance, personal responsibility and the American Dream!!!

Does the “Bill Of Rights” assume the “natural equality of humans? Is The Bill Of Rights “Classical Liberalism?” Is The Bill Of Rights a “Socialist” guarantee of Socialist/Leftist redistribution of wealth? Or is the Bill Of Rights a guarantee of individual rights, privacy, religion, speech, self-defense and limits on the federal government?

I promote the Constitution, especially the Bill Of Rights. The Bill Of Rights is Classic Liberalism. Leftist aren’t “LIBERALS,” They’re authoritarian neo-communist and crony neo-fascist capitalist, who detest the Second Amendment, the religion clauses of the First Amendment, the privacy of the Fourth Amendment, the individual rights of the Ninth Amendment and they especially hate and totally ignore the limits placed on the federal government by the Tenth Amendment.

The neo-communist/neo-fascist left has trashed the true meaning of “liberalism.”

You have just stated the right wing dogmatic doctrinaire of the Ayn Rand social Darwinists. You are RIGHT WING totally. There is no liberalism in any cell of your body. You are a fraud and a moron who has no knowledge of our founding fathers, their intents or how they governed.

Our founders were not 'laissez-faire' capitalists or believed in any 'invisible hand'. They heavily regulated and severely restricted corporations. If they were alive today, they would terminate the charter of gun manufacturers who undermined the assault weapons ban by manufacturing weapons designed to circumvent the spirit of that law.

My suggestions is to educate yourself before you open your pie hole again. I have forgotten more than you will ever know. You are not able to match my knowledge. I am a liberal. You are a right wing pea brain.
You have just stated the right wing dogmatic doctrinaire of the Ayn Rand social Darwinists. You are RIGHT WING totally. There is no liberalism in any cell of your body. You are a fraud and a moron who has no knowledge of our founding fathers, their intents or how they governed.

Tell ya what genius, I’ll back my every position and post with the Constitution which was originated by the founding fathers. There’s no way in hell you can do that. You’ll have to back your positions and post with the Communist Manifesto.

Our founders were not 'laissez-faire' capitalists or believed in any 'invisible hand'. They heavily regulated and severely restricted corporations. If they were alive today, they would terminate the charter of gun manufacturers who undermined the assault weapons ban by manufacturing weapons designed to circumvent the spirit of that law.

Most of our founding fathers were the original “libertarians” (small l) Laissez-Faire Capitalist who guaranteed our right of self-defense, (especially against the tyranny of government) with our Second Amendment. Communist and Fascist are the gun grabbers who leave populations defenseless to tyranny in government.

My suggestions is to educate yourself before you open your pie hole again. I have forgotten more than you will ever know. You are not able to match my knowledge. I am a liberal. You are a right wing pea brain.

I would suggest you educate yourself if I thought it would do any good, but I find leftwing assholes to be nothing less than brainwashed, brain-dead hopeless anti-constitution BIG government authoritarian neo-communist and neo-fascist incapable of being educated with any kind of rationality or true Classic Liberalism.

You haven’t a fucking clue what a “TRUE LIBERAL” is!!!
Tell ya what genius, I’ll back my every position and post with the Constitution which was originated by the founding fathers. There’s no way in hell you can do that. You’ll have to back your positions and post with the Communist Manifesto.

Most of our founding fathers were the original “libertarians” (small l) Laissez-Faire Capitalist who guaranteed our right of self-defense, (especially against the tyranny of government) with our Second Amendment. Communist and Fascist are the gun grabbers who leave populations defenseless to tyranny in government.

I would suggest you educate yourself if I thought it would do any good, but I find leftwing assholes to be nothing less than brainwashed, brain-dead hopeless anti-constitution BIG government authoritarian neo-communist and neo-fascist incapable of being educated with any kind of rationality or true Classic Liberalism.

You haven’t a fucking clue what a “TRUE LIBERAL” is!!!

OK pea brain. Wield the Constitution to show me our founding fathers were Laissez-Faire Capitalist.

"I hope we shall take warning from the example and crush in it’s birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength, and to bid defiance to the laws of their country."
Thomas Jefferson
Here's a small list of Democratic party accomplishments that Republicans are against.

• Social Security
• Medicare, Medicaid, Healthcare Reform, Food Safety
• New Deal, Great Society, Peace Corp, Vista, Job Corp
• Civil Rights, Women’s Right to Vote, Equal Rights, The Voting Rights Act, Equal Pay Act, Motor Voter
• Consumer Protection, FDIC, Banking and Wall Street Regulations, SEC, Federal Reserve System, Anti-trust Legislation
• Funding for Science, Medical and Engineering Research, Space Exploration, NSF, NIH
• Support for Public Education, Head Start, School Lunch and Breakfast Programs
• NLRB, 8 hr. Work Day/40 hr. Work Week, Overtime, Unemployment
• Protection for the Environment, Increased Numbers and Support of National Parks and Wilderness Areas, Endangered Species Act, FEMA
• Veterans’ Benefits, GI Bill
• UN, NATO, Marshall Plan
• Vehicles Safety Requirements, Reduced Emissions, and Fuel Economy Standards (CAFE)
• TVA, Federal Loan Program, PBS, NPR, the Internet
• Economic Growth (Democratic Presidents: Roosevelt through Obama)

For all you redneck 'conservatives' - tell your grandmother that your party wants to take away her SS, tell your kids there are no more National Parks, tell women they can't vote anymore, tell vets they don't get the benefits they earned... People are more important than your tv.

Aren't you tired of being pawns for multinational corporations and international billionaires?
Here's a small list of Democratic party accomplishments that Republicans are against.

• Social Security
• Medicare, Medicaid, Healthcare Reform, Food Safety
• New Deal, Great Society, Peace Corp, Vista, Job Corp
• Civil Rights, Women’s Right to Vote, Equal Rights, The Voting Rights Act, Equal Pay Act, Motor Voter
• Consumer Protection, FDIC, Banking and Wall Street Regulations, SEC, Federal Reserve System, Anti-trust Legislation
• Funding for Science, Medical and Engineering Research, Space Exploration, NSF, NIH
• Support for Public Education, Head Start, School Lunch and Breakfast Programs
• NLRB, 8 hr. Work Day/40 hr. Work Week, Overtime, Unemployment
• Protection for the Environment, Increased Numbers and Support of National Parks and Wilderness Areas, Endangered Species Act, FEMA
• Veterans’ Benefits, GI Bill
• UN, NATO, Marshall Plan
• Vehicles Safety Requirements, Reduced Emissions, and Fuel Economy Standards (CAFE)
• TVA, Federal Loan Program, PBS, NPR, the Internet
• Economic Growth (Democratic Presidents: Roosevelt through Obama)

For all you redneck 'conservatives' - tell your grandmother that your party wants to take away her SS, tell your kids there are no more National Parks, tell women they can't vote anymore, tell vets they don't get the benefits they earned... People are more important than your tv.

Aren't you tired of being pawns for multinational corporations and international billionaires?

I don't know how you can claim Civil Rights as a Democratic Party accomplishment. It faught for slavery and segregation for decades before it ever got on board with Civil Rights. Before then, the GOP had passed the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, as well as a handful of civil rights acts and anti-lynching bills. Eisenhower even had to utilize the national guard to enforce integration.
Ok, we know that the southern Democrats moved to the Republican party because they opposed the civil right act. We also know that both parties had different platforms 150 yrs ago and have changed many times since then. So name something else that's in the public good that the right has championed.

Today Eisenhower would be one of those communist Democrats you all hate so much. OMFG he built roads that aren't privatized and he backed liberal ideas about society! You teabaggers are so far to the right of Dwight that I'm amazed you have the gall to mention his name.
The reds are coming the reds are coming! Too late they're already here, just go to WalMart and see for yourself.
You are no fucking liberal. You are a far right wing moron who doesn't have a liberal bone in his body. And it is not 'classic' liberal, it is classical liberal. You don't even know what the fuck you are talking about. Liberals of all stripes put humans before materialism. You right wing morons who call yourself 'classic' liberals are merely right wing Ayn Rand social Darwinists.

Classical liberals assume a natural equality of humans; conservatives assume a natural hierarchy.
James M. Buchanan

Liberal doesn't mean socialism, as you seem to want and think.

Just because socialists such as yourself adopted it doesn't make it so.
Here's a small list of Democratic party accomplishments that Republicans are against.

• Social Security
• Medicare, Medicaid, Healthcare Reform
• New Deal, Great Society,
• Federal Reserve System,
• Support for Public Education,
Increased Numbers and Support of National Parks and Wilderness Areas, FEMA
• UN
• TVA, Federal Loan Program, PBS, NPR, the Internet
(Democratic Presidents: Roosevelt through Obama)

None of the above are authorized by the Constitution and would require constitutional amendments to implement but socialist neo-communist Democrats couldn’t give a rat’s ass about the Constitution or constitutionalism.